6 week premature daughter

6 week premature daughter



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Thursday 13th November 2014
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Just back from a Hellish 30 hours. We got to say goodbye to the little mite.

Horribly sad and the worst thing is my wife had to go into labour. Her body is now post childbirth hormonal, ie, lactating, swollen and no baby frown


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Thursday 13th November 2014
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Thankyou all. Just doing all I know how at home, fire lit, pie and mash cooked, choccie brownie cooked.


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Friday 14th November 2014
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Zyp said:
Very sad, and my condolences to both of you.

We went through the same thing 13 years ago.
Wife was 30 weeks gone....
God that must have been hard


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Friday 14th November 2014
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Hello all,

More cooking and cleaning for me today.

Wife not coping very well at all so I'm concentrating on looking after her and our daughter.

Doctor came out to us today, I think Nicola is in shock. Now on diazepam for a week or so. Her back and neck have gone into spasm.

Apparently I was crying in my sleep last night.

My daughter is being fantastic and so gentle with her mum. They just know don't they.

Thanks for everyone's thoughts.


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Saturday 15th November 2014
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I'm certainly not averse to asking for help when needed. I've already talked about that with my wife.

I'm so upset and guilty. Can't write anymore for now.


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Saturday 15th November 2014
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Thank you.

I was brought up a strict Roman Catholic hence the guilt. I think it's because we decided to save him any further suffering.

I love the footsteps poem.

I'm a little lonely as my poor wife is medicated as I think the doctor realised she was in a very fragile mental state. Got little Darcey keeping me busy for the time being!


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Monday 17th November 2014
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Wife has now come off the diazepam because she didn`t like being emotionally removed. She`s now taken over my mantle and is madly cleaning and hasn`t sat still all day.
Part of this is because we haven`t got round to doing anything for a week and partly, you know, avoidance.

I`m working from home today and my brain is really elsewhere. Bloody difficult.


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Sunday 20th November 2016
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Just a wee family update.

My 2yr old daughter who was 6 weeks prem is doing well. She's in the 95th centile for her height but now is in the bottom 4% for her weight. frown
I say now because she was in the bottom 5% but she's been off her food for a week because of a chest infection.

I would like to ask for some tips for some weight gain please. Anything gratefully received. My wife has been in tears this evening. We literally spend HOURS a day feeding her and helping her to explore food. One plus is she likes cheese which is a help.
She is incredibly bright and finds eating boring, we try reading etc etc but just doesn't seem to have an appetite. She's been telling me about gravity (everything falls down not up daddy) heating metal makes it a tiny bit bigger and vice Versa with cold. She knows about the state changes of water and wants to know where EVERYTHING comes from. Love it! She toilet trained herself at 20 months and was accident free at 21 months. This girl is a bright spark and I'm wondering if that could be part of the issue?

We some times have to tag team feed her because it really tries the patience and we really don't want to make this an issue for her.

In other news we have a 12 week old girl that was born bang on time maybe a bit over. Very quick labour again, 2hrs at most. 120lepton dash up the M4 to Swindon and she was born within 45 minutes of getting there.
Just shows how important the last few weeks are for weight gain. She was born at 8lbs 3oz and her weight gain has been flabbergasting. She's outgrowing 3-6m clothing.


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Monday 21st November 2016
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Apologies for delay in reply.

Am now in UAE so wife has a week to contend with on her own.

Doctor has recently changed and no real concern before she went off food. We as parents just want to build up a little bit of reserves so illness doesn't hit her weight so hard.
Don't get me started on the absolute waste of time her health visitor was. I kid you not she came out with to a scared first time mum with a prem baby; "my goodness she's a skinny one isn't she".
Anyway I digress.
Any ideas? We're going to try Jersey/Guernsey milk instead of normal blue top. Keep a little bowl of cheese cubes out for her to nibble on, plenty of cream and butter in the mashed potato.


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Tuesday 22nd November 2016
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Nuclearsquash said:
jontysafe said:
Apologies for delay in reply.
Don't get me started on the absolute waste of time her health visitor was. I kid you not she came out with to a scared first time mum with a prem baby; "my goodness she's a skinny one isn't she".
Haha, living in Swindon i know exactly what you mean. My daughter was born at 27 weeks, has a congenital lung condition, came home on oxygen, and our health visitor said we should let her get colds as it will be good for her... erm no thanks that would in all likelihood kill her. Thankfully we never saw her again (or any other health visitor apart from the home oxygen people who were awesome).

