4 weeks I'm in your hands!!!

4 weeks I'm in your hands!!!



737 posts

183 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
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why not just start gently, do it right and look great for your holiday next year?


72,857 posts

241 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
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02verco said:
nagsheadwarrior said:
Defo hit the gym but can you cycle commute too,i only do a 5 mile each way commute but thats 1800 calories which should be nearly 1lb a weeks worth on top of the gym.
No I can't it's 20 miles each way and I need my car at all times (work car)
Leave the car at work, 20 miles is a nice distance to cycle.


364 posts

176 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
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It comes down to what your body repsonds to best.. In my case.. German Body Composition.

It's high intensity and they claim with a clean diet you can lose 0.5% body fat a week. For the month of may I "cut" using this and carb cycling. Results speak for themselves and I probably lost over 2% bodyfat. It incorporates legs every day.. yes they will ache...yes you'll get used to it!

This is what I did.. you do each TT without stopping.. then have 30-60seconds break.

Monday – Chest

TT1 – 3 sets
Squats – 10 – 12
Flat Bench – 10 - 12
Press ups on bosu – 20

TT2 – 3 sets
Dumbbell lunges – 15 – 20
Incline Bench – 10 -12
Incline Fly – 10-12

TT3 – 3 sets
Dumbbell squats/swing – 15-20
Decline Bench – 10-12
Press ups on bosu – 20

TT4 – 3 sets
Calf raises - 20
Cable lower to higher fly – 10-12
Press ups on bosu - 20

Tuesday – Shoulders
TT1 – 3 sets
Squats – 10 – 12
Standing barbell press – 10 - 12
Front raised – 10-12

TT2 – 3 sets
Leg Extensions – 15 – 20
Lat raises dumbbell – 10 -12
Seated fixed arm machine shoulder press – 10-12

TT3 – 3 sets
Romanian dead lifts – 15-20
Standing barbell press – 10-12
Rotator cuffs, lightweight – 15

TT4 – 3 sets
Dumbell Dead Lift - 20
Standing Cable Rear Shoulders – 8
Cable Upright Row – 10
Kettle bell round the worlds (use grip strength)

Thursday – Back

TT1 – 3 sets
Squats – 10 – 12
Cable Lat Pull Down – 12 -15
Dumbbell Bent over rows – 10 - 12

TT2 – 3 sets
Side Lunges lunges - 20
Wide Grip Pull Up – 10 -12
Barbell Row – 10-12

TT3 – 3 sets
Dumbbell squats/swing – 15-20
Standing Lat pull down – 10-12
Rope rows on cable machine – 10-12

TT4 – 3 sets
Romanian dead Lift - 12
Seated row – 10-12
Cable Straight arm pull downs – 10 – 12

Friday – Arms

TT1 – 3 sets
Jump Squats body weight – 15 –20
Close grip pull ups – 12-15
Tricep Dips – 20

TT2 – 3 sets
Hamstring curl machine 15 – 20
Cable rope bicep curls – 10 -12
Cable rope tricep press – 10-12

TT3 – 3 sets
Calf raises – 15-20
Close grip press up - Followed by knee in – 15-20
Bicep barbell standing curls – 10-15

TT4 – 3 sets
Quad curl machine - 20
Bicep 21’s – 7/7/7
Tricep single arm pull downs – 10 a side

Some Gump

12,737 posts

188 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
quotequote all
4 weeks? Piece of piss mate.

First, run up some stairs, slowly.
Next, chop some wood with an axe.
Then a saw.
Do 2 situps.
Run up the same stairs at medium pace.
Cut more wood.
Punch cold meat repeatedly.
Another sit up.
Close up of bead of sweat falling from face.
Run up stairs quickly, then punch the air a bit.

Thati s how you WIN.


291 posts

131 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
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02verco said:
So I go away in 4 weeks for 3 weeks of relaxing and sun, I have lost my figure due to coming off the tools and now in management and I want it back for my holls, I need to lose about a stone I would say.

now I have access to a full gym has pool and all the usual equipment. I have a road and and other off road peddle bikes.
I walk my dogs once in the morning and once in the evening.

So I need your help! For the next four weeks I will be signing in and keeping every one updated,

I need help on what to do? I.e gym, road bike how long how far times etc
What I should be eating / should not be eating.

I work from 8 in the morning until 5 of an evening and may not have a break.

