Highs and lows of 2013 for you?

Highs and lows of 2013 for you?



2,701 posts

256 months

Tuesday 10th December 2013
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Job: Going well, my clients really appreciate what I do for them & I appreciate them for noting it smile
Cars: No changes to the car fleet this year, both the XF and MX-5 providing sterling service. Passed my full motorcycle test in March so the RV125 made way for a Moto Guzzi V7. I love the Guzzi (or more specifically, biking), it provides me with a full, life affirming experience no other 4 wheeled car comes close to. Oh, and more bus/bike lanes please - it's great passing all those cars stuck in traffic jams hehe
Relationship: Still together after 23 years, still love her to bits. We've been through good times, bad times & sad times, and are we're all the stronger for it.
Health: Good & getting better. Shed 2st and working on shifting the 3rd. Really enjoy rowing, cycling and weight training and like the feeling exercise gives me. Great way to clear the mind!
Holidays: Couple of visits out to Portugal to visit my mum. Euro road trip this summer with Mrs Hammerhead/the Jag through France, Belgium, Germany and within sight of Switzerland over the Bodensee, was brilliant.
Finances: Not too bad considering the lack of pay rises in recent years. I'm a saver & a spender so consider what I spend with some thought. I'd rather a few high quality items/experiences rather than loads of tat.
Anything else: Lost our Springer Spaniel in October, missing him lots. 11 years just flew by and then he was gone frown Why can't they live longer?!


1,209 posts

141 months

Tuesday 10th December 2013
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Job: left one, got myself in a right old state wit a new one, left within a month, now in a good one

Relationship: 6 year relationship ended beginning of December

Health: ups and downs, now im in pretty good health

Holidays: Went to Turkey - great place, loved it.

Finances: Got a promotion, and did very well for myself this year smile

Anything else: enjoy the simple life, met some great people this year, and moved into my own house.


35,192 posts

214 months

Tuesday 10th December 2013
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2 years and 10 months old step sister dying January 4th (cue my dad and his wife being rather down this whole year)

health - injured from running for 4 months, sick (literally, being sick EVERY day for almost 3 months) and being a bit down about a few things

relationships - started off well, but seems to have tailed off a bit and not going too well

cars - spent way too much


cars - now got a V8 barge and loving it

work - still got a job unlike a lot of others and generally been quite good

overall - a year to forget in reality but onwards and upwards!


716 posts

188 months

Tuesday 10th December 2013
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I don't care what anyone says about the number 13, 2013 has been a brilliant year for me

Job: Having spent 6 years in a job I hated, I started a new job in July working on life boats. Worked with a few different guys in the last few months, all of them have been spot on and the work is easy going.

Motors: Bought a Honda CBR600F (best decision yet), Scrapped a Audi A4 V6, bought a Suzuki Ignis sport done about 5k of fun filled miles with a few pennies thrown at it but totally worth it.

Relationship: Still enjoying the single life, has it's ups and downs but to be honest the upsides far out weights the downsides.

Health: health has been good, put a bit of weight on but I'm not overly fussed about it, will try to get it back down though

Holidays: had my first proper holiday ever this year at the age of 27. Spent 9 days on the Isle of Man for the TT races, every bit of it blew me away, can't wait to get back down again. Had a fair few excursions on the bike around Scotland and a week long trip to (God's country laugh) the isle of Lewis.

Finances: I'm not making much more in the new job as I was in the last job but working ad-hoc means I can earn it quicker.

Anything else: Met some fantastic and inspiring people over the year and hope to meet many more

Edited by disco!!!! on Tuesday 10th December 14:32


4,955 posts

239 months

Tuesday 10th December 2013
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Just gotten back into the mix after a major crash in 2012. 30 year relationship ended,I left everything in a rather messy divorce.

Job: Starting my new chapter with a traditional Fish and Chip shop here in my adopted home of Lynton amidst the beauty of Exmoor, North Devon.

Motors: Gutted, am just about the let the DB7 go, tried to keep it but hey...reality bites and somethings got to give. Of all my toys the Aston is just special, it really is a wonderful thing to enjoy. Also sold the Landy recently and already miss the old girl.

Relationship: Couldn't be better, Cooky is 'loved-up' met a beautiful sexy French girl in July and we are now living together in total unadulterated sin. Will it last? who knows, but the force is strong and for once I've stopped fking about and am committed to the relationship.

Health: Fantastic, after dropping over 10st, yes TEN I have managed to keep it off, building muscle steadily and holding good form. Still off the taylor mades, but down to just a few roll-ups per day (plus the obligatory herbal for my back condition).

