PH Secret Santa 2013 - The Santae Strikes Back

PH Secret Santa 2013 - The Santae Strikes Back


The Beaver King

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197 months

Thursday 19th December 2013
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Messages Of The Day

If people haven't noticed yet, Kiltie, NoNeed & Pixel-Snapper have been fking around with a 'Secret Santa Summary' wiki that negates the need for a table in the Secret Santa thread itself. Please update this as you send/receive your gifts so we can keep track. If you are struggling, drop a comment in the thread and some helpful bod will do it for you.

Now for the messages!


You should have your gift by now, your SS can't find the tracking info. You're okay to open the exterior wrapping, as everything is wrapped inside. Please be careful as there is the chance of broken glass.

Sadly foretelling....frown


Your present has been shipped.


Your SS would like you to know that your original present still hasn't arrived, so he/she has been out today and bought a replacement. It will be sent out today for 'next day delivery'. When it arrives, you can open the yellow bag, where there is a card and present wrapped inside.


Your SS has forgotten to put your card in the box. When you receive a box with one large present and one small present, then it's from your Sexy Secret Santa.
Your SS would also like you to know that he was thorough in his stalking, even poppping over to N. Ireland for the day. He likes the ladies underwear you wear.... wink


The hamster packaging is your SS parcel. They were so excited about the wrapping paper, they forgot to put a name on it....

Petrol Only

Your SS has a message. Message reads:

"Package posted by first class on Tuesday morning"


End of message

That is all the current messages

Hopefully most have now received their presents. I imagine there will be quite a few landing today and tomorrow.

The Beaver King

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197 months

Thursday 19th December 2013
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Gutting mate frown

Hopefully your SS can claim back from RM.


Very good sir clap


I sit here, ready to pounce on your urgent question; Alas, I can't answer it if I do not know what it is....

The Beaver King

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197 months

Thursday 19th December 2013
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Adenauer said:
BK, if my gift doesn't arrive can you let me have the address of my giftie so that I can make use of one of these rusty old V2 rockets that I have in my shed?

Remember what happened last time you boys did that?

Don't worry, I've got this covered.

For 2 months of the year, I am Christmas Beaver. The remainder of the year, I'm Combat Beaver.....

The Beaver King

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197 months

Thursday 19th December 2013
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Guys and Girls,

I'm getting a little concerned as the list in the Secret Santa Summary wiki still contains quite a few 'Noes', with some of these attached to people who have not posted recently.

Could some kind person (who also has a bit of free time) put a quick list of names on here of those who have not sent their presents. I will then run through the list and send out a few passive-aggressive emails tonight.

Time is ticking....

The Beaver King

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197 months

Thursday 19th December 2013
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Adenauer said:
Quite a lot of the people who have a 'no' as in not posted anything yet are daily regulars in The Lounge.

Come on guys n gals, pull your bloody fingers out!
Indeed, therefore I'm not massively concerned about those.

It's the 2 or 3 that I don't recognise, haven't posted in a while or joined SS and then haven't posted since....

If there are people who don't end up sending presents, I'm going to hunt them down.

Let us not forget people, I have your DETAILS!!!!!

The Beaver King

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197 months

Thursday 19th December 2013
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morgs_ said:
Pixel-Snapper said:
quick count

14 not sent

41 not received
Thanks boys thumbup

Assuming circa 10 are in transit, there are quite a few who haven't update their 'received' section.

For example:

EmmaJ has defintely received (snigger). Hairbrakes SS sent his out 1st class on Saturday, so should have received by now.

People it's vital we keep this updated, otherwise people will thing their gift has been lost in transit.

The Beaver King

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197 months

Thursday 19th December 2013
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Messages Of The Day

Another quick 'messages of the day', but requesting updates from specific people.


Your SS posted your present out on Tuesday 'next day' delivery. Have you received it?


Have you received your SS present? It was posted on Saturday.

Your SS forgot to put your name on it, so maybe somebody else in your house received it....? It went to your home address, not uni.


