The Cancer Kiss off - being dumped after diagnosis

The Cancer Kiss off - being dumped after diagnosis


sk7ine man

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193 months

Sunday 23rd June 2013
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myles1972 said:
£20 sent as promised. Keep your chin up OP.
Thank you bud, much appreciated.

JRewing said:
Mine's sent, and don't feel pressured to use it for anything in particular. Buy yourself a pint or some petrol or something for your son or whatever you want!

We've all got our fingers crossed for you.
Thanks again, means a lot. I'm seeing my oncologists and hoping I can convince her to write a letter for me for the solicitor, to qualify for legal aid. If I don't get legal aid, than maybe I can arrange a fixed fee to help deal with the divorce and more so the property.

Again, I really appreciate the support and will only use it if I really feel it could be out to positive constructive use.

I'd hope one day once I get contact properly with my son ie for days at a time, that we can have a mini PH meet and let him meet all you guys. I know some of you have nice cars and the little one absolutely loves them so he would be in heaven seeing all the different cars smile

sk7ine man

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193 months

Thursday 27th June 2013
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Firstly, thank you so much for your incredible generosity to those who have donated.

With regards to selling the house, I've thought of every conceivable option however because she's joint owner, I would need her signature to be able to sign it over....unlikely lol

I think proving that my parents put in the majority of the money would be the best way, however, its been a week since I received this letter from a fixed fee type solicitor wanting all this info and I'm running out of time as to how to reply.

Amongst all the lies, I'm thinking of firstly writing a long, strong letter back stating the facts of whats happened since purchase of the property and explaining my illness and the sensitive the need to approach their tactics by?
This would perhaps mention paying all the deposit and mortgage as well as buildings and contents insurance every year.

She has put the house on the divorce papers so which should I concentrate on? The divorce side or the separate letter from her solicitor regarding just the property?

My feeling is just fight for the house against that solicitor as the divorce doesn't bother me, she can go ahead and do it but that leaves the financial side open as how would the courts decide what to do if she has a separate legal claim for the house?

sk7ine man

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193 months

Thursday 27th June 2013
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The other idea I had was just let the house get repossessed, I may not get as much if any equity out of the property, at least the witch won't be able to get her dirty mitts on it?

sk7ine man

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193 months

Thursday 27th June 2013
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Thanks for the advice guys. Deep down I'm already prepared to let the lot go but on principal she should get the bare minimum which has already been said, is unlikely. Hence although deeply factual and emotional for the notes I have made, highly irrelevant.

I have one solicitor that is waiting to take the case on pending a letter from my oncologist which I'm waiting for,

There are two other law firms who offer free half hour consultations who would be best advised as to tell me how to proceed. As they both offer lower cost legal fees due to being the respondent, the donated money will then be best used.

I'll have a clearer picture by early next week once I've spoken to all three so will let Tiina know which way we are going.

Once all the dust is settled, I really want to out this f**king mental b!tch.....separate thread for that lol

On a more serious note, I will be bloody relieved once im divorced from her and that we are fighting on to have proper contact with the little one

sk7ine man

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604 posts

193 months

Friday 28th June 2013
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PurpleMoonlight said:
Don't bother entering into an argument with the ex's solicitor. They won't care about your side of the story.
Just stick to facts when answering their questions. If their claim is incorrect just simply say so. I bave been through two divorces, the second was a lot less emotionally painfull because I learned the lessons in the first one!

When people file for ancillary relief it is common to tick all the claim boxes even if they are unlikely to apply, eg spousal maintenance. If they dont then they cannot be brought into the mix later. Again try not to be to emotional about it. It is common to seek to claim more than you are prepered to accept so that negotiations can take place, not dissimilar to offering less than you are really willing to pay for a car.

Regarding the house, historical parental gifts would need to be formall documented at the time to stand any chance of being taken into account in a court ordered financial settlement. The basis for financial division of marital assets is 50:50, with either party arguing for more if they feel they are entitled. The bad news for you is that the parent with primary care of the child holds all the cards, and the courts will put their financial security first (and by default the primary carer).

A thread in the Law section would be useful to you I think.
Great post, thank you. I think I did start a thread in the SPL thread re contact order so may have a look at starting a new one. Next week should bring me better news in that I'm going to start talks with solicitors.

sk7ine man

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193 months

Friday 28th June 2013
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Just see my replies as below

Am I right in thinking the former matrimonial home is now let out? Yes

Are you living with your parents? Yes

Where is she and your son living? They're living with her parents

I note your income is only disability, has she any income? She has a full time job

Any other significant assets other than the house? No just the house

Sorry to be blunt, but what's the cancer prognosis. Is a full recovery likely? It's a locally advanced tumour, so further radiotherapy and a major operation which could be life changing.....I'd say 50/50 chance of treatment & then recovery as opposed to it spreading and then just palliative care

sk7ine man

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193 months

Friday 28th June 2013
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Some interesting arguments there, never though if any of those scenarios.

