Why are you a cat rather than dog person?

Why are you a cat rather than dog person?



Original Poster:

4,410 posts

188 months

Friday 12th April 2013
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I come from dog stock, and when there are both cat and dog (and other things but ignore them) it is the dogs that are best. And when there is cat, it is usually because a dog is impractical.

I can think of no sane reason to get a cat at all, actually, except to complement ones dog with something that will catch rodents better and be cute with those ball things.

Yet there are actually people who go for cats over dogs, and only cats. And most bizarrely it seems they are the most intelligent. Yep, cat ownership is associated with higher intelligence than dog ownership.

So, cat-lover-who-could-have-a-dog - why is it that you prefer cats to dogs? It makes no sense at all but I am willing to hear what you say. And I'm not your usual pistonheader, I don't pretend that global warming is some conspiracy by the liberal democrats, so you can maybe let me know somethning about this, professor.... biggrin


29,395 posts

201 months

Friday 12th April 2013
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The cat ate the people. The dog didn't. 'nuff said.


5,392 posts

230 months

Friday 12th April 2013
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I love both dogs and cats, but have always had cats (or rather they've let me serve them) because I enjoy their independence and the way they only show you affection if they mean it.
In reality my work schedule wouldn't be ideal for responsibility proper dog ownership entails.

Terminator X

15,204 posts

206 months

Friday 12th April 2013
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Dogs are smelly imho, go into a house with a dog and it reeks of "dog". Cats have no smell to them afaik.

Also as dogs are generally bigger imho the potential for disaster is always lurking ie mad dog kills toddler.

Thirdly you can leave cats to it. Dogs are high maintenance with your time.



2,544 posts

171 months

Friday 12th April 2013
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I've been around cats all my life really, I grew up with them and owned one with my ex for a while, so cat ownership is all I've really enjoyed. I like dogs too, my gran used to have two and it was always fun to be around them, but I would never want to own one.

Dogs are smelly and generally dirtier / messier than a cat is, and require a lot of your time, whereas a cat only requires you feed it every day. (Unless of course they go out and hunt their own food, which dogs don't)

I'd be biased to cats because I've always been around them, but now I'd have the choice of pets I'd still have one.

I can see that having a dog would be a good sense of ownership of a pet, and they are loyal creatures, whereas a cat is essentially an animal that is living with you, and will bugger off to somewhere better (as my mums cat sometimes does) if there is a better deal at some lonely old ladies house in the next street.

The way I see it is you own a dog who is part of a family, but you enjoy the company of a cat who has deemed you adequate to live with because you satisfy its needs.


73,668 posts

257 months

Friday 12th April 2013
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Cats require far less mollycoddling.


6,282 posts

259 months

Friday 12th April 2013
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Not keen on dogs.

They are loud, smelly, and you have to take them for walks. They get the car dirty.

Don't dislike them, just not for me.


56 months

Friday 12th April 2013
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Have always been a dog person, never had any interest in cats at all really.

When we bought our house the OH wanted a pet, with us both working full time a dog wasn't really practical, I begrudgingly accepted that we would get 2 cats, prepared myself for them to be pretty crap pets and to have no interest in them.

Have had them for just over a year and they are amazing smile. Each has their own individual personality, they are batst crazy and daft and generally very entertaining and not what I expected at all.

I would still like a dog one day when its practical but my opinion of cats has completely changed.


11,876 posts

253 months

Friday 12th April 2013
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Was always a complete cat person and always thought that dogs were annoying and smelly, I never 'got' them and didn't particularly like them - but working full time I never had the opportunity to look after a dog properly anyway.

Then I met 2 Dachshunds on a trip to the seaside. I fell SO in love with them I really shocked myself.

When I spent a while working from home and took the plunge - never looked back! I still have the cats and love them dearly but I also utterly adore my 2 Dachshund babies and 3 years on I am a complete convert to dog. I don't think they make the smell of 'dog' like some dogs do, they don't moult, yes they require much more comittment than a cat but they are a manageable size.

Wouldn't be without any of my 4 legged friends now.

Edited by parakitaMol. on Friday 12th April 21:40


14,682 posts

213 months

Friday 12th April 2013
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I have lived with both. I have loved both, I am neither a cat or dog person I am both, they both have their unique qualities and I enjoy the company equally of both but for different reasons.

Everyone seems to assume you must be on or other.


1,435 posts

223 months

Friday 12th April 2013
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I find dogs wierd. I can't get past the fact that many have been bred to look/behave in a certain way. They are not natural creatures in that they are nothing like what mother nature created. Many have congenital defects, for example bull dogs can't give birth naturally because of the size of their heads and narrowness of their hips.

Actually, saying all that, I think I just feel sorry for a lot of dogs rather than dislike them. But that's why I have no desire to own one.


43,638 posts

152 months

Friday 12th April 2013
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I don't dislike dogs but have never had one, always had cats. I like the independence they show. A dog worships it's owner, a cat shows affection when it chooses and most of the time couldn't care less if you live or die. I quite admire that.

You can have a cat for 10 yrs, lavish it with love and affection, and then it'll move in across the road because they feed it fresh chicken once!

A dog is a master servent relationship, whereas a cat is more 50/50. The difference between a cat and a dog is the difference between a wife and a hooker. Cat people are more self assured I think. I don't need my pet to worship me. In fact, I'm not even sure my cats like me that much at all. I don't care, I have them for my own pleasure, I don't need them to like me.

