Horsey horsey...



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201 months

Friday 23rd September 2022
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I’m getting serious land envy here and that horse (and rider) looks amazing.

Update from us… we are now a two horse family. I collected a 15.3 thoroughbred at the weekend and so far he’s awesome. Has some vices being an ex racer (cribbing) and has never jumped before.

Daughter has big plans to get him jumping and out to some
Competitions next spring.


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201 months

Sunday 9th October 2022
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shocks said:
Fantastic updates, looking forward to seeing more on the yard progress.

@Dave, one of ours cribs but not really a bad thing, as you say more boredom from over stabling before we got him. He certainly leads a busy life now.

The daughter continues to progress well, and won the Arena Event at recent district day.

Brilliant. Good to hear progress. Our new guy is coming on well although the water thing was a step too far. Hard no on this but he got over it eventually. I think we have underestimated how easy it will be to get him jumping so we have a plan to stick to over the winter.

Cribbing seems to have stopped for now. Weather here has been insane so we learned thoroughbreds can get swollen legs if over stabled. Nothing a short walk doesn’t solve but need to monitor it.


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201 months

Friday 14th October 2022
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shocks said:
@Dave - give Ron Brady a look, he's a fantastic SJ coach, worth the travel. You'll find him via Ron Brady Sport Horses on FB
Thanks mate. I’ll have a look at that.

Teeth today for the big guy. He was out of his mind with sedation

The wind sucking and cribbing has stopped thankfully.


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201 months

Sunday 6th November 2022
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Bravo mate. Looks stunning.

We have also brought both of ours in now as the temp drops and mud increases. This thoroughbred is a bit special…


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201 months

Monday 7th November 2022
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Ouch! If we are pivoting to injuries I can also provide breakages of both wrists…..

Growth plates…

Clean break..


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Tuesday 8th November 2022
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Caddyshack said:

Daughter became the 2022 British Tetrathlon champion in her age range.

So, we have the expensive horse, 7t lorry and one of everything Le Miuex sell.
Sigh… we should start a le miuex franchise.


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201 months

Monday 30th January 2023
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We have moved the nags AGAIN to another yard. this has to be their last.

They have settled in well and the dotta is happy so there's that. i am absolutely skint now though lol.

Next thing on the list is to either buy a 7.5t box or invest in a trailer (but also need a car to tow it). Competition season is approaching fast.


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201 months

Tuesday 31st January 2023
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PushedDover said:
From previous life, I have been there with a a 7.5tr, but being skint won’t deliver much joy or cheap running …….

I reverted to a shed Trooper and IW 510 trailer

Fun in the lorry but also frustrating
According to auto trader there’s only ONE Trooper listed for sale in the UK and even then in the description it’s a non runner and since sold. I didn’t think they were that rare…


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201 months

Wednesday 22nd March 2023
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Thanks mate but we are also downsizing. We currently have both the TB and the Welsh up for sale and will consolidate into a single, more capable breed to be honed into something enabling competitive showjumping.

The TB never fails to miss a chance to generate bills. This time he has developed a mouthful of ulcers that we think he got from eating tree mushrooms or licking something he shouldn't have. Almost healed now but i'm not sure how this particular horse seems to be drawn to mayhem.! biggrin


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201 months

Monday 10th April 2023
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This week may well see BOTH horses sold on to make way for a single, more focussed horse. Back into the minefield of budget horse sales / buying. At least with cars you can remove and replace bits that wear out smile


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201 months

Sunday 30th April 2023
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Holy crap Caddy. Thinking of you and yours. This sport has potentially to go from completely calm to lfe affirming real quick.

She will get back on, this thing is in the DNA of anyone who is involved with them.

We are preparing to wave goodby to our Welsh D this morning as he moves on to his next family. The horse is very special so I hope they treat him well.

We have our ex racer TB up for sale also to make way for another which will be more suited to competitive showjumping. Selling horses is hard work, I thought people buying and selling cars had it tough, this attracts a whole new breed of lunatic and scammers.


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201 months

Sunday 30th April 2023
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CantDecide said:
Good luck with the sale of the TB! I have just managed to sell my Hanoverian after a month of trying and lots of money spent with someone helping riding him to get the best. Had someone try him four times before deciding he wasn’t the one. However had a lovely lady try him Thursday then came back to hack on Friday and collected him yesterday. Today I find myself all over the horsey sites looking for a new one.

