What do I do?

Poll: What do I do?

Total Members Polled: 262

Swim a Marathon: 15%
Swim a 1/2 Marathon: 4%
Swim for 12 hours: 9%
Shave my hair off: 41%
Swim across the Tay: 31%


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31,998 posts

223 months

Saturday 1st March 2014
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Decision made - see page 7 for updates wink

In a moment of what I can only describe as grief stricken stupidity, I have promised the Marie Curie Hospice that took such good care of my Mum in her last week that I’d do some fund raising for them.

Now, this means sponsorship (as well as standing on the streets with a collection can – which I did today!); and as I’m no fitness freak this is a challenge! The only thing I’ve ever been able to do is Swim; and I haven’t done that properly for a few years. But, I have it in my head that as I used to be able to swim for miles (literally) easily; I should be able to get back up to doing this again fairly easily.

Because everyone gets bored (well, I know I do!) of being asked to sponsor Tom, Dick & Harry, their Uncle & his dog, I want to do something that isn’t done as the norm. With this in mind, I’m kinda thinking of swimming a marathon or for 12 or 24 hours or summat – I’m still working around that idea, but I want to capture imagination so that people will want to sponsor what I’m doing – rather than feeling they have to ‘cause it’s me IYKWIM?

I’ve joined the local gym that I can use near work and at home & at Dad’s, discussed the possibility of a few 121 lessons to get my strokes & technique back up to scratch; then it’s just case of building my stamina back up.

But standing collecting for Marie Curie’s Daffodil appeal today, I was near a hairdressers & this girl came out with a REALLY short haircut – and I got to thinking that as I currently have (dirty blonde) hair that’s below my shoulder blades & I love that I could grow it a for a couple more months & then shave it all off on the anniversary of Mum’s death in November.

Ladies & Gentlemen – please vote & help me decide what to do! Or if you have any other exceptional ideas for fundraising please shout out!

ETA - My best ever friend has just offered to swim the Tay with me, so added!

Longshot suggested a picture of my hair, so here you are!

Pic is from a couple of years ago, but shows it as it is, just a bit shorter than it is now - I'm careful of what I pictures post on here wink

ETA - with Garlick's approval I can now link to my JustGiving page.

Last Edit!

Thank you for all your help, the decision is made, it will be a head shave after my hair is cut off, on the anniversary of Mum's death in November.

Unfortunately my swimming coach doesn't think I'll be able to regain my levels of fitness to attempt any major challenge in suitable weather this year - which is a shame, but my own fault & gives me a goal for next year biggrin

My JustGiving page has been updated & I'm at 10% of my target already smile

Pledges to colour my shaved head will be accepted & carried out smile

Edited by ali_kat on Thursday 6th March 08:09

Edited by ali_kat on Monday 14th April 17:36


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31,998 posts

223 months

Saturday 1st March 2014
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NoVetec said:
Went with the Tay, that should attract attention and sponsors.

188km long according to Wiki. yikes
I missed a very important word out there - across!!!



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223 months

Saturday 1st March 2014
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DickyC said:
Forget all those, you were so near a solution earlier. You know you said people were donating because you weren't wearing much? You suggested this was because it was cold. I want you to think hard about this.

You know, it may only be men who donate in future, but that's surely a risk worth running.

I'll live feed the swim? It would need to be in an outdoor/non-chlorinated pool wink


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Saturday 1st March 2014
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Grandpad58 said:
Got this.


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Saturday 1st March 2014
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I used to, 20 odd years ago I was a swimming teacher!


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Saturday 1st March 2014
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A good point has just been made - shaving my head = a wig for cancer sufferers thumbup


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Saturday 1st March 2014
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Because that was 20+ years ago & my license to teach is well expired frown


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Saturday 1st March 2014
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Yeah, tis a bummer eh? frown


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Saturday 1st March 2014
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elanfan said:
Ali - if you reckon you can swim for miles or 24 hours would you be able to swim the channel??

Now that would be a feat and I'd guess one hell of a money raiser!
A woman died attempting that last year & my friend attempted it after 2 years of training & failed. The currents are an known evil frown

I'd do a pool swim, a 'safe' river/open water swim, but not put my life at risk.


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Sunday 2nd March 2014
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I'll be swimming anyway I'm no longer able to rely on my metabolism to keep me slim & have got fat that needs to change!!

I don't see the head shave as an easy option - yes it's just clippers & it's gone but to a woman her hair is her crowning glory & I LOVE my hair - it would be exceedingly emotional not to have it anymore - a part of me would be missing.

