Do You Know Anybody That Has Killed Another Person?

Do You Know Anybody That Has Killed Another Person?


northwest monkey

6,370 posts

191 months

Thursday 11th February 2010
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There should be 2 sides to this question. For some, it can be part of their job..,

A mate of mine from school & then later a work colleague knocked a bloke off his bike & killed him. I was with him just before he knocked the bloke over as we'd gone for some dinner after work. He got 4 years for it & still has nightmares to this day - what if he'd left earlier etc.

My best mate was in the Marines & was in Iraq (first time), also served in NI, Yugoslavia, Colombia & all sorts of places Thomas Cook don't go. I've never asked him but I would say it's a pretty safe bet he has killed someone else.

Wayne King

1,100 posts

195 months

Thursday 11th February 2010
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Yes. One punch, dead. You will always find me being very nice to said person at family party's etc.


56 months

Thursday 11th February 2010
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Someone I know overtook another car on a blind bend and hit another car head on.

Killed the other driver.


8,783 posts

231 months

Thursday 11th February 2010
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ErnestM said:
Urban Sports said:
Excluding wars.
Define "war".
Government sanctioned killing ?


10,877 posts

190 months

Thursday 11th February 2010
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A old mate of mine got pissed and drove him and his mate home one night, he forgot about the 90 degree bend with a huge Oak tree sat straight opposite it, hit the tree and the passenger went through the window and died.

My uncle had a bloke committing suicide run out in front of him when he was in his wagon, SPLAT!

I know this is war but this one always gets me thinking. Grandad, second world war. He got stabbed through the arm by a German in a 1 on 1 fight. My grandad was still around to tell the tail. Now I know people get stabbed, kicked and killed all the time, but generally their victims don't know they are about to be fighting for their lives. He did and so did the German - that's the bit that does it for me and gives me the creeps.


19,424 posts

261 months

Thursday 11th February 2010
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Quite a few now I come to think about it. And people that have been shot by the police.


4,316 posts

212 months

Thursday 11th February 2010
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WorAl said:
I know this is war but this one always gets me thinking. Grandad, second world war. He got stabbed through the arm by a German in a 1 on 1 fight. My grandad was still around to tell the tail. Now I know people get stabbed, kicked and killed all the time, but generally their victims don't know they are about to be fighting for their lives. He did and so did the German - that's the bit that does it for me and gives me the creeps.
Its a terrifying thought, you cant imagine having to put yourself in that situation on purpose and then hope you are stronger, fitter and better at fighting than the other bloke and then having to look at him while you do the final deed.

There is a book written by members of Easy Company (Band of brothers) with stories that didnt make it in to the main book of TV series. One guy is talking about the battle for Carentan where they were fighting building to building. He ran around a corner and straight on to a German bayonet which went in to his stomach, this German kid just stood there not knowing what to do now he had got the enemy stuck on the end of his rifle so the American pulled his pistol and shot him.

Another story I saw on TV was from the current Iraq war. A group of Americans enter a building and are fired on, most of the blokes are hit and the people doing the firing run further in to the building so the survivors of the attack persue them.
One bloke ends up in a hand to hand fight with one of the attackers, he ends up on top of the bad guy who sits up and bites down on his nuts, the American ended up pushing his thumbs in to the other blokes eyes and pulling his eyes out but he still wont let he manages to get his knife and sticks it in the baddies neck and he finally lets go, lays back with a smile on his face and wont die so the american ends up practically cutting this blokes head off to kill him. This american kid said he can not close his eyes or go to sleep without seeing this blokes face.

Anyway back OT...

In my teenage years I worked in a few crap factory / warehouse jobs and worked with a few people that had killed or tried to kill people.
One bloke caught someone trying to take his car so he went outside and hit him on the head with a machete and killed him. He managed to get away with a lesser sentance as the machete could not be found and he told the police / courts it was a metal ruler. This bloke had been in and out of jail his entire life and said he loves being in jail...its a good laff innit with all the lads and they feed us good.


15,366 posts

238 months

Thursday 11th February 2010
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I wouldn't say know, but I once picked up a guy hitch hiking, didn't look like a hunt sab or anything, and seemed a nice bloke. He had just been released from prison that day after 15 years. It was a very interesting conversation, as after my initial shock and instinct to get rid of him at the next opportunity, I realised I was actually talking to a ruined man who was no more dangerous than an empty seat, but with the relative anonymity of a random lift from a stranger, spoke very freely about his experience.

He had come back early from working on a ship and found his wife in bed with another man, and in a blind rage had beaten them both to death.

What really chilled me was how normal and mild mannered he was and yet what violence he had been capable of in a rage. A normal, reasonably intelligent, working man, not a drug addict or a drunk, not a tatoo covered thug with sovereign rings, nor a gun toting yardie with gold teeth.

I know many blowhards (and often myself included) would say that 15 years is nothing for such a crime, and he should have been executed etc. But it struck me when he was talking about it, just what a long time it is to be locked up. He had gone to prison I think in 1982, when the Falklands war and the miner's strike was big news, phone boxes were red, and people had orange mohawks, the M25 was just an idea and the Soviet Union was a world power, nestled behind the Berlin wall.

He'd come out in 1997, year of our Tone, he'd missed yuppies, mullets, grunge, raves, mobile phones and everything else that happened in that time span. His friends who were then young now had teenage children themselves, towns he knew had changed beyond recognition and even people, he said, looked different.

