ADF - A diet that works and is good for your health!

ADF - A diet that works and is good for your health!



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184 months

Tuesday 20th November 2012
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Hi everyone!

Now down to c 15stone 10 yay! Approximate loss of 8 lbs in 7 weeks and going in the right direction. Muscle tone has improved which may offset weight loss. Belt is now 2 notches down.

Had another low-cal day yesterday (some are easier than others for some reason) and been to the gym this morning which lead me to wondering: Is it better to have the low-cal day and then a gym day or the other way round? At the moment, it most often works out that I have low-cal days on Monday and Thursday and gym days on Tuesday and Friday. Would I be better swapping if possible or keeping as is?
Goldblum or anyone with knowledge on this please?


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184 months

Tuesday 27th November 2012
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Hi wiffmaster and welcome aboard. thumbup

^^^ What hoofy said: It seems that the benefits may derive from alternating between normal intake and restricted intake - although as Lord Grover said, I am no expert, just my understanding of the ADF thing and how it's working out for me and Mrs BL. Perhaps try this first and if it doesn't work for you, tweak accordingly. There is an element of listening to what your body tells you it wants and when it wants it.

Coming to the end of the 2nd month, I have lost c 9 lbs and so has the OH. We are both feeling very well and pleased with our slimmer selves, too. The low-cal days are now the norm and we are both getting through them much more easily than at first - amazing how the body adapts - but we are still losing weight, gradually but consistently and, more importantly, sustainably: We are both convinced that the 2/5 diet is the best method for us as it's easier to manage a single day at 500 / 600 calories, knowing that the following day, you can pretty much eat what you want. In practise, we are also eating more healthily on the other 5 days, too and are more conscious of fat, salt and calorie intake. Having said that, we always enjoy a nice Sunday roast with dessert and a couple of glasses of wine: Way to diet! biggrin


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Tuesday 27th November 2012
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Fair enough! I think I did mention in my first post in this thread to be wary if you have any pre-existing health issues and to consult your doctor if you had any doubts before commencing.

Anyway, hope you find something that works for you. smile


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Wednesday 28th November 2012
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Sorry to hear that TRD! Seems you have a few issues to deal with there and you don't want to add to them by doing something that makes your health worse: The opposite of what we are all trying to achieve here!

I suppose the best place to start is where you know you can manage OK and gently explore the boundaries, again, listening to what your body tells you. Good luck and post up what you do - it seems that there are others in a similar position who may benefit. smile


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Thursday 29th November 2012
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Thanks for posting that Tiggsy and for the link LG: At least it does confirm one part of the ADF thing which is harder to quantify, without going to Blue Horizon or similar on a regular basis, namely the reduction in IGF-1.

The article also reflects my own experience in dealing with and getting used to the low-cal days (I'm on one today) and, in some twisted way, enjoying it!

Yesterday, I was down to 15 8 and a quarter on my bathroom scale - a loss of 10 lbs and on target to have lost a stone in total by Christmas (give or take). Next week, I will do my 3rd scale / BMI / fat% check at the gym - hold the front page! wink


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184 months

Thursday 29th November 2012
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Hi goldblum,

On the first point, you are probably quite right but it is good to see some proof of the hypothesis - one which I would not go to the trouble and expense of proving for myself, truth be told - that the ADF / IF regime has a beneficial effect in this aspect at least. As I've said before, the emphasis is pretty much always on the weight loss side and understandably so. It is reassuring to see that there are measurable benefits to health beyond what might be expected from reduced body weight / fat.

On the second point, it would appear that you are also correct hehe


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Thursday 29th November 2012
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No argument here - but I'll guess you haven't read the thread before posting, gwagon?

The point of this "diet" is that it is sustainable over a long period / forever and offers health benefits besides. I and most of the others who are doing ADF or IF or variations are also exercising or training or participate in sport on a regular basis.



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Friday 30th November 2012
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....they're Grrreatt!


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Friday 30th November 2012
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I think everyone is really saying the same thing but in different ways and from different perspectives.

Not many would refute that a good diet with exercise is beneficial to the body > health > longevity, only how best to achieve that: In this case, I and many others have found a sustainable way with measurable results for weight loss, fat loss and better health. Obviously and as we have seen, it is not going to work for everyone but for most others without conflicting medical conditions, it is a viable means to achieve that end.

My Oh and I are just about to begin our 3rd month of 5/2 ADF and it is our intention to continue it indefinitely unless there is good reason or evidence to cease. Many others including some on this thread have already been following this or an alternative of it for longer periods of time and, it seems, intend to continue to do so.

It is a personal choice but for those of us who are following it, the ADF regimes do work and are sustainable. Personally, I'm not bothered if someone wants to call it a fad or whatever: If you want to, give it a go and see if it's for you. Just post up on here and let us know. smile


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Saturday 1st December 2012
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I can only speak for myself but I do have commitments which take up a very large amount of time every week (running my own business and having 9 kids) so getting to the gym for an hour, two mornings a week before work is about all I can manage on any sort of regular basis.

