Conspiracy theorists... are they all just a bit thick?

Conspiracy theorists... are they all just a bit thick?



2,824 posts

212 months

Thursday 2nd May
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DonkeyApple said:
PurplePenguin said:
Unfortunately we don’t have a rational government as evidenced by the sending of vulnerable people back into care homes.
See also - fines on pharmaceutical companies.
But that is a mantra that infects the debate. The home my parents are in were implementing protocols prior to Cheltenham festival and long before any Govt guidance. Why? Because it is professionally run by competent adults.

By simply blanket blaming a govt what we end up doing is absolving the incompetence and negligence of those who were in the front line and very precisely had a duty of care to act but chose to do nothing and await instructions from above.

To be honest, what Covid showed up very clearly in the U.K. is the vast number of 'leaders' who take money to lead but in reality aren't doing any leading at all and were shown up as nothing more than junior line managers on the grift but Covid. All of whom now seek to hide from their abject failures by blaming others.

We saw the same among head masters, some stepped up and proved they were exceptional leaders while others ran away and were revealed to be frauds who did nothing unless the govt forced them. That's not leading. That's 'only following orders'.

Covid revealed the extremely competent and the incompetent, the negligent, the frauds. The latter group all opting to rapidly blame anyone other than their own failings.

By blanket blaming the govt we tacitly absolve the tens of thousands of negligent and incompetent 'leaders' of their total failings and the carnage they wreaked in their wake.

And again the CT army of devotees do these people's bidding and protect them from what should have been the largest clear out and replacement of senior management across the U.K.
DA - I think if you are looking for leaders amongst our current political and civil servants, you are (almost completely) wasting your time.

Away from the giddy heights of national politics, there may be some examples of good leaders, although I’ve not come across any.

However, we do seem capable of promoting idiots well above their actual level of competency - which for political leaders seems to be around the level of office junior or staple replacement advisor.


55,956 posts

171 months

Thursday 2nd May
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dukeboy749r said:
DA - I think if you are looking for leaders amongst our current political and civil servants, you are (almost completely) wasting your time.

Away from the giddy heights of national politics, there may be some examples of good leaders, although I’ve not come across any.

However, we do seem capable of promoting idiots well above their actual level of competency - which for political leaders seems to be around the level of office junior or staple replacement advisor.
Very true. The nature of having a higher body on which to lay blame and a lack of competition has a tendency to foment mediocrity. The U.K. for decades had the EU to blame and to take guidance from and that helped create a generation of 'leaders' who didn't specifically need great leadership qualities.


890 posts

17 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Astonishing that the Americans have only two choices - and to avert total destruction from the lying, the fantasies and the criminality of one they have a very aged and possibly weaker better choice. Surely they have someone else who can step up to the job!
However, it’s a good job in the latters case that 99% of government is run by capable people that are below the parapet.


890 posts

17 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Not too sure why, but in the last day I have had eight of these from different US Republicans - all wanting money. Slightly different CT laden wording each time, but the essence is they must be flooding America with these requests to fund Trump.

They would be the laughing stock if this happened here.

Just look at this garbage:

…he didn’t even storm out, it’s not Bidens court, and it’s he who is in court for election interference!

This is CT heaven.


55,956 posts

171 months

Thursday 2nd May
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GeneralBanter said:
Astonishing that the Americans have only two choices - and to avert total destruction from the lying, the fantasies and the criminality of one they have a very aged and possibly weaker better choice. Surely they have someone else who can step up to the job!
However, it’s a good job in the latters case that 99% of government is run by capable people that are below the parapet.
I find it more amazing that Brits are besotted with the hate riddled, infantile, not very bright and narcissistic loon. All because of 'Off ov telly'.

I can rationalise the desperation of millions of forgotten Americans at least.

It remains baffling that in a nation of nearly 400m and fantastic educational facilities and some great minds the best they can seemingly come up with are a pair of semi senile punters, one of which is the epitome of the idiocracy and a blatant criminal.

If ever there was a reason for the U.K. to seize its opportunity to break its economy away from the USD then it is now!


55,956 posts

171 months

Thursday 2nd May
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GeneralBanter said:
Not too sure why, but in the last day I have had eight of these from different US Republicans - all wanting money. Slightly different CT laden wording each time, but the essence is they must be flooding America with these requests to fund Trump.

