Have you ever been in a fight?

Have you ever been in a fight?


Miguel Alvarez

4,944 posts

172 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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This one springs to mind. I was seeing this girl for a just under a year and we were getting on well. It had gone past the shagging stage into actual dating and a few hours in the back of a car turned into nights over at hers.

One night I wake up to the sound of banging on the front door. Being as the area wasn't greatest I'm thinking someone is trying to break in. When she quick as a flash tells me to keep calm its probably one of the drunks from flat next who's probably forgot his key. Spidey sense and all that and I'm thinking something isn't right here so I pull my jeans, trainers and a top on and as soon as I do some dude knocks the door off the hinges and comes in swinging. I'm knocked back into the sofa and the guy is on top of me laying in thankfully some pretty weak punches. I must have kicked him in the knackers and then instinct kicks in. I pull his jumper over his head so his arms are trapped and he can't see and then I give him a kick in. Knees, punches, elbows the whole lot.

She's been screaming all this time begging for us to stop. When matey is lying down hand up submitting she tells me to stop and this is where the confusion starts. Long story short I'd been knobbing his wife and mother of his child in the house he paid all the bills for. Well at least that's what he was telling me and she was stood there denying it saying he was crazy. He then lunges for her and where as I honestly didn't know what to think at the time instinct tells me to get inbetween the two of them.

She's starting to wind him up now possibly due to the fact I'm her "knight in shining armour" and his calling him all sorts. I had to tell her to shutup. I could see his pride going and he had that look like he was about to lose it. We all know what women are like (stereotype) and once they start you can't get them to shutup and she's calling him all manner of names. As predicted matey loses it and runs to the kitchen and picks up the biggest knife he can find and is waving it about. I honestly had one of those I'm going to die moments. She's screaming jumping in the way he's waving it about jabbing at me telling me to get the fk out and I'm thinking fk this is it. Calmness kicks in and I tell him I can't leave if he's blocking the door. He pauses lowers his arm and I tt him as hard as I can grab her and run out the door.

Turns out she was married and they did have a child together. How she kept it a secret and what outcome she was expecting after almost a year I'll never know.

King Herald

23,501 posts

218 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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When I was about 20 I was out pub crawling, by car, with a friend. (In those days drunk driving was almost acceptable) We were in a pub in Newport, Shropshire late in the evening, somewhat legless. Something happened with a big crowd of punk rocker types and we ended up outside having a shouting match. They jumped us and I remember taking a few and being pounded to the ground, trying to crawl under a car to get away from all the flying feet and punches. They were taking no prisoners, it was brutal.

I don't know how it happened but I woke up in hospital next morning, back in my home town, some 20 miles away. I can't understand why they didn't take me to the hospital in Newport.

I had to go to the bathroom for a dump, refused to use a bed pan, and while there I happened to look in a mirror, and saw this hideously swollen freak staring back at me. Black eyes, 21 stitches in my lips, 8 in my nose, footprint on my face, (X rays showed a fractured jaw and face) and front tooth knocked out of line etc.


My buddy was in better shape, but still a bit of a mess.

It was mainly my own fault for being a drunken shyte, but unknown to me a week later my friend and some of his somewhat tougher (than me) road crew workmates went down to the pub and beat seven shades out of the punks.

We had basically started the argument, but they had gone way over and above the call of duty sorting us out.


15,241 posts

217 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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I was jumped on by 2 guys walking home one night. I didn't have time to react apart from hitting one of them as hard as I could. Luckily this worked because he was out cold & his friend didn't want to know after that. I had 2 broken bones in my hand as a result.


21,021 posts

189 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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None that I'd really call a fight.

About 15 years ago one guy came up to me outside McDonalds and just swung at me. I dispatched him into a garden.

I also got bottled once in a nightclub - again totally innocent!


sleep envy

62,260 posts

251 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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Darkk said:
More than I care to remember, but yet to be in one started by me in any way...

A couple of months back, stopped in the BP garage in Park Lane, on the right hand side lane. Only suitable for one car, so it's a one way system.
After I stopped and got out of the car, another car came in from Park Lane, wrong way in. Driver jumped out "Move your car! Now!" Just replied, "Not happening!" (I was already filling up, half way through)

Other driver started shouting a mouthful of abuse, I just ignored his existence in the planet. He kept shouting non stop, couple of inches from my face whilst:
I finished filling up.
Went inside, to pay, so did he (still shouting with the garage employees now trying to calm him down)
Waited in line
Chip and pin
Walked back to the car.

During all this time, he was next to me, giving me all the abuse he could think of.
I just ignored him.