Again, for me, the ADF 2/5 thing fits in with my lifestyle: It is easy to manage, doesn't take up any extra time and works!

I don' t expect it to work for everyone - no diet will - but for me and for others in similar positions, it does.


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Monday 3rd December 2012
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Well, here we are at the beginning of my month 3 of 5/2 ADF and on the bathroom scales this morning, I was 15 9 1/2 so I put a bit on over the weekend, despite being up and down ladders most of yesterday, putting up Christmas lights with the neighbours.

So I suppose December is going to be a bit of a test, what with all the excesses of Christmas, time off work and away from the gym at the end of the month but I'm determined not to let things slide too far so will be maintaining the two days of 600kcals per day (as usual) and will do some more exercise at home like press-ups, sit-ups and other bodyweight ones together with some running outdoors, which I haven't done for a long time and am quite looking forward to (I think...)

Of course the other side is not to eat or drink too much on the "normal" days. I'm not really a big drinker anyway but there are some Christmas foods which I do enjoy and that's going to be more difficult. Will power will be tested!

Anyway, it's a low-cal day today and gym tomorrow where I'll do the BMI scales for this month's progress and will post it up for your amusement.



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184 months

Tuesday 4th December 2012
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Hi everyone and thanks for your posts - just been catching up a bit so, in no particular order:

Wiffmaster, madbadger and BliarOut - good to see you all making progress, keep us all informed as you go. Btw, what exactly is GERD? I gather it's something to do with digestion but can someone explain please?

LG - You are the devil sitting on my shoulder wink . I will enjoy Christmas but I suppose it's making sure not to go overboard...Not too sure that your idea of missing out breakfast and lunch would work for me though: I tend to spread my calories circa 130 for breakfast, 100 for lunch and 370 for evening meal. I find I can now manage this without feeling too hungry.

Hoofy - always amusing comments among the informative stuff. Thanks. Your new 12/12 regime sounds like an interesting alternative and will look forward to hearing what results it brings you. I can see this might suit some people well.

a311 - absolutely right, I'm sure. The odd blow-out day like Xmas is not going to throw things too far out. The trouble is I will finish work on the 21st December and return on 2nd Jan: I could do a lot of damage in that time!

Well, I went to the gym this morning and as forewarned, visited the BMI / scales thingy and the results are:

Weight, 15st 9 (total loss of 12 lbs since 2nd October)
BMI, 29.1 (was 30.7)
Body fat 25.7% (31%)
Body fat mass 25.5kg (32.5kg)

This would seem to indicate that my weight has dropped 5.6 kg whilst body fat has reduced by 7kg. Presumably the difference is muscle increase??

(Sorry to mix metric and Imperial - figures according to print-out from machine).

I'm pretty chuffed with that and, ignoring the "ideal weight" for my age / height being in the range of 9st 13 to 13st 6 rofl will continue with my aim to have lost a stone in total by Christmas then to get under 15st and stay there.

On the assumption that the other health indicators will have improved similarly, the incentive to keep to the ADF 2/5 regime is very strong. thumbup


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184 months

Tuesday 4th December 2012
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Thanks for posting the photo. Goes to show that the better diet / more exercise thing really works, just depends how you go about achieving it, I guess.

I can't imagine myself (similar height to you Gwagon) at that weight. The nearest I have been in recent times was when I got divorced and dropped a load of weight without really noticing but must have been c 14st - about 12 years or so ago.

Got re-married, gave up smoking and ended up the wrong side of 16 1/2 stone.

Still, back on the path of righteousness now...


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184 months

Tuesday 4th December 2012
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Hi rob0r

It really is simple - the only slight issue is knowing how many calories are in what you eat on the low-cal days but most food packaging helps with that or there are online guides which can give a rough idea.

Your call when you start of course but you may find it easier to start now and be a little more moderate over Xmas to avoid finding you have a higher starting point afterwards? Good luck either way and, as usual post up here to let us know how you're getting on. smile


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184 months

Thursday 13th December 2012
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15 st 7 on the bathroom scales now.

I've plotted my weight loss -v- time on a graph to see how the weight is reducing and it's a surprisingly uniform line which leads me to wonder if I carry on the current 2/5 ADF with gym visits etc, how low will my weight go before it plateaus?

As I have posted before, I will be happy when I'm down to 15 stone or just under but if I keep going as I am, I may well end up some way below that. Who knows, if that happens, together with the gym, I might end up with a decent physique: Daniel Craig in his first Bond film gives me something to aim at...


