Insulin costs for a cat?



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224 months

Monday 1st December 2014
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Looks like we are going to be doing this so anyone know the monthly cost?
She's insured but I don't know if it will be reset each year for something like this.


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224 months

Monday 1st December 2014
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Mobile Chicane said:
Hate to say it, but you'll be having to manhandle your cat and give her injections every day (something which she's going to love). Would it be kinder to just say goodbye?
Would you say that if I said my child was diabetic? Thought not so there's your answer.


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224 months

Monday 1st December 2014
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Fake7 said:
Just checked with Mrs.F7 (VN)...

Depends on how many units of insulin your cat will need per day. Could be between 1 unit or 10 twice a day. Cat will also need regular blood tests until the condition is stabilised, then every 3 months afterwards. Occasionally they can go into remission after a period of time. Also, your cat should be on a diet to help with the problem.

Insurance will depend on your policy conditions, some have lifetime cover, but some only have cover for a year.

HTH and best wishes to puss smile
All brand new to us but she's on 0.025mm twice a day (1 unit). Giving it is straightforward enough and she needs to go back on Weds for more blood tests.
Hopefully it will settle down and we can keep it that way. She already has Keppra tds so hey what's one more. But she seems happy enough - we didn't see any change in her and she was at the vets for a quick check of something else entirely.


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224 months

Monday 1st December 2014
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Cheers, just after a ball park really. It won't be as much as the keppra which is £200 a bottle!
She didn't flinch when I dosed her at the vets tonight so am hoping that should all be ok.


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224 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2014
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Thanks LB, about what I expected.
Certainly she didn't flinch at my hamfisted delivery this morning!
Should be ok I hope.
Vets suggest honey but anything easily digested and full of sugar I imagine.
How long after you give the insulin do you feel he's ok to be left to his own devices?

Edited by DKL on Tuesday 2nd December 09:40


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224 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2014
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Thanks all. Cost isn't an issue, she'll get whatever she needs.
Its a bit of a learning curve and I'm going to feel a bit bad keeping food away from her but its for the best.
She's back tomorrow for another glucose curve test and she will have had 4 shots by then.
We shall see.


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224 months

Wednesday 10th December 2014
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All going ok for now. She was very sleepy last week but not actually unresponsive and she's never been the most active of cats! Vet felt her temperature was a little high so she may have had a bug on top of the rest. Certainly she is a bit more active this week.
She had another glucose curve done on Monday and that was under 10 rather than the 20 it was before. I'm assuming the acceptable figures for cats are the same as for people so single figures is ok, 20 is not.
Injections are a doddle frankly. They are less traumatic than her oral keppra. She squeaks maybe 50% of the time but probably less

She likes the Hills diabetic biscuits (so do the other 3)but is less keen on the paté. She has lost 800g since august so is now at 5kg which is probably a better weight for here anyway.

So I think she'll be ok but boy does she do it the hard way.


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Thursday 11th December 2014
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Swervin_Mervin said:
But sill has carbs...

Unlike plenty of other available dry foods
Care to share as that would be useful.


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Saturday 13th December 2014
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Out of interest do I need a prescription for the syringes or can I just buy them?


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Thursday 18th December 2014
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Well it all went horribly wrong.
It turns out the diabetes may have been secondary. I took her in to be checked on Monday and her breathing was a bit odd. Vet wanted her up to our referral centre asap and they looked and scanned and found chronic heart failure, a slightly enlarged pancreas and worst of all malignant cells in fluid drained from her chest. A CT scan today revealed a large mass which we were told was inoperable and not treatable with chemo.
She wasn't going to last much longer on her own so I had to make that very awful choice. She went under sedation from the scan
We are absolutely devastated and it won't be a great Christmas now, we love that little girl
My beautiful Cadbury cat.

Edited by DKL on Thursday 18th December 18:25


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224 months

Friday 19th December 2014
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ali_kat said:
How are you doing today?
Honestly, not great. Last night was grim.
The rational part of me knows there was nothing else to be done but it doesn't help. I really thought we'd get a bit longer and a chance to help. She looked so normal ( a bit thin) when we saw her on wednesday but she'd had her chest drained just before. That's not exactly something we could do at home.

She'd been through so much in her 14 yrs we thought she was indestructable - brain surgery, missing for 6 weeks without her meds, I thought she was owed a nice few twilight years. To get cancer again is just a bh.
She was just one of those special ones.

We have 3 more at home that need us to look after them and a 6mth old boy looking forward to his first Christmas so we must look at the upsides.

Anyway I really appreciate your thoughts and kind words.



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224 months

Friday 19th December 2014
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Thanks Ali.


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224 months

Friday 19th December 2014
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N Dentressangle said:
Sorry to hear that. You did your best.

Having lost my own black cat to cancer 11 years ago, I can say (without meaning to be flippant) that there is one up side: the rescue centres are full of black cats, and we were lucky enough to find another lazy fat black tom cat about 3 years later. He's a ringer for his predecessor, and went some way to making things better.
I agree but I can't see why. We've had 3 black cats, still have one and they're lovely.


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224 months

Tuesday 8th January 2019
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Hi, I honestly can't remember I'm afraid. She didn't last long enough to get a proper handle on the costs but I recall it wasn't huge.
I never had any real concern it wasn't the right thing to do it was just that fate got the better of us.

After a little while we I wanted another little girl so we found a kitten at the rspca. At collection they happened to mention there was one other left from the litter...oh ok we'll take them both. So for a few years we had 5. Now as it turns out that was too many and we had a few territory issues in the house but on the whole they all got on well. Age range was 2 kittens, 2 at 5 and one at 14. This year that as 2 at 3, 2 at 8 and one at 17.
We lost our eldest in October, he just dropped down dead in front of us one evening. Perfectly fine up until then. To compound it one of the youngsters (the extra one as it turns out) developed something odd - absence/focal seizures which paralysed his back legs for 15 min sessions. It was all very odd and he was responding variably to keppra and phenbarbitone. We opted to have an mri scan to rule out an SOL but very sadly he died overnight after the scan, early december. I do wonder if he should have been discharged as he was very wobbly on his return home but he was definitely improving through the evening and was walking about and eating. I didn't have any concern about leaving him on the kitchen sofa for the night to recover fully. Sadly it was not to be and we found him laid out the following morning. Such a shame as he was such a lovely boy and tolerated all the poking and prodding (and travelling) without even a whisper. Basil was great and he deserved a better chance than the cards he was dealt.
Christmas and cats has never been a great time for us. But we have 3 here still (seems so few) and they need looking after so life goes on.

Anyway I hope you have more luck and that your plans work out. David