Daughter is now nearly 2, off oxygen for nearly 18 months, lung condition is not (currently) causing issues and she can now survive a cold smile.
Sheesh! I must say it's only the health visitors that have been poor and as you say, you don't have to see them after the initial visit. The midwives were brilliant.
Glad to hear your daughter is doing well.


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Tuesday 22nd November 2016
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BoRED S2upid said:
jontysafe said:
Just a wee family update.

My 2yr old daughter who was 6 weeks prem is doing well. She's in the 95th centile for her height but now is in the bottom 4% for her weight. frown
I say now because she was in the bottom 5% but she's been off her food for a week because of a chest infection.

I would like to ask for some tips for some weight gain please. Anything gratefully received. My wife has been in tears this evening. We literally spend HOURS a day feeding her and helping her to explore food. One plus is she likes cheese which is a help.
She is incredibly bright and finds eating boring, we try reading etc etc but just doesn't seem to have an appetite. She's been telling me about gravity (everything falls down not up daddy) heating metal makes it a tiny bit bigger and vice Versa with cold. She knows about the state changes of water and wants to know where EVERYTHING comes from. Love it! She toilet trained herself at 20 months and was accident free at 21 months. This girl is a bright spark and I'm wondering if that could be part of the issue?

We some times have to tag team feed her because it really tries the patience and we really don't want to make this an issue for her.

In other news we have a 12 week old girl that was born bang on time maybe a bit over. Very quick labour again, 2hrs at most. 120lepton dash up the M4 to Swindon and she was born within 45 minutes of getting there.
Just shows how important the last few weeks are for weight gain. She was born at 8lbs 3oz and her weight gain has been flabbergasting. She's outgrowing 3-6m clothing.
Does she have a favourite food? At 4% anything is good food if that's cheese for every meal then so be it. Our little boy (who was also prem) can be fussy with his food but we've learnt what are his go to foods and snacks and he eats them a lot funnily enough it's also cheese and crackers or breadsticks. Then he will surprise you by eating prawns or Thai marinated salmon very strange.
Cheese goes down well. It's funny you mention bread sticks, wife tried her with them and soft cheese today and they were a hit. She's eaten well today so far which is heartening.


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Wednesday 23rd November 2016
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Wobbegong said:
Our eldest was born about 6weeks early and although tall for his age, has always struggled with weight. Last year he finally hit a weight to match his height and he came down with pneumonia frown he lost 7lbs in a week (down from 3stone) and was in very bad shape. Took a year to get the weight back on (actually it was a year today.....he has a chest infection again irked )

For weight gain......

Does your daughter like ice cream? If so, mix some in with a milkshake as that is quite calorie heavy and was recommended by our doctor - unfortunately our son is one of about two kids on the planet who hates ice cream rofl we did find other high calorie foods such as pies, sausage rolls, yorkie buttons etc to help him pack some weight on.

When recovering from pneumonia the hospital physio was trying to encourage him to blow bubbles, shout etc basically anything to get his lungs working harder. He refused to be a performing chimp but tickling him produced fantastic results thumbup
Bless him. She will have one sip of milk shake and says she likes it but won't have another one! Go figure!
Will try her on a sausage roll. I think that could be a goer.


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Wednesday 23rd November 2016
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warren182 said:
Difficult to read at points, but glad all has ended well. We had identical twin boys 3 and a half months early in Feb.

Max was incredibly poorly, and died the day after he was born. Agreeing to stop the intervention was the hardest thing we've ever been through.

Hari was also in a bad way, very under developed lungs. Over 3.5 months in hospital there were brain bleeds, more lung bleeds than I can count, numerous setbacks with ventilation and oxygen etc. But, he seems to have come through it all relatively unscathed, spends most of the time feeding or smiling!

Think that's the first time I've ever put it all down in words.
Wow. Thanks for your reply and firstly I'm sorry about poor little Max and sorry Hari lost his brother. It's hard as the father I think. We're meant to hold everything together, be strong.

