Have you ever been in a fight?

Have you ever been in a fight?



7,043 posts

156 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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Actually, I've been involved in two fights.

A chav came up to my friend accusing him of saying that he wanted to rape his baby sister (who's fked up enough to say that?). Anyway, he started pushing my mate and the red mist descended, my mate layed into him big time. After about 30 hits to the face he was on the floor in a pool of blood with a broken jaw, nose and about three teeth left.

Granted, it was a bit too much but he started taking the piss out of my mates cousin who got abducted, raped and killed.


4,942 posts

201 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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Usual scraps at school but nothing major since thankfully.

I generally will stand up for myself and as such have almost got into scraps since then. Most notable was when I was loosening wheel nuts on a relatives car in a car park on new years day. There were a few members of family around and some guy who was pissed came and started going on about burying his mother or some such. My family sort of made sympathetic comments but largely tried to ignore him.

Then for some reason he kicked me on the arse and told me 'get up you ', absolutely no need for it as I hadn't said a word despite wanting to tell him to fk off. So I got up and told him that if he touched me again then I'd knock him out. He started mouthing off and then smashed the end of a glass bottle he had before threatening us, he pushed my uncle and got rebuffed. In the end, once he realised that I still had a wrench in my hand and my uncle had some other tool he backed off.

Then as he was walking off, he went towards my car which was parked a bit further away and had my mum and gran in it, he then smacked the window (again random as he didn't know the car was linked to our group). I was ready to run after him and wrap the wrench round him had he persisted but luckily for him he wondered away again.

Generally speaking, I don't take kindly to people who think they can do stuff to me or my family with no repercussions. I have however found though that these people tend to back down when they realise this.


34,367 posts

284 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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icetea said:
Darkk said:
More than I care to remember, but yet to be in one started by me in any way...

A couple of months back, stopped in the BP garage in Park Lane, on the right hand side lane. Only suitable for one car, so it's a one way system.
After I stopped and got out of the car, another car came in from Park Lane, wrong way in. Driver jumped out "Move your car! Now!" Just replied, "Not Happening!" (I was already filling up, half way through)

Other driver started shouting a mouthful of abuse, I just ignored his existence in the planet. He kept shouting non stop, couple of inches from my face whilst:
I finished filling up.
Went inside, to pay, so did he (still shouting with the garage employees now trying to calm him down)
Waited in line
Chip and pin
Walked back to the car.

During all this time, he was next to me, giving me all the abuse he could think of.
I just ignored him.

Then spent 3hours trying to calm myself down...

Still, not worth it... All the hassle you go through if you hurt someone (or get hurt) is just, too much.
I rather spend 3/4/5/6 hours calming down after, and feeling like the biggest pussy in the world, than deal with idiots...

I would never start any kind of confrontation...

... but sometimes you cannot avoid it, even if you run really quick!
I think if he has hassling me that much I'd have been worried he was going to do something to me. I reckon in extreme circumstances like that you're better just pre-emptively filling him in rather than letting him do it to you first.
surely that situation is when you calmly turn towards him with the nozzle in your hand and pull out your Zippo, isn't it?


3,534 posts

245 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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Its amusing the things chavs will say to provoke a reaction. I was in a bus station with a mate after a long day stacking shelves ( I was about 16) Saw a group of scummy looking lads giving us the evils. One wandered over and said " did you tell my mate to fk off"

" Yes, now fk off" replied my mate. Confused idiot did as he was told and no more was said. Really odd.


193 posts

191 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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Pothole said:
surely that situation is when you calmly turn towards him with the nozzle in your hand and pull out your Zippo, isn't it?
That would look amazing on CCTV, but no... wink

I have the feeling from some replies, that the ability to defend yourself properly is getting mixed up with the ability to walk away from some wker(s) avoiding conflict...