Holidays: Yer havin' a laugh, not been away for years, but fingers crossed will travel to France with GF to visit her folks between Xmas and New Year.

Finances: fked, as in TARFU (total and royally fked up)...do i care anymore?, no...honest, what you haven't got you can't miss. Stop moping and get off your arse, it won't come to you so go and get some.

Anything else: Lost my dog last month, Kippax the Irish Wolfhound, very sudden and unexpected...this is a killer kick in the balls!

So, as for next year...Bring it on, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger

All the best Everyone wink


18,064 posts

203 months

Tuesday 10th December 2013
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Job: Secondment to a managerial role within my Team. Hired 3 new guys and things seem to be going well. One of my new starters is PH'er.

Motors: Lost one in a split although I still pay for half. Sold my CBR 600 but bought an R1. Its an animal although I only rode it a few times. Roll on next year.

Relationship: Split with my Fiancee for another woman. The new woman is brilliant, I'm head over heels.

Health: I'm still alive. No better, no worse.

Holidays: I had a week in the lake district but depart for Aus for 3 weeks on Boxing day with my girlfriend. I cannot wait.

Finances: I have none. Not until I get back from Aus and my house is sold. I'm still paying for half of that and trying to help out with what I can with my girlfriend with food etc. I'm pretty ste with money at the moment anyway. I lost £2k on a booked wedding. Hundreds elsewhere but money cannot buy happiness.

Anything else: My parents split around the same time as me so my mum is pretty peeved at me although she will get over it. Its been a bit of a bitter sweet 6 months but I'll see what next year will bring.

A saying which has kept me sane over the last few months.

"Everything will be OK in the end. If it isn't OK, it isn't the end"


2,444 posts

148 months

Tuesday 10th December 2013
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2 years now at my current place. Redundancies and a forced job role change due in March are concentrating my mind somewhat. Got into the assessment centre stage of the JLR grad scheme though so it may all change...

Soldiered on with my diesel 93. All change tomorrow though when I pick up my Clio 197 bounce

Met a girl in April and it's all going swimmingly!

Started an unhealthy but skinny 75 kilos, started cycling to work. Stress and as yet undiagnosed chest pains have stopped this for the time being though.

NZ for 3 weeks in Feb, Berlin in October - not too bad.

Doing very nicely thank you. Living at home is great!

Still living with the parents, can't really complain.


4,202 posts

209 months

Tuesday 10th December 2013
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Job: Doing well enough, survived a reorganisation unscathed, but increasingly fed up with the BS that surrounds what ought to be an interesting and fairly enjoyable role. And with the clueless idiots that pretend to manage the place. General gloom and demoralisation in our team and several others at the moment, would like to think one of the senior management types will cotton on and tackle the causes but suspect we'll be plagued by airborne porcine creatures before that happens!

Cars: Uneventful.

Company Passat soldiers on, in a competent but uninspiring manner and with less of the famed VW reliability than expected. Looking forward to replacing it with something small, cheap and characterful around this time next year. Fiesta Ecoboost looks good...

Fiancee's Note still trouble free, returns a genuine 60mpg+, and as well as practical transport it's a much more entertaining drive than the Passat! And it looks a bit like Postman Pat's van, being red and boxy. smile Surprised just how likeable a car it's turned out to be.

Relationship: Proposed to my girlfriend of 7 years earlier this year, other than not having much enthusiasm for joining in the wedding planning all good in this department!

Health: Unfit. Putting weight on. Need to find time to get back into mountain biking before I get fat. Had a cavity for months but aversion to dentistry means I just put up with it!

Holidays: Slightly damp and grey week in Devon back in June, few weekends away with the fiancee, nothing much to report.

Finances: All good. Built up a nice little fund to spend on a twelve-cylinder barge once the company car lease ends, wedding fund is ready and waiting, and a modest pot of savings elsewhere just in case we need it. Continuing to overpay the mortgage, and other than the mortgage we remain debt free. Far from loaded, but comfortable (sometimes it's advantageous being a tight Yorkshireman!).

Anything else: Lost my grandmother at the weekend following a steady decline in her health. Sad times for the whole family, but lots of happy memories for us to reminisce (even if it does currently result in tears all round!). Definitely the low point of the year.

On a positive note, we've watched our daughter (currently 19 months old) go from having just learned to crawl last Christmas to her current state of walking, climbing, running, talking, giggling, following simple instructions, and generally being the cutest, funniest, cleverest and coolest thing ever.

And I reached 30. Terrifyingly quickly, it seems!


