12 Week Challenge



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Friday 4th January 2013
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Morning all,

I've not started a thread with some purpose for a while so i figured why not this one!
My new years resolution was to lose a bit of weight, i joined the gym late last year & was making reasonable progress, but had to stop due to having an operation, i should of started again, but got lazy & stopped going & put on the half stone i'd lost.
I'm currently weighing in around 15 1/2 stone at 6ft & 26 years of age, so i cuold do with losing some poundage.
My main aim is to lose the beer belly, double chin & get myself into shape again, ideally i'd like to get down to a 34" waist, currently i'm residing in 36-38" trousers which i find embarrassing, i also want to be able to wear a pair of boardies in the summer when we go away & not feel self conscious.
So i popped back into the local gym & signed myself up to the 12 week challenge.
My PT has had some incredible results with everyone who's stuck to it in the last 12 months & i intend to give it a real good go.
I've yet to receive my workout plan yet.
But the basis around the challnege, is cardio in the morning before brekkie, weights in the evening & cardio at around 8pm.
6 meals a day, gym 4 nights a week (as i can't do the 5th as i have my son) although i will be doing the cardio 7 days a week.
Diet will be 6 & half days a week, with a cheat meal on the Sunday evening.
I'm also giving up the booze & smoking (social smoker), although the nights out i will resume in a lesser quantity once the 3 months is up.
I currently don't have my diet with me at the moment but i will update at the weekend once i have it in front of me.
I thought i'd start the thread for anyone who's doing something similar!
Share your stories / plans etc!


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Friday 4th January 2013
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325Ti said:
good luck with it and let us know how you get on

Have been tempted by these programmes myself but dont think i would stick to it strictly enough - so just going to keep at it myself and hope to acheive the same results even if it takes me twice as long
I have little will power, however i'm incredibly stubborn, family & friends have all told me i won't be able to do it or that i will give up after a week, however i'm willing to do it just to prove a point as it does just that, proves a point & changes me hopefully for the better!

dean350z said:
Sounds like a good challenge, i'm on board with the cardio before breakfast and weights in the evening, not sure if more cardio in the evening as well is overkill though but I wouldn't have thought it would do any harm....good luck!
Apparently the reasoning behind it is that you have 3 metabolism 'spikes' one early morning to kick start everything after a nights rest, the afternoon one at the gym & one before bed to ideally keep things ticking along, i'm no nutritionist or PT but the guys results speak very highly for themselves!
I'm going to do before & during / after shots, so once i've got to week 4, i'll upload a pre-photo & the 4 week challenge to see if there's any differences!


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Monday 7th January 2013
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So day one started today, forward planning on my part was going well, i've created a weeks worth of food yesterday afternoon (lunch & afternoon meal) & i'll cook my evening meals daily.

I managed to drag myself out of bed early doors (for me) 7am for my morning cardio in the form of a power walk, my planned route was quickly scuppered as i realised it was still pitch black outside!
Living in the country side with no street lamps this becomes an issue, i still cracked on & got on with it, first 3rd is steep down hill, which i jogged all the way, with the 2nd 3rd flat, i quick walked this & the final 3rd is steep uphill, i walked this also, needless to say by the flat i was sweating.
I'm not ashamed to say i'm incredibly unfit!

I must admit i feel stupidly wide awake now though which is a first for me!

Starting weight 15st 2lbs


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Thursday 10th January 2013
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amare32 said:
All the best and hope it works for you smile

Cardio before breakfast will help boost your metabolism or cardio after a weights is the next best thing. If you've done cardio first thing in the morning then I would skip the post gym cardio.

What you do in the gym is important but remember that 90% of it is nutrition so eating well and having the right balance of macronutrients (protein, carbs and healthy fats) will help you achieve your goals.
I've got a pre-defined diet by the PT so it goes hand in hand.

First weigh in today (every Thurs & Sunday morning).

3lb down, happy with that smile


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Monday 14th January 2013
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So i did my second weigh in yesterday (i weigh in every Thurs & Sun), i was a bit sceptical that i wasn't going to lose anything as i do the gym Monday-Thursday as i have my little boy on the weekend, but i made sure i 'upped' the cardio on Friday night & Saturday day time to 30mins a piece to make myself feel better for it.
I weighed in another 2lb lighter on Sunday, so a total of 5lb for the week, i was targetted 3.5lb so i was more than happy with that, i don't expect to lose 5lb a week, but it was a good motivation booster & i can't wait for my PT in about 15mins time!


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Monday 14th January 2013
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MrB1obby said:
Well done, good luck with all the weeks.

