So I just threw the TV out of the window...

So I just threw the TV out of the window...



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Saturday 4th February 2017
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Little Ex has been getting a bit bold recently.

In fact we had an argument last year where he was screaming his nuts off about not being allowed access to the tablet computer at bed time, so I removed the problem by smashing the tablet and slinging it out of the window.

'There you go mate - there is no tablet computer any more - so we are are never going to argue about that again'.

Tonight we had a similar argument, only this time it was PS4 vs bed time.

Daddy said "No", kid says "Why?" Daddy says "because I say so" - everything escalates, so Daddy just removes the problem and slings the telly out of window. Ouch.

"You can't play the PS now? So better you shut up and go to bed like I asked you".

My advice, don't give your kids so much free space that they think they own it, and also when they pop up trying to contradict you - don't be afraid to show them a real consequence.

Oh and, pitching a TV out of the window is a real "rock star" experience that you should all try one time in life.

Any one got a telly they want to sell me?


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Saturday 4th February 2017
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swerni said:
Ever considered anger management classes?
Got any recommendations? Because right about now I'm going to swing for someone.


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Saturday 4th February 2017
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Sheets Tabuer said:
You think showing your child that that destroying something, smashing something up is the right way to behave in order to win and argument?


Next weeks lesson entitled "punching the interior doors when the mrs pisses you off?"
Better when you grab the carving knife - point it inwards and encourage her to push.


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Saturday 4th February 2017
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BTW, I'm trying to calm down a bit.

And I thought it would almost be as interesting as a Trump thread.

And has anyone else thrown a telly out of their window?

And has anyone got a cheap telly on offer?


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Saturday 4th February 2017
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968 said:
The Nur said:
Grow up. Get some help. Hopefully your kid won't grow up to be like you.
Possibly the most accurate thing ever quoted on PH.
A statement from a Dr.


Nobody else her ever lost their temper.

I do miss the telly though - I'm left with little more than reading PH.


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Saturday 4th February 2017
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968 said:
Good that you're calming down, but the other guy was spot on. You're throwing a tantrum in front of your kid and you wonder why your kid thinks it's ok to throw a tantrum when they don't get their way?
NO. NO. NO. You've got that completely wrong.

The (my) child was throwing a tantrum in front of me, and after repeated requests to calm down and 'please go to bed' I showed him what a REAL tantrum is.

TV out of the window - I keep asking anyone got a cheap TV for sale?


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Saturday 4th February 2017
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rover 623gsi said:
So, last year you threw his table out of the window, and this year your threw a television out of th window? You come across like an ignorant, abusive tt. One day you'll probably wonder why your son left home as soon he could, never sends you a Father's Day card and doesn't invite you to his wedding. Either that or he'll simply turn into the same emotionally crippled man that you are.
Yeah.... How council is that?


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Saturday 4th February 2017
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968 said:
Serious question, why do you think he's grown up to believe that it's acceptable to throw a tantrum to get his way?
I blame his mother.


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Saturday 4th February 2017
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968 said:
TheExcession said:
blame his mother.
And you're a good role model?
I never claimed that accolade. Mean while - we've both had a little chat about it.

Little Ex has apologised for winding me up to a level where I threw the TV out, and I've apolgised for throwing the TV out.

So, now we are left in situation (once again) where it is better if we don't fall out, but you better be careful. (Trump and Iran?).

A very daft move on my part, but maybe Little Ex might learn from it.

Playing GT with a G29 Wheel is now of course off the menu, perhaps we'll play a bit more chess instead?


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Saturday 4th February 2017
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Mercury00 said:
Clearly the brat is throwing his toys out of the pram (or TV out of the window) just like Daddy does.
Little Ex here, I'm not a fking brat. (genuine post).


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Saturday 4th February 2017
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yonex said:
You 'requsted'?

Well, you could have turned the internet off, removed the plug etc. All you have done is shown that you've got a bigger child in you. Now the poor little sod will be scared of you, as well as angry. Bit late now but try spending more time away from the video games with him/her and make daddy a friend rather than someone they fear and won't talk to. Speak at their height, lower your voice and tell them. Reasoning is for adults, children function from learned behaviour, including rage.
Little Ex here first thing I'm not scared second thing Dad is weeping because he can't watch Donald Trump on TV because its in the BIN.

(Posted from my iPhone in my room, cowering under my duvet)


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Saturday 4th February 2017
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bmw535i said:
iPhone!! Ya wee prick
fk you, you gadge ye.

Dad is gonna kill me when he reads this tommorrow.

Edited by TheExcession on Saturday 4th February 23:35


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252 months

Saturday 4th February 2017
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bmw535i said:
TheExcession said:
bmw535i said:
iPhone!! Ya wee prick
fk you, you gadge ye.
Pit doon ya Bucky, ye wee bawbagsmile
Look ya wee , ma faver just thru the telly out da fkin windee, rite? out da fkin windee.

