PHat PHighters?


Coco H

4,237 posts

239 months

Sunday 12th February 2012
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The running is paying off. My bmi is down to something less frightening like 27. A long way to go. I keep going wrong with diet.


4,721 posts

215 months

Sunday 12th February 2012
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Coco H said:
The running is paying off. My bmi is down to something less frightening like 27. A long way to go. I keep going wrong with diet.
Generally or specifically?

I'm the opposite. Aside from the weekend (where I do struggle - mainly alcohol consumption and the associated food), I generally find the diet side of things far, far easier than the physical activity side of things.

Is it a case of following what others eat or not being sure of what to eat? Or, just good old fashioned hunger pangs?

Coco H

4,237 posts

239 months

Monday 13th February 2012
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I am permanently hungry and very busy. I work three days a week and there I have a good diet. Porridge with water in the morning. Lunch raw veg and oat cakes. I have some fruit too. Evenings I eat vegetables and fish or meat.
The biggest issue is days where I am at home with the children and I want to eat snack carbs - ie chocoloate, crips that kind of rubbish. I know I should have a protein shake instead.
In the past I replaced meals with protein shakes and lost a lot of weight - also ate a proper meal in the evening.
I have tried every so called diet under the sun. I can get rid of weight but I want to eat better full stop.
I am certainly maintaining nicely at the moment.


12,955 posts

178 months

Monday 13th February 2012
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Coco H said:
I am permanently hungry and very busy. I work three days a week and there I have a good diet. Porridge with water in the morning. Lunch raw veg and oat cakes. I have some fruit too. Evenings I eat vegetables and fish or meat.
The biggest issue is days where I am at home with the children and I want to eat snack carbs - ie chocoloate, crips that kind of rubbish. I know I should have a protein shake instead.
In the past I replaced meals with protein shakes and lost a lot of weight - also ate a proper meal in the evening.
I have tried every so called diet under the sun. I can get rid of weight but I want to eat better full stop.
I am certainly maintaining nicely at the moment.
If you are really hungry and want to avoid snacks - of the worse kind - what about trying ryvitas or the snackerjack rice cakes (40Kcal each) with e.g. low fat cheese, like the Laughing Cow extra light which are almost as good calorie to protein wise as protein powder! A couple of those would be filling, add fibre and nutrients rather than just sugary nothings...

Coco H

4,237 posts

239 months

Monday 13th February 2012
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I am on the rice cakes as I type - I hadn't thought about those cheeses - that is a good idea. I think part of the issue is not eating when the children are eating. And the other real problem is my asthma inhalers - I am two long acting relievers and I get the shakes badly, this induces a real sugar craving.If I don't take the inhalers I end up on steroids. Having been on steroids for long periods I noticed they make me really hungry which is why I put on weight.
The good news is that I know where it's likely to go wrong and I exercise daily even if its a light 30 minutes. I couldn't run for 2 minutes 4 weeks ago and now 30 minutes is fine.
Thank you for the help.


12,955 posts

178 months

Monday 13th February 2012
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Coco H said:
I am on the rice cakes as I type - I hadn't thought about those cheeses - that is a good idea. I think part of the issue is not eating when the children are eating. And the other real problem is my asthma inhalers - I am two long acting relievers and I get the shakes badly, this induces a real sugar craving.If I don't take the inhalers I end up on steroids. Having been on steroids for long periods I noticed they make me really hungry which is why I put on weight.
The good news is that I know where it's likely to go wrong and I exercise daily even if its a light 30 minutes. I couldn't run for 2 minutes 4 weeks ago and now 30 minutes is fine.
Thank you for the help.
Not a problem - I realise now that you have additional reasons to want/need a snack. If you get a sugar craving/sugar low would, also, either of a banan or maybe a small bowl of porridge help - maybe the simple microwave type that taste and feel quite sweet and are only 230Kcals per pack with milk? Might keep the cravings at bay for a while longer?

Coco H

4,237 posts

239 months

Monday 13th February 2012
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Interesting, reading that back I realise it is a case of want and not need. It's useful to understand that. Another 1 lb off in the last 4 days.


16,744 posts

219 months

Thursday 15th March 2012
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central said:
central said:
missdiane said:
central said:
17st 0lbs
confused Mark- you are never....

.... you don't look it anyway

Edited by missdiane on Saturday 24th January 13:11
17st 5lbs a few weeks ago redface
15st 13lbs

15st 7lbs.

Mr Trophy

6,808 posts

205 months

Friday 16th March 2012
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central said:
15st 7lbs.
Well done, thats excellent smile

Charlie Michael

2,750 posts

186 months

Friday 23rd March 2012
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I've recently found my weight has plateu'd at 15st 3lb. I put some weight on after I initially lost the fat and gained muscle. I'm finding that i'm alot quicker at tennis and swimming and can hold a higher speed consistently whilst cycling (I managed 25 miles on a mtb!) at an average of 12mph.

I've also invested in a cycling machine which means I now have no excuse if the weathers a bit crap for getting some kind of a workout done.

Aim now is to continue with how i'm working with a bit more inclusion of upper body exercises.

I think i'm now a bit hooked on the high from a good workout. hehe


12,738 posts

215 months

Sunday 15th April 2012
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Christmas day: 13 stone 10 lbs
This morning: 12 stone exactly

Massive difference, still have about half a stone to go. I'm a lot slimmer all over and feel a lot healthier. I'm 25 and 5'7. Done it by eating 3 meals a day only snack on fruit and light exercise.


