Bowel surgery for Cronh's, any experience

Bowel surgery for Cronh's, any experience



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Wednesday 14th May 2014
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Pumping Nurses eh...know what I mean...nudge nudge....wink wink....

Yeah I had read that you can be in the range but still feel like shoite.

Hopefully I can get it sorted as the specialist nurse said the stuff costs pennies and does no harm so best to just try it and see for a few months.

I feel run down and almost like the start of a cold and just a level of cant be bothered that not like me, I definitely wasn't like this about a month ago so hopefully it is just needing a boost.

I wondered if it may be hayfever like symptoms but I have never really had it but my dad and GF do so I know its not that as im fine when they get sneezy and puffy.


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180 months

Wednesday 14th May 2014
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dumfriesdave said:
Hi Rick I am due b12 booster and suffering similar symptoms recently.

Tired, lethargic and slight hangover-type headache, all pretty normal when getting low on b12.

Remind me what part of stomach did you have removed?
My ops have been to remove sections near the end of my large intestine(lower right of stomach around appendix area-in fact my scar just looks like a large appendix scar).
If I remember what my specialist told me this is part of stomach that diverts all the vitamins, calcium etc so when this is removed there is need for vitamin injections, calcium tablets etc.
Yeah same bits, basically right side of large and the ileum connection\valve an appendix.


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180 months

Monday 2nd June 2014
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The B12 definitely helped, feel less doomed at 2pm now, Eye pain and headaches I think are actually hayfever as I don't get any other symptoms but hayfever tablets helped.

Hopefully that's it settling now I have all my potions in me.

Got a wedding in Guildford in July, 9 hour train travel, that doesn't bother me, its the getting to station and if the train doesn't have a loo at any points I get stressed and GF gets a bit stressed as a result. I don't have diarrhea now, but can need loo suddenly and brain goes into panic mode.

Should be fine though, just need spare pants and troos just in case


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Tuesday 3rd June 2014
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Seems I just get the glass vials from the pharmacy that I take with me each visit.


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Thursday 10th July 2014
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Bump again.

Hi folks,

I am doing fine after the surgery, the only main issues I am having are still have urgency to go to the loo\bit panicky\stressed out when I have to travel, even to work is a fun affair, however the diarreah etc has basically stopped bar a few odd times.

I am trying to get it into my head that its probably not the runs and I don't have to ram raid the nearest public convenience but its very hard to ignore the feeling that you 'really have to go, right, just, now!

However the other issue I now have is I am putting weight on and probably gained maybe 2kg and feel HUGE but I know its not much as I am 5'7" and am about 66-69kg but I always hated my belly fat and feel I look like a whale when my GF says I shouldn't.

However I am worried that any weight gain could be dangerous for my incision scar, i.e. will it be able to stretch?

I am alos getting stinging sensations on the scar today and its pissing me off, I know its not the weight gain, and if I blow out my tummy it doesn't hurt or anything but I am unconsciously holsing in my tummy due to it feeling tender and my being a bit embarrassed about my bump, which is daft for a 32 year old man to be worried about smile

Any post op surgery folks on here got experience in how your bowels settled down after 6 months and if the scar tingling\stining goes away.

I am googling cross trainers and weight sets as I type as I want to be back to the 63kg I was before cronhs went mental and I had to go back on roids and re-gained the 10kg I had lost in 4 months in about 4 weeks frown, so hopefully now I wont have flare ups I can get myself thin again. (when I say thin, I mean lose 8kg as I am skinny, I just hate my bump of a belly on an otherwise slender frame, looks fking stupid.


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180 months

Thursday 10th July 2014
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I had the ileum, some small bowel and about 1/4 of the colon removed, it was a straight stitch together job.

Seems to have worked fine, just a bit of a pest I seem to have regressed to bout 10 years ago, i.e. no pain but nervous traveller.