On that note, I have set up a super clean focussed website for selling horses. Happy to advertise yours free if you care to provide some details. Not sure if I can mention the name here so please feel free to PM me.

Edited by CantDecide on Sunday 30th April 16:11
Thanks mate and I’ll take you up on that. Drop me a message. I’ve also had some ideas about horse sales and the minefield - maybe bounce some ideas off you!


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201 months

Friday 5th May 2023
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We sold out Welsh and gotta say I am gutted. He is a very special big guy and miss him dearly.

We are now on the hunt for the next one an thanks to caddy for his offer to list the horse on his fledgling site.

Caddy I’ll get around to getting back to you shortly!


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201 months

Saturday 6th May 2023
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I too am a victim of the Le Mieux payment taking fairies. IT's quite remarkable how they manage to do it and we just sit back and say "cool, that's nice". Hats off to the marketing department.


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201 months

Wednesday 28th June 2023
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Well we are officially horseless for the first time in years. We will take a break and get back in the saddle at a future date.


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201 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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And normal service has resumed.

My little girl (not so little actually but there you go) really struggled when we sold her first pony. I knew in my heart it was the wrong decision and we have really struggled.

The people Who bought him were amazing with us and agreed to sell him back to me so last weekend I hired a box, recruited some help and headed 4 hours north.

We got him back, surprised my daughter and as a parent it’s humbling to see just how much these animals get under the skin of your kids.

I’m certain he will never leave us again apart from when his time is up.


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201 months

Wednesday 19th July 2023
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shocks said:
Well done Dave_GLA! Love a happy outcome.

A wee update on our journey, sadly our Welsh D has arthritis in both hocks; he went unsound a few months ago after many months of working with vets, xrays, steroid injections, and subsequent treatments haven't worked out. We have two choices, life as a happy hacker or PTS.

To make the choice harder, he's on the idiot side of the welsh D lines (loveable git that he is) and will eat himself to death if just put to pasture, he's colic'd in the past and lammi is a real threat if we put him out of work. Life really is st as love this big guy, I'm still fizzing mad as we only bought him a year ago, the horse world is indeed full of charlatans, and I have a very distraught 16-year-old daughter as the future looks grim for Jack, the previous owners would have known and have hidden this - as the vet put it his hocks are those of 22 yr old not a 10 yr old.

Why was this not picked up before? he was 5 stage vetted, could have had injections done before we got him and we didn't x-ray before buying.... think our biggest lesson here is putting trust in folks too easily.
Don’t get me started on vetting! It’s a scam built for the benefit of the vets and insurers alone. Like a car mot it only represents the condition at the time. If you buy it and its head falls off then tough luck. Infuriates me.

Vets are so scared of legal proceedings they will never give an educated, risk based view; and that’s wrong.

I’ve said that I won’t get another vetting done unless I’m putting 5 figures into a horse. I will do bloods to check for doping and X-rays to make sure they aren’t screwed together. That and an up to date passport is all the average, semi-competitive rider and horse needs. But I too am fizzing with vetting. I’ve ploughed £4k into vetting alone and not bought a horse, all it does is carry that negative equity into the one you do buy and it makes a cheap horse extremely expensive at the initial outlay.

Also, we move in similar circles of yards, dealers, locale and honesty is not at the top of any dealers list. I’ll leave it there as I know you’re close to the same people I am smile

Anyway, this Welsh D we have again is also a bin, he just looks at pasture or food and outs 50kg on. I feel his pain!


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201 months

Wednesday 19th July 2023
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K50 DEL said:

So then this happened........

A few weekends ago I get a call.. "I'm competing at the Almondsbury show, would you like to come?"
I had nothing on, and Almondsbury's not that far away so I popped along.

Glad I did as she only went and won her first ever trophy!
I'm not sure she completely took in the fact that it'll be returned next year and have her and the horse's names engraved on it for all-time.

I still remember the first pot I won when I started rallying in 2003 so I have some idea of how much it meant to her. A lovely thing to witness.

No riding this weekend - away camping at some kind of car show apparently!
Brilliant. There’s no better feeling than them winning and staying in one piece while doing it.


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201 months

Friday 15th March
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We still horsing about? A tonne of things have happened since I last updated this thread.

Why the long face.