Your present has been shipped. It may end up at the little supermarket at the end of the road if you are not in to receive it.

The Beaver King

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197 months

Thursday 19th December 2013
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theguvernor said:
I've definitely not received anything yet if that is of any use to anyone?
If you don't get a present twice in a row, that will be depressing (and slightly amusing).

Don't worry mate, I know who your SS is and you'll be getting one.

The Beaver King

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197 months

Thursday 19th December 2013
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snotrag said:
Hi all - I've been conspicuous from my absence on the forum of late, you know, life gets in the way.
In fact, I've barely posted for a few months so probably left a tricky job for my SS.

However fear not, list now updated. Presents sent, and received - (received some time ago in fact, so well done to the organised SS, and its a pleasingly chunky/heavy parcel too!)

Broke up from work yesterday for 2013, taking the remainder of my unused holiday allowance, so having a very lazy day, browsing the forum, decorations are up, etc etc. Engaged my seasonal spirit. So - Merry Christmas everyone biggrin

I'll recall the 'Beavers of War'.....

The Beaver King

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197 months

Thursday 19th December 2013
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Hairbrakes said:
Parental eyebrows were raised at the "Dear Matthew, thank you for you order from gay sex" on the side of it........
Not your usual supplier then? hehe

(Sorry, could resist)

The Beaver King

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197 months

Friday 20th December 2013
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Pixel-Snapper said:
My apologies folks got a bit carried away what was I thinking.

Moment of madness.

I blame it on Christmas... Damn you Christmas!
Well you've certainly achieved a first; I don't believe we've ever had a mod come into our humble thread and lay down the law. tongue out

The Beaver King

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197 months

Friday 20th December 2013
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morgs_ said:
Down to 10 by my reckoning

TBK are Tubby and Smutty (sounds like a worse version of the Telletubbies) actually in the Secret Santa? They were marked as 'no email sent' on the last list that was up?

Yep, I have their email and postage details.

I will review these in the next 30 minutes and constructed a suitable, but firmly worded, email.

EmmaJ and Chim I am up to date with. GTIR is a regular, so I doubt they'd be a 'none-sender'.

I'll do the Messages of the Day first, then get hunting.

The Beaver King

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6,095 posts

197 months

Friday 20th December 2013
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Messages Of The Day

Right, today was the last day to post 1st Class for delivery before Christmas. If you haven't sent yet, I'm afraid it's a courier or 'Special Delivery' for you.

I'm also outstanding a few postage confirmations, but I will deal with those shortly.

Anyway, this is a happy, fun Christmas thread; so lets not get bogged down in the witch hunt yet.

On a positive note; it's nearly bloody Christmas!!!!


Your gift is with Royal Fail and should arrive in time. You can open the outer brown packaging...


This came through yesterday mate, so not sure if it has been dealt with already:

'Mounting distance for passenger car mat; 25 or 29cm?


Your SS has asked me to pass on the following:

"I take no responsibility for the wrapping of your gifts for the following reasons:

1. I had no scissors.
2. I ran out of selotape.
3. The po-faced cow said she would attach the 2 presents together for me due to my lack of selotape. Only one git has your address on, so it's totally her fault if only one turns up.
4. I am a man.

Merry Christmas"

Whoever has this guy here ^^^^^^ Buy him one of those 'girlfriend' things for SS, these things can then be pass onto her by feigning ignorance when it comes to wrapping...


Your SS has posted your present in time for Christmas, but read you won't be there to receive it. The contents are SFW. so perhaps you could fetch it and open it at home..?

I'm guessing it has been sent to your work

Petrol Only

From your SS:

"Have you received your gift? If so, why haven't you updated the list?! You will incur the wraith of the Beaver King if you do not keep it updated! You've ruined Christmas for BK now, I hope your happy!"

This may not be quite how your SS phrased it, but I indulged my artistic license.....

He also added; he hopes his gift can be used to replace the similar item currently in your lounge, that belongs in an old people's home....