They would be the laughing stock if this happened here.

Just look at this garbage:

…he didn’t even storm out, it’s not Bidens court, and it’s he who is in court for election interference!

This is CT heaven.
The true question is what have you been doing to be sent these? biggrin

I once went to a Mustang website at the height of that 50Mustang lunacy on PH and for years after was bombarded with adverts to tactical nappies and other end of days, nazi style equipment.


890 posts

17 months

Thursday 2nd May
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DonkeyApple said:
The true question is what have you been doing to be sent these? biggrin
A bit irrelevant but I presume they got it from some sort of email address selling company. The US will be awash with these lunatic emails with their fabricated stories.

Again, this alone would be a scandal here with the Commons being in uproar at MP’s lies and would totally torpedo a General Election candidate.


890 posts

17 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Just got back to the office and another 8 emails from Republican nominees all wanting money, every one just a list of CT nonsense stated as fact, one bringing God into it and apparently I either Love God or I’m a Democrat - no both!


55,956 posts

171 months

Thursday 2nd May
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GeneralBanter said:
Just got back to the office and another 8 emails from Republican nominees all wanting money, every one just a list of CT nonsense stated as fact, one bringing God into it and apparently I either Love God or I’m a Democrat - no both!
Ask them to send a transaction fee in order to receive your $500,000 donation?


8,012 posts

148 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Must admit I did laugh not at the content but at the formatting … pretty much every spam email I get has multiple fonts and colours and huge text, got to wonder about the intelligence of these people putting this together … I do think of the movie idiocracy …

Baroque attacks

4,526 posts

188 months

Friday 3rd May
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Josh Baker, Worcestershire cricketer, has passed away at the age of 20.

News posts about it on twitter are awash with the vaccine freaks, as they dive on any young death now.


55,956 posts

171 months

Friday 3rd May
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coldel said:
Must admit I did laugh not at the content but at the formatting … pretty much every spam email I get has multiple fonts and colours and huge text, got to wonder about the intelligence of these people putting this together … I do think of the movie idiocracy …
It's like the simplicity and bad English of the Nigerian emails as in ot is deliberate. Done to target as specifically as possible the person most likely to send money they don't have to people who don't need it.

For years I also assumed that the people who created money letters were a bit incompetent. Their work looked unappealing, the content close to jibberish, the syntax elementary etc. o assumed that when asking others for money you would structure your case intelligently, put forward reasoning, lay out evidence that you had a need for these funds and would respect any funds given. No. You won't get a penny if you ask politely or intelligently.

Over the years I've had to deal with multiple businesses who sell financial products and have been surprised to learn that when targeting a key part of society just about the worst thing you can do is treat them with an ounce of respect.

Instead, you end up changing the product name, changing what it is supposed to do and then what seems like shouting drivel in the face of someone that terrible things will or are happening because they have not given you money.

It's the art of selling to cultists of any nature. You find out what scares or angers them and then you scream gibberish in their face about how you also suffer but have a cure which they can help bring to reality just by sending you their money. Evangelists, signal trading, crypto, cat sanctuaries and myriad charities along with 419 scams all have to work this way in order to connect with the right customers. People who will purchase air. They have nothing yet are susceptible to instructions to purchase nothing, literally to send money away that they can't afford to purchase absolutely nothing.

And I think Idiocracy is very much the correct term for this sub culture. And people should kick back and enjoy what was a reasonably good film but with the realisation that like Romero's zombie films it is based on an actual reality within consumer culture. CT forms a core part of the idiocracy and setting oneself up as one of the leaders of the potato army is immensely financially rewarding. It's a great job being a messiah.

Notch 8

312 posts

10 months

Friday 3rd May
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Baroque attacks said:
Josh Baker, Worcestershire cricketer, has passed away at the age of 20.

News posts about it on twitter are awash with the vaccine freaks, as they dive on any young death now.
Utterly predictable. They love to descend on anything like this, and desperately try to score a cheap point.