Hearing your experience has put me right back in that room with my wife with the pills in her hand that would mean the end of her pregnancy. It was the right thing to do to I know but knowing is only half the story. How is your wife? How are you?


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Wednesday 23rd November 2016
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g35x said:
Both my kids were in the bottom 5% weight category but otherwise healthy, their original pediatrician made a big deal out of this and was suggesting we lace their food with butter and other high calorie content .. this caused a lot of anxiety and stress for us as well. We changed pediatrician's (for other reasons) and the new one is much more laid back about the whole thing, as long as the children are healthy and eating a balanced diet he said not to focus on the weight chart. This was a couple of years ago and now both my kids have gone through big growth/eating spurts and are nowhere near the bottom anymore.

You want kids to have a healthy relationship with food, trying to force feed them could lead to problems later in life. I would maybe try and seek out a second opinion but personally i wouldn't stress about it too much if they are otherwise healthy.
Sorry G I missed this one. Of course you are right. I just want to feel we are doing all we can as parents and not just rely on medical professionals. Just build in a little more resilience. It seems crazy but I worry about the 2 yr old (3 in Jan) so much more than our 12 week old.

I think I also need to get my wife out on a date and take her mind off everything. Mums are the heart of the house and I think she needs to be reminded she's so much more than just mummy 24/7.


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Friday 2nd December 2016
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Hello again,

Things going better on the eating front the last few days.

The Jersey milk is a hit, she actually asked for a beaker full in bed when she woke up.

I've had a bug the last week where I have totally lost my appetite and had cramps. I'm now wondering if she had the same. Since she's started playschool our house seems to be an incubus for germs.

She's just off for a nasal flu thing.

Will keep you updated but feeling much better about things at the moment.


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Saturday 10th December 2016
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They are blooming nutcases aren't they.

2yr old eating better, only slightly but better is better. She continues to be a cheese monster. She was sat at her little desk colouring and watching Bing earlier and wolfing down extra mature vintage cheddar then boiled egg and soldiers. I did a fish and chip run for supper and she did so so with that.

Florence our 13 week old just is sooo different. My wife swears someone has wrapped her in a mattress topper. She has proper rolls. Darcey feels like picking up a dining room chair compared to her.
She's (2yr old) taken well to Jersey gold top before bed, an extra milk in the morning after biscuits in bed and some cream in her cereal so I'm happy.

We've been a house of germs for what feels like nearly 2 weeks now. I haven't felt like eating ao I think same thing little one had.

Mrs and I have decided that we are going to worry less. Must speak to playschool though as she is squirrelling food in her cheek at snack time and not swallowing it. I went to pick her up an hour and a half later and she had a load of satsuma in her cheek!


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Tuesday 2nd May 2017
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A little update.

I'm en route to Manila and my wife has taken our 3 year old to the dietician today. Eating continues to be difficult.
We've become aware we need to be more aware and careful of friends and family coming round with colds etc. Yes she's subject to coughs and sneezes at play school but the benefits of gross motor skills and learning out weigh that.
Upshot of today's visit is she has a bmi of 12. She's down to the 0.4th centile on weight and 90th centile on height. A bad cold for a week changes everything.
We now have various shakes for her to try every night. We've been giving her jersey gold top chocolate milk shake but that's not enough apparently.
We've been told 3 months of trying this and if no joy then further investigation.
In herself she's been poorly with both cold, coughs and stomach upsets recently and has just wanted her dad. A wee bit vulnerable and it's becoming harder to travel, which was expected as she grew up. I get now ' please don't leave me daddy '
I want to post a pic I took of her with her baby sister who is now 8 months but will do that when I get to the lounge at dxb.
I'm 100% positive she's going to put the weight on but it's slow going.
Going to go back to the doctor next week because she's started retching when eating as well.


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Friday 5th May 2017
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Thanks, we are trying.

Loving the Manila heat hearing about the UK weather from my wife. Still can't wait to get home though. Off back to Dubai tomorrow evening.

Going to try and melt myself cycling round the track at Meydan in 40 degree heat. Should be good for a laugh. Mmm sweaty.

I never posted the pic because it just seemed a bit weird to do it.