Have you ever been in a fight?

Have you ever been in a fight?


King Herald

23,501 posts

218 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2012
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Mr Gearchange said:
I once saw fit to get into a fight with 6 guys dealing drugs in a South London car park.....
I once saw fit to run out of a pub, with my leg in plaster, clutching a walking stick, and start wailing hell of out a family of local gypsy brothers who were beating seven shades out of a friend of mine.

In my drunken stupidity I assumed a large group of fellow Samaritans from the pub would be close on my heels to back up my heroic act and save the day before the gypsy crowd realized I was pounding on them and beat me to pulp.

I was well into my fourth or fifth enthusiastic blow with my walking stick before I turned round to gather my supporters......

......and noticed the door of the pub was firmly closed, the streets eerily quiet.

My morbid shock-paralysis soon ended when one of the 6'6" brothers grabbed my stick and proceeded to pound me into hospital with it. The splintered remains of the stick were seized as evidence by the police, but they never got a useable statement out of me or the gypsy family and all the charges were eventually dropped. it took several long, worried months before that happened though, and I had visions of this family visiting me at home one dark night to seek vengeance for laying on of their brethren out cold.

During the court case all six of us swore we could not identify any other other defendants in the case, so charges were dropped. As we left the court the giant family walked right past me, and one of the biggest looked at me, winked, smiled and walked on.

Later I heard that it was just another day for them, they were not worried, not fazed at all apparently.

Flying Toilet

3,621 posts

213 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2012
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boobles said:
bracknell bees fan here! thumbup
OUT! MK Lightning here. Look forward to giving you guys a hiding at the Hive!


4,536 posts

192 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2012
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Miguel Alvarez said:
DHE said:
Had a few scuffles in my time, goes with working the doors. Scariest was when four blokes tried to mug me one evening. One of them discovered that the knee is designed to bend one way, when it is bent any other way, it hurt likes hell. His screams distracted the other three, I managed to get an elbow to the jaw of one of the others, put him on his backside and I legged it 400 yards to my car. Not what you would normally expect at 7.15pm in Reading.
I half want to call BS on this. Why would someone try to mug a bouncer or even if they didn't know you someone big enough to be a bouncer at 7pm in Reading? Did you work the doors in Reading? I know alot of bouncers opt to not work doors in their own towns for "retribution" reasons.
Never worked the doors in Reading, I worked the doors in the Swansea area for a while. Feel free to call BS if you want, many of my mates were surprised that I had been jumped, I was. Great Knolly Street is were it took place, I was parked in the cattle market car park.

Ewan S

1,295 posts

229 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2012
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In a club in worthing years ago, two guys near me started on each other, and one of them shoved the other into a close female friend who got sent flying.

Unfortunately for them said friend is more like a sister, so as the pair of them squared up for round 2 I shoved both of them at the same time. I put all my weight behind it and apparently looked absolutely furious! They fall over, get up, look at each other, look at me walking towards them like I'm about to throttle them, look back at each other and promptly took their fight elsewhere.

And there was something that went on at school where some kid bullied me every day for months and I snapped and punched him really hard on the nose. He went down like a sack of spuds and everyone was really nice to me after that.

Other than that never been in any fights. I've always tried to avoid situations which could develop by avoiding simple situations where things can escalate:
No staying up drinking in clubs until closing time
No going to pubs or clubs in unsavioury areas - I have a mate who always wants to go for a pint in chavvy pubs in Aldershot
Avoid public transport in the early hours.

Bloody obvious really.

Pablo Escobar

3,114 posts

191 months

Thursday 23rd August 2012
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I've been punched and punched a few people but only ever been in one fight. Had a drunk guy in our Uni halls hammering on the door because we'd been pouring water on him from the window whilst he was outside roaring at people. We told him we'd apologise and shake hands if he just calmed down which he appeared to do.
As soon as we opened the door him and his mate came charging in. I dragged matey out into the corridor and my friend managed to pin the other guy down almost immediately. The drunk guy attempted to punch me in the throat so I slapped him and head butted him into the wall, he swung again and got me in the neck. I punched him square in the side of the jaw with a right hook that connected perfectly and knocked him to the ground by which time our friends from downstairs had come up to see what all the swearing and carrying on was about.
They separated everyone and kicked chuggo and his friend out the block. The whole thing lasted about 2 minutes.
The guy came round a few days later and we both shook hands. He said sorry for kicking off, I said sorry for pouring water on him, and we both had a laugh about how silly it all was. Not quite the gang wars some people have been in but I got a massive rush off landing the final punch that put matey on his back.


