Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)


The GMan

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2,508 posts

257 months

Thursday 21st July 2016
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In mid June I was diagnosed with DVT.

The previous week to the diagnosis I had a really bad chest infection which was giving me really bad stabbing pains when breathing and I was really tired trying to do the simplest of things. Anyway my GP give me the usual antibiotics and sent me on my way. I did start to feel better, and even went out for lunch with my family over the weekend thinking all was well and I would return to the office on the Monday.

Anyway on the Sunday I just felt wiped out and all I wanted to do was sleep. Felt the same on the Monday too but forced myself to get up but didn't go to work. On the Monday evening my left leg started to swell and the pain in my calf was pounding. I don't know why but I immediately thought DVT. I rang whatever NHS direct is called now and described my symptoms and they got a doctor to call me back. As soon as I described my symptoms again and he could hear me out of breath he said you need to get to A&E straight away and an ambulance was sent for me.

It was a proper oh st moment for me. I'm only 42 with a you family (2 boys aged 3 and 6 months). Once at hospital I had a scan and that showed DVT down my left leg from my groin to bottom of my calf muscle. The pain was unbelievable, I could not get comfortable in any position, even with painkillers.

I started with Haparin injections straight away and after 3 days started taking Rivaroxaban, which I'm on for 6 months. What a frightening thing to get. I'm walking a lot better now but for the first couple of weeks dreaded having to walk even a few feet to use the toilet! My painkillers made me just want to sleep and I didn't know how long it would take for me to even feel like my old self. A week gone Sunday I was determined I was going to get out for a walk with the family. My wife got the kids ready and I showered and got ready. Once ready I was shattered the pain had got the better of me and the whole situation had if I'm honest. I just broke down crying on the bed like a kid. My wife came in to see me and told me not to put pressure on myself, but I just kept thinking this can't get the better of me. We didn't go out but I felt better as it was the first time I'd properly got myself ready and I didn't look like a tramp had broken into our house.

I woke up on the Monday determined to call into my office for a few hours and I did. Everyone said I looked grey and shouldn't be in but I felt great, I had managed to finally get out and do something. I was shattered when I got home but again I felt great as I was tired because I had walked and got out. I managed to get myself into the office every day that week for a few hours. Luckily I'm on leave this week and we are staying at a great cottage in Yorhshire. I've been out and about with the family and I'm a lot more mobile looking forward actually to getting back into my work routine next week.

I've looked at all of this as a bit of opportunity to sort myself out for my young family. I have a stressful job which I am on top of, but like a lot of men in my position I drink to much and eat far to well. Since I been diagnosed I've managed to lose weight and look better for it. I've also not had a drink for 5 weeks and I've decided I'm not going as long as I'm on this medication.

I'm going to turn all of this into something positive as I've had a lot of people worried about me and I want to be around for my family for a lot longer!

The GMan

Original Poster:

2,508 posts

257 months

Sunday 7th August 2016
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How are you getting on Jer 1974?

I'm walking almost normal now. Leg tenses up a bit sometimes after sitting but gets better when I move around. I find I'm really tired towards the end of the day and my leg swells up, but raising it and resting usual sorts it.

Having some side effects from my medication but nothing serious. Happy with my progress and will be ramping up and doing some light training from late next week.

I haven't drank alcohol since I was diagnosed 8 weeks ago, which I have found really easy to do. To be honest I don't think I've felt the full benefits yet as I wake up feeling tired still but I can see the benefits it's having on my weight.

Hope you are making good progress!!