2,788 posts

251 months

Thursday 19th December 2013
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sjc said:
kippax said:
Wife diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in Jan needing Hysterectomy
Sister in law died in Feb
Mother in Law died in March
Dad died in May
Wife now having further tests due to Legions on her lungs

Man City's home form

st year can't wait for it to end.
That really is st.
Hope 2014 is a whole lot better for you.
Unfortunately just got a whole lot worse with confirmation that the cancer has spread to her Lungs & Liver so tough times ahead. At just turned 40 & non drinker or smoker life's a bh but precious so enjoy every day.

Edited by kippax on Thursday 19th December 15:08

The Don of Croy

6,017 posts

161 months

Thursday 19th December 2013
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Job: 18 years in the same office. Just fitting new flooring so at least it looks and smells nicer...
Cars: Bought the CX7 three months' back at still liking it (bar the thirst). Wifey also had an upgrade on a newer Jazz which she is thrilled with, and I love driving it too. The MR2 was used everyday in the summer.
Relationship: 28 years and steady as she goes.
Health: Probably slightly too lardy, but not morbidly obese.
Holidays One week in Scotland climbing Munros wiv me two older bruvs - first holiday with them since 1976. One week in France over Easter - lousy weather and the Volvo broke down en route. But, did see authentic cave paintings so that was more than worth it. Plus a really nice week s/c in Symonds Yat in August, just wifey and youngest. Some great weather and lovely countryside, plus a memorable visit to Newport Transporter Bridge.
Finances: No change. Not minted, not brassic.
Anything else: Eldest son graduated, and found full time employment. Eldest child moved out (almost).


6,257 posts

159 months

Thursday 19th December 2013
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Job: New boss and a lot of opportunities opening up. New Focal Point role as well as a lot more travel.
Cars: Nothing new. Had the 3 series for 2 1/2 years and wanting somenthing new but still have another couple of years before I've paid this one off.
Relationship: Going well. 3 years but crunch time is coming up. She wants to sell her place, move in to mine and then for us to get a place together. I'm all for a much bigger house and freed up cash to spend on cars and gadgets but I love living on my own and have never been happy living with partners in the past.
Health: Nothing bad to report as yet. I need some lifestyle changes if that's to continue. At my age, bad food, beer and tabs are going to take their toll soon enough.
Holidays: I've been away a lot with work but managed to fit in my best mates 40th in Budapest and also my neices wedding in Thailand.
Finances: Could be better, could be worse. I'm surviving.
Anything else: Pretty standard year really. Nothing major or exciting has happened but nothing terrible either.


3,286 posts

200 months

Thursday 19th December 2013
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Job: Haven't got one at the mo. Any offers? hehe
Cars: Apart from consumables, everything has been ok.
Relationship: Going on 24 years now. I must be doing something right.
Health: Ongoing battle with depression. GP decided to try me without my meds in early July. Was back on them early August and just about out of the black hole now. Won't be doing that again. hehe
Holidays: A couple of weeks in Paxos. Dangerous activity really as coming home is always hard.
Finances: Getting by.
Anything else: OHs mum being diagnosed with Alzheimers means we spend a lot of time there now to give her Dad a break but means she gets to see lots of them which is good.
Looking forward to next year. Even numbered years always seem to be better. silly

All in all, 7/10


2,215 posts

191 months

Thursday 19th December 2013
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Job: Still studying and working the hours between, 2/3 the way there now!
Relationship: Will have been with the Mrs 10 years in January and have been married 2.5.
Health: Not a lot, gained a stone then lost a stone.
Holidays: Absolutely nothing, visited a mate in London for two nights and a mate in Oxford for one.
Finances: Just breaking even, although the savings took a small dent from a few things that popped up mid-year.
Car: The Golf is still running fine and is now up for sale to clear the drive for my MR2 Roadster.
Anything else: Lost my Grandfather in April at 84 to cancer. Still feels very raw and I miss him very much.

So, compared to some answers these threads normally churn out, relatively straightforward stuff. Hopefully next year will include the words "Graduation" and "Euro-millions"


1,029 posts

181 months

Thursday 19th December 2013
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Job: New job (contract) in March and have made good from a bad situation (job turned out to be very very stressful) - management stuck in their ways and refuse to change so might be time to change in 2014
Cars: None. I'm sharing my misses car atm and I really miss having something special in the garage (also need a garage)
Relationship: Brilliant. Wouldn't change her for the world; we get on so well even after 7 years (still no ring though)
Health: Due to the stressful job been having bad pains. Been to hospital and GP about it but they aren't sure what it is. Fingers crossed it's nothing serious...
Holidays: Two weeks in Thailand - best holiday ever!
Finances: Healthy (but also well earnt). To say I appreciate the value of money is an understatement - worked my butt off again
Anything else: Overall it's been pretty average. I want to enjoy 2014 more and to stop working so much; I'm only in late 20's and its starting to affect my health (and nothing is worth more than your own health).