I'm scared, the is sleepin off a bottel of vodka rite now. I'm unda ma duvee now and there's no where to go.


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Sunday 5th February 2017
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Flying Fish said:
My dad used to do st like that.
He cut the plug off my brother's TV once. Smashed a Gameboy, broke a guitar against a wall. Used to kick the dog if it pissed on the carpet. Bet he felt like a right Rockstar too.
The violence between him and my brother escalated to such a point that after I'd left home they both managed put the other one in hospital a couple of times.
He was an angry little man. He was disappointed at the way his life had worked out and frustrated at his situation.
I don't blame him, we all get frustrated.
He eventually took early retirement, divorced my mum and fked off and bought a farmhouse in France. I see him once a year and he's happier now.
If you think it's a Rockstar move to smash up your kid's stuff, then you are a massive, massive . There's no two ways about it. Your kid will remember your small man frustrated actions for the rest of his life. Maybe he'll get over it and one day you'll have a nice relationship, but maybe he'll turn into a nasty manipulative impulsive little like you.
Bragging about this kind of thing on a public forum is fking shocking in my view.
^^^ bold bit - it was my telly not his.

2nd bit, he has actually replied on this thread. We've both been reading it together. And yes there is an anger issue on my part, and there is also an anger issue on his part.

But I/We have to be honest, most of the posts on this thread have been utterly hilarious.

Now, admittedly there is a rather large gap between the speakers where the TV used to be, and earlier we had a conversation about how we would fill it.

At the moment Chess is No1
Next Little Ex said 'Can we play Cribbage again?'
Then there is always 'Connect 4' or even 'UNO'.

We had a chat and agreed that we'd see how we get on for a month or two. (without a TV).

Anyway - Daddy lost his temper - threw the TV out the window - but now I'm looking forward to spending more time with Daddy..


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Sunday 5th February 2017
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mybrainhurts said:

Stop playing with them, Ex, it's past bed time for the PH Sanctimonious Brigade...

Top bombing, old boy....

Indeed. The awkward bit however is that all of this is mostly true.

(Well - Little Ex cowering under his duvet pretending to post from his iPhone - we were both laughing our knickers off at that one).

However - the TV really did go out of the window.


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Sunday 5th February 2017
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gus607 said:
Well done OP. Too much of this parent's trying to pacify screaming brats & giving in to their every whim.
My kids were brought up to understand & respect what I said, & I only said it once. If my son was told to be home a certain time that's what I meant, not one minute later. TV, PC etc not turned on until homework/chores completed, no exceptions either.

Both my kids grew up to respect other people & be used to personal discipline. My son said to me a few years ago, "Dad, I used to think that you were a right strict bd when I was growing up, but you know dad, you were spot on & glad you brought us up that way you did."

Really boils my piss when I see so called parents going around with the "Think of the children" attitude all the time, Instead of teaching proper dicipline at home.
Yep, it was a fking nuclear explosion moment where the child realises someone else is in control - a good wake up to life.


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Sunday 5th February 2017
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Joey Ramone said:
My son doesn't answer back because I killed the little

And he was thankful for it, too. The .
Having read many of your posts on your relationships with ladies, I'm struggling a bit to follow your train of thought here. (Which to be honest, in the past I've I've felt some empathy for).

(The following is not aimed at you Joey)

This time, I lost my rag, I blew up beyond belief. It happens. Introduce me to anyone who has not ever lost their temper.


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Sunday 5th February 2017
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Mr Bubble n Squeak said:
HairyMaclary said:
Pics of the smaashed telly with custard or it didnt happen.
This x1000
Where's that flip the bird smiley?


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Sunday 5th February 2017
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968 said:
TheExcession said:
Yep, it was a fking nuclear explosion moment where the child realises someone else is in control - a good wake up to life.
So to clarify, this isn't "top bombing" as one sycophant wrote, it actually happened?

If so, you need serious help. He's a child and looks to you for guidance on how to behave and he's learned that when angry it's best to totally lose control and explode. Maybe you could try to be the adult in the relationship with your kid and set a better example?
No bombing - all true - even the replies earlier that were from him.

I know I'm far from being the best parent on this planet, I know I have some anger issues, so does he. We're working on it.

Funny to watch the eruptions from some people here - it's life - you get on, fall out, argue, explode, apologise and just get on with it again.


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Sunday 5th February 2017
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AdamIndy said:
The only other time I remember getting a whack is because I rugby tackled my brother through a wardrobe. He was being a and deserved it though. laugh
Little Ex has flattened me during training on the rugby pitch, I think that might be an issue.

He also has a grand parent who is a Professor that can't fathom why a ten year old doesn't understand S & P electron orbitals but can beat him at chess.

Any way - plenty of time now to reflect upon it all. Night time radio is not what I remember it to be. I think we might try this living without a telly lark for a while and see how we get on.