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180 months

Friday 11th July 2014
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Had to laugh at the 'Empire state banging on the door" smile

Yeah regarding exercise its more cross trainer and arm weights and some chest\arm barbell use, I am leaving deadlifts and pulling\leg stuff as that will be dangerous. However its less than 20kg I will be using its more just for weight cardio and such, not to get muscle mass.

Diet wise its been pretty normal, I am trying to cut out fizzy pop, crisps, and ready meal stuff, bar now and then.

I am back on normal cereal at breakfast, an actimel, then for snacks is Dr Karg's crackers, and lunch its miso soup, pitta bread with ham and cheese, and those sundried crisp things from walkers.

Evening meal is usually scratch made meals we cook so very little in the way of ready made food bar pastas and the like.

So I am not that bad, bar the odd icicle or biscuit with tea\coffee.

I will take it easy as I know its only been 5 months since the op so I should expect It to get better as they say I don't have cronhs effectively now and should se a massive improvement, which I do, I just would rather the urgency died down enough I can get a handle on it smile


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180 months

Friday 11th July 2014
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Hi Richtea.

Its the large bowel that absorbs water (it is it's only function). The small bowel takes in nutrients etc, and the large removes excess water, so they are happy that I don't have more diarreah issues since they removed some of the large bowel.


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Monday 14th July 2014
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Yeah I understand the tight trouser thing, sometimes even loosinging the top button and holding it up with the belt is enough to calm me down.

However I have a wedding with my Girlfriends old Uni mates this weekend in Godalming, I am in Aberdeen, so the train down and the back and forth arrangement of a church then to fancy hotel then back to where we are staying is making me very nervous and I found my suit still fits fine but the trousers are a touch snug so wary of it being uncomfortable, but I don't have time to get a new suit\want to spend £100+ on a new suit just for the one day.

Sure it will be fine but its a faff and she is getting shouty as she is nervous too...ah well, at least booked holiday spain yesterday smile


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180 months

Monday 18th August 2014
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Hi folks,

I have been getting an odd thing recently, where I am feeling a bit queasy, usually after eating, mainly around the area just below my ribcage.

Is this something anyone else has experienced after bowel surgery further down the road after the event?

Its not painful as such, just feel bit odd and unwell.

Just incase its something unrelated to the surgery.



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180 months

Monday 18th August 2014
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Idid think that but didn't think I was supposed to get it now as they removed the offending item, however I have dry skin patches on my thighs and funny feeling in my mouth like its sensitive which I used to get with Cronhs so its maybe a flare up but as I don't have the inflamed internals and the runs I just think I am clearly dying hehe.


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180 months

Wednesday 20th August 2014
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Seems to have gone away now, maybe just a bit squiffy tummy and maybe eaten too much that day?

Christ nows I got my appetite back, now sitting at 71KG, and non too happy about it, so getting a cross trainer and basic weights as aware I cant do too much as risk of hernia, but hate being 'fat' GF says I am being daft but always hated having the pot belly.

I don't eat that much so bit pissed I am gradually getting bigger, need to get on the liquid cabbage diet...that'll thin me out.....frown


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3,691 posts

180 months

Wednesday 1st October 2014
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Hi again,

Looking for any experience from the folks that had similar op to me.

basically last day or so I have had a very tender\pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen.

Its basically like the whole lower belly has cramp or a bit like when you swallowed too much pool water when you were little and got stomach ache.

It went away last night with some ibuprofen but its coming back.

Its a dull stinging pain and is bloody annoying.

I am just a bit worried and I would call the docs but my new surgery takes AGES to get appointments and tbh I am not that sure they care.

I had bloods done 2 weeks ago which showed an drop in platelet levels but another test the other day says they are back to normal.

I just wondered if tenderness and maybe gas pain 6 months after an op is sort of normal.

Any thoughts would be great smile


Original Poster:

3,691 posts

180 months

Thursday 2nd October 2014
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Cheers folks, its gone again, probably just wind, but its pretty uncomfortable and obviously, you assume any pain or issue in the area after surgery is doom!

Need to remember they made me better!