What training are you doing/have you done today? Vol.2

What training are you doing/have you done today? Vol.2



18,120 posts

129 months

Wednesday 15th March 2017
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Absolutely bloody nailing it, as usual, Diddly. I think I can do 1-3 reps at the RPE that you can manage for 10-20!

chris watton

22,477 posts

262 months

Wednesday 15th March 2017
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didelydoo's my hero! hehe Well, at the least, aspirational..


After 2 days rest, I thought I'd nail it today, but alas, it was all a bit of a slog, TBH. Shoulders (traps) and lower back still ached slightly from last weeks workouts, but figured that would go away early once warmed up, which it did, mostly..

Back Extensions - 2x20

Leg Press - 3x12-8 and 5x5-1 rep
Bench Press - 3x12-8 and 5x6-1 rep
High Pulls (following Halbs T-nation Link, not so high..) - 5x8-5 reps
Power Clean - 8x2 reps
Standing BB OHP (very strict, legs together, knees locked and feet flat on the floor throughout) - 5x12-5 reps and a couple of singles
Wide Grip Pull Up - 4x12-8 reps
Deadlift - 1x5 and 5x1

30 seconds hanging from bars

DL's finished me off, was meant to do some BB Rows after, but I was spent so called it a day..


18,120 posts

129 months

Wednesday 15th March 2017
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Deadlifts: 100,155 & 130 x 3
4 x 145kg (grip gave way at lockout but I somehow controlled the bar down) I think my grip is only good for about 150kg (without chalk and double overhand)

OHP: 52.5 x 5 (I put the wrong weights on because I'm an idiot)
6 x 47.5kg (60 seconds rest) . Surprisingly hard. I find the equivalent bench sets much easier.

4 sets of curls. I've huge noob gains available on curls because I have never done them, and they seem to be making me stronger on pulls.

5 x 20 reps face pulls.

45 mins and moderately difficult.


9,652 posts

286 months

Wednesday 15th March 2017
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Got rudely awoken by work today so only 2 hours sleep. Didn't make the gym.

But, trained in the sun in the back garden biggrin

Superset x15-20 (lost count)

(Bar) Push Ups x10/20
Standing DB Press x10

Better than nowt and felt good after.


53,012 posts

185 months

Thursday 16th March 2017
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Bought some iron grips, no. 2. Wow, tough.


5,533 posts

212 months

Friday 17th March 2017
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Leg day>

Squat (no belt, no sleeves, high bar) - 170kg x 20
GHR: 3 banded sets
Ab rolls: 3 sets against bands
Ham curls: 2 sets to Failure.

Squats must be a PB- one of the hardest things I've done in the gym I think. Really wanted to give up half way...glad I didn't though. www.instagram.com/p/BRuwCqaDCWd


4,856 posts

140 months

Friday 17th March 2017
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Pretty impressive squatting!


38 posts

224 months

Friday 17th March 2017
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I'm going to join this thread as a way of making myself accountable for fitting training time into my diary, and as a way of tracking progress.

This week I've done;
5 x 50kg
5 x 57.5kg
5 x 65 kg
5 x 10 @40kg
5 x 10 leg extensions no. 6 weight
5 x 10 ham curl no. 2 weight
4 x 20 8kg med ball Russian twists
4 x 12 banded leg raises

5 x 27.5kg
5 x 32.5kg
9 x 37.5kg
5 x 10 @ 22.5 kg
5 x 15 straight arm band pull aparts
4 x 5 12kg KB press
4 x 5 16kg KB clean
5 x 10 16kg single arm KB swings

Tonight I will do
5 x 80kg
5 x 92.5kg
AMRAP x 105kg
5 x 10 @ 62.5kg
5 x 8 Back extension
5 x 5 single leg box step ups (slow)

Tomorrow is OH press - I hate overheads as I'm rehabbing a shoulder injury so am on v. light (25kg max) until it's recovered frown

I'm following an adaptation of Wendler 531 with a goal to get my squat to 150kg+, DL to 200kg and bench to 100kg this year.

Got my first powerlifting meet in June, and took part in East Mids strongest novice a couple of weeks ago.

Current bodyweight 95kg


53,012 posts

185 months

Friday 17th March 2017
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Bench Press
Cable Rows
Incline Hammer
Reverse fly machine
ankle drops

met a bloke last week, he consumes 10,000 cals plus a day. Thin as a rake, he has a crazy metabolism and gets some sort of food drink from the docs.

chris watton

22,477 posts

262 months

Friday 17th March 2017
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10K cals per day yikes I am lucky if I consume 2000! But then again, I am old and my metabolism has probably slowed down so much my body thinks I'm almost dead...