I can cook so all natural food is fine, I'm not keen on fish but will eat it if needed

So what would you recommend?

I will weigh and take photos each day to help along with the diary.

Many thanks all and hope all will go to plan!

Step 1: use a few online calculators to determine your maintenance calorie level (choose the sedentary option - ignore the exercise you will be doing). I would take an average of these values, or you could take the lowest value. This is an estimate of the number of calories your body requires each day to maintain its current weight.

Step 2: Take away 500 from your maintenance calories estimate. This will give you your daily calorie limit estimate. Do not eat more than this limit each day - calorie count everything! You can also eat and drink whatever you want as long as you account for it. You like a Big Mac, coke and fries every day from McD's? Fine. That's 1000 calories gone for the day. You might have 500 to keep yourself sated for the rest of the day.

Step 3: Do any exercise that will burn 500 calories every day. There are plenty of suggestions here

Follow these 3 steps and you should lose 8lbs in 4 weeks. All of the specialist diets and exercise plans are great if they help you to focus and stay on track but they all have one fundamental basis: eat less and move more.


630 posts

160 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
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OP At 6ft and 13 stone It doesnt really sound like your a chubber, it sounds like youve never lifted bro, get in the Gym for four weeks four times a week, lift fk heavy to the point when you leave you feel like a train hit you. in four weeks with a good clean diet muscle should be beginning to show through a little bit,

however as most people have said, 4 weeks is way to late to start, im presuming you booked said holiday 3 months ago? why not start then.

oh and i say doesnt sound like your a chubber as I am 6 ft 3 and 13 stone 9 11% BF. meaning it just sounds like you have a high body fat and low muscle content.


76,601 posts

284 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
quotequote all
Some Gump said:
4 weeks? Piece of piss mate.

First, run up some stairs, slowly.
Next, chop some wood with an axe.
Then a saw.
Do 2 situps.
Run up the same stairs at medium pace.
Cut more wood.
Punch cold meat repeatedly.
Another sit up.
Close up of bead of sweat falling from face.
Run up stairs quickly, then punch the air a bit.

Thati s how you WIN.
hehe Rocky?


Original Poster:

158 posts

133 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
quotequote all
BettySwollocks2 said:
OP At 6ft and 13 stone It doesnt really sound like your a chubber, it sounds like youve never lifted bro, get in the Gym for four weeks four times a week, lift fk heavy to the point when you leave you feel like a train hit you. in four weeks with a good clean diet muscle should be beginning to show through a little bit,

however as most people have said, 4 weeks is way to late to start, im presuming you booked said holiday 3 months ago? why not start then.

oh and i say doesnt sound like your a chubber as I am 6 ft 3 and 13 stone 9 11% BF. meaning it just sounds like you have a high body fat and low muscle content.
Nope booked it on Sunday, so far it's going well eating a lot less and doing a lot or running and weights everyday! Will be hitting the gym tonight for a couple of hours swim! I think it may be toning up but some of the fat needs to go!


76,601 posts

284 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
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Toning comes about as a result of fat loss. You've got to be seriously muscley for muscle to push through a thick amount of fat. nuts


5,061 posts

201 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
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"Tone" in that respect is actually bro-science and is grammatically incorrect.

"Tone" is not being able to see muscle shape under the skin. That is definition.

"Muscle Tone" referrers to a muscle that is fit enough to always be in a state of slight tension, creating muscle that appears to be firm to the touch. "Muscle Tone" is further broken down into myogenic and neurogenic muscle tone. One is the firmness and density of the muscle when contracted and the other when relaxed.

So when people say they want to "tone-up" really, after a good grammatical face-slapping, what they mean they want is definition which is brought on my lower body fat % and increasing muscle fitness.


2,348 posts

135 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
quotequote all
I fking hate the word 'tone'.

Tone means trying to lose fat and preserve muscle but ultimately leads to being lighter and weaker than you were before.

Unless you are genetically fortunate.


Original Poster:

158 posts

133 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
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Okay get rid of the flabby bits, witch ever you would like to call them! So is doing what I am doing at the moment no good?


630 posts

160 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
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02verco said:
Okay get rid of the flabby bits, witch ever you would like to call them! So is doing what I am doing at the moment no good?
I think personally you should keep doing what your doing cardio wise, and eating healthily, but go as heavy as possible with the weights, 5 sets of 5 reps on big compound lifts. coming from not much weightlifting i think it will provide the most noticeable change in muscle definition in the short amount of time.