2,058 posts

188 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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Yes, numerous, I'm an ice hockey player so it's par for the course smile


520 posts

222 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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A couple of rugby match handbags but nothing serious, always try and walk away because if i'm being honest i'm not very good at it.

I was living in Sydney in 2000, in an area just off Kings Cross, we were in a house next door to a brothel, who were very nice people to be honest. Late one night a couple of my house mates got into an argument with a couple of guys walking home, they then decided to put a brick through our front window. This woke the entire house, including our landlord, a big Kiwi ex-bouncer who appeared at the door in only his undies, the guys took to there heals into a dodgy housing estate followed by the Kiwi. Foolishly one of my housemates suggested we should go and help, so we did. We caught them up and realised the Kiwi was doing very well on his own thank you very much, however the commotion had sent a message through the estate and all the local bad lads descended on the area to see what was going on. These guys were proper bad lads and i soon realised i was completely out of my depth as knives, baseball bats and all sorts began to appear.

I considered myself very lucky to get home with a burst lip and a few cuts and bruises.

I don't loose my temper very often, but when i do i'm ususally very provoked and end up doing or saying something very silly.

Cock Womble 7

29,908 posts

232 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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Leavesden Green Junior school, circa 1977 or '78 making me ten or eleven.

Two of the school "bad boys" - Robert and Steven - decided to pick on me one lunchtime. There was the usual prelude of school-bag snatching and throwing, then they started to get a bit punchy. Somehow, Steven managed to grab my arms from behind whilst Robert prepared for a frontal assault.

The many hours I'd spent watching "The Six Million Dollar Man" certainly paid off that day; Somehow I had the forethought to lean back and use Steven as support, whilst lifting both my legs up. Robert ran straight into my feet, was spectacularly winded and dropped like a sack of spuds. I then levered myself back onto my feet and used the momentum to throw Steven over my shoulder. He landed flat on his arse. They both then sheepishly scuttled off, leaving me feeling ten feet tall.

And that was my first and last fight.

I've been squared up to since - and had a few scary confrontations when running pubs - but nothing that couldn't be defused with charm, wit or the offer of a pint.

so called

9,094 posts

211 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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I had a problem about 4 years ago in Hotel in Philadelphia.
A group of three Californians were on the east coast doing a baseball stadium tour as their vacation
They were really loud and obnoxious. Every time the young black bar girl went into the kitchen to bring out food, they thought it really funny to come out with various racist remarks.
They went out at 8:00pm but unfortunately returned at about 10:30pm.
They were louder and more red neck and so in the end, when they were all over a young woman and her boy friend too scared to react, I lost it.
I dragged one of them off the girl and faced off on two of them when their third 'buddy' decided to drop me.
He tried to throw a fist but, being fat and pissed, fell backward into a big glass gum ball dispenser.
The glass exploded with ten thousand gum balls all over the floor and the rest was pure keystone cops.
I was escorted to my room by a big black guy who was not impressed when I told him about the racist crap.
He promised to go back down and sort them out.


1,547 posts

192 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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NinjaPower said:
I have never, ever been in a fight in my life... and I'm 32 now.

Never started one, never been on the receiving end of one.

I'm not too sure what that says about me! I'm a very calm, passive person.

I've been in a few confrontations whereby people have been verbally aggressive towards me "I'm going to smash your fking face in" etc but nothing physical has ever come of it.

I'm quite a logical/calculating person and I just don't see the point in a fight. Why get my pretty face bashed in? wink

If someone tries to start a fight with me, I'm much more likely to back down, apologise even if it wasn't my fault, then destroy their property at a later date or anonymously grass them up to their employer/girlfriend/wife about something.

What goes around comes around.

I get my own back on aggressive fight starting tts, but it won't be via a fight!

Edited by NinjaPower on Tuesday 21st August 21:57
Username fail hehe


56 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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Lol! biggrin

As in 'Kawasaki Ninja'!!


