The Last Good Deed You Did...

The Last Good Deed You Did...



525 posts

187 months

Thursday 22nd May 2014
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briangriffin said:
Sent away for a sample pack for the UK's blood cancer and bone marrow donation charity and returned my saliva sample last week.

No good has technically come of it yet but it may do one day. And if this inspires people on here to do the same there may be a greater chance of a good deed being competed. get involved if you can guys. Worthy cause
As a survivor of Leukaemia I can only say thank you and well done that man.... PS: getting BM's done hurt... a lot


444 posts

188 months

Thursday 22nd May 2014
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I turned down a job offer in January and they've been trying to headhunt me since, last week they relented but asked me if I could recommend anyone else.
I recommended a previous colleague who's a really good bloke and hard worker but always misses out on promotions or chances to move on.
He starts his new job next week, with a big pay increase and extra training courses booked straight away!


4,381 posts

202 months

Thursday 22nd May 2014
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Last one was feeding a homeless bloke, nice guy, down on his luck and actually very well spoken. Not the stereotype you would think.

Time before that was feeding a homeless guy and giving him a pair of worn once rigger boots/spare woolly socks from the back of my car, as his trainers were wrecked and his feet were sodden. He was ex-military, the reason I stopped was I recognised the dagger tattoo on his arm.

Before that was Christmas, I gave an old bergan and ex army arctic bag to a local homeless charity. They ask for those sorts of donations yearly.


1,313 posts

147 months

Thursday 22nd May 2014
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This thread helps restore my faith in human nature. I have stopped many times to help other motorists in distress, but was in the opposite situation a couple of weeks ago. Towing a hire trailer loaded with a car body home from a city four hours north of me and the left hand side U brackets that hold the trailer axle to the springs sheared off. Trailer nearly flips as the axle and wheel swivel round through 90 degrees, but pull off OK. Call the hire company and get them to send a truck to pick up the broken trailer and bring a new one. While I am waiting and offloading the stuff from the trailer no less than 5 other motorists stop stop and offer assistance. These included a man who offered to go to the next town, pick up his hiab equipped tuck and load everything on and take me there, a tanker driver who happened to be a very pretty young blonde who offered a tow, a guy with a car trailer who was on his way to pick up a classic Porsche, and a German tourist. All were prepared to go out of their way to assist. Kudos to them all.


2,344 posts

126 months

Friday 23rd May 2014
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Couple days ago found a womens purse.Credit cards etc.


7,588 posts

169 months

Friday 23rd May 2014
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Saw a homeless man sleeping on a bench in a bus shelter, see him regularly, very skinny, so went into the rip off corner shop next to him, bought a bag of food and drink and placed it next to him. Walked past again about 20 minutes later and a now awake and smiling homeless man was eating the food.

Got a good deed done to me, a 5 note fell from my pocket in Tesco, nice chap comes over to give me it, I thank him and then this fat, nasty looking Tesco worker rolls her eyes at me, tuts and gives me a look like I'm a child who keeps dropping their pocket money.

And in Sainsburys left 30 in the ATM, nice couple come and give it to me, same shopping trip someone left their Taste the Difference pizza in the self checkout bagging area, I told the staff who went to find the customers. When leaving the shop I saw the couple again, putting the pizza in their boot.


5,263 posts

186 months

Friday 23rd May 2014
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I'd leased a Mini Cooper from Motability, buying a paint kit (base and clear rattle cans) from the dealer. I never needed to use them so when I changed cars, I spotted another Pepper White Cooper and donated the kit to them. Nice, warm feeling from their gratitude.

Not in the homeless/emergency/trapped bunny league but a good deed nonetheless.


1,154 posts

159 months

Friday 23rd May 2014
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Had a nice thing happen to me yesterday, been whinging to a neighbour that I need a bucket and sponge and when he goes back to work, can he get me one (he's on holiday for a week from a big builders supply place) as I need to wash my heap.