I guarantee you won't finish all of them


I've already taken a £20 bet off of someone else that i'm looking forward to collecting at the end of it wink



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Thursday 17th January 2013
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So i had my second weigh in this morning, sadly i've only managed to shed 1lb, i'm a bit disappointed if i'm honest as i'd lost 3lb last week in the same time, coupled with the fact i'm being religous with the training & diet & that i felt i'd made real gains this week, not only in terms of upping what i can lift etc.
My PT has said i should lose more by Sunday, so hopefully we'll see an increase, i'd like to lose 2lb by Sunday, that is realistically my main goal!


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Thursday 17th January 2013
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MrB1obby said:
I'm not expert at all, but I would just say give it time, keep at what you're doing and you will see results because it looks to me like you're eating well and doing a good amount of exercise. A couple more weeks and then if nothing happens/you feel no progress (which I'd be surprised) ask your PT.

I've also got an extremely slow metabolism and when I stop doing anything I notice it straight the way.

Oh and don't compare yourself to others, they're not you, you're you smile

Edited by MrB1obby on Thursday 17th January 12:47
I was just a bit gutted as i'm putting everything into it & was really gutted to only lose 1lb, i'm not so much bothereed by what the other people are doing as i'm doing it for me.
However before i went on my health kick i'd smoke at the weekends as well as have a big night out, drink sugary fizzy drinks during the day + whatever i wanted to eat in no matter what portions i wanted & i never went above what i started with weight wise, now i've made all these drastic cuts etc i just guess i expected to see a bit more of a return so to speak.
My PT has assured me this is normal & just to up the cardio for a few days to 30mins to see how i fare with it, so we'll see how that goes, i intend to battle on though, next weigh in Sunday & i'll report back!


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Friday 18th January 2013
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grumbledoak said:
4L of water a day? Did your PT recommend that?

"Keep your toilet close. And your urinal closer."

Or, get better advice. Like, "you really don't need to be drinking 4L a day". Those recommendations (more often 2L per day) are based on misunderstanding and some terminal stupidity.

Good luck with the rest of it. Losing alcohol, sugar, and white flour lost me 3st. before I really started the gym work. It takes time though.

Edited by grumbledoak on Friday 18th January 07:27
Yes, 4L of water a day was part of the diet plan.
In fairness it's pretty easy to clean though 4L considering how much i sweat when doing the cardio.
I would completely disagree with the diet, but the guy has over 35 people doing this 12 week challenge, with everyone getting great results, i've upped the cardio to 30mins a go now, so we'll see how we get on with that!
I go through a 2L of water a day whilst at work, a small bottle in the morning at the gym & another one whilst there in the evening, that's 3L & i'll have a drink with me whilst at home, 4L really isn't that much, i drank practically that before i started at the gym.
Luckily my desk is about as close to the toilet as it could be without being in it, i shall report weight back on Sunday!


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Friday 18th January 2013
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325Ti said:
surely part of the issue with the OP and not dropping weight could be due to building muscle

he is still buring fat but replacing it with muscle from the gym so actaul body weight balances out?
This may well be the case as i was incredibly un-fit to start with & what i could lift / push / etc was terrible
i have a 3 x 15 set with the following split

Mon - AM cardio, PM leg weights & cardio
Tues - AM cardio, PM triceps & chest weights & cardio
Wed - AM cardio, PM back & biceps weights & cardio
Thurs - AM cardio, PM calves & shoulders & cardio
Fri - AM cardio, evening cardio
Sat - AM cardio, evening cardio
Sun - AM cardio, evening rest

I don't have a mid-week rest as i have my little one on a Fri evening so can't do weights as well then.
As of this morning cardio has been upped to 30mins on the X-Trainer, which next week i'm going to split between the stair-master & X-trainer, for variety more than anything.
Currently in a 30min session i'm covering around 5KM & according to the machine burning around 340cals, although i take that with a pinch of salt.
I'm happy with my gains so far as i've either added weight to every machine after the first week or managed to complete the set without a break whereas sometimes i was taking a short break before.
On non-training days i don't have the carbs from my mid afternnon meal, just the half chicken breast.
We'll see come Sunday & the coming week, however if again i see no loss i might ask the Dr's advice as with that much exercise & the food i'm eating i'll be extremely disappointed & annoyed if i've not lost anything, regardless of how much muscle i'm gaining!


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Monday 21st January 2013
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Crisis averted, i weighed in 3lb lighter so down a total of 9lb in 2 weeks, put my spirits up for this week, hoping to get down to the 200lb mark or under by Sunday!


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Tuesday 22nd January 2013
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Anthony Micallef said:
Im doing a similar thing to you, just started today following a diet and training plan from this guy http://www.danielwheeler.co.uk/ Unfortunately though with my shift pattern I can only go to the gym once a day.
Thankfully my gym is practially backing onto our office car park, i pop in for the morning cardio, then i can jump straight back in after work, i cook my food on a Sunday so it takes up minimal time.

