How honest are you?



9,658 posts

139 months

Wednesday 7th December 2016
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The Spruce goose said:
£100 left in cash machine. Shouted women who left it.
I could have cleared out someone's bank account as they had left their card in the machine and it was still working, decided not to and removed the card.


2,068 posts

263 months

Wednesday 7th December 2016
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I took a deposit by paypal at the weekend on a car I'm selling, but the guy realised he couldn't follow through on he deal as agreed, said I should keep the deposit for the inconvenience. I managed to sell the car at my intended price to someone else last night and immediately returned the first buyer's deposit. If I'd been left out of pocket I would probably have kept it, but I figured my karma needed a top-up after all the years of mugging old ladies etc.


19,267 posts

209 months

Wednesday 7th December 2016
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If it is returnable ( say a wallet or an identifiable object like an iPhone, ) I would certainly return it. If I found a case with a large sum of money I would hand it to the police. A bank note on the street?...would keep it as there is no way to return it.


56 months

Wednesday 7th December 2016
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The Spruce goose said:
£100 left in cash machine. Shouted women who left it.
Done this too; no way there was any other option to consider.

I once lost my wallet & cards etc after using a cash machine. I thought I put it in my back pocket but must have missed. There was only £10 in it but a few days later the wallet arrived at my house sent via Special Delivery. No idea who found it and I assume they used the money to pay for the postage.

You did the right thing OP, ignore the office braggarts.


9,658 posts

139 months

Wednesday 7th December 2016
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RDMcG said:
If it is returnable ( say a wallet or an identifiable object like an iPhone, ) I would certainly return it. If I found a case with a large sum of money I would hand it to the police. A bank note on the street?...would keep it as there is no way to return it.
My Mum used to work for Little Chef, their area manager was well known for clearing anything decent from the lost property dept.


701 posts

183 months

Wednesday 7th December 2016
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I found a wodge of notes on the floor of a bar/club thing in Auckland when I was backpacking many years ago. It wasn't really it backpackers kind of place, it was more a city slickers joint. Anyway I shoved it in my pocket, waited around for a bit to see if anyone appeared to be looking for it and when no one did, we left.
When I got outside I counted it and there was $160. I felt a bit guilty, but not that much and I consoled myself by thinking that had I have handed it in it would have been highly unlikely to have been reunited with its rightful owner. And I bought myself a new jacket.
Karma has well and truly balanced things out over the years too


12,048 posts

171 months

Wednesday 7th December 2016
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Found a womans purse once, rang her on the number in her purse & met up with her to hand it back, did the same with an iPhone recently.

There was a lad letting his 'fingers do the walking' with his lady friend in a pub one night, he dropped a £20 note on the floor, we picked it up & bought a round with it!

Had a £12k delivery at work that wasn't ours, we owned up & week or so later the Company tried shafting us, the next over delivery (much smaller) wasn't reported.

Have pointed out overpayment of change etc in shops before, will never be 100% honest though, sorry!


41,821 posts

202 months

Wednesday 7th December 2016
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I value my integrity more than a few quid, and as has been mentioned we need to believe in Karma.

I found a power tool that fell out of a badly driven van, decided to hand it in, got it back.

I think a large proportion of the population are opportunistic thieves, leave a Mountain bike for five minutes outside a shop and see whether it is there when you come back, I did outside a bookshop in Altrincham and was watching it, this kid spots it and does a sort of guilty looking saunter, he rotated his baseball cap quite clear he was going to have it even though he was about 5 ft and I am six and it was too big for me, he ambles over and is looking round and I am stood inside the shop ready to give chase, he spots me, looking, jumps and then turns round with a "You got me" daft grin on his face and goes back to his mates. So he was quite prepared to take the bike, there and then, its not locked up so I can take it, I had literally been in the shop two minutes.