Council Baby

From your posts on numerous threads, you appear to be out a lot. Well, ok, you seem to 'own' being a lot. Check your mail next time you're in.

I believe CB may posted an image of his SS present earlier today? Email was received last night

PS I hope it's the right size, if not, I have the receipt.


Your SS is gutted that part of your present got broke. The rest of the gift was the main bit anyway. Your SS can sort it out at a later date if you wish, but is currently tied up with other stuff for the next 6 or so weeks.


A message from your SS:

"It's good to know it got there. The SS household has been ill as well, so fully understand. Hope the lad likes the CARS wrapping paper. It's not breakable, but I wouldn't use it to teach him new words.
It does have an educational value though. My 73 year old MIL now knows what anal beads are....


Close family....


Please tell my SS he can open the envelope, there are two individually wrapped presents in there. I hope he likes the wrapping effort I didn't go through....

End of messages

That is it for the moment folks!

Hopefully most of you have received your gifts by now. I'll be chasing the stragglers, so don't panic yet....

The Beaver King

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6,095 posts

197 months

Friday 20th December 2013
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shirt said:
i'm just about to jump on a flight home.

my victim will receive their parcel on the 23rd/24th depending how cold it is. contrary to popular belief, elf's don't like the cold.

also haven't heard anymore from my sender's [sway] elf since that first contact so santa should put out an all points bulletin that one of his staff has gone awol. i won't be back in dubai until the 5th jan now though so they have plenty of time to catch him.
Shirt, sorry mate I do remember getting an email from you or reading about a hand delivered gift. You're off the hitlist smile

Glade said:
I hope mine arrives tomorrow... I'm leaving the country on Monday (thank fk) so the grand reveal of my SS's kindness would have to wait until new years eve!
Your SS sent the message above yeseterday afternoon, so as long as he sent it 1st Class, you should have it today/tomorrow.

The Beaver King

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6,095 posts

197 months

Friday 20th December 2013
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Council Baby said:
Ad-a-german-gift's SS has delivered:

Is this your SS gift CB or has someone been made to sit in the naughty corner and you're posting for them?

The Beaver King

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197 months

Friday 20th December 2013
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I've emailed everybody on it, except EmmaJ, Chim and shirt as I know the status of those.

The only other one I haven't emailed is LilPeteMordino as the link doesn't take me to his account and I can't find his initial email. Can someone find him on here or link me to a thread he has recently posted in?

Cheers BK

The Beaver King

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6,095 posts

197 months

Friday 20th December 2013
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Council Baby said:
The Beaver King said:
Is this your SS gift CB or has someone been made to sit in the naughty corner and you're posting for them?
See above, it's Adenauer's, he's not posting on from home so asked me to put the pic up for him

I've also emailed his SS with the response to the question - it's 25 cm.
Excellent, excellent. Well done CB, keeping going like this and I see you making SS Deputy one day wink

The Beaver King

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197 months

Friday 20th December 2013
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morgs_ said:
Down to 10 by my reckoning

TBK are Tubby and Smutty (sounds like a worse version of the Telletubbies) actually in the Secret Santa? They were marked as 'no email sent' on the last list that was up?

Morgs, you are right mate. The thread list is not the finalised one.


are not in the Secret Santa. They signed up in the thread, but I didn't receive their details in time.

So the list now looks like this:


The Beaver King

Original Poster:

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197 months

Friday 20th December 2013
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morgs_ said:
That looks healthier at least.

LPM's last post here:
Saturday 7th December - Had a bit of a mega busy period recently. Fingers crossed I should be able to get it all sorted & sent this week/Early next.

This link should take you to his profile:
Morgs, you're a star. Thank you.

The Beaver King

Original Poster:

6,095 posts

197 months

Friday 20th December 2013
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Down to 2...


LilPeteMordino has been in touch and has received his SS gift. He has had a bit of an issue with his SS gift, but he is dealing with it today/tomorrow and it will be shipped 'Next Day' delivery.

He is also packing a spare, just in case somebody fails to post out...