He came over unannounced yesterday morning with a bucket and sponge. His wife had gone into town specially to get me them... wouldn't take a penny for them.

I'm well known at all the local vets surgeries for turning up with stray/injured animals and birds, can't bear to see a hurt animal so pay to have them treated. I now own (unofficially of course) about a dozen pigeons, a few squirrels, the odd seagull.... Also took a cat to the vet I thought had been hit in the face by a car. Turned out it had cancer and the vet thought it was mine and I'd neglected it, he gave me major grief, but fortunately one of the nurses recognised me. Still, left a bit of an unpleasant taste in my mouth.

Also went out of my way to help a couple in an XJ6 that had broken down on a dodgy corner. They thought it was out of fuel so I went and got some for them, it wasn't, the fuel pump had packed up. Would you believe, I fixed it at the side of the road while the couple sat in the car and as soon as it started, they just drove off, never even said thanks or gave me the cash for the fuel.

I hate people. Give me animals any day.


227 posts

137 months

Friday 23rd May 2014
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one that sticks in my mind was when I was 17 and me and one of my mates went into town one day, we got the bus there and got the metro back, got to the metro station and realised I hadnt the correct change and just had 20 note. A bloke and his mrs who were using the ticket machine seen this and he bought my ticket for me even though I flat out declined as I didnt want to feel like I was putting him out of pocket, I offered to pay them back once we got to the station with the shop and he still declined and said he had been in the same situation once himself and didnt get help and didnt want to see the same happen to me. TOP BLOKE!

My neighbours had a bit of a st time recently, Mrs has left him, took the kid and he barely sees his son and as a result has went on abit of a downward spiral. I noticed his grass was getting abit out of hand when I was cutting mine and did his, He thanked me by cutting mine a few weeks later. I also helped him mend his 08 polo and get his act together. He then revealed he was ex army and brought out his old army photos and a few tales of where hes been. Cracking bloke


679 posts

193 months

Friday 23rd May 2014
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backwoodsman said:
DavesFlaps said:
I was out walking the dog, when I saw a rabbit thrashing about on the verge beside me.

It turned out some utter had laid a snare and the rabbit was trapped in it, so I went over and released it. During my walk I noticed about half a dozen more snares dotted about, so I went back home, got a pair of snips and cut them all up.
The following day I won 25 on the lottery - karma.
I have had my snares cut before, I hate people like you.

You think you are helping, but instead you cost people money and time.

Why where the snares there?

Were they there to stop the farmers crops getting eaten?

Were they there to stop a horse in an adjoining field suffering a broken leg, from putting it in a rabbit hole?

Snares are set for many reasons, and interfering with them is a criminal offense.

Sorry to spoil a great thread, but people like this need to know they are trouble makers, and not doing good deeds.
No Fields nearby
No Farms nearby
No Horses nearby
It was obvious they were set by some mouth breathing fkwit for "fun"
I'm happy to have cut them all up and I'd do it again.
If you hate me for doing that then fk you.


5,597 posts

125 months

Friday 23rd May 2014
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cut my elederly neighbours hedges, lawns, weeded etc gardens front and rear for about 10 years (at my old house)..... bless him, he's now shuffled off this mortal coil.

found a very expensive long lense camera in a bag, changeable lenses etc in the city centre.

handed it into the police so it could be claimed.

unbelievably it never was.... police rang me and said I could now have it !


2,471 posts

131 months

Friday 23rd May 2014
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DavesFlaps said:
backwoodsman said:
DavesFlaps said:
I was out walking the dog, when I saw a rabbit thrashing about on the verge beside me.

It turned out some utter had laid a snare and the rabbit was trapped in it, so I went over and released it. During my walk I noticed about half a dozen more snares dotted about, so I went back home, got a pair of snips and cut them all up.
The following day I won 25 on the lottery - karma.
I have had my snares cut before, I hate people like you.

You think you are helping, but instead you cost people money and time.