15,241 posts

217 months

Thursday 23rd August 2012
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Flying Toilet said:
OUT! MK Lightning here. Look forward to giving you guys a hiding at the Hive!
I wouldn't have thought so, would you? hehe

Miguel Alvarez

4,944 posts

172 months

Thursday 23rd August 2012
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DHE said:
Miguel Alvarez said:
DHE said:
Had a few scuffles in my time, goes with working the doors. Scariest was when four blokes tried to mug me one evening. One of them discovered that the knee is designed to bend one way, when it is bent any other way, it hurt likes hell. His screams distracted the other three, I managed to get an elbow to the jaw of one of the others, put him on his backside and I legged it 400 yards to my car. Not what you would normally expect at 7.15pm in Reading.
I half want to call BS on this. Why would someone try to mug a bouncer or even if they didn't know you someone big enough to be a bouncer at 7pm in Reading? Did you work the doors in Reading? I know alot of bouncers opt to not work doors in their own towns for "retribution" reasons.
Never worked the doors in Reading, I worked the doors in the Swansea area for a while. Feel free to call BS if you want, many of my mates were surprised that I had been jumped, I was. Great Knolly Street is were it took place, I was parked in the cattle market car park.

I just find it hard to believe that's all, but stranger things have happened I guess. It is just Reading not inner city London at the end of the day.


2,578 posts

152 months

Thursday 23rd August 2012
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3 fights in the last 18 years.
I never bother getting into trouble or go out looking for it.
I have had 3 people take advantage of my good nature in the last 18 years and get themselves in bother.
Spent many years in an infantry regiment so my temper is cool and controlled.When I want to I can get quite nasty.Lots of situations have defused when some lairy idiot fancies a go and I change my attitude from staying cool and not standing out to "alright then chap lets have a go".
When I change my attitude it puts a lot of people off,usually the wkers of society.

One of those 3 fights one of the platoons in training middle weight boxers got drunk and decided he would gob off and pick on me,I beat the crap out of him,next day he had 2 black eyes and very fat lips.
I got charged for that,there was no hiding the fact he had been beaten up.Our platoon sgt kicked him off the boxing team for a) being drunk and b) losing the fight.
Cost me a weeks wages.

Second fight going back some years in a pub and some drunk started on me,not one who was backing down either.He ended up having a visit to a+e as I did go too far and I got charged for that too,had to go to court.Got off a little bit lightly with it being a provoked attack of sorts.18 month suspended discharge or whatever they call it and a fine.

Last fight some 18-19 yr old kid who I had a disagreement with on the road decided it would be a good idea to shout in my face tirades of abuse in Sainsburys car park,I pushed him back with a firm warning if he got in my face I would hit him.He didn't believe me and came back at me.He found himself sat on the floor with a bloody set of lips.Decided it best to leave and abandon my shopping trip.

Not by any means a big hard bd who puts it about,quite the opposite.I can look after myself if I have to,I also know when you are out of your depth too and it's best to do one laugh

The Dirty Bubble

747 posts

206 months

Thursday 23rd August 2012
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I have never been much for fighting, got in over my head fighting off some muggers in Crystal Palace many moons ago and only walked away from that one thanks to two Aussies who happened to be driving passed and leapt out of their car to assist me (never got a chance to thank them).

I have a friend (let’s call him Chris, because that is his name). He is a fairly unassuming looking bloke who works for the council. He is also a Wing Chun instructor (something like a 4th Dan black belt) and can cause more damage with one finger than most could with a baseball bat and a good run up. He never goes looking for trouble, but on occasion it has found him.

