How often do you go in your spare room?

How often do you go in your spare room?



3,286 posts

114 months

Wednesday 25th May 2016
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I don't go in mine much once a week ?

Lot of people talking about marriage going tits up. Really makes me think should I stay single and never have a family ?

Scary stuff.


32,959 posts

178 months

Wednesday 25th May 2016
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DJFish said:
"How often do you go in your spare room?"

Every time I snore.
Farting is okay then?

C0ffin D0dger

3,440 posts

147 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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Only spare room we've got (box bedroom) the missus has decided it will be her "dressing" room once I've got round to redecorating it so I don't suppose I'll be allowed / want to go in there much.


17,028 posts

197 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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Every day! The smallest bedroom is the wife's dressing room, one bedroom is my office/man cave, we sleep in the main one and the 'spare' bedroom has the fitted wardrobes where all our clothes are - we do the ironing and get changed in there.

daddy cool

4,005 posts

231 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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Every day - it contains my 3 bikes, and also my gaming PC with 5.1 surround speakers.
It provides a sanctuary of calm when emmerdale or corrie is on the TV in the lounge.


4,296 posts

145 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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Ilovejapcrap said:
Lot of people talking about marriage going tits up. Really makes me think should I stay single and never have a family ?

Scary stuff.
Meh, not doing something out of fear is no way to live a life. Just be sensible about it and be honest with yourself about your partner before tying the knot (either officially or practically by having kids or buying a house together)

Me and the ex get along decently, the kids so far handle it pretty well (their parents might not be together, but they arent miserable and fighting all the time either)

And yeah, it kinda limits my freedom going forward, because while i can split with the ex, the same doesnt fly for the kids (nor would i want to!), but when it comes to the kids, its totally worth it, love em.


9,269 posts

230 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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I've 2 spare rooms, one set up as an office the other an actual spare room... I suspect I go into each of them no more than once a week unless I have a specific need for some paperwork in which case the office might see me a little more often.


2,624 posts

219 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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if I am feeling Ill, I prefer to be on my own, so then & when I have had a drink so I can fart & snore away with no come back.


48,535 posts

250 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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We have 6 bedrooms - one for the master, one each for the 2 kids, a study each for myself and Mrs Puggit (we both work from home) and a proper spare room.

So I'm in the study every day - and the spare room often. We went to a wedding reception last night and so Mrs Puggit drank, and so she snored uncontrollably irked


8,671 posts

194 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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We don't really have a spare room, but I haven't been into my sons bedroom for nearly a year now.


3,687 posts

134 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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Have reason to go in my spare room maybe once a week and my attic maybe once a year.

Contrast this with my early retired, boomer 'stuff' obsessed mother who spends most of her time in her spare room looking at and 'reorganising' her clothes (it is in effect just one big walk in wardrobe) if not in her spare room she can usually be found in the attic rummaging through all the endless amounts of crap she's bought and put up there, most of which is brand new still in the box never been used.


4,203 posts

214 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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Probably 4 or 5 times per week. My PC is in there, and my wife snores like a fking Deltic locomotive.


1,798 posts

108 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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I keep my chinchillas and weights in my spare room, so I'm in there on a daily basis. Only reason I bought a 2 bed house, for that purpose


19,908 posts

175 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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CoolHands said:
Since I separated from my wife I've been living in a 2-bed flat. But, I only occasionally go into the second bedroom. I go in there sometimes to just open the blind for a change, or put some washed towels in the drawers. Maybe look out the window for a bit & make sure the garden hasn't disappeared.

Then I leave and go back onto the front room.

I think it makes me feel lonely cos it's an unused, unneeded room frown
Both our spare rooms are full of boxes and a shower suite that needs to be fitted as we only moved in end of last year.
The loft has been insulated in the last few weeks so most can go up there and the rooms are free, they're furnished with beds etc when friends and family stay but other than that there's no reason to go in there!


8,081 posts

191 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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When I was single and lived in my two bed house I'd sleep in one most of the year and move to the back room Iain the summer.

The reason. Heat. The main room contained a hot water tank and was very warm. The room faced west and I he house was a new build on a block paved square. At the he height of summer and he room would get very hot and with the windows open you could feel the heat coming from the square.

I also had a job which required early starts so early to bed in the summer could be quite bright.

The back room was east facing above a nice cool lawn. I sleep with the window open all year round unless it gets really cold and the back room had the bonus of being able to hear the sea.

My present house has six bedrooms. Only three and a half are bedrooms, the rest are a junk room with a bed, a study - under construction - and an art studio/library which is also a work in progress.

Of the bedrooms, one is actually full of crap paused en route to the attic. And the other is a genuine spare bedroom for guests so that's used once every few weeks/months. We use it in the coldest part of the winter as our main bedroom faces south and west. It's a big old Edwardian house and despite central heating it gets scarily cold in the SW facing rooms. The lowest I got over the winter was 12C with the window shut.


2,479 posts

281 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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We don't have any spare rooms till the kids move out, but I don't often go into my kids' rooms unless it is to round up cups and mugs.


3,674 posts

239 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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The smallest spare room in our house is my office so I am in there almost daily. It also houses my Lego and model car collections.

The larger one is Mrs Chimp's craft room and is full of cupboards/drawers with all manner of jewellery and card making stuff. It also houses Chimp Jr's telescope and projector screen as they are too big for her bedroom.

The other 2 are used as bedrooms.


2,402 posts

177 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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One spare room has been turned into a dressing room with all the wardrobes in, so both of us get ready in there every day. Smallest spare room is a guest bedroom, but the bed is generally covered in the ironing that needs doing so we're in there most days collecting clothes, otherwise it would only see occasional use. Other spare is mine and my sons games room with playstation, pool table, various games/toys etc. My old vinyl collection is up there as well so I tend to tuck myself away every now and then to reminisce smile
If you've got a spare room and aren't accommodating guests on a regular basis you should do something with it, even if it's just somewhere to hang the washing and ironing so it doesn't clutter the rest of the house, waste of space otherwise.


4,408 posts

238 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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We have a couple of spare rooms, basically a spare floor. It's a three storey house that my wife bought as a bargain before we got together and we've never needed the top floor, other than when friends have stayed with us and we had a lodger for a little while. We have converted one of the rooms into a play room for our son, but the other one is full of mainly unused stuff. Part of the problem is that the house gets very warm and as the warm air moves up, the top floor can be pretty much unbearable in the summer. If you open the windows, a load of dust blows in from the building site down the road.

I guess we use the playroom once or twice a week (he has loads of toys in the lounge as well), the spare room perhaps once a month.


2,348 posts

124 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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I, an unmarriable single sad , have a three bedroom house and I use the lot!

Two bedrooms - one's a week day bedroom, the other's a weekend one. The third is the Geek Room; for Xbox and PS4 and the like.

Two bathrooms, too. One's easier and more convenient for a quick wet, the other, No'2, is far more comfortable for a long sit down.

These rules are not hard and fast, however. I can change the deal around if I feel like it. I'll just use No'2 bathroom for a wet when I'm between games of Call o Duty in the Geek Room, for example.

I should have Ferrero Rocher in every room to heighten the feeling of high society decadence.