Corneal Infections



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187 months

Monday 17th August 2015
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A couple of weeks ago I got a corneal abrasion and infection. The eye clinic gave me antibiotic eye drops. It seemed to clear up really quick and I went back to the clinic last Tuesday. I was given the all clear and discharged. The Dr told me to keep using the drops 4 times a day till end of week to make sure the infection doesn't return.

Everything was fine for a couple of days but this weekend my eye has become painful and watery again. Although the eyeball isn't red under my eye lids (esp. bottom) are very red. Eye feels very stingy.

I phoned the eye clinic and I have an appointment for tomorrow evening. I am just stting myself that it is some awful complication. I am hoping it is some simple infection or just the eye drops that have aggravated my eye.

Anyone have any experience of this, or some comforting words other than "Don't worry you have another eye", which is the best my work colleagues could come up with.


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4,962 posts

187 months

Wednesday 19th August 2015
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Been back to the eye clinic. It would appear the infection has returned. Got given the same drops and some additional ones. Only problem is the drops I had before now make my eye sting like hell. Have no idea if my eye is healing as it hurts so much.

Got to take them for 2 weeks. Worried about taking them for two weeks and being in all that pain not knowing if it is healing.


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4,962 posts

187 months

Wednesday 19th August 2015
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Yes seems to an infection that just wont quit.

Thankfully going back to the eye clinic on Friday to see another Dr. Hopefully get some antibiotic drops which don't feel like I am pouring acid in my eye.


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187 months

Wednesday 19th August 2015
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Thanks Helen. When I last saw the Dr he prescribed what I though he said was chloramphenicol ointment to use at night. The pharmacy gave me drops. Sounds like the ointment would have been better.

My eye is worse in the morning and seems to improve slightly in the afternoon.

Should I go back to the pharmacy and say the did it wrong?


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187 months

Thursday 20th August 2015
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Thanks again HelenT. I went to the late night pharmacy and got some Chlromphenicol ointment which is what I think I should have had. Can already feel an improvement this morning.

Thank you for explaining the recurrent corneal abrasion thing as well. The definitely sounds like what I have and its good to have an understanding of what the problem actually is. Shame the Dr couldn't have explained that to me.


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187 months

Friday 21st August 2015
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Today it seems a little worse. My eye looks redder. That might just be because I had a couple of nights of bad sleep.

Thankfully I have an appointment at the clinic at 14:15 today so might be able to change the drops


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187 months

Saturday 22nd August 2015
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Got a nice Dr at the clinic yesterday who explained it all to me and reassured me it be ok. Pain for the last two days has been terrible.

Typical it would a really nice day today. Going have to sit inside with the curtains closed as the light hurts like hell.


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187 months

Monday 24th August 2015
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Been up and down with this. Friday wasn't too bad, Dr said it was healing. Friday evening was quite sore (wonder if the fluorescent drops aggravated my eye?). Saturday was very painful, Sunday better, today painful again.

Back to the eye clinic on Thursday.

Really starting to get fed up of it now. When it first happened it cleared completely in a week. Since it came back it has been over a week and no improvement.


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187 months

Wednesday 26th August 2015
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Yesterday it was a fair bit better. I waited a few hours before putting the drops in and they are definitely aggravating my eye. If they want me to continue with those kind (Ofloxacin) then I will see if I can get the preservative free ones. Don't care if I have to pay for a private prescription.

This morning I woke with a start and my eyes opened quickly and it was very painful for a bit. Calmed down in the afternoon and now is not so bad.

The pain is bad but the worse thing is not knowing what is going on. If the Drs said look it will hurt for a couple of weeks so suck it up I could, but they are just saying take the drops come back in a week.

See what they say tomorrow I guess. Think I might go prepared with some questions and make sure I get them answered.


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187 months

Wednesday 26th August 2015
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HelenT said:
I'm an optician but are you being seen by an ophthalmologist in an eye department in a hospital or by a GP or normal A+E clinic?
Yes opthalmologist at the eye clinic. Saw gp initially who referred me to them.


