4 weeks I'm in your hands!!!

4 weeks I'm in your hands!!!



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133 months

Wednesday 17th July 2013
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So I go away in 4 weeks for 3 weeks of relaxing and sun, I have lost my figure due to coming off the tools and now in management and I want it back for my holls, I need to lose about a stone I would say.

now I have access to a full gym has pool and all the usual equipment. I have a road and and other off road peddle bikes.
I walk my dogs once in the morning and once in the evening.

So I need your help! For the next four weeks I will be signing in and keeping every one updated,

I need help on what to do? I.e gym, road bike how long how far times etc
What I should be eating / should not be eating.

I work from 8 in the morning until 5 of an evening and may not have a break.

I can cook so all natural food is fine, I'm not keen on fish but will eat it if needed

So what would you recommend?

I will weigh and take photos each day to help along with the diary.

Many thanks all and hope all will go to plan!



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133 months

Wednesday 17th July 2013
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Enjoy the gym, last Friday did 5000m on rowing and 6k run then last night did 10mike bike ride.

Any ideas on the best diet plan is and what food to avoid?


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158 posts

133 months

Wednesday 17th July 2013
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Hoofy said:
I had an "I'm getting married in 3 weeks and want to look good for the photos". FFS. It's not like you didn't know 3 months ago.
Ha ha very true, I did only book mine on Sunday and have started smile where is best to look for you allowance per day?


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158 posts

133 months

Wednesday 17th July 2013
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bigandclever said:
Don't walk your dogs twice a day, run your dogs twice a day smile
I have tried and it's so hard the one wants to go hell for leather or the cat he has seen and she keeps stoping to see if I am behind her!

Gym tonight so will be row run and weights then swim so that will be my evening,

Would not eating help?


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158 posts

133 months

Wednesday 17th July 2013
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What would bed the best food for breakfast and lunch?

I never usually eat breakfast or have lunch,

What would be the best foods to eat?

I always cook and eat a lot of different things, what do I need to totally avoid apart from the list you have just said and what do I need to eat the most of?


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158 posts

133 months

Wednesday 17th July 2013
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Okay so I'm 6ft and 13 stone and in my 20's

Just about to walk the dogs then off to the gym,


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133 months

Wednesday 17th July 2013
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Centurion07 said:
Start using Herbalife. Everyone I've seen that uses it seems to lose +10lbs in the first week alone. boxedin
What is it?


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158 posts

133 months

Wednesday 17th July 2013
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nagsheadwarrior said:
Defo hit the gym but can you cycle commute too,i only do a 5 mile each way commute but thats 1800 calories which should be nearly 1lb a weeks worth on top of the gym.
No I can't it's 20 miles each way and I need my car at all times (work car)


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133 months

Wednesday 17th July 2013
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I have just done 2 hours in the gym, 5k meters rowing and 6.8k run and then weights. Just going around tesco for food for tonight and lunch smile


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133 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
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mattikake said:
4 weeks. lol You plebs watch too much TV. Lets convert this total lack of realism into walking (which is a good, easy, effective and most of all for your goals, maintainable, calorie burner)

1 stone = 56,700kcals in pure fat

1km walking at a good pace = 60kcals
Burning 56,700kcals in pure fat = 945km walk

945km in 4 weeks = 33.75km walk per day.

But if only it were that simple. This assumes you do not eat a single thing. Assuming you don't want to die of malnutrition, you will eat food. If you do eat a single thing, say about 1500kcals per day, then your 945km walk just became a 1645km walk.

And that's assuming the moment you started walking, you instantly started burning fat. But you'd have roughly 100kcals of glycogen in your working muscles and 500kcals of stored glycogen in your liver. At least half of your liver stores are probably going redistributed to your working muscles, if not all, so really, walking at a good pace it not going to burn any fat in the first 5-6km of each walk, so if you do go walking, you need to do at least an hour a time.... and not eat for quite some time afterwards. Really you'd need to do your walk all in one go.

And that's assuming you had a diet that was very low in carbs or was ketogenic. You'd also need to quit rice, potatoes, pasta, bread, grains, legumes, most fruit, most veg, most nuts...

And that's assuming a ketogenic diet kicked in immediately, which it won't. It can take 2-3 weeks to get into full effect. 7 days at the minimum, so the 1st-3rd week of your efforts would be minimally effective.

So all this effectively leaves you 1 week to cover 1,645km, preferably in a single go. Get started on the ketosis now... and quit your job, dump your missus, sell your bed (and your TV (and stop buying tabloid papers while you're at it)). You'll be fiiiine...

OTOH if you just want to lose 1 stone in any weight, I say go for burning some muscle and internal organs, easily achieved by jumping off a ferry in the middle of the Atlantic. If you manage to make it home, you'll have lost your stone and then some!


Edited by mattikake on Thursday 18th July 00:10
So how do you know all this information ( I am amazed!) I have/had no idea and this is what I was wishing for was somebody to tell me if / can it be done. So if that is the case is it better to focus on toning up rather than losing weight?


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158 posts

133 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
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BettySwollocks2 said:
OP At 6ft and 13 stone It doesnt really sound like your a chubber, it sounds like youve never lifted bro, get in the Gym for four weeks four times a week, lift fk heavy to the point when you leave you feel like a train hit you. in four weeks with a good clean diet muscle should be beginning to show through a little bit,

however as most people have said, 4 weeks is way to late to start, im presuming you booked said holiday 3 months ago? why not start then.

oh and i say doesnt sound like your a chubber as I am 6 ft 3 and 13 stone 9 11% BF. meaning it just sounds like you have a high body fat and low muscle content.
Nope booked it on Sunday, so far it's going well eating a lot less and doing a lot or running and weights everyday! Will be hitting the gym tonight for a couple of hours swim! I think it may be toning up but some of the fat needs to go!


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158 posts

133 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
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Okay get rid of the flabby bits, witch ever you would like to call them! So is doing what I am doing at the moment no good?


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133 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
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So tonight is swimming, dinner including drink was 268 cal's and had that about 2 hours ago so energy should be good! So I am aiming to do an hour or more of intense swimming smile


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158 posts

133 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
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So one and a quarter hours swimming can hardly move my arms! Feeling nackered! So a run and a row and weights tomorrow and possibly another swim, think I might have something else to eat when I get in as the app says I need to eat more and will weigh myself!


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Original Poster:

158 posts

133 months

Thursday 18th July 2013
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Centurion07 said:
A glass of water and a couple of delicious gulps of air according to that figure! biggrin
Nope and it was filling !!!!!

Here is the list



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158 posts

133 months

Friday 19th July 2013
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Total shattered this morning have taken the dogs for a walk and had some breakfast, go to work and the. The gym this evening, I have weighed myself and something is working but by god I'm hurting smile


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158 posts

133 months

Friday 19th July 2013
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stevenjhepburn said:
Sounds good if you measured everything out. I am still amazed at how small recommended portions are!
You should try it! It was filling tasted great! And is quite a lot when you measure it all out together!


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158 posts

133 months

Friday 19th July 2013
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WinstonWolf said:
You may well hit a wall if you don't replace your exercise calories. MFP really does help biggrin


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158 posts

133 months

Friday 19th July 2013
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evo4a said:
smile come back and tell me this in a month..... day in day out it gets very dull, trust me
It's not to bad as long as I stay below 1400 but eating is one of these things and I love cooking and trying new things so sould be interesting!