Wish me luck!


Pet Troll

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1,362 posts

180 months

Wednesday 26th September 2012
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Hi all,

Further to my previous thread back in June I am now all booked in on Thursday 27th for my open heart surgery. I am not looking forward to it one bit but I will be glad once it is all over, it will be a huge weight off my mind.

As I will be bored in hospital I will try and amuse myself by keeping you updated on this thread, I will do my best to get pics of all the nurses of course wink

For those who want to know more detail, read on...

I will be having a partial transplant of the wall of my heart as it has stretched, a bit like a bulge on a soon-to-pop tyre, I will also be having the whole of my Aortic route replaced for the same reason. Once that has been done the surgeon will then see if my valve is working correctly with the new parts and if not I will be having a replacement valve put in too. So a fairly major operation, but all part of growing old I guess!

I did ask the surgeon if she would be able to video the operation (through a head mounted camera) for my benefit, but she said no frown Boring!

Although the operation is on Thursday I have been told to arrive tomorrow (technically today I guess).

Any suggestions of good magazines to keep me amused would be great (already have EVO).

Updates to follow...

Pet Troll

Original Poster:

1,362 posts

180 months

Wednesday 26th September 2012
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Thanks for all the kind words guys!

I'm now at the hospital in London, they will drag me out of bed at 8am tomorrow for the op apparently! That time in the morning I won't need any anaesthetic as I never wake up that early!

All the replacement parts are synthetic, and if i need the valve doing it will be a metal one. So i'm basically getting a 16v Upgrade and a lightened balanced flywheel :-P

Not yet spotted any suitable nurses to ask for some special treatment ;-)

I'm not sure a copy of razzle would do me much good as i wont be able to move much after the op, I could ask a nice nurse for help I guess :-P

Pet Troll

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1,362 posts

180 months

Wednesday 26th September 2012
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After turning up at 2pm as instructed It has taken until 8:30 for there to be a bed free so I have been a tad bored sat in the waiting room all day but it was sort of worth the wait as I managed to blag a room to myself with an ensuite :P

I have just bought a months worth of wifi access, I should only be in for a week to 10 days but it was only a few pence extra to go for a month over a week!

I am really tired as I didn't get much sleep last night so will be getting an early night. Also I will be woken at 7am tomorrow for my pre-med injection, then at 8am I will be wheeled down to theatre where I will be sedated after having numerous needles and lines stuck in me.

I will try and update in the morning but if not then I can't imagine I will be in a fit state to use a laptop for a few days so it might be a while til the next update.

Pet Troll

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1,362 posts

180 months

Thursday 27th September 2012
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Morning! I've been woken up nice and early, not that I really slept anyway. Already had a shower and should be getting my pre-meds any minute now, am a tad nervous!

I already have a 8" scar in the middle of my chest from a previous operation when I was about 14, the surgeon said that my new scar should be in pretty much the same place as the old one.

Here goes...

Pet Troll

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1,362 posts

180 months

Thursday 27th September 2012
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Davel said:
You'll be fine!

My best mate had an artificial valve fitted a couple of months back, a bit of Aorta replaced or repaired and a pacemaker fitted.

He's doing really well.

He's only 58!

Good luck....
Glad to hear he is doing well smile I am only 23 so will hopefully have a fairly smooth ride, or a rough ride if the nurse is into that biggrin

Pet Troll

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1,362 posts

180 months

Sunday 30th September 2012
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Just thought i would let you know i made it through the op and have been in various states of disrepair since. I will update again once im q bit more recovered

Pet Troll

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1,362 posts

180 months

Monday 1st October 2012
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Thanks for all the kind words guys, it all hurts really badly at the moment but despite that the surgeon cand spoke to me this morning and said she will be sending me home on weds! They must need these beds pretty urgently!

A pic to amuse yourselves, as of yesterday i have been dressed ib prison clothes!

Pet Troll

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1,362 posts

180 months

Thursday 4th October 2012
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Yes I am back home, well staying with my Gran for a few months as I'm not allowed to be by myself until the sternum has healed.

Feeling very painful all over and keep blacking/greying out, not nice at all. Still atleast I managed to et something today, first time in over a week so I must be improving a little!

It was my birthday on tuesday which was a bit crap as I kept throwing up and felt very light headed all day, but glad to be home in the cotswolds, at least its very peaceful here smile

Pet Troll

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1,362 posts

180 months

Wednesday 10th October 2012
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NeMiSiS said:
What's happening?
Sorry I haven't replied in a while, I've been feeling a bit groggy! I'm recovering back at my grandmothers house now, slowly making improvements day by day.

I'm eating relatively normally now, no longer throwing up after any food!

I went to the doctors yesterday and while there I felt a bit funny so they took my blood pressure and it was 60/30, the nurse panicked as she couldn't understand how I was still conscious! All was ok in the end.

The weirdest thing is most of the pain I am getting is not in my chest, it is in my back, shoulders and arms, apparently it's normal though as the body has trouble pinpointing internal pains or something.

Pet Troll

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1,362 posts

180 months

Wednesday 10th October 2012
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Hoofy said:
What a birthday! Still, it'll mean you have plenty more of them!
Yes indeed, I have sort of arranged an official birthday next month instead so it's not all bad!

Pet Troll

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1,362 posts

180 months

Wednesday 10th October 2012
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LordGrover said:
Cotswolds you say... maybe a run up the A46 or Fosse Way is in order when you're feeling more yourself? Something to look forward to, eh? driving
Yes indeed, there are some lovely roads around here, just the drive into Chedworth is nice enough smile

I have until the end of October (ish) to wait until I am allowed behind the wheel again. I am taking advantage of the time off the road to replace all the rubber parts in the suspension and fir the front mount intercooler I have been meaning to for ages, not myself of course frown

Pet Troll

Original Poster:

1,362 posts

180 months

Monday 22nd October 2012
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joncon said:
hey dude , how you getting on ?
Not too bad thanks, had a bit of a hiccup the other day as I coughed quite hard (a sip of apple juice went down the wrong way) and my scar ripped a little, but it soon scabbed over and now the scar is pretty much scab free, just freshly joined skin.

Chest pains are getting worse, it's always on my right hand side which is weird, feels like constant muscle cramps or a rib slightly out of place or something. It's bearable though!

I'm fairly mobile now, moving around pretty normally, just not able to do anything strenuous. The docs said minimum of 4 weeks before i could start driving again, it will e 4 weeks on Thursday so I think at the weekend I will give it a try to see if I can turn the wheel and check blind spots etc without getting any pain.

Getting pretty bored being stuck in all the time though!