I love those Youtube videos where they leave a bait bike and then make it fall apart or electrocute whoever nicks it, a lad I know was telling me how far superior his MTB was to mine and how I should get a better one, I pointed out I bought mine from a shop and didnt get it off someone who had nicked it, I also reminded him of his propensity to buy stolen goods when his car got broken into for its stereo, sorry but you have, if you join in with stolen stuff, no right to complain, it is null and void so shut the fk up ! which he didnt like but dont expect sympathy when you are part of the problem.


1,195 posts

198 months

Wednesday 7th December 2016
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I spotted a phone on the side of the road, picked it up and it had a wallet case thing with a driving license in it, went round and although the woman wasn't there a man who knew her was, wasn't really happy to give it to him so told him I would be taking it to the local police station. That turned out to be closed but luckily a patrol car pulled in so I ducked under the barrier to hand it on. Probably took an hour and a half of my time and a bit of diesel but I wanted to try and get it to her. Next day I got a text off her asking if I had let my dog chew it as it was all scratched. I pointed it this was probably when it bounced down the road and wondered why I had bothered!

About a month later I found a wallet spread over the road so picked up what I could and tried to hand it into the police but all stations were closed apart from one 20 miles away. It was on the road back to camp so asked on facebook and it was someones brother who was staying with them, he popped up about an hour later a little worse for wear and gave me the money contents which was about £35 as a thank you.


2,646 posts

271 months

Wednesday 7th December 2016
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J4CKO said:
I think a large proportion of the population are opportunistic thieves, leave a Mountain bike for five minutes outside a shop and see whether it is there when you come back,
So everyone on PH is scruulously honest (according to this thread) but a large proportion of the population aren't? Hmm, something doesn't stack up. It's a bit like the fact that people always rate their driving as above-average which is statistically not possible...


20,911 posts

249 months

Wednesday 7th December 2016
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Guy got off the tube I was on some years ago, I noticed a wadge of twenties had fallen out of his trouser pocket (est £300 +) onto the seat. Tube was very crowded. I spotted it just after he had actually gotten off the tube train. I could sense about twenty pairs of eyes staring at the money, no one daring to put their hands on it.

I lunged at it, grabbed it, and just made it off the tube before the doors closed. I shouted at the guy, and said "you dropped this mate"..... he looked genuinely gobsmacked..... said cheers, cut me twenty quid note out of the stash as thanks.

Karma kicked in, the tube train didn't move, the doors re-opened, I got back on. Even my seat was still free. Very pretty girl sat just down who had seen it gave me a lovely smile....

Karma didn't stretch to me shagging her though...... only in the films..... frown


3,608 posts

109 months

Wednesday 7th December 2016
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316Mining said:
Karma kicked in, the tube train didn't move, the doors re-opened, I got back on. Even my seat was still free. Very pretty girl sat just down who had seen it gave me a lovely smile....

Karma didn't stretch to me shagging her though...... only in the films..... frown
You should have just offered her the £300 you picked up hehe


20,911 posts

249 months

Wednesday 7th December 2016
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And another....

few weeks ago at Chively services, found a very full wallet in the car park. Loads of plastic, and a considerable amount of cash. Now, right now, god knows I could do with a lucky break and some free money... lots of probs and stress. Didn't want to hand it into chively services as I didn't want to pass on responsibility for not returning it directly to the owner.

Couldn't find a phone number in his wallet. However DL gave address, about 50 miles out of my way. Friday, late afternoon. Can either drive home and enjoy the free money, or go to address.

SO I went out of my way in rush hour, added about 2 hours to my journey home. Got to his address, to find it empty. Waited around for 10 minutes, was just about to go home, when a car pulled up. Young lady got out and started to walk towards the house. I asked if she knew him "yes that's my dad". Seems he was driving back to Chievely to search for the wallet.

She called him to get him to return, told him I had turned up at the house with his fully intact wallet. I didn't speak to him but left my number with the girl.