To summarise, dogs have owners, cats have staff.

Plus, I can go away for a week and leave out a ton of dried food loads of water and with the catflap, they can look after themselves. And when I walk thru the door after a week away, a get a cursory glance and then they go back to sleep.


23,198 posts

272 months

Friday 12th April 2013
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I'd love a dog but with the pair of us out all day it would be difficult.

I've loved all the cats we've had over the years, they've all had completely different personalities, something that non-cat having people ususlly fail to see, thinking that they're aloof and unaffectionate. Ours have never been that way at all. smile

RB Will

9,675 posts

242 months

Friday 12th April 2013
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TwigtheWonderkid said:
I don't dislike dogs but have never had one, always had cats. I like the independence they show. A dog worships it's owner, a cat shows affection when it chooses and most of the time couldn't care less if you live or die. I quite admire that.

You can have a cat for 10 yrs, lavish it with love and affection, and then it'll move in across the road because they feed it fresh chicken once!

A dog is a master servent relationship, whereas a cat is more 50/50. The difference between a cat and a dog is the difference between a wife and a hooker. Cat people are more self assured I think. I don't need my pet to worship me. In fact, I'm not even sure my cats like me that much at all. I don't care, I have them for my own pleasure, I don't need them to like me.

To summarise, dogs have owners, cats have staff.
Will say upfront I'm a dog person. I'm possibly being thick but I just don't get it. You admire the fact that the thing you show affection to and provide for doesn't give a crap about you? If it was a person treating you like that would you still like it?
I don't agree that the dog-owner is a servant-master relationship. I prefer to think of mine more as a friend who cant talk. We do stuff together, socialise with friends together, do sport together, have the occasional tiff etc She doesn't serve me in any way. If she wants to come and cuddle up with me she will if she wants to have her own space she goes to her bed
Think the cat-owner is more of a master-servant thing. You do what it wants or it "employs" someone better. My dog wont leave me even if my best mate gave it bacon everytime he saw it.

Think you have your wife/ hooker analogy the wrong way round too. Dog would be more of a wife.

vixen1700 said:
something that non-cat having people usually fail to see, thinking that they're aloof and unaffectionate
you cant really blame us when you have the cat owners here saying stuff like

Brigand said:
whereas a cat is essentially an animal that is living with you, and will bugger off to somewhere better
TwigtheWonderkid said:
In fact, I'm not even sure my cats like me that much at all....

...I can go away for a week ... And when I walk thru the door after a week away, a get a cursory glance and then they go back to sleep.


23,198 posts

272 months

Friday 12th April 2013
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vixen1700 said:
something that non-cat having people usually fail to see, thinking that they're aloof and unaffectionate
you cant really blame us when you have the cat owners here saying stuff like

Brigand said:
whereas a cat is essentially an animal that is living with you, and will bugger off to somewhere better
TwigtheWonderkid said:
In fact, I'm not even sure my cats like me that much at all....

...I can go away for a week ... And when I walk thru the door after a week away, a get a cursory glance and then they go back to sleep.
Must admit I've never found that with any of our cats, the first one was a stray, second was given to us by friends, next one was another stray from a home and the latest was one I brought home 6 years ago who had fended for herself outside for two years and really wouldn't have lasted another winter.

None of them have ever gone anywhere else and all were/are very affectionate. smile


12,545 posts

183 months

Friday 12th April 2013
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When I married my second wife, we decided either a dog or baby ,at 47 I didn't want any more kids,so we went looking for a dog a larger than a poodle,but smaller than a great dane.

We went to see a few breeders of border collies,but wasn't keen on the dogs they had, until a customer of mine suggested I went to a local dog compound,where they had 3 labrador puppies (2 girls, 1 boy).

I was happy to have the dog as he was a lot bigger and bossy,but he had been sold so it had to be a girl dog (evades the swear filter).

The wife decided on the prettiest puppy of the 2 girl dogs,our Millie.

She is now 5 and half years old and a member of the family, we're totally smitten ,she's a devoted and loving (though that might be cuboard love),could'nt ask for anything else,she keeps us fit by all the walkies she has.

I'm not into cats aways had dogs when I grew up so obvious choice.


15,959 posts

211 months

Friday 12th April 2013
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You have to pick up what falls out of a Dog's bottom. That's enough reason to be a Cat person.

RB Will

9,675 posts

242 months

Friday 12th April 2013
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And so do millions of people who have cats with litter trays, at least the dogs do it outside


10,146 posts

250 months

Friday 12th April 2013
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I'm a dog person, Lorraine a rabbit person. We both work long hours so a house rabbit or two suited us. Then we got adopted by Guzzi, the cat. Then his big bruiser mate, Black Cat turned up. Then little Peep appeared. Black Cat ambled off to die 18 months ago, so we've just had Guzzi and Peep since.

I'm not a cat person but didn't have the heart to kick them out.


12,545 posts

183 months

Friday 12th April 2013
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MitchT said:
You have to pick up what falls out of a Dog's bottom. That's enough reason to be a Cat person.
Not if you walk them up the back an beyond and train them to go in the bushes.
Anyway as dog owner I have no problem with cleaning up if mine, ever.