Jobs-worth LOLs



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Wednesday 30th July 2014
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Had to LOL last night.

Went to see 'How to Train your Dragon 2' at our local Cineworld.

Wife got a large popcorn, Pepsi and a bag of sweets (which came to over a tenner - but that's a side issue).

Sitting watching the trailers and started to eat the popcorn - but after getting a couple of handfuls down the bag - it became apparent that the popcorn was from the dregs at the bottom of the tray (mostly small crumbs and lots of unpopped corn).

Wife promptly takes it back and asks for a replacement.........which she is reluctantly given.......but as the guy behind the counter hands over the replacement - he says:

"I have left some out because you have already eaten some"

Sure enough - the replacement bag was filled to about an inch below the top of the bag......rofl

I didn't know the margins on popcorn were so tight. I guess we should have been angry - but instead both the wife and I found it immensely funny.

Anyone else have stories of jobsworthiness that you just have to laugh at.


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Wednesday 30th July 2014
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gr1340 said:
If anyone goes to Cineworld who isn't a company director rolling with fifties then take note of this from the Cineworld website: said:
4 - Can I bring in my own food and drink?
Cineworld have a strict NO HOT FOOD OR ALCOHOL policy. We reserve the right to refuse customers entry into the screens with hot food or alcohol bought outside the premises. All our cinemas display the necessary signage, advising customers of this policy.

As a food operator we offer a wide range of drinks and snacks to satisfy our customers but also protect our cinema furnishings and customers clothing. Not all movie-goers are considerate of others in their snack choices and we have needed to set clearer guidelines on what is appropriate.
We go to the Broadway Cinema in Letchworth quite a lot (an independent cinema - funded from the Letchworth heritage fund) - Its a great cinema with a fantastic screen, £5 a ticket for mid week showings (even at that price you can still get 2 for 1 on orange Wednesdays) ........and they have a bar biggrin

Only reason we didn't go there last night was because they only have 3 screens and had stopped showing this particular movie.


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Wednesday 30th July 2014
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Otispunkmeyer said:
Brother works at a cinema. Pop corn is pretty much all profit.
I'm pretty sure this guys stance wasn't about profit.......some people just like to wield what little power they have - even if that power amounts to nothing more than the ability to deny somebody an inch or so of popcorn.


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Wednesday 30th July 2014
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Jonjo91 said:
I sometimes do the same as Moonhawk, small world!

It beats sitting at home watching a film, I do buy into the whole cinema experience!
It's one of the best cinemas I have been to - real old school cinema feel, especially if you get a showing on screen 1. Whilst newer multiplex cinemas have increased the variety and viewing time options - they have massively reduced the experience IMO.


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Wednesday 30th July 2014
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On the jobsworth theme:

Comedian Rhod Gilbert trying to buy an egg and cress sandwich biggrin


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Wednesday 30th July 2014
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fausTVR said:
I'm a ten minute walk from there, great place and I always hope for screen one.

Moonhawk, that's some shlepp over from Cheshire? eek

PS So where's the bar?

Edited by fausTVR on Wednesday 30th July 15:42
We flit between Cheshire and Hertfordshire for work biggrin

The bar is up the stairs on the left (opposite the entrance to screen 1). It only seems to open at around 8pm for the later screenings (and I guess for when they screen theatre performances).

They had a screening of the latest monty python stage show on a couple of weeks back - a live broadcast of their final night I think. Gutted we missed it.


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Wednesday 30th July 2014
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fausTVR said:
Sorry this thread had drifted into the Broadway Cinema thread, partly my fault.
Interesting fact - this cinema appeared in the movie "The World's End" starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. It was dressed as up as the 8th pub on the crawl - "The Mermaid" (the school disco scene).


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Wednesday 30th July 2014
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RDJ said:

Sorry I didn't explain it properly; she DID scan the crisps. It was when she saw me returning them to the shelf she insisted I take them with me.
That deffo qualifies then rofl


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221 months

Thursday 31st July 2014
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Johnnytheboy said:
Has anyone encountered the thing in supermarkets where they won't sell you booze if you are accompanied by a minor?
It's ok - I have been IDd for buying non alcoholic beer and PG rated movies before now - I was in my late 30s at the time. wobble

(and before anyone says it - yes I know there is no point buying non alcoholic beer).


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Thursday 31st July 2014
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Puggit said:
Hmmmmm - I'm struggling with the jobsworth tag here. This is theft...
Erm - really? Surely something is only "deposited" at the tip once you place it in the relevant container and leave.

The act of removing something from your car and placing it on the ground isn't sufficient for it to be considered "tipped" is it?


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Thursday 31st July 2014
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Puggit said:
re you going to argue that in court against a lawyer?

I would agree that the act of writing down registrations and then actually reporting it would be jobsworth though. But warning someone against taking the bike could be seen as saving someone from prosecution.
Well yes actually. There are many occasions where I (and i'm sure other people) have removed extraneous items from the car that would hinder removing the items to be disposed of (parcel shelf, car seat etc).

These would usually be placed on the ground next to the car - whilst the items to be tipped are placed in the relevant container. The items not to be disposed of are then returned to the car.

Never had an issue with doing that and never considered that it could be an issue.