Why where the snares there?

Were they there to stop the farmers crops getting eaten?

Were they there to stop a horse in an adjoining field suffering a broken leg, from putting it in a rabbit hole?

Snares are set for many reasons, and interfering with them is a criminal offense.

Sorry to spoil a great thread, but people like this need to know they are trouble makers, and not doing good deeds.
No Fields nearby
No Farms nearby
No Horses nearby
It was obvious they were set by some mouth breathing fkwit for "fun"
I'm happy to have cut them all up and I'd do it again.
If you hate me for doing that then fk you.
In that case I apologize, carry on as you were. I tend to think of these things from a countryside point of view, and forget about townies.


679 posts

193 months

Friday 23rd May 2014
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9,652 posts

286 months

Saturday 24th May 2014
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Gave my lodger a lift into town at 0615 this morning, so he didn't have a 15 min walk in the pouring rain.

I was going to work anyway, but it was out of my way...

I felt nice.


19 posts

122 months

Saturday 24th May 2014
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One worth mentioning

I had a knock at the door early christmas morning just gone and there was an old man at the door, about 80 years old asking if he could use my bathroom as he had just sh*t. Let him in and he was in bathroom 15 minutes sorting himself out, he came downstairs and apologised i just said dont worry about it will happen to us all eventually lol told everyone that day they thought it was hilarious. Bathroom stank afterwards but atleast i helped some old guy out.


1,333 posts

131 months


2,718 posts

222 months

Saturday 24th May 2014
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zebra said:
Saved a young drunk homeless girl from throwing herself under a bus last week. Called an ambulance, got abused by her physically and members of the public verbally who I think thought she was with me. Got the piss taken out of me by youngsters passing by and ignored by a police van that drove past.

Ended up late for an appointment. Explained why and was told I should not have bothered.

There are times I cannot stand general society.

Would I do it again? Yes.
"Ended up late for an appointment. Explained why and was told I should not have bothered." - Really, that is shocking.
I hope you were able to take your business elsewhere ....


9,247 posts

192 months

Saturday 24th May 2014
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A few years ago I was heading across country towards Woking fairly late at nightwhen I saw this ghostly apparition in the headlights that looked a bit like a face appear from the ditch. I stopped and went back for a look and found it was a girl in her 20s, off her tits on something that had had a row with her boyfriend and set off walking home. unfortunately she was so stoned she was walking the wrong direction and when I found her she had just fallen in the (luckily dry)ditch. I took her to her home which was on the opposite side of the town to where I lived. I'll be honest I was a bit nervous about doing it just in case she was a nutter or cried rape.

My most recent good deed was only a couple of weeks ago we were at a place called Skirlington market, there is a massive car boot sale there that we were having a wander around when we noticed this little lad of about 3 or so who was walking alongside us singing quietly " daddy daddy where are you?"
We got him to stand with us and asked him if he could tell us what his dad looked like what he was wearing etc.
My wife stood with him whilst I went one way and my 16yr old son went the other way looking for a frantic bloke in a black jacket. I found him a couple of minutes later, I could tell he was the kids dad, he just looked so panicky so asked him if he had lost someone and we reunited them. He was so grateful but I said that I would hope that someone would have done the same thing for me.


110 posts

140 months

Sunday 25th May 2014
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Today, actually.

Brother and I following a 13 plate Polo and noted fairly quickly that the n/s back tyre was completely flat. Followed the car off the main roads and managed to have a word with the (v attractive) lady driver who was in the process of dropping her elderly grandparents home, one of whom was a local vicar!

Changed the tyre for the spare which was brand new and, oddly enough, not a space saver so all good. She was about to go 30 miles on the motorway so swap performed just in the nick of time methinks.

Got home and realised our car was leaking water. Bummer!

Mr GrimNasty

8,172 posts

172 months

Sunday 25th May 2014
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Got rid of another grey Squirrel Saturday morning. Only several million left.