cat with a bad leg


the wicker man

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102 posts

173 months

Saturday 6th June 2015
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Hi forum

Just after abit of advice really, Going to be ringing the vets Monday morning for a appt our moggy tigger is 7 years old & this last week or so her back drivers side leg lol shes stopped bending it when she walks or runs shes does this sort of stiff movement with it.

Last night when she tried jumping on the bed from the floor she didn't make it well she did the leg didn't, she got it stuck as she went over the bed frame end & went flying then had this look on her face that said what the hell happened there

any ideas whats up?

the wicker man

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102 posts

173 months

Sunday 7th June 2015
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cheers for the relpy, vets will be booked in the morning

the wicker man

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102 posts

173 months

Monday 8th June 2015
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the vets was fun plenty of hissing & growling but the vet got her to run around the room abit, shes had a antibiotic injection if shes the same on thursday then back to the vets for x rays etc

the wicker man

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102 posts

173 months

Monday 8th June 2015
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no bite etc & yes pain killer in a liquid form that we mix in her food

the wicker man

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102 posts

173 months

Thursday 11th June 2015
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all was going well she was walking fine & back to her old self talking to me & attacking the wife until last night when she could hardly walk with both her back legs going this time

shes going back in the vets tomorrow morning at 9am for x rays etc etc, vet has said she thinks its either cancer, a slipped disc or arthritis & that we should be prepared for the her to operate tomorrow

thank goodness for pet insurance

the wicker man

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102 posts

173 months

Friday 12th June 2015
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well that was a complete waste of fking time! poor cat had no food since 9pm last night she wouldn't leave me alone till gone 2am meow im hungry meow im hungry & repeat, get down the vets for 9am "we'll get her right in they say" 2pm comes no news so i ring them the cat is still sitting in the cat basket (7hours in that thing! she was there so long she wizzed herself) not been touched no water no food no x rays etc no anything! well we had some emergency's was the reply grrrrr

fk a duck! i had a follow up appt booked yesterday & it was them that rang me up & said can i bring her down first thing friday for x rays & operation was not my idea, so i cancel my plans for today run around like a mad man at 8am trying to catch her put her through all that stress for nothing

the wife had to stop me from going nuts at them (she just wanted to get tigger home & out of there)

complete waste of fking time & maybe if i drop her off monday morning we can play this fun game all over again, so no good news i still have a cat that cant walk properly & im all out of ideas

i need a whiskey!

the wicker man

Original Poster:

102 posts

173 months

Friday 12th June 2015
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im still fking mad as hell

its the third time this vets has pissed me off now, tigger's dad was a feral cat so shes got some temper issues haha they don't even try with her anymore to make friends just pin her down & go for it then there was a skinny cat in my garden long story short she wernt being looked after by her owners i couldn't keep her none of the cat places wanted her so the vets toke her & ended up giving her back to the owners who still don't look after her so shes back in my garden eating the hedgehog food

i dont want to take her back there monday

the wicker man

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102 posts

173 months

Friday 12th June 2015
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i know what you mean im normally laid back as anything, all just really wound me up today

i woundnt have minded so much if they hadn't have made such a song & a dance about it all, for the vet herself to ring me thursday & say bring her in & im going to do this this & this for it all to amount to nothing is a piss take

the wicker man

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102 posts

173 months

Tuesday 16th June 2015
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well bit of a update x rays etc done yesterday the only thing the vet could find wrong was theres some small dark spots showing on the x rays along her spine, she had a antibiotic injection & got a weeks worth of pain killers, if shes still walking funny next monday then she has to go of for a mri scan

the wicker man

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102 posts

173 months

Wednesday 17th June 2015
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afaik everything else all ok, she was given a full check up while she was under

the wicker man

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102 posts

173 months

Saturday 4th July 2015
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thought i'd offer a little update shes still doing it, not all the time mind sometimes its one leg then the other then its both then shes fine for a day or two

we spoke to our vet last week & long story short we have a appointment on tuesday at dick white referrals near new market

the wicker man

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102 posts

173 months

Thursday 9th July 2015
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got steroids & antibiotics check up in 7 days & maybe a op in the future

the wicker man

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102 posts

173 months

Friday 10th July 2015
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well she cant get up the stairs or on the bed so plenty of crying lasting from her for us to lift her up places she wants to go

the vet has said there just waiting on the last tests due back monday on weather its just in one leg or her spine aswell, spine is put her to sleep, leg is she losses it & if theirs no improvement or she goes down hill over weekend then put to sleep aswell

the wicker man

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102 posts

173 months

Saturday 11th July 2015
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frown shes going down hill fast, think im going to ask the wife to ring the vets for you know what to be done

the wicker man

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102 posts

173 months

Saturday 11th July 2015
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frown well shes gone, vet put the sedative in her & she went she reckoned she would have died by monday anyway

going to miss her

just like to say thanks all for help & kind words

the wicker man

Original Poster:

102 posts

173 months

Saturday 11th July 2015
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she was a great cat been my best friend for 8 years, i love cats so there no doubt about getting another

me & the wife have looked on the internet at kittens & the prices people want for a moggy is crazy, we are going to go down the cat protection league route as there's one local to us & if we can give one of there cats a home then some good can come of this

the wicker man

Original Poster:

102 posts

173 months

Sunday 12th July 2015
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were of to the cat protection league for a look around & a chit chat , need to window shop some cats

Edited by the wicker man on Sunday 12th July 09:03

the wicker man

Original Poster:

102 posts

173 months

Sunday 12th July 2015
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Well that was unexpected we looked at all the cats some real nice cats we made a list of 6 cats that we liked & where going round having another look then i saw a cat that i had missed before & we made friends & im pretty sure he just chose me & i chose him or the universe alined & i just knew that he was for me & i was for him

Meet sammy hes 4 years old & we pick him up in a few weeks time he purrs like a freight train

He has the cone of shame as hes now without his man bits

Edited by the wicker man on Sunday 12th July 13:48

Edited by the wicker man on Sunday 12th July 13:50

the wicker man

Original Poster:

102 posts

173 months

Sunday 12th July 2015
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thank you both for your kind words smile

the wicker man

Original Poster:

102 posts

173 months

Monday 13th July 2015
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well a nice update for you all me & the wife were at a loose end today & i was moaning the house was so strange without a cat in it so we picked him up at 1pm & hes settling in nicely

hes a very happy cat don't think hes stopped purring since we got home

we miss tigger more than words can say but having this happy cat in the house is so up lifting

Edited by the wicker man on Monday 13th July 18:09