I'm getting really different results in the opinions - those that know me well are so protective over my hair over on FaceBook so are all urging me to swim; those that know me here don't know me & as here has a poll I can see that the head shave is a clear winner ATM, with they Tay idea close second. Having slept on it; I'm thinking of doing both!


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Sunday 2nd March 2014
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tvrforever said:
AlmostUseful said:
You could always combine two, shave the hair and then go swimming, saves you wearing a cap!
And then wear a different wig a day for the month after!
That's a great idea thumbup


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Sunday 2nd March 2014
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ReaderScars said:
I´ve got an idea - ´walking (running) on water´]
Great idea for a school, club or something, but for one person - too much to organise frown


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Sunday 2nd March 2014
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longshot said:
What makes the hair shaving thing so great for me is the fact that it is a hard thing to do and it takes balls to do it.
Everyone will know this and appreciate the sacrifce you are making.

I don't know you and I will donate if you do it partly because of what I have said and also because after my sister died, I said I'd do something for Macmillan ( you see, we all make these rash promises) and I haven't got around to it yet.

I hope this doesn't sound creepy but can we have a pic of said hair so we can appreciate the loss?
Thank you

Pic is from a couple of years ago, but shows it as it is, just a bit shorter than it is now - I'm careful of what I pictures post on here wink

I've updated the original post - good idea!


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Sunday 2nd March 2014
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longshot said:
Just to show that you're not on your own doing daft things for charity, my G/F is doing the London marathon this year.
Is she walking it.....no, is she running it....no, is she doing the 26 miles marching in a band while playing a brass instrument the whole way?.......nuts
Wow - can you PM me her sponsorship page please? biggrin


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Sunday 2nd March 2014
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Alex106 said:
If it were me I'd go with both swimming & the hair cut! Saves you wearing a cap while you swim! Sort of a double thing

Either way, post something here if you do create a donations/just giving page or something. I wont remember this thread in a few days but I would like to make a donation.
They'll still make me wear one evidently laugh

I'll double check with Garlick & IF allowed bump the thread once I'm sorted thumbup


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Sunday 2nd March 2014
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yes I think I can Lemmonie - it's in good condition, need to investigate that further though.

You've hit on my thoughts on the loss of my hair exactly!


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Sunday 2nd March 2014
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That's about the size of it Dicky! wink


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223 months

Monday 3rd March 2014
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Birdster said:
Sorry for your loss.

I think the head shave is a good idea, but would it affect work?

How about some sort of activity at the hospice? Organise an amateur play, tribute band made up of volunteers, or some form of X Factor cheese? The sort of thing that could take people's minds off of things. Doesn't have to be the above, but something along those lines if they have the space.

Also PM when you've set up the just giving page and I'll donate something.

I'm self employed, however; my curent boss has said "head shave" upon a discussion over coffee this morning wink

The Hospice has all that sort of stuff organised already. This is purely a fundraiser in Mum's memory.

thumbup As I said to Longshot yesterday IF I'm allowed I'll create a thread/bump this one once everything is sorted smile


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Monday 3rd March 2014
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OneDs said:
Ali as a swimming teacher (ex) you'll know getting the pool time to swim 26/13 miles which will take what 6 to 12 hrs at a very good pace and could easily take twice that or 24hrs will be pretty difficult unless it's something you have access to or a preorganised event, don't underestimate the support and training you'll need to do that.

Crossing the river may be quicker/easier physically but presents other significant and potentially higher risks, so you'll need to investigate that very well.

One thing I don't necessarily agree with is people making personal challenges and achievements into a charitable event, obviously this isn't a I want to jump out of a plane so I'll get others to pay for scenario and I think what your trying to do is very worthwhile. I'd think about how much money you might get and then work out if you'd be better off giving up a few days of voluntary work, some employers may allow to take these days off as paid leave.
Indeed! I'll need the MC Hospice to asist with organising a venue - there are all sorts of issue with Chlorine before I even think about anything else! The more I think about it/research that is done, the more favourable the Tay/Head Shave look wink

You are correct, the Tay has it's own special set of challenges, but there is a group that assist with that already smile

I agree, this is me wanting to make a sacrifice & fund raise. It costs just over £7k to run the Hospice for a day & that's my goal; it may take me a couple of years, but so be it! I already donate a little time, but with working away from home all week my Father with Alzhiemers that we are trying to keep in the family home and my MiL also has Alzhiemers so we try to spend one weekend with them a month - time is scarce for myself & my partner to do the housework!

Hence a swim is easier for me - I can train whilst away in a hotel all week.


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Monday 3rd March 2014
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I'm aware it will take a while to grow back, which is one of the reasons I've thought of November as a date - I won't look quite so odd wearing hats & scarves!