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184 months

Thursday 13th December 2012
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Hoofy said:
Please do continue - I'd be interested to see how proper 5/2 gets you in the long run.
Will do, Hoofy - it has become the "norm" now and the results are a real incentive to keep going anyway.

Whilst we're on the subject of fish, we had smoked haddock for dinner on our low-cal day the other night: Delicious! I'd forgotten how much I like smoked haddock and even in a cheese sauce and with some fresh veg, it was well within our kcal count. Recommended. thumbup


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184 months

Monday 24th December 2012
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Hi everyone,

A quick, pre-Christmas update: now showing 15st 6 (and a quarter) on our bathroom scale this morning so haven't quite reached the 1 stone loss of weight by Christmas but I'm still very happy with 12 lbs in as many weeks and feeling SO much fitter and healthier than before.

I'm also still reckoning some weight loss offset by slight increase in muscle mass. Early in the New Year, I'll do one of my monthly BMI / weight check things at the gym to see what that has to say on the matter - just have to resist over-indulging in the next week!

Mrs BL has also lost a similar amount of weight: even though she started at a size 12, she is now a small size 10 and very happy with that.

We are still doing the 2/5 thing over the hols and I will do some alternative exercise while I can't get to the gym.

Wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous and healthy New Year.


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184 months

Monday 24th December 2012
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BliarOut said:
Hope you've timed the 2/5 correctly for Christmas Day hehe
Yeah - did a low cal day yesterday and planning the next one on Thursday so should be OK.

Some impressive results there and shows that ADF is sustainable over longer periods thumbup despite some folks' doubts. Might reach the point soon where I could post in the transformation thread...


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184 months

Tuesday 25th December 2012
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hey, we've all been there....

....not! wink

Have to agree, you do look like a different person in those two pics. Goes to show how easy it is to get into a habit of over-eating and the difference it makes just reducing calorie intake a couple of days a week. It's also a bit weird how easy it is to get in the habit of doing exercise / gym AND how easy it is to not being able to find the time / incentive / opportunity to do the same. I'm actually looking forward to going back to the gym in the New Year and continuing to improve my fitness and health some more.



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184 months

Friday 4th January 2013
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Hi everyone and a Happy New Year!

Been a bit busy lately so just catching up on the thread. Apologies to CHR for not replying sooner:

Craphouserat said:
Hi all

I'm trying this ADF diet as of next week - haven't had time to read all this thread but will do. Can I just ask how the OP is/has got on with it so far?

Cheers all.

Progress has slowed a bit over the past month even though we have maintained the 2/5 regime which, for us is 600kcals (500 for Mrs BL) in two, non-consecutive 24 hour periods in a week, usually Mondays and Thursdays so eat and drink normally the other 5 days. On low-cal days, I have a small bowl of cereal for breakfast with S/S milk (c130kcals), half a pot of fresh soup for lunch (c120kcals) and the balance for dinner with fish / chicken / turkey and vegetables. "Treat" is a cup of coffee with S/S milk in the evening otherwise water or occasionally a Coke.

I am also going to the gym twice a week doing cardio, free weights and resistance weights but I have been doing so for quite a long time (although there have been gaps...!) and is not necessarily a part of ADF - but it's gotta help! My body fat mass has decreased more than my overall weight so there is some increase in muscle mass. Today, I did the monthly scales / BMI machine at the gym and the results are as follows, from the beginning to show progress so far:

Weight (kg) BMI Body fat % Body fat mass (kg)

Month 0 104.9 30.7 31 32.5
Month 1 102.6 30.0 29.5 30.2
Month 2 99.5 29.1 25.7 25.5
Month 3 98.6 28.5 24.4 24.0

So, overall, I have dropped 6.3kg (1 stone - yay!) but my fat mass has reduced 8.5kg, according to the machine.

Mrs BL has also dropped a similar amount of weight (c 12 lbs) and has gone from a dress size 12 to below a 10 without any additional exercise, although she's always on her feet anyway. We're really pleased with the results and still fully intend to continue the 2/5 regime on a permanent basis.

Anyway, hope the results we and others on here have achieved help to inspire CHR and the rest of you who are / are thinking of trying this out. Please post up your experiences and results.

PS Once again though, if you have any issues or doubts about your health which may be adversely affected by ADF, consult your doctor first.

ETA My fitness level has improved considerably over the past few months: I can run further and faster than before and my heart rate is lower at the end of the run and reduces faster subsequently, too. I have been gradually increasing weights and reps as well and don't ache so much in the days following gym visits.
I have had mild psoriasis for years and this has pretty much disappeared altogether in the past 9 to 10 weeks. I can't say for certain that this is related but I guess a better diet, more exercise and improved fitness may have helped.
Unfortunately, as has been said before, the alleged extra benefits to longevity etc are harder to ascertain and quantify but the indicators are positive.

Edited by BuzzLightyear on Friday 4th January 11:45