There was one woman who always posted on the Daily Fail pages. One day, there was an article about a woman being hit by a train. I’ve mentioned that story on here before, but then she desperately tried to convince me (and others) that people are having car crashes because they are all having jab induced heart attacks at the wheel. rolleyes

ETA (again):

Josh Baker is from my hometown, and I’ve just found out he sadly lost his brother to a heart attack last year. Do most probably a genetic thing.

That won’t stop the vultures though.

Edited by Notch 8 on Friday 3rd May 08:15

Edited by Notch 8 on Friday 3rd May 08:24


5,021 posts

86 months

Friday 3rd May
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Notch 8 said:
Utterly predictable. They love to descend on anything like this, and desperately try to score a cheap point.

There was one woman who always posted on the Daily Fail pages. One day, there was an article about a woman being hit by a train. I’ve mentioned that story on here before, but then she desperately tried to convince me (and others) that people are having car crashes because they are all having jab induced heart attacks at the wheel. rolleyes

ETA (again):

Josh Baker is from my hometown, and I’ve just found out he sadly lost his brother to a heart attack last year. Do most probably a genetic thing.

That won’t stop the vultures though.

Edited by Notch 8 on Friday 3rd May 08:15

Edited by Notch 8 on Friday 3rd May 08:24
Its almost as if people never had heart problems or blood clots prior to 2020/21. Thick as castle wall's

Notch 8

312 posts

10 months

Friday 3rd May
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pavarotti1980 said:
Its almost as if people never had heart problems or blood clots prior to 2020/21. Thick as castle wall's
Yep, all adding weight to the thread title.


8,012 posts

148 months

Friday 3rd May
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lol yes, there must have been literally no deaths at all due to anything prior to COVID, as the vaccine seems to be the root of all deaths nowadays...

Castrol for a knave

4,793 posts

93 months

Friday 3rd May
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I think it is a case of cognitive dissonance.

I've mentioned this individual before, but I have a friend who is a barrister. She is full on anti-vax. She's done her research, so she tells us. I pointed out that if the GP at the other end of the table spent 2 weeks on You Tube, doing his research, could he become an expert on contract law?

She then announced she was having her face botoxed in the afternoon.

Some people, however bright, just seem to fail to connect the dots, even someone who's entire work life is critical thinking.

Yes, you expect this sort of thing from the porridge people, who point at aeroplanes when not arguing on Facebook and are useful only as organ harvest, but not from supposedly intelligent individuals. Something deep within is failing to fully connect.

Edited by Castrol for a knave on Friday 3rd May 09:27


8,012 posts

148 months

Friday 3rd May
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Castrol for a knave said:
I think it is a case of cognitive dissonance.

I've mentioned this individual before, but I have a friend who is a barrister. She is full on anti-vax. She's done her research, so she tells us. I pointed out that if the GP at the other end of the table spent 2 weeks on You Tube, doing his research, could he become an expert on contract law?

She then announced she was having her face botoxed in the afternoon.

Some people, whoever bright, just seem to fail to connect the dots, even someone who's entire work life is critical thinking.

Yes, you expect this sort of thing from the porridge people, who point at aeroplanes when not arguing on Facebook and are useful only as organ harvest, but not from supposedly intelligent individuals. Something deep within is failing to fully connect.
The reality is (and this includes all of us) is that we can only really glean surface knowledge from the internet on subjects - if you sat one of the CT in a room with a medical expert or a climate expert for example, then asked them to debate, but done in the moment with no access the internet, the CT would run out of pre-prepared statements very quickly as the surface knowledge is burned through and true understanding and experience is absent.


890 posts

17 months

Friday 3rd May
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Castrol for a knave said:
I think it is a case of cognitive dissonance.
Ugh, this term is used to death by the anti vax CT numbskulls (not you!) but it only really applies to them themselves.

It seems part of the core rationale of these people is to accuse everyone else of that which they themselves are guilty. This gain applies to Trump in a major way, he seems to throw accusations like confetti but they match his own actions not those of others. Same could be said of Putin.

Is this the new way of 'winning' - bombard the opposition with accusations which describe what you are doing ?


29,091 posts

205 months

Friday 3rd May
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the strong desire to win comes from them really wanting to 'get one back' on the popular kids from school, because they are stuck in that stage of development. They see those people all around them as adults, with better jobs and more money, friends. It's quite childish really but i do believe it is that.