I had purchased the house with the intention of one day handing it over to my son for him to maintain and once at a responsible point in his life, to transfer title.

To be honest, we both had poor credit rating when we were purchasing the house. We got hold of a fantastic broker ( who eventually became a friend) and struggled but got through a sub prime lender just before general lending ceased everywhere. We were lucky but obviously paid through the nose for the first 2 years on the fixed period where after it dropped to a far more reasonable rate.

There's roughly about £60-70k equity in the house and being a cul de sac amongst other things helps house on our road sell very well.

sk7ine man

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193 months

Saturday 29th June 2013
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I had a good day out at Silverstone yesterday and enjoying all the Motorsport this weekend (Motogp,Superbikes,F1). I'm going to enjoy the next 2 days doing what I want before it all stress starts on Monday!

Luckily as previously mentioned, my potential lawyer is female, very quick and persuasive and comes highly recommended by several people who I've asked. She said she could take on the contact situation as well.

I've taken on board some excellent advice from you all and sometimes real life experience is more valuable than a lot of legal advice but certainly not a replacement. I know I've got some stressful months ahead but I'm prepared and I've got to the stage now where nothing can hurt me, I'm that numb.

sk7ine man

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193 months

Sunday 30th June 2013
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GloverMart said:
Can't give any real helpful advice, OP, but didn't want to read and run.

People on here can be fantastically helpful as has been shown on a thread I had going 15-18 months ago. I doubt I'd be in the happy situation I'm in now without the help of certain people on here. My situation wasn't the same as yours but there is common ground so I know a little of how you feel.

The only words of wisdom I could possibly offer is to write everything down. Dates, events, incidents - that sort of thing. Don't rely on your memory to help you should there be an end game to all of this. I opened up on here, got that advice although I was already doing it anyway, and it proved invaluable.

I came out the other side, so can you, and I wish you well in your journey.
Thanks buddy. You are right, the folk in here have been amazing and certain things like writing everything down, emotions, feelings, events, everything helps no end and also gets those thoughts out sometimes that keep going round and round. I honestly don't know where I'd be without the help and support I've received on here, its been invaluable and possibly has helped save a should all be proud of that. I'm eternally grateful

sk7ine man

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193 months

Saturday 6th July 2013
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Thought I'd have a brilliant start to this lovely weekend by seeng my son today. Even before getting to the contact centre, something didn't feel right. She'd call the little one in sick,mum utterly p!ssed off as you never know whether its genuine with her. Rather than call me and save the trip, she has avoided any contact with me, even out of courtesy, even when its to do with our sons welfare.

With regards to the upcoming hearing early August, I'm going to ask the court if her behaviour is reasonable and I can't contribute to my sons upbringing and welfare as she refuses to communicate, how is that healthy for the little one.mi feel so so sorry for him, at his age, wondering why his family has been split and not having the benefit of complete and utter love from both sides, makes me so tearful and angry. I just beg that someone somehow just gives her a good slap and talking to, that's what she needs at a minimum.

We have the separated parents course thingy next month as well. A few hour course in helping separated parents. This was by order of the court. Don't think she'll learn anything from that

Guys, this isn't real is it?

sk7ine man

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193 months

Saturday 6th July 2013
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PurpleMoonlight said:
Sadly all par for the course for a hostile mother.

The other trick is to 'accidentially' turn up at the wrong session, eg the afternoon when it was meant to be the morning.

I hope you didnt have to travel to far. I used to have to travel a 200 miles round trip for 2 hours contact and my ex did exactly the same as yours. When she did turn up my then 15 month son was always asleep, and the best I got was 15 minutes out of 2 hours as she refused to allow him to be woken. I recon she druged him with something ...
Ouc, so sorry to hear that. I don't live too far from the centre (10miles). That must have been heartbreaking, can't ever imagine having to go through that especially after travelling 200miles.

May I ask how things are now, in terms of contact? You can PM me if you like or ill mind me own business smile

sk7ine man

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604 posts

193 months

Saturday 6th July 2013
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PurpleMoonlight said:
After 3 years of court action I gave up the fight to be part of their lives 7 years ago. I have not received any information of my sons since. I don't know where they live or what they look like. I have not moved. My mobile is the same.