1,547 posts

192 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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NinjaPower said:
Lol! biggrin

As in 'Kawasaki Ninja'!!
Nope, never heard of him wink

Jimmy No Hands

5,011 posts

158 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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Tons. But for some reason I'm a lucky sod and I manage to either get out unscathed or get out using my gab.

Apart from when 4 lads jumped me for my wallet. That hurt a bit. Didn't get it though. smile


3,851 posts

152 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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I don't do aggression, as I'm a cheeky fker who like to laugh.

However, I was once punched in the face by a bloke at 1 am whilst walking home from a night out with my mate, who he alledged had been sleeping with his girl friend. How I got punched I have no idea. I had it x rayed the next day, but it wasn't broken, so fk knows how painful that would be.

A year later my 'mate' informs me he had been seeing this lads girlfriend. Not funny. I nearly punched him.

Then there was the knife pulling incident. I was a student in coventry, and walking to the chip shop, past 10 coppers on a street corner. Just out of sight of them, 2 lads had a set of railings and were ramming it into a shop window. I pointed out nicely that there were dozens of coppers not 100 yrds away, so maybe they should stop, and one pulls a knife. I fking ran, and kept running. The next day the shop window was boarded up.

And that was 26 years ago.

Sheets Tabuer

19,128 posts

217 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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The thing I don't get is I walk away from everything but looking like jason statham phil mitchell why I'm always the one in the cells?



24,741 posts

268 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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I got so hammered once I beat myself up.

I lost.


128 posts

168 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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I have a very clear image of the face of my of one my high school tormentors when I picked him up and wedged him arse first into a rubbish bin in the lads toilets one lunchtime. After many years of bullying and name calling something had finally clicked and I had stood up for myself, not really a fight but satisfying. Apparently he had to wait for someone else to come in and help him out.

Later on in life I did also bop my best mate on the nose, bursting it and blacking his eye, for being a drunken twonk in Manchester. Then had to spend 2 hours scouring the streets for him after he ran off up one of the canal paths like a 2yr old (not a nice place after dark). He ended up spending the night asleep in a railway station waiting room. Safe to say we are still best buds though, but he does drink less around me now, in fact I am being his best man next month.

Mobile Chicane

20,887 posts

214 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2012
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I'm generally pretty laid back and slow to anger, but when I 'lose it', I really do.

Possibly only happened five or so times in my entire life, but Joan Prince (the school bully) got whacked on the head with a rounders bat in primary school, having pushed me too far.

In adult life, a boyfriend, drunk and in a filthy temper, hit me with a bottle.

The red mist just descended - how dare you even presume to treat me like that?

I punched him so hard I fractured his cheekbone.


1,755 posts

164 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2012
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When i was at college i used to spend a lot of time reading car magazines and drinking coffee in a nice cafe close to the railway station (i used the train to get to college and back).

One day i was wearing my nice new biege coloured Ralph Lauren jacket, and had apparently been followed by a group of lads from the snooker hall (another one of my hang outs), to the cafe.

A young waitress who served me my coffee came over and told me two lads were waiting outside and 'were having his (my) fking jacket'.

I thanked the waitress, drank my coffee, put my walkman and cash into my jeans pocket and walked out of the cafe bold as brass, shoulders back, chest puffed out and ready for a tussle. I caught sight of two dodgy looking 'would be' jacket theives, eyeing me up as i exited the cafe, and carried on towards the station.

I could feel them following me, and as luck would have it i saw an old school friend a few years older, and bigger than me stood outside the station. I walked up to him and we greeted each other and started talking. I turned around to see the two scrotes backing off, and one of them shouted at me 'you're fking dead next time.'

It chilled me to the bone, and luckily i never saw them again, but from that day on i carried a snooker ball in a sock for protection (i'd recently watched the film Scum).

That my friends is the nearest i've ever been to a fight.


15,421 posts

208 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2012
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This applies to some of you, I can't be arsed quoting the right stories.