This is my PT & the gym owner: http://www.milesleeson.co.uk/

I had another PT with him last night & i've doubled what i started with on legs from the first week, so i'm really pleased.
Needless to say the cardio last night & this morning was pretty tough!


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Tuesday 22nd January 2013
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OllieC said:
OP, you sound a lot like me !

6ft, 16 stone and decidedly porky (in my case !)

for me it is no booze for 2 months and healthy eating, with an hours walking a day (to work )... we'll see where I am end of Feb

good luck smile
I'm really motivated to do this, for a few reasons, to prove a point to myself that i can do it & never thought i'd be able too.
All of my friends told me i wouldnt / couldnt do it, being stubborn it drives me even more to prove them wrong!
& lastly as i'm going to ibiza in the summer & wish to be able to wear a pair of boardies without the 6 month pregnant belly overhang!

I do have before photo's currently i don't feel i've made sufficent progress to upload them, i will do however once i've completed!
In my 3rd week now smile


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Friday 25th January 2013
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So i weighed in Sunday at dead on 200lbs - a loss of 3lb totalling 12lb to date.
My bodyfat was re-measured yesterday & i've dropped almost 4% which is obviously a plus, i just get down-heartened when every Thursday my weigh in's aren't great!
Added more weight to legs again last week & will intend to try and add weight to everything i can possibly manage again this week!
Update again on Thursday!

Edited by lawrence567 on Tuesday 29th January 13:43


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Monday 4th February 2013
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Forgot to update last week.
Thursday arrived & i'd dropped a 1lb, down to 199lb i wasn't really that fussed as of last week as i felt i'd made steps in the right direction of building muscle.
Weighed in at 197 on Sunday morning so a further loss of 2lb in a week & 15lbs overall for the first month.
I'm the lightest i've been for years & everyone i work with, friends & family are all commenting on how much i've lost so far.
Trousers are now loose & i'm wearing a shirt now that used to be quite tight & it now feels suspiscously loose.
Off to the shops tomorrow i think to get some stuff that fits!
I'm reluctant to post photo's of start / completed month as this is PH & piss-taking will ensue!


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Thursday 7th February 2013
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5potTurbo said:
Well done, Lawrence!

I started at 18st and am now a smidge under 15 - target's now 14. I'm quite a bit older than you, well, 16 years older (!!) frown and I found the initial weight went quite quickly, but the last 5-6kg are slower to shift. Like you, my older clothes are massive on me now, so I had to buy 3 new suits for work, ALL new workshirts (tailored fit instead of 'classic' box shaped), 2 new pairs of jeans and a new pair of chinos. Even my shoes are loser on my feet! smile

I posted a similar thread ot yours a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't posted pics either! I'll check back on your progress - I think you being younger will make a difference - that's my excuse anyway! smile
Theres guys doing it at my gym in thier 40's as well, they seemed to shift a big bulk of the weight to start with & then it slowed, i've had another weigh in this morning with a further 2lb loss, taking total weight loss so far to 17lbs!
Mines seemed to come off at a fairl steady rate, first couple of weeks it was 4-5lbs now i seem to shed around 2-4lbs.
As long as i keep the rate up i'll be happy.
My BF has gone down again in the last week since it was measured which surprised my PT by how much so again, really happy.
I've also found out i don't need my second afternoon helping of carbs so instead i'm just having the protein input or a protein shake.
My aim is 4lb off for the week by Sunday, hopefully i'll achieve this!


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Thursday 7th February 2013
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5potTurbo said:
4lb/week is a LOT to lose! I've been more at 1kg (2lb)/week.
Good on you, though. smile

(BTW, I had to read part of your post more than once...."my BF had gone down") yikes
I'm definitely not shortening that anymore... BodyFat!


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192 months

Thursday 21st February 2013
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Sorry for lack up updates, currently half way through week 7.
Total weight loss to date as of this morning is 24lbs from 212 to 188.
I've lost around 8% body fat down to 20.something%.
I've lost around 6 inches from my waist & made massive strength gains across the board.
Here is a photo of me (awaits PH ribbing).
Furthest left is my start photo, middle photo is week 5sh & the right hand photo is a photo from last night.
Sorry for the really poor paint skills!


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Thursday 21st February 2013
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Hoofy said:
Nice work. But... same boxers for 5 weeks? Nasty.
Lol, 2 different pairs, one has a green waist band & one a blue one wink


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Friday 8th March 2013
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Bit of an update as of late i've been slacking off (compltely forgotten about the thread)!
I'm now weighing in at 180lbs (32lbs off in total).
Bodyfat is also down to a much more respectable 18%.
I have 3 weeks left as of Sunday, although i've enjoyed it to a certain extent i won't miss the early morning cardio every day!
I would also do things that would get me put in prison for something as simple as a ham sandwich!