2,348 posts

135 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
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02verco said:
Okay get rid of the flabby bits, witch ever you would like to call them! So is doing what I am doing at the moment no good?
- Reduce your carb intake as much as you can.

- Go on a calorie deficit, but don't go stupid!

- Do not have simple carbs like chocolate bars or sugar in your tea. Completely cut it out. Avoid alcohol if you can - spirits with diet sodas if you must... a JD and diet ginger is around 60-80 calories. A pint of larger is around 200+.

- At the gym, mix up the weights. Start off on something you can comfortably do 15-20 reps of but just do 10-12 to 'warm-up' then do your working sets as heavy as you can - aim for 3-6 reps tops. Last set aim for 1-2 (use assistance from a mate or another gym member for things like bench press). Give yourself a short breather and then do a drop-set - so maybe a little up from your warm-up weight and aim for 10-15 reps but concentrate on form - so slow and good technique!

- Aim for the main muscle groups and compound lifts - LEGS (squats), CHEST (bench), BACK (deadlifts, lat pull downs/pull ups. With your little time, no real point in pissing around with curls and the like - if you do want to, aim to do them after EVERYTHING else, including cardio... see below...

- Do interval cardio after every weight session for 10 minutes - so a steady pace then hammer it for 30 seconds, get your breath back with a steady pace and hammer it again. The aim here is to get your HR up as high as you can then lower, then high again, lower etc... great fat burner as your glycogen stores will be a lot lower due to reduced carb intake and after a heavy weights session.

- Don't freak out about meal timings - they do not matter. Have all your food in the evening if you want... but it will help you mentally to portion it throughout the day + feeling less hungry.

- Keep your protein levels high (1g for every lbs of weight). So if you weigh 200lbs, aim for around 200g of protein. It will preserve what muscle you do have whilst losing weight.

- Look at using a decent multivitamin if you are on a restricted diet.

- Drink a lot of water.

- COUNT YOUR CALORIES. I cannot stress this enough. Use MyFitnessPal (I've typed that such much lately) religiously! If after 2 weeks you have not changed at all, analyse MFP (tell us your fat, protein, carb & calorie intake) over that 2 weeks and tweak it/we will help you tweak it... as in you may feel VERY tired and after looking at what you've had over those 2 weeks and you've averaged say 20-30g of fat, we would tell you to increase your fat intake and reduce maybe carbs or protein, or maybe telling you to up your calories.

You won't go far wrong if you are dedicated enough, but most people aren't.

Edited by mu0n on Thursday 18th July 13:05


10,224 posts

189 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
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mattikake said:
4 weeks. lol You plebs watch too much TV. Lets convert this total lack of realism into walking (which is a good, easy, effective and most of all for your goals, maintainable, calorie burner)

Lots of calculations follow
1 stone = 14lbs so losing a stone in 4 weeks means losing 3.5lbs per week.

That doesn't sound unachievable? My OH was losing 2lb per week just doing Weight Watchers and zero exercise....


2,835 posts

166 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
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mu0n said:
I fking hate the word 'tone'.
To tone up it is best to do light weights and high reps, otherwise you could add unwanted bulk.

Do plenty of cardio before weights for best results.



2,160 posts

202 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
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Muzzer79 said:
1 stone = 14lbs so losing a stone in 4 weeks means losing 3.5lbs per week.

That doesn't sound unachievable? My OH was losing 2lb per week just doing Weight Watchers and zero exercise....
it may well have been that she was losing 2lbs of weight rather than 2lbs of fat though


80 posts

166 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
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NOt much to add really, apart from mu0n has it absolutely spot on ..

I'm not sure you'd see much difference, muscle wise in 3-4 weeks, if you can't get someone to spot you and you stay in the 8-10 rep range, rather than go for strongman 5x5 ..

mu0n's post is probably the most sensible post I've ever seen in this forum !


76,601 posts

284 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
quotequote all
But I don't want to get bulky*. frown

*-Yeah, right. If I woke up tomorrow looking like a prize winning bodybuilder, you lot will fking know about it alright! hehe


Original Poster:

158 posts

133 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
quotequote all
So tonight is swimming, dinner including drink was 268 cal's and had that about 2 hours ago so energy should be good! So I am aiming to do an hour or more of intense swimming smile