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187 months

Friday 28th August 2015
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Went back to the eye clinic yesterday. They said there is still some infiltrate in the abrasion. He said it wasn't worth doing a scraping and sending to the lab as it is so small (< 1mm) and as I had been taking antibiotic drops it would probably come back negative. He said it didn't look like there was an active infection as there were no other markers of infection (red eyes, swollen lids, discharge).

He said give it another week and if not they will try steroid drops to assist the healing.

I said the drops were stinging and so he has changed them to something different. Only problem is they have the same preservative and it seems from the internet that the preservative is what causes the irritation.

Last two days have seen a bit of an improvement. Still some pain, photophobia and blurring of vision but less bad than before. Eye is also not very red now at all.

Sounds like it actually hasn't fully healed rather than RCE.

Bit happier now there has been some improvement and also I know now that I have another week of trying and then there is something else they can do.


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187 months

Sunday 30th August 2015
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Last couple of days have been better. I would rate it as annoying discomfort rather than pain now.

Still sting a fair bit but much less severe. Photophobia has decreased as well.

Vision is still a but blurry. Can't tell if that is because of the problem or if my prescription isn't quite right. I couldn't find up to date glasses when the first happened so went for an eye test and bought new ones. As my vision was blurry anyway not sure if they got the right prescription.

Once this has fully healed if its still blurry will have to go for another test.


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187 months

Monday 7th September 2015
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Argh this bloody thing.

Went back on Friday, was given the all clear. Infection has gone, some small swelling was causing the blurred vision but that will clear up on its own. Take the drops for a couple more days to complete the course and that will be fine.

2 days later is red and sore again. Same thing happened last time, get discharged , two days later it flares up again.

Continuing with the drops. If its still bad tomorrow morning will have to phone and get referred back.


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187 months

Wednesday 9th September 2015
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Well this has taken a bad turn. Been back to the clinic today. Saw someone different. They are now suspecting acanthamoeba, which is potentially very bad news.

They did a scrapping today (most unpleasant) to confirm but have started treating for that. Could be months of treatment if it is and potentially badly affected sight after.

Been walking round with my left eye closed for a bit to get used to it :-)


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187 months

Tuesday 15th September 2015
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Now taking PHMB, Brolene, and Oflaxacin every two hours. First couple of days after the scraping the PHMB and Brolene stung like hell, especially the Brolene. They are still unpleasant but don't sting as much.

Redness has gone, and photophobia is less pronounced. Still a bit of pain but not as bad.

Not sure what will happen from here. The consultant took scrappings but there wasn't a proper plate for detecting acanthamoeba. It "might" be visible under the microscope. If all the cultures come back negative they will just be treating on their best guess. Reading the stories about acanthamoeba on the internet it doesn't match with my experience, but I guess people only write about the really bad cases.

Was wondering if Hycosan is safe to use with the other drops as my eyes feel very dry, especially in the mornings. Guess I should wait and check with the Dr.

My vision is a bit blurred. This is making it hard at work as staring at a computer screen is giving me massive eye strain.


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4,962 posts

187 months

Tuesday 15th September 2015
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I hope you are right. I had been swimming in contact lenses (with tight googles but still) and this is their basis for the diagnosis.

Would rather a definitive diagnosis either way. All they say at the minute is there is some infiltrate in there but can't tell what it is.


Original Poster:

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187 months

Wednesday 23rd September 2015
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Now been 5 days without symptoms (except very slight blurring of vision). Pain and photopohbia have gone completely.

That's the most time I've been asymptomatic since it started so hopefully its the beginning of the end.

Having a bit of trouble with the pharmacy and and GPs to get the repeat prescription for PHMB.


Original Poster:

4,962 posts

187 months

Monday 12th October 2015
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Have been symptom free for about 3 weeks. Last couple of days my eye was very red and upper eye lid swollen - looked like Rocky this morning.

Was back at the hospital this morning anyway.

They said the infection is clear and the redness and swelling is just toxicity from the drops. So good news.