3 large bouncers decided to rough him up a little for some minor infraction in a ropey club, I was awestruck in the way he decimated them in seconds. A few almost imperceivable movements sent 18 stone men flying off their feet and landing some distance away unconscious, minus teeth and with fingers pointing in different directions.

You never know when that little bloke you are mouthing off to might be a Chris; I tend to diffuse situations with comedy just in case.


4,494 posts

170 months

Thursday 23rd August 2012
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The Dirty Bubble said:
You never know when that little bloke you are mouthing off to might be a Chris; I tend to diffuse situations with comedy just in case.
But surely you'd be ok because you'd recognise Chris?

The Dirty Bubble

747 posts

206 months

Thursday 23rd August 2012
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Japveesix said:
But surely you'd be ok because you'd recognise Chris?
tongue out

Flying Toilet

3,621 posts

213 months

Thursday 23rd August 2012
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Miguel Alvarez said:

I just find it hard to believe that's all, but stranger things have happened I guess. It is just Reading not inner city London at the end of the day.
My Mrs family is from Reading and nights out there can be pretty eye opening, I understand you defending where you live though.


53,083 posts

257 months

Thursday 23rd August 2012
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Not really, not a fight as such. The closest I've been was when some tt lamped me for being a bit cheeky in a taxi queue, but I was so surprised he'd actually hit me that I stood there telling anyone who'd listen while two BiB sat in their car 15 yards away and studiously ignored me hehe

More recently at a wedding my wife apparently caught me squaring up to someone over the cheese board redface

Basically I'm a happy, if irritating, drunk.


15,241 posts

217 months

Thursday 23rd August 2012
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squaring up to someone over the cheese board redface

hehe That is brilliant.


53,083 posts

257 months

Thursday 23rd August 2012
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Needless to say, I was very, very drunk redface

Miguel Alvarez

4,944 posts

172 months

Thursday 23rd August 2012
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Flying Toilet said:
My Mrs family is from Reading and nights out there can be pretty eye opening, I understand you defending where you live though.
I'm not originally from Reading so no loyalty in that sense and I've moved out again now. I was there for 6/7 years. I've seen some ropey things there but then I've seen ropey things in a lot of places it just amazes me when people describe it as some inner city hell. It's a pretty calm place for the most part especially considering how diverse the population is. I've had more issues in quieter towns then I have in Reading.


1,893 posts

206 months

Thursday 23rd August 2012
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Not strictly my fight, but perhaps a good example of where discretion is the better part of valor.

Many years back I was out in Bristol celebrating a friend's 21st birthday. We were reasonably drunk (except myself, who was very drunk smile) Ironically, the most sober person was the Birthday Boy himself. We were in a pub around closing time. One of the group had put money in the juke box, which was turned off before we got to hear our songs. Friend started complaining and the bouncers appeared to escort us off the premises. One of the bouncers was some big hairy brute, almost as wide as he was tall. Friend celebrating his birthday was being physically manouvered towards the door and asked the bouncer for his name. The reply given was "Tiny" to which my friend rather unwisely responded "what, like your f****** brain?". It was no surprise when the group of bouncers dragged my friend outside and gave him a few slaps. I went to remonstrate with them but a single push sent me onto my backside, where I stayed (not sure if common sense or being hammered was responsible).

After it was all over friend reported them to the police. Ended up in court. Tiny got off on a technicality because they couldn't prove that he had thrown the punch that caused the damage.


610 posts

174 months

Thursday 23rd August 2012
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A couple but neither were particularly interesting.

My Dad used to get into scraps all the time. He told me once that he and another bloke were fighting in Newquay. Punches had been thrown and they were both rolling about on the floor. Mid fight, the other bloke said "Can you smell dog s**t?". Dad looked down and realised they were both covered it. The smell hit them and they both started to vomit.

Quite a way to end a fight.


1,136 posts

216 months

Thursday 23rd August 2012
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Quite a few in my 47 years, but the worst saw me in hospital and the other guy hunted by the police for attemted murder. Not so tough on his own, but when backed up by a transit load of his mates, and a 6 foot long 2 inch solid metal bar, considerably tougher than me. hehe


15,241 posts

217 months

Thursday 23rd August 2012
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yikes You must have upset him ^^^^^^^