Ever wanted access to all those toilets?

Ever wanted access to all those toilets?



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Sunday 20th February 2011
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Like 95% of men, I've been caught short on many occasions, when there have been perfectly good toilets avaliable for the disabled super nearby... but inaccessible.

However, something great came in the post the other day, and I thought I should share it with PH. Specifically, it's a "RADAR Key". You can buy it from here: http://www.radar.org.uk/radarwebsite/tabid/41/defa... - less than a fiver!

Just make sure, if you're not disabled yourself, that you add VAT to the price.

Then you'll be able to use all these toilets smile

Theoretically, these are for disabled people only. But if you use them responsibly and don't leave a mess, there's absolutely no reason you shouldn't use them either. This little known scheme is basically to keep out semi literate junkies or other assorted scum who ruin toilets in various ways. But as a literate junkie (hehe, on edit this sounds bad, like I'm doing something other than pissing in these places!) I thought it best to share it. Make sure when you buy one you give a tenner donation to RADAR to ease yer conscience thumbup

Edited by Somewhatfoolish on Sunday 20th February 20:48


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Sunday 20th February 2011
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Strange there are people here who claim never to have seen these toilets... honestly, they're all over!


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Thursday 24th February 2011
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MGZRod said:
Why not go to the normal toilets? I work in a pub with two disabled toilets at each end that need radar's. We have had to stop giving keys out as 'normal' folk may not give it back, and it's a bit irritating to take a elderly lady to the door, then wait as a middle aged man who can't be bothered walking down 15 steps comes out after having a st.

Do you use disabled spaces too at supermarkets?

I know I bit there, but it posses me off and is not very respectful at all.
Why do disabled people deserve any more respect than anyone else? Assuming that they need to be treated with kid gloves is actually more disrespectful.


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Thursday 24th February 2011
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Life Saab Itch said:
It always makes me chuckle when people say "everywhere" when they actually mean "in major cities".

FWIW, I've never seen a RADAR toilet.
That is not the kind of mistake I make. They really are all over smile


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Thursday 24th February 2011
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JuniorD said:

Sure why not just wait around the bog for someone with a genuine need for a RADAR key to come along and when they gain access to the toilet just bail in ahead of them and shut the door in their face! It's not like they are going to get through the door first, they're disabled! Don't worry about their feelings - they either don't have feelings or are used to adversity anyway.
cause it defeats the object of getting to the toilet as soon as possible. of course if there is a queue you can murder the first in line, nick their key, and defecate on their body...

...er... wtf? I think you miss the point


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Friday 25th February 2011
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Chainguy said:
Really good friend of mine has something called ulcerative colitis. He hasn't had a solid crap for about 15 years, it's always the squits he has. When he has to go, he has to go, right then. He has about a 3 minute window, at best.

In Buchanan Galleries in Glasgow, the Radar toilet is right as you go in from the car park walkway, not another 3 sories further up and at the other side of the complex. I can think of one occasion where if it had not of been for this positioning, and his Radar key, well.. frown

Hope that answered your question about why he needs them, Somewhatfoolish.

I've got to say, pretty saddening to see someone on here so up for abusing a system which I've seen, first hand, save a good lad from a load of embarassment.
It isn't abusing the system.


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Friday 25th February 2011
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Chainguy said:
No. It is abusing the system. Do you also use the disabled parking spaces?

My dad has a disabled badge. He needs it. He picked up a nasty injury while fighting for this country many years ago. The march of time means that as he has aged, the injury, which never really healed right all those years ago, has gotten far, far worse. Pretty lousy to see a proud man who now cant walk more than 20 yeards unaided struggle on.

We clubbed together and got him one of those mobility scooters last year. Great things, but you need space around the car to load and unload it.

Anyways, it really hacks me off when he goes to Asda or some such and all the disabled bays are full of people who are perfectly fit, no blue badge. He then has to park further away and try and struggle in using two sticks. The normal parking bays are way to small for him to even get his mobility scooter out of, without potentially damaging other peoples cars. Old boy would never take that chance, he believes in people taking pride in what they have worked for. You know, like he did all his working life.

But hey, why should they get special treatment eh? Why should he?

Tell you what Somewhatfoolish, you have the toilet, you have the parking, maybe you should have the disability also if it's all peaches and cream? Wonder if you'd change your tune then.

It amazes how so often on these boards, we read of people getting pee'd off at the lack of respect people show in this country. You know, the young who don't respect this and that, the immigrants who don't respect whatever, and yet here is a case where someone at least should be looking a wee bit more closer to home about lack of respect.

Enjoy your new key. Enjoy the sort of person it makes you as well.

Like I said, I honestly thought we were a bit less selfish (I'll use selfish as the board isn't going to let me write c u next tuesdayish on the forum, frankly) than this around here. frown
Toilets are not a zero sum game. Using one does not deprive it from another user.


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Friday 25th February 2011
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I think what people are missing is RADAR was not put there because disabled people were having to queue for toilets. Had that been the reason, I would be more open to the "it's abusing the system" argument. RADAR is around because without it people were shooting smack, cruising for a rogering, vandalising, and generally not using toilets for what they're supposed to be used for.

Because of that lots of places closed their toilets. This is a way of keeping those undesirables out. RADAR would prefer that the toilets were open to all, they say so on their own website.

Edited by Somewhatfoolish on Friday 25th February 18:01


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Friday 25th February 2011
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gtdc said:
I thought you had the Grindr key?


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Friday 25th February 2011
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MGZRod said:
If that's the case so be it, but our disabled toilets are for disabled people. Please don't use them, regardless of key or not.
That's illogical.

Well, it's logical in one sense. In that it obeys arbitary labels. But so does obeying the speed limit constantly. Do you do that?

I don't think labels are important. What is important is that everyone should be decent to everyone else. You probably agree with that basic proposition, and consider that part of decency to everyone else is not using disabled toilets. I disagree. Only takes a minute or three at most for a piss, after all.

Incidentally that's different to using disabled parking spaces. Using them would be fine in theory if it were reasonably foreseeable no disabled person would want them, but that tends not to be foreseeable. However if someone wants to use one of fifty free disabled spaces for two minutes that is no problem either.

Edit: Just noticed the "our" there, and seen you're in a pub. That's obviously different as there are able bodied toilets there too, in which case there is no particular reason to use disabled toilets. Which is not a reason that using disabled toilets is wrong... it does make it pointless though!

Edited by Somewhatfoolish on Friday 25th February 19:50


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Friday 25th February 2011
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Jonny_693 said:
When Chainguy first mentioned this condition my natural reaction was to think pah, and how many people are going to need a st that quickly. Then blow me, three people on this forum have, or know someone with the condition.

I won't be getting a radar key.
Another point: Anyone using this by definition needs the toilet just as urgently as the disabled person. It's not as if folk urinate recreationally.


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Friday 25th February 2011
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I'm starting to wonder if I am actually disabled. Way "normal" people are talking it's looking as though I have a disability!


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Friday 25th February 2011
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No one has EVER called me normal in my entire life, and I'm serious about that. I'm really happy you said that smile


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Friday 25th February 2011
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JonyTVR said:
I wouldn't listen to anything I say though, I'm doped up on steroids which make you loopy in the head nutshehe
That will do wink