He said that he had last had a nightmare about it something like 6 years ago. Maybe 10 years after the incident itself.

I asked him if he regretted what he had done, and he said of course he felt terrible for the suffering he had caused their families, but regret in the wishing he hadn't done it sense was something he could not feel. As best he could describe what happened, he had not been there when it happened. He had ceased all thought when the red mist descended, he claimed he could not remember anything beyond walking into the house happy to be home, and running down the street in tears relising what he had just done.

Very strange business. I've met other people who have spent time in prison, and they typically profess their reformed character, but show a bit of pride that they "did their time" and survived it, they know the banter and are probably get respect from the local chavs.

He was very different. Definitely not proud, but not ashamed either. He seemed detached from his life before the murder, yet unable to completely escape it. I talked with him, or rather listened to him mostly, for over an hour and it is still one of the most interesting conversations I have ever had.


90,809 posts

257 months

Thursday 11th February 2010
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Urban Sports said:
It's a me said:
Are we allowed to nominate ourself?
It's a him...

Biker's Nemesis

38,878 posts

210 months

Thursday 11th February 2010
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mybrainhurts said:
Urban Sports said:
It's a me said:
Are we allowed to nominate ourself?
It's a him...


90,809 posts

257 months

Thursday 11th February 2010
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Biker's Nemesis said:
mybrainhurts said:
Urban Sports said:
It's a me said:
Are we allowed to nominate ourself?
It's a him...
Behind you...

Biker's Nemesis

38,878 posts

210 months

Thursday 11th February 2010
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mybrainhurts said:
Biker's Nemesis said:
mybrainhurts said:
Urban Sports said:
It's a me said:
Are we allowed to nominate ourself?
It's a him...
Behind you...
Oh no he isn't.

( I can see where this is heading so I'll stop now)


90,809 posts

257 months

Thursday 11th February 2010
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Biker's Nemesis said:
mybrainhurts said:
Biker's Nemesis said:
mybrainhurts said:
Urban Sports said:
It's a me said:
Are we allowed to nominate ourself?
It's a him...
Behind you...
Oh no he isn't.

( I can see where this is heading so I'll stop now)
Good call...hehe


417 posts

197 months

Thursday 11th February 2010
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billybuds said:
deevlash said:
XJSJohn said:
know one person who killed / ran over a pedestrian. 100% accident, drug adict that stepped out of a hedge onto a dual carriadgeway. Mate still gets flashbacks about it even now some 10 years later.
excellent, one down!
Don't be a prick
in what way is that excellent ?

Famous Graham

26,553 posts

227 months

Thursday 11th February 2010
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Depends how you define "wars", I suppose.

Fabric 2.2

3,819 posts

194 months

Thursday 11th February 2010
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Nyphur said:
Someone I know overtook another car on a blind bend and hit another car head on.

Killed the other driver.
The boyfriend of a girl I used to go to school with did that a few years ago, killing three people in the oncoming car, his girlfriend, and another girl I used to go to school with.

109 Bob

3,762 posts

220 months

Thursday 11th February 2010
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Many years ago I worked for quite a large engineering firm & was friends with a guy who had been in the army & who had been in the war. I was only 17 or 18 & he was in his early 60's but only looked about 40ish to me at time, he was quite large but extremely fit & although he wasn't a scary sort of guy he was the sort of guy that you knew you didn't want to ps off.

We were talking one day & the subject of Americans came up, (can't remember what we were talking about exactly) when he calmly said, "Americans, I had to shoot two of them once" I replied half heartedly,"you do know they were on our side don't you?" "er yes" he said "but when I was in Italy me & my commanding officer heard muffled cries coming from a cellar, when we got in there we found two American GIs rapping an Italian girl" me being a bit slow said " oh yeah, what happened?" He calmly replied "well I shot them".

I was a bit speechless after that but that was the first time I realised how awful a war situation like that must be, where two people can be shot with no questions being asked & presumably the dead soldiers just getting classified as killed in action.

Edited by 109 Bob on Thursday 11th February 03:55


19,988 posts

188 months

Thursday 11th February 2010
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actualy its frightning how many killers i'v known.

most recent examples are two brothers who doing minimum 17 and half years for kidnapping and killing someone who upset them.

i know a bloke who had a fight when he was 17 and the guy he hit banged his head when he hit the floor and died. i think he got 8 for it but got involved with violence in jail and spent 14 years inside.
he's a quiet man now and is totaly reformed.


19,988 posts

188 months

Thursday 11th February 2010
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i also know a few shadey people who have got sent down for murders (urban gangster types) but i didnt realy know them that well.

i'v a friend who crashed his car when he was 18. his fault but he wasn't pratting about just made a silly mistake on a country road and his best friend died.
he would have probably survived if he had worn his seat belt.
my friend got 5 years and served 2 and a half and he's not the same man.


641 posts

199 months

Thursday 11th February 2010
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My cousin is friends with a guy who stabbed a guy fatally over a cigarette being dropped on his new football top in 1999 (IIRC). The bloke got 14 years or so but is allowed out on day release to attend university, where he's currently studying for a degree in accountancy.

Was introduced to him the other day but had mixed feelings. He seemed a nice enough and down to earth guy but it was at the back of my mind.