The mother still expects me to pay though, via the CSA.
I can't even begin to imagine how that must have felt, I feel tearful reading that. A snippet of exactly what I'm going through, she doesn't want me to be a part of my sons life but still expects the world and its dog. Your an amazing person to be able to to tolerate and fight and then decide to let go....I can't think of the words right now I feel so moved by it cry

I know its been a long time and I'm sure your dealing with things in your own way but I'm certain most of the guys would join me in saying that if you ever need to talk......we're here for you dude.

sk7ine man

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604 posts

193 months

Monday 8th July 2013
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Had something a bit weird happen last night/early this morning. I've been having a Lot of mobile phone reception issues since EE's takeover/merger or whatever of T-Mobile/Orange. Since I mainly use the phone for texting & browsing the Internet, I rarely check for missed calls etc. Anyway, had a fairly quite weekend and didn't really check my phone all yesterday. My iphone had lost its mobile receiption to zero bars and I wouldn't have know of any calls or people trying to call or text me.

This morning, I reset my phone to clear this and in came through one of those text message things to inform you that you've had a missed call:

+447xxxxxxxxx You have 1 missed call from the above caller. Last call on 08/07 01:24 PRESS SEND TO CALL To stop this free T-Mobile service text STOP to 2727.

It's from The Mental. I got this text through when I had switched my phone on at 11.42am, so my eyes aren't deceiving me and that she had tried calling me at 1.24am????

She doesn't know that I have her new number as I noted it down on some contact centre paperwork I was shown. Se had changed it since we split and refused to speak, call, text or email. I kept it in case of emergency

So I text back this:

"I have just received a text message saying I have had a missed call from this number at 01.24?"

I haven't had a reply or response since. I have no idea what its about and then started worrying that maybe she had tried calling me regarding our son as he had been too ill to attend contact on Saturday. Surely if it was serious, she would have at least left a voicemail or text message.

Been worrying all day frown its so f@cking stupid she has to behave like a that I can't even check up on his welfare?


I've just sent her a formal kind of email just purely asking how he his, what his symptoms were and how he is recovering?
I also asked in future, with me having joint welfare of him, for her to email me when he is unwell, on or off contact - fat chance of that happening but still, at least my concern can be shown!

Edited by sk7ine man on Monday 8th July 23:34

sk7ine man

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604 posts

193 months

Tuesday 9th July 2013
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TroubledSoul said:
WTF indeed? That would drive me up the wall well and truly, but it's difficult as knowing her new number is something of an ace up your sleeve and so it's imperative that you don't give the game away in my view.

Maybe she was pissed and got stranded somewhere and had the gall to think she could call you for a rescue?

Stranger things have happened!
Luckily I didn't mention it in the email to her either that i had a missed call otherwise that would have been a disaster.

It's good in one sense as I can keep check on if she's upto snything on "whatsapp". She's another tt who loves advertising her life and her current signature reads "Disneyland Beckons". It would be so nice to put on mine "....with my stolen money". Lol

sk7ine man

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604 posts

193 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
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Thank you Kinky and all of you guys.

Had some good news. Me and my dad went to see a solicitor on Tuesday regarding the divorce/financial order and matters to do with the house. The guy seems really sharp and on the ball and gave us some excellent advice without all the BS. Dads happy to cover the costs as long as I pay him back when I'm fit, well and back to work.
Although I have a Mckenzie friend helping me with my contact order, the solicitor also gave us some excellent advice on eventually helping to get part residency...but that's somewhere down the line.

Health wise, my radiotherapy has been delayed yet again. I'm due yet another MRi and PET scan next week. Once I get a all clear it hasn't spread then ill be hopefully getting zapped within a couple of weeks.
My sleeping pattern has much improved, although like now, I tend to wake for a couple of hours then sleep til about midday! Whilst som may complain of the heat, I absolutely love it. I was out at an off road rc club last Sunday racing in the club meeting which was great fun. Amazing how a few hours of being distracted can help alleviate pain to some degree.
My brothers also kindly offered to take me down to the F1 young driver test at Silverstone, so maybe down there Friday.

Saturday I'm seeing my boy after 4 weeks (she called him in sick last meeting 2 weeks ago) so really looking forward to that. Been missing him so much.

Also, rightly or wrongly been getting thoughts of how nice it would be to be in a loving relationship with someone for a change....something I've desperately missed all these years. I'm not looking at someone to take care of me, rather someone who I can spend some time with, go out some more and share the simple things, woot having an argument. I then think of my colostomy and my cancer and it just becomes a horrible dream. My goal is to get better and be with my son, without a doubt but me longing for what I'm feeling, is that so unrealistic? cry

sk7ine man

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604 posts

193 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
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blearyeyedboy said:
In time, no.