Quite a long session today, just over 2 hours! had my new T-bar/landmine base arrive today, too..

Back Extensions - 2x20

5x12-8 reps (80-120kg)
5x6-1 rep (130-165kg)

Bench Press:
3x16/12/6 reps (60/70/80kg)
6x1 reps with 100/110/120/125/130/135kg - Caught the bar on the bottom of the support peg pushing up with the 135kg again. I tried 140 after, but failed. TUT with 135 was just a little longer than I anticipated, which messed up my final heavy single rep, dammit.
6 x drop sets of 3-10 reps with 125/120/115/110/105 and 100kg

DB Cross-Bench Pullovers - 4x12

High Pulls - 5x8-4 reps
Power Clean - 8x2-1 rep
BB Clean and Press - 5x5

Wide grip Pull Up - 4x11-7 reps
T-bar Rows - 4x12-8 reps (a lot more stable with the new swivel attachment)
Seated Pulley Rows (U/H Grip) - 4x12-8 reps

didelydoo said:
Leg day>

Squat (no belt, no sleeves, high bar) - 170kg x 20
GHR: 3 banded sets
Ab rolls: 3 sets against bands
Ham curls: 2 sets to Failure.

Squats must be a PB- one of the hardest things I've done in the gym I think. Really wanted to give up half way...glad I didn't though. www.instagram.com/p/BRuwCqaDCWd
Those Squats looked brutal! Great stuff, as usual.


13,140 posts

237 months

Friday 17th March 2017
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Ran at nearly 13km/h average for 56 minutes. Target, though I'm probably dreaming, is to run at 16km/h for one hour by the end of the summer. That's 10mph in old money.

Then I cycled 50 km in an hour and 40 mins, drafting the whole way!


18,120 posts

129 months

Friday 17th March 2017
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Bench: 3 x 75, 85, 95 kg
5 x 105 kg (reps PR, I think)
12 x 80 kg

My bench with a decent pause (not competition pause but not touch and go) is now stronger than my touch and go bench from 2 months ago. Pleased as punch with that.

Squats: 7 x 5 @ 95kg
Not too hard this week. Feeling strong.

Triceps stuff; DB rows

50 minutes


8,742 posts

183 months

Friday 17th March 2017
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Training going really well, brutal week so far, no let up in sight.

chris watton

22,477 posts

262 months

Friday 17th March 2017
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I think I over done it today, I can hardly move tonight!

Well done ORD on the Bench, 105 for 5 is really good!


5,533 posts

212 months

Friday 17th March 2017
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Good going all, and thanks for the comments. The squats were a killer. I'll impress my self when I can do 20x180!


18,120 posts

129 months

Friday 17th March 2017
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Those squats were just insane, Diddly. I was watching thinking 'I'd give up there' from about 7 reps in! Amazing grit.

Thanks, Chris. You're going great guns, too.


53,012 posts

185 months

Sunday 19th March 2017
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Strength Circuit

Dumbbell Push Press 30
Pendlay Row 25
Front Squat 35
High Pull 30

Alternate Leg Squat Thrusts 46
KB Swings 33

Deadlift 20
DB Bench Press 35
Barbell Lunges 30
Pull-Up 20
70 mins
BB Curls
Ball Squeezes
100 swings


8,742 posts

183 months

Sunday 19th March 2017
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3 x gym sessions this weekend and 200km on the bike (which brings up 4,000 for the year). Oh, and a pb on the bench press - 145kg for 2 reps - happy.


5,533 posts

212 months

Monday 20th March 2017
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This morning>

Deadlifts: 9x 227.5kg
Chins: +20kg x 3 sets
Inverted rows: 3 sets
Hammer curls: 3 sets
Cable pull overs: 3 sets

wanted 10 on the deadlifts, but straps were slipping, and my lock out power was goosed by then anyway. Was supposed to be 225kg this week, but 227.5kg is 500lbs, so a nice round number. ( www.instagram.com/p/BR2emtCjwnX )

Captain Answer

1,358 posts

189 months

Monday 20th March 2017
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Any of you with home gyms... whats a decent squat rack / power cage to get??

Toying with the idea of doing a home setup, but need to work out what size room it would need (and ultimately build said room in an extension)

Was just thinking decent rack & bench, nice Olympic barbell and bumper plates with some dumbbells etc