Then spent 3hours trying to calm myself down...

Still, not worth it... All the hassle you go through if you hurt someone (or get hurt) is just, too much.
I rather spend 3/4/5/6 hours calming down after, and feeling like the biggest pussy in the world, than deal with idiots...

I would never start any kind of confrontation...

... but sometimes you cannot avoid it, even if you run really quick!

Edited by Darkk on Tuesday 21st August 01:33
Why is there always aggro a petrol stations?

I've seen that happen before, a pretty 'tasty' looking bloke was trying to intimidate a much smaller and skinnier guy - the skinny bloke just snapped, landed one on this bigger bloke's jaw and dropped him.

It took the bigger bloke about a minute to stand up and he walked of back to his car with jelly legs. I've always wondered if he learnt his lesson.


6,860 posts

165 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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Had about 4 "proper" fights. Quite a few random punch up type altercations that I wouldn't class as a fight.


1,957 posts

172 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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ArsE92 said:
I dispatched him into a garden.
What with? A Glock 9mm?

tommy vercetti

11,490 posts

165 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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Last fight I had was in year 7, that was with best mate at the time, made up soon.


3,534 posts

245 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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Quite a few. Nothing I ever started. My first time in a nightclub (Frontier - Batley) I got started on by a scrote, pretty much set the tone for that place.


14,101 posts

235 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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Only once. Nearly got beat but she tripped up, staggered back and i got a good clean kick to her sponge. Game over, win for Olber.

On a serious note, tried to count this up a while ago and there's just no way of telling. It was part of being in a big school and part of living life after. Most of it was either to do with what "religion" i was or over a burd.

Only once thought i was going to regret it when i got a kicking outside an ice rink one night "for fun" from 10+ people who partook in it every week seemingly. Run about picking randoms waiting for taxis etc.

Stupidly enough, the lead guy came up to me, took a swing and hit me, i reacted and put him on the floor, then everyone piled in to me kicking me in the head. Had tunnel vision the next day which was pretty scary.


5,452 posts

197 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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Sort of...but not really:
While queuing in burger shop at 3am (ish) a random bloke put me in a full bear hug, no idea who he was/why i think he was a general knob. I told him to 'f***ing let go of me or i'd kick him in the balls', quite how i'd manage wasn't an issue. Anyway he did and buggered off. 5 minutes later i was leaning on the counter when he returned, grabbed me on the shoulder and had me on the floor. Before i hit the floor half the rest of the queue, who he'd barged through had grabbed him, taken him outside and were 'sorting him out'. I got my burger and left, by which time he was long gone.

Little bloke in a bar being mouthy and giving it the did i want a fight, wouldn't take no for an answer. Anyway i got bored and got off the bar stool i was sat on to move elsewhere. At this point the little bloke realised I was about 2' tall than him (I'm only 6'2") and suddenly became all friendly. I think he moved on to try pick his fight elsewhere.

Random bloke accused me of kicking his car while i was walking across a zebra crossing. He may technically have had point, my foot did touch his car. However seeing as I was on the opposite side of the crossing to where his car should have been, and his car was moving forwards, i don't think i kicked it. He abandoned it to chase me shouting, then spent the next 10 minutes driving up and down the road i was walking along shouting out of the window at me.
Still, more than I'd like.


11,737 posts

178 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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Where I grew up fights just came and found you. Ended up in hospital before I was 16...

Still, rather that than the "never had a fight' brigade because honestly, you need to know how to defend you and yours. Being good in a fight is all about experience and being able to think clearly in the heat of the moment. You won't know what the fks going on if you've never been in that situation before. I can tell if someones going to try and sucker punch me or throw a cheeky head but, I can just tell.


14,101 posts

235 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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It's true you can't give someone a kicking until you have had one yourself.


687 posts

164 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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I haven't had any fights since school thankfully.

I have kicked a few people out of pubs during my time in the booze trade; I was punched in the mouth on Millenium Eve and that was one of the contributing factors (along with rubbish hours and even worse pay) to why I left the trade


21,021 posts

189 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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Turbodiesel1690 said:
ArsE92 said:
I dispatched him into a garden.
What with? A Glock 9mm?
Some shears and a list of my favourite plants.

King Herald

23,501 posts

218 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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sleep envy said:
Why is there always aggro a petrol stations?

I've seen that happen before, a pretty 'tasty' looking bloke was trying to intimidate a much smaller and skinnier guy - the skinny bloke just snapped, landed one on this bigger bloke's jaw and dropped him.