I haven't been through the ste you have but I hope my story gives you hope: 3 years post chemo... I'm still in remission (touch wood!) and I'm getting married this month to a lady who deserves more than I could ever offer. Her main flaw is that she's blind enough to marry this ugly lump! hehe

I wish Blearyeyedboy from 2013 could go back to 2010 Blearyeyedboy when he was scared stless and feeling very alone, and reassure him it was all going to turn out OK... and I wish 2016 sk7ine man could do the same for 2013 sk7ine man, if you get my drift.

Hang in there, fella. Good things may well come, in time.
Haha, good point. Hindsight can be a wonderful thing and hopefully ill be looking back on this and wondering what all the fuss was about?!

Well done for your fight, touch wood may it long remain that way. Big Congrats on the marriage front, wish you both a wonderful future together.

sk7ine man

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604 posts

193 months

Thursday 1st August 2013
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Apologies for the lack of updates, just had a busy couple of weeks with getting bits for my solicitor etc nd hospital appointments.

I just wanted to say a massive Thank You to those that helped contribute to the fund, Mobile Chicane completed the transaction yesterday to my solicitor/Mckenzie friend to help assist with the Directions Hearing, which Is on Monday. It helped alleviate a huge financial worry for me as to how I'd pay for the legal help. Thank you all again for your kindness

Equally a massive Thank You also to those that may not have contributed financially but have certainly helped share the pain with your kind words and support.

As mentioned the Directions hearing is n Monday and I'm getting nervous, don't know what the outcome is going to be, or which way the witch will swing her broom this time.fingers crossed and I will update with the outcome.

I'm due to start Radiotherapy in the next couple of weeks which I'm not looking forward to given the discomfort I'm in, which will only get worse over the course of treatment. My Macmillan nurse has been fantastic helping with my pain and symptoms. Just so want this to be over now.

Edited by sk7ine man on Thursday 1st August 01:11

sk7ine man

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604 posts

193 months

Thursday 1st August 2013
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Thank you, i cant see where the finishing line is yet but there must be some road to an end!

Just been speaking to my Mckenzie friend whose quite pumped up by this. He's going to have a word with her on Monday prior to the hearing and ask her what possible reason there is now not to move this forward, out of the contact centre, to proper time at home with my son and my family who miss him dearly. If she's not going to play ball, he wants to move to getting a residency order and get cafcass involved! Happy days.

sk7ine man

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604 posts

193 months

Tuesday 20th August 2013
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Sincere apologies to all for the lack of updates. Shortly after the drama and I mean Drama of the hearing, I fell quite ill (fever) and was hospitalised for a week. Recovering together with running round collecting various documents for the parallel Financial order case has been a nightmare. Our dog also past away last week and as you may tell its been a bewildering past few weeks. I will update with what happened in the next day or two, I'm fingers are still bleeding from the typing of a witness statement I've had to submit in the contact order case!
Again, my apologies as I owe it to all of you to at the very least update whats been happening but I will, gimme a day or so judgeredcardrantingfuriousshoottype

sk7ine man

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604 posts

193 months

Wednesday 4th December 2013
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Hello fellow Ph'ers.
I sincerely apologise for not updating this, as Tina said! I've been though quite a bit these past few months.
I've got more access to see my son and will soon be seeing him weekly at home.
I'm also in the middle of the divorce and financial dispute over the house which is really pulling me down as they dig into every aspect of your life. Final hearing is on the 20th Dec so I'll give you all a run down of whats happened since I last updated.

Again as Tina mentioned, I've been really ill with both the stress of the divorce proceedings and the cancer. Unfortunately it has metastasised to the surrounding region which is causing me a lot of pain. Its so hard to try and get out of bed and get out. I've spent days on end just lying in bed with cold sweats and pain. Although I'm receiving palliative care I'm also looking at the DCA as was previously mentioned on here. My doctors report to the courts for the financial resolution stated I may possibly have months to live and the Mental is therefore treating me as if I'm already dead and just ignoring my needs for getting a portion of the money to try various other treatments that I've been looking into. Disgusting really but I have had excellent representation from my solicitor and we should get a good amount, fingers crossed.

Fingers are hurting one but again I'm really sorry for not updating. I'd also like to say a big Thank You to all those who donated funds and moral support towards my contact order hearing, it's been god awfully slow but it's moving forward and Cafcass and the courts are both in support of me having a close relationship with my son given the short time I may have.

I just can't believe the person I once loved so much is now reeling at the thought of me being dead, I'm just so numb with disappointment from everything.