He never called to say thanks. Should have known when I saw the West Ham supporters season ticket card in the wallet.

Still waiting for Karma to give me a break on this one.


20,911 posts

249 months

Wednesday 7th December 2016
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Bluedot said:
316Mining said:
Karma kicked in, the tube train didn't move, the doors re-opened, I got back on. Even my seat was still free. Very pretty girl sat just down who had seen it gave me a lovely smile....

Karma didn't stretch to me shagging her though...... only in the films..... frown
You should have just offered her the £300 you picked up hehe
I'm just not that quick witted... frown


11,989 posts

189 months

Wednesday 7th December 2016
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When I was a kid we were building a fort/den on some waste land and we found a small carrier bag stuffed with money, we made a pact not to tell anyone and we casually began spending the money but it was soon noticed by parents (we were about 10/11ish) and had to 'fess up

My dad took me to the police station to hand it in, as it happens it wasn't claimed and we got it back but the remainder was split equally and mine ended up in a savings account

In heinsight it was crazy to just start spending it, it was wads of £10notes in 1992/1993

I'd rather be honest now though and correct change mistakes, hand in cards, etc... in my favour, karma really can be a bh when equalising it all (although I did have my moral integrity tested about 18mths after buying my current house when the previous owners bank statements, new bank card and pin arrived a few days apart, he was a total cock and while tempted I could never have done anything)


3,608 posts

109 months

Wednesday 7th December 2016
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316Mining said:
He never called to say thanks. Should have known when I saw the West Ham supporters season ticket card in the wallet.

Still waiting for Karma to give me a break on this one.
'kin 'ell that's bad.
You can take solace though knowing the karma for him is West Ham are doing ste now smile

Robbo 27

3,669 posts

101 months

Wednesday 7th December 2016
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Found a filofax left on the table at some mway services. Looked through it to find the persons name, the details page was not completed. They seemed to be a sales rep for an engineering services suppier in Herefordshire, it included all their contacts and profit margins. I knew someone in engineering in Hereford and he told me the most likely name.

I rang them, it was the right company but they practically accused me of stealing the fiolofax, they wouldnt accept that they had left it on a table and insisted that I posted it back to them otherwise they would call the police, like a titend I did post it, expecting that they would refund the postage at least, that didnt happen.

I guess it was possible it had been stolen from a car and a thief had left it on a table.

I know that we shouldnt do good deeds in the expectation of a return but their comes a point when you just wonder - why did I bother?


41,821 posts

202 months

Wednesday 7th December 2016
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AllTorque said:
J4CKO said:
I think a large proportion of the population are opportunistic thieves, leave a Mountain bike for five minutes outside a shop and see whether it is there when you come back,
So everyone on PH is scruulously honest (according to this thread) but a large proportion of the population aren't? Hmm, something doesn't stack up. It's a bit like the fact that people always rate their driving as above-average which is statistically not possible...
I think the demographic on here is such that most wouldnt be stealing Mountain Bikes from outside shops, which is different to honesty in all matters.

It goes deeper than that, a lot have no conscience, like making a doctors appointment then not bothering to go and stuff like that.


9,368 posts

274 months

Wednesday 7th December 2016
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About 25 years ago, so allow for inflation:-
I turned away from the counter in a sandwich shop, then realised my change was wrong. On pointing this out to the assistant she drew my attention to a sign stating that mistakes could not be rectified once you have left the counter. ( I'd only turned around and taken half a step away)
I said, "But you made a mistake with my change". She again jerked her thumb at the sign.

I said "I'm sorry but you really have given me the wrong change". She replied, "You left the counter so there's nothing I can do about it."

Having given her three chances to rectify the mistake, I turned away and left, saying "Thanks very much. I gave you £5 and you gave me change from ten."

If she hadn't been such a snotty cow I'd have given her the £5 back.


70,014 posts

231 months

Wednesday 7th December 2016
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Why would you not hand it back?