It took the bigger bloke about a minute to stand up and he walked of back to his car with jelly legs. I've always wondered if he learnt his lesson.
Pull hose out of car, squirt a litre of gas on thug, wield your Zippo in their face.

See John run.



6,260 posts

231 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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Not for a long time for me - but it has happened. Normally (as most of these stories on here seem to be the same), it is that drinking environment that causes it. I am a happy drunk, and normally if I offend anyone I manage to talk my way out of it before it gets that far, and I would never start a fight.

However I was taught a very valuable lesson when younger, and that was to know the point at which talking is not going to get you out of it, you need to get in first - with the "lucky punch".

I was walking home with a girl, and as I crossed the driveway for a petrol station some guy nearly ran us over. I called him a wker through the power of hand signals, and he stopped his car. I talked my way out of it and he got in the car and drove off. I then called him a wker again through hand signals, as my bravado kicked in, as he drove off. He drove back, and him and two mates got out of car. An argument ensued, and I worked out I was not going to win - and needed to take a couple of punches, and they would then get lost. I took the couple of punches. Then the girl I was wirh knee'd the driver in the nuts. He smacked her in the face. I couldn't have that so I fought back. I did alright put two of them on their arse, but then the final guy caught me, I stepped back, and fell over the kerb. They all put the boot in, and the bruises I had the next day, and for the following week was the worst pain I have ever known. If I had got first punch in and put driver on his arse it may have been different. Also I should not have called him a wker for second time!

Last incident that happened was a bit of road rage about 5 years ago. Cut a long story short a guy pulled me physicall off of my motorbike. Not easy to pull a 16 stone bloke off of a bike. I managed to get the sidestand down, and I made my mind up that if he touched me I would smack him in the face. He shoved me in the chest, and I put 16 stones of weight into a punch, with kevlar motorbike gloves on. I have never, ever seen a nose explode so much in my life. I then st it (was in Deptford) as he walked back to his car, I thought to get a gun/knife/bat - fortunately another 3 or 4 bikers had stopped behind me, and were off of their bikes, and he changed his mind.

Life Saab Itch

37,068 posts

190 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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I've been hit a couple of times and I've hit someone once.

Not really what i would call a fight.

Not worth the hassle.

Steve in Stoke

6,375 posts

186 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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Not really a fight as such, but I was sucker-punched and jumped on by 3 guys in a nightclub, and left for dead, spent 3 months in hospital having my head rebuilt. long story, appeared on crimewatch, nobody was ever caught though.

About 10 years later, I'd just moved into a new build house and came home to find some scrawny apprentice-type with a hi-viz and rigger boots, poking through boxes in my garage. Not quite too sure what happened next, as the red mist descended, but I was dragged off him by a few other builders and he was on my garage floor crying like a girl with various bruises. Apparently he was not popular amongst the builders who had suspected him of rifling their pockets in the canteen while they were working. He never came back on site, but the other builders were in two minds whether to let me have a good go at him, or drag me off him before I did anything more serious to him.
Not particularly proud of that tbh, but it made me realise I still had some underlying anger issues that needed addressing from the aforementioned assault.


2,107 posts

183 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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I had a (sort of) fight at secondary school. I was in an art lesson and on of the other kids was trying to wind me up. He wasnt letting up and eventually I turned to him and told him to go fk his Mum. He didnt take to kindly to this (strangely enough) and kept trying to get me to repeat what I had said. Due to the fact he was quite a bit bigger than me I thought better of it and kept quiet for the rest of the lesson. As we were leaving the classroom I was walking down the short flight of steps outside and he ran up behind me and pushed me down them. I landed in a heap at the bottom and just as I managed to get back to my feet he smacked me in the face. I hadnt had a chance to regain my balance after falling down the stairs so promptly fell over backwards and proceeded to smack my head on the kerb pretty hard. This knocked me out for about a minute and when I woke up there was a group of people and teachers stood round me. I also had a really bad stomach ache.

It turns out this kid had decided that although I was potentially lying dead on the floor it was still ok to give me a few kicks to the stomach before someone dragged him away from me. Luckily the bump on the head did me no damage at all and I just had a few bruises on my stomach which weren't too bad. I even managed to persuade the school not to tell my Mum and Dad as I didnt want them kicking off. The other kid got suspended for a few days and then left me alone when he came back. It turned out that it was one of the even bigger kids (scarily big for a 15 year old. We're talking well over 6ft and built like a brick sthouse) in my year that had pulled him away from me and proceeded to give him a slap.

I havnt had a fight or been started on since then. I tend to keep myself to myself as I can get quite riled up sometimes!