Davey S2

13,098 posts

256 months

Thursday 19th December 2013
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Highs - Getting married to a brilliantly lush woman in May followed by an amazing honeymoon in Italy for 2.5 weeks, finding out I am to become a Dad next March, nice week in the sun in Gran Canaria in September then moving into a lovely new house 2 weeks ago.

Lows - Recently lost a very close family friend to cancer.

No idea what has happened to 2013. I'm sure it should still be about March.


185 posts

135 months

Thursday 19th December 2013
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Job: Been at my current job a year now. Got a little better, with a little rise too. Can't see myself being here too much longer unless things change.
Cars: Fiesta Zetec S TDCi peanuts to run, saving for the Fiesta ST. Though a lovely Mk6 Golf GTI has turned my head..
Relationship: All good, though she has moved further away.
Health: Not bad, need to get back into my gym routine and mountain biking after Christmas. Follow the rest of the horde I guess.
Holidays: Barcelona was awesome. Debating this years, really tempted to go back.
Finances: Not the best.
Anything else: Rather a dull year I guess. Though I have just enrolled onto college and debating whether to head back into education next year. I think next year could be a big one. Decisions need to be made.


1,349 posts

216 months

Thursday 19th December 2013
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My job transpired to not be as I'd hoped it would be...

The Mk1 Gt-td broke and has been off the road since March.

A few friend and family related shocks.

I've got a new job doing what I want to do which I didn't know until I've done what I don't want to do.

The Mk1 is getting fettled to be back on the road next year, the Celica I picked up for run-around duties is fine and a surprisingly good load lugger.

We found our "forever house", px'd our old house and moved in..... 3 days before I got married to the best girl out there. Our honeymoon was pretty great too!

I had a truly memorable stag abroad do with my best friends too, the last minute bailers added to everything. My local stag do was a great one too!

All in all
Job aside it's been a great year, after many years of being down in the dumps things are brilliant, with next year already looking good. I feel truly blessed.


Edited by AGee on Thursday 19th December 15:49


3,286 posts

200 months

Thursday 19th December 2013
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kippax said:
Unfortunately just got a whole lot worse with confirmation that the cancer has spread to her Lungs & Liver so tough times ahead. At just turned 40 & non drinker or smoker life's a bh but precious so enjoy every day.

Edited by kippax on Thursday 19th December 15:08
So sorry to hear that. frown
My best wishes to you and your good lady.


5,843 posts

179 months

Thursday 19th December 2013
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Been a pretty chilled year, got married in 2012 and there seemed to be allot to do in the run up to that which meant scaling back on other things.

Job:Got a decent promotion in February generally enjoying it as I'm pretty much left to my own devices and get a good salary.

Cars:Boring, sold motorbike, ordered a Octavia vRS start of October just been told it won't be built till the end of Feb-was originally expecting it tomorrow!
Relationship: Married 1.5 years, together 6. Really hope to have at least a kid on the way this time next year-probably said that this time last year but not happened yet.
Health: Health fine, in terms of weight I continue to yo-yo.
Holidays:2 weeks skiing on my own, 3.5 touring Canada with the Mrs, a week in Spain on my own visiting family, various weekends away.
Finances: Good, promotion helped, all wedding debts a distance memory, mortgage was up after being locked into a fairly high 5 year fixed deal. Due to money being much cheaper these days we managed to knock 10 years off our mortgage without needing to ramp up the payments much. Starting to build up a nice rainy day fund again too after a few expensive years, of weddings, house renovations, holidays etc.
Anything else: When I write it down, it has reminded me that things are good at the moment but I seem to want more, more of what exactly I don't know......


14 posts

149 months

Thursday 19th December 2013
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Been the bussiest and most enjoyable year i could have imagined!!

Job: Moved to the US to start a new job... All going well so far and already moving into a new role
Cars: Sold my Cayman S and bought a Camaro SS - wish I could have taken the Porsche with me....
Relationship: All going great and expecting first child early next year
Health: Sore back as of now but that seems to always come and go
Holidays: Been to quite a few places this year! Began with New year in Switzerland then while in the US I Drove to Florida for a week Vacation, long weekend in San Antonio, Went to the F1 in Austin, a week in vegas to watch the Mosconi Cup and a couple of trips back home.
Finances: Still have money in the Bank which is surprising and unlikely next year.