Until the items to be disposed of are placed into the relevant container, indicating their disposal - they still belong to me surely - and up until the point I place them into the container and leave (or hand them to a waste operative) - I reserve the right to change my mind.

I haven't found a single recycling centre that has a stated policy of "things placed on the ground are belong to us"

Edited by Moonhawk on Thursday 31st July 13:56


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221 months

Thursday 31st July 2014
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Cotty said:
They would have a lot of tyres, if they did.
.....and shoes


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Thursday 31st July 2014
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Puggit said:
The OP about the bike in the tip did specify it was placed amongst the other bikes for disposal...
Well - since the tips don't define exactly what "disposed of" means - I maintain that you have the right to change your mind.

It's one thing for people to enter a facility and start removing items that never belonged to them - there are several good reasons to prevent this - no least of which is the safety aspect.

But surely it would be plain jobsworthiness not to allow people to change their mind about disposing of an item whilst they are still with the item in question.


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Thursday 31st July 2014
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Cotty said:
Come on the tip guy was just trying it on. Where do you think the money would have gone? Straight in his pocket.
I bet the bike was going on Ebay..........I often wonder how much serviceable stuff ends up on sites like that.

You often see workers at the tip taking 'reasonable looking' items off people and carefully placing it to one side. scratchchin


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Thursday 31st July 2014
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Dodsy said:
You want jobsworths then they have everyone else beaten. Their meaning in life is to interpret rules then stick to it no matter what.

"This isn't a presidential release of prisoner form......those are blue" hehe


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Thursday 31st July 2014
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Dodsy said:
Council: Its not my job to tell you what forms you need, you have to ask me what form you need and I would have told you
haha - actually just reminded me of a situation my wife had at our new Doctors a few weeks back.

Doctors surgery has two main entrances - one at the front of the building and one to the side, off the car park.

Booked a late evening appointment ~7:30pm. Told to use the "side entrance" as the front doors are locked at 6pm. "No problem" we thought - that's the entrance we normally use anyway.

Turns up at 7:20pm - Side doors locked. Checked front doors - also locked. Place appeared to be deserted - knocked - no answer. No signs indicating there was a separate "out of hours" or "late appointments" entrance.

Went home to check opening times etc on the internet thinking we may have got the wrong day - but sure enough the date/time etc was correct.

Went back to the surgery (was probably 7:35 by this time) - tried the doors again - still locked. Walked all the way around the building via the car park - and as we got right round the other side, noticed somebody coming out of a small recessed door at the rear of the building. The door had no signage/nothing - just a bell and a combination lock.

Rang the bell on this door and somebody answered and it turns out this is the correct entrance. Explained that we were now late, the reason being that we had been told to go to the side entrance......the reply was "this is the side entrance" (even though it's round the back) and that because we were a few minutes late - my wife couldn't now see the doctor as we had missed our allocated appointment. We had to make another one which took another week.

When I highlighted this to the receptionist the next time I was in and suggested that a sign on the side entrance wouldn't go amiss to direct patients to the hidden out of hours entrance and thus prevent missed appointments which benefits nobody - their reasons for not doing so was.

a) "We don't need to put a sign up because you should have been told about the 'other' side entrance when you booked....the one round the back.....if you weren't told about it - you should have asked" LOL-wut? wobble


b) "We don't want to put a sign up as we don't want people wandering round the car park" rofl

When I pointed out that we only found the other entrance by wandering round the car park and therefore the lack of a sign is encouraging exactly the behaviour they wish to avoid..........I was stared at blankly.

I do wonder how many appointments have been missed this way - all for the sake of a piece of paper and a blob of blu-tack.

Edited by Moonhawk on Thursday 31st July 16:34


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221 months

Thursday 31st July 2014
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Daniel1 said:
Jesus - you could have had splash back you cocksure mentalist.
Never heard that word before - but it's the second website today I have seen it used......spin

The other one was a review of Guardians of the Galaxy.


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Friday 1st August 2014
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98elise said:
They finally sort it out between them and we get to see the doctor, by now about 3 hours after we arrived.
Although a bad case of jobsworthiness - I was kinda expecting it to end with:

"sorry - you can't see the doctor - you are late for your appointment" biggrin

That just would have taken the biscuit.


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Friday 1st August 2014
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Johnnytheboy said:
I was once refused a £2.20 tube ticket because I gave the guy 2 x £1 coins and 10 x 2p coins, because that many 2p's "isn't legal tender", apparently.

I had a 20p coin spare, I was just clearing out my change pocket. So I gave him the 20p but left the 2p's on the counter and said something like "here you go mate, take your wife out for a meal or something". He didn't like that, and started spouting something about trying to do his job within the law. Bell end.
Indeed - a lot of people think they "know the law" but who in fact don't. Legal tender has a very specific definition:

For ordinary transactions - there are no legal restrictions regarding the quantity of denominations that may be accepted as payment between parties.


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Friday 1st August 2014
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HereBeMonsters said:
"Any reason I can't have that fiver?" I ask.
"It's the last one. If I gave you that, I wouldn't have any left."
Me: "...."
Thanks for that - i'm currently wiping tea off my monitor rofl

He doesn't even have the excuse that the 'travelling chef' had (i.e. showing people what he has in the range)....I do wonder sometimes what goes through people's minds as the say this stuff.