858 posts

202 months

Wednesday 18th April 2012
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Charlie Michael said:
I've also invested in a cycling machine which means I now have no excuse if the weathers a bit crap for getting some kind of a workout done.
And you've got somewhere to hang your clothes, well that's what the one I bought a few years back got used for frown


10,832 posts

183 months

Friday 4th May 2012
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Probably my first post here. 15stone 5'7''
In the past month I think I've lost half a stone. (gone down from 15 to 14 and a half). Saying that, my weight seems to vary as much as half a stone. Before, my weight would shift around 15 to 15 and a 1/2 throughout a given week, now its more like 14 and a 1/2 to just under 15.

I've not counted calories stricty, but estimated (usually rounding up). I used to always skip breakfast but now i make sure I eat something. Cut out the beer& coke and just drink water or sugar free cordial with a meal.

I've not done any exercise, so I am contemplating doing some circuit workouts at home. I had acquired & tried Insanity Workout but I think this is maybe abit too tough for me to start off with, does anyone have any suggestion for video workouts that I could follow and do? I am contemplating doing the workouts that BodyRockTV provide on Youtube. (link below). Just wondering if anyone has any opinion of these lot, and their workouts. Or maybe I should just try insanity and 'dig deep' as they say.

I want to do what some of you are doing, and invest in a decent cycling machine, but first I want to convince myself I can get results by doing some free exercise.


10,922 posts

220 months

Friday 4th May 2012
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ambuletz said:
Probably my first post here. 15stone 5'7''
In the past month I think I've lost half a stone. (gone down from 15 to 14 and a half). Saying that, my weight seems to vary as much as half a stone. Before, my weight would shift around 15 to 15 and a 1/2 throughout a given week, now its more like 14 and a 1/2 to just under 15.

I've not counted calories stricty, but estimated (usually rounding up). I used to always skip breakfast but now i make sure I eat something. Cut out the beer& coke and just drink water or sugar free cordial with a meal.

I've not done any exercise, so I am contemplating doing some circuit workouts at home. I had acquired & tried Insanity Workout but I think this is maybe abit too tough for me to start off with, does anyone have any suggestion for video workouts that I could follow and do? I am contemplating doing the workouts that BodyRockTV provide on Youtube. (link below). Just wondering if anyone has any opinion of these lot, and their workouts. Or maybe I should just try insanity and 'dig deep' as they say.

I want to do what some of you are doing, and invest in a decent cycling machine, but first I want to convince myself I can get results by doing some free exercise.
First of all, well done for getting the ball rolling... It's never easy.

If you've not exercised for a long time, and you just want to know if you can do something, I would suggest getting out for a walk or a bike ride. They're both free, extremely easy, and enjoyable. It's how I started off, and with walking and a strict diet, I managed to lose about 2 stone (down from 13.5 to 11.5, roughly).

I wouldn't do what I did though, as all you end up with is losing weight but having no shape. Start off with the walking, just to get you into it, and then start to think of something more strenuous. If you start too hard, you may well give up.

What I will say is, go without the rubbish food for a month, and you will wonder why you ever ate it. It takes a few weeks for those cravings to stop (or at least, that's what I found).

Charlie Michael

2,750 posts

186 months

Monday 11th June 2012
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Pulse said:
What I will say is, go without the rubbish food for a month, and you will wonder why you ever ate it. It takes a few weeks for those cravings to stop (or at least, that's what I found).
This - Once your body gets used to the change in diet, you'll wonder what on earth made you eat that stuff beforehand.


433 posts

261 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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I'm trying to improve my fitness and shed a few kg. I'm 6'2" and weigh 15st10lb. I've cut down on lunchtime meals, resisting baguettes and going for salads instead(never thought I'd do without bread the way I've been able to). I haven't cut out all the snacks yet but I'm trying!
I'm going to spinning bike classes twice a week, plus another gym session or two for good measure. I've also decided to try the 100 PushUp challenge to do some core strengthening.


26,372 posts

211 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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I've given up and resigned myself to being a fat bd.


4,721 posts

215 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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Funk said:
I've given up and resigned myself to being a fat bd.

What do you think you're doing wrong & maybe doing right?

I had the same attitude for an awful long time until it all clicked, so I know what it is like and I now wish it had done so a few years earlier.
It might have taken a couple of years (as I don't do much exercise and still guzzle too much alcohol at the weekend), but I should hit 5 stone lost in the next couple of weeks.
I know it could be done much quicker, I know I'd be where I want to be if I drunk less and moved a bit more and I know I still have somewhere between 1-2 stone to go, but if I can do it, I reckon anyone who isn't seriously restricted in some way can as well.

It really is all around finding the right diet, a bit of movement, some willpower and the good feeling which comes with seeing some progress (very much underestimated is this mental aspect).


359 posts

222 months

Tuesday 17th July 2012
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Maxeh said:
Thought I'd poke my head in here, bit embarrassed to say my starting weight but 1 month in and I'm down 21 lbs.
Fast forward a few months and a fair amount of sweat....

Just passed the 10st loss milestone. It can be done chaps!


17,474 posts

199 months

Tuesday 17th July 2012
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Maxeh said:
Maxeh said:
Thought I'd poke my head in here, bit embarrassed to say my starting weight but 1 month in and I'm down 21 lbs.
Fast forward a few months and a fair amount of sweat....

Just passed the 10st loss milestone. It can be done chaps!
yikes and congratulations

For a lot of my adult life I wasn't much more than 10st