Bricking it about my viva

Bricking it about my viva



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157 months

Wednesday 25th March 2015
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I'm a laid back kind of fellow. Not much ruffles my feathers. I've gone through school, college, uni just taking things as they come and doing the best I could. At sport I rarely get nervous before races, in fact I went completely the opposite for a while (which is bad) but have since arrived at the happy medium that isn't so much nerves but more getting into the fight/flight mode to get that all important adrenalin.

So in short, exams don't phase me and I am good at controlling nerves.

However, my PhD viva is on Wednesday (1st of April so open to Fools jokes about failing) and I am quietly terrified!

I've never had a high opinion of my work; its just work, a bunch of experiments, some analysis, some conclusions drawn, nothing special. That is just my mindset. I've been told off before in mock viva's for being way too modest about what I have been doing. But I am sorry, I just don't see it.

I am worried that this mindset is going to do me in on the viva.

I am currently preparing too. I have so far:

1) half page summary of each chapter with salient points bulleted
2) gone through and marked out repetition, grammar, spelling,dodgy or unclear sentences
3) marked out items that might be contentious - though I do have comebacks for them all yet
4) investigated my examiners backgrounds
5) summarized the whole thesis in a few lines
6) began to address some anticipated points: i.e. added in some new extra literature review to cover stuff I might not have thought about and come up with an alternative, improved experimental method for one experiment which I would use if I had to do it all again
7) beginning to put together and list of possible Q's and A's
8) realised that a good chunk of graphs should probably have some kind of error estimation/error bars. Simple fix for most though.

I have a meeting with my supervisors tomorrow so hopefully this will put a few more fears to rest (or it might create more!). I am also yet to come up with a list of "fundamental" questions. Apparently in engineering vivas it is common for them to test your basic engineering knowledge to get the ball rolling.

My supervisors (I had 2) are very good, however they were very busy during the writing up phase and as far as I am aware only one of them has read it through fully and even that sounded like it was kinda rushed. So I don't feel like I have that safety blanket of "supervisor thinks its good enough". I would assume they wouldn't even let me get to the final year if it wasn't worthy, but the seemingly not-so-thorough final read through may not have picked up on major issues. I don't know.

I just have a bad gut feeling about the whole thing. My work encompassed a good breadth of subjects including HV electronics and plasmas, but thankfully my examiners do not have backgrounds there. Theirs are diesel exhaust aftertreatment systems and alternative fuels and optical diagnostics and combustion.

Is there anything else I should be doing?/Should have done?


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12,661 posts

157 months

Wednesday 25th March 2015
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well i hope i have good data! lol

I have read around my examiners backgrounds so much as I know what they're researching, but I haven't read any papers in depth yet. I may summarise a few of their more recent ones. My internal is quite easy to do as he is mostly all about laser particle image velocimetry and and straight laser illumination imaging.

But yes, I should summarise some recent work so I have it in my head.

I don't know the internal on a personal level but has taught me for numerous undergrad courses. He is of course extremely clever and in my opinion doesn't seem to be the type of person who is approachable. But maybe that is just his way of making sure undergrads dont bug him all the time!!

In a cruel twist, my internal actually has done plenty of work for the company I now work for. Unfortunately we went into administration the day after his spin off company put in a PO for £20k worth of analysis work! I'm guessing he hasn't seen a penny of that yet.

Never even heard of the external, though I have worked with someone who knows him and assures me that his a very nice chap. He isn't involved with anything we do at work, however he has actually got a few research papers covering duel-fuelling diesel engines and also mixing in hydrogen to help combustion.

So happily, we three do have a common line around dual-fuel technology and perhaps this will be a nice way to get the talk flowing and calm me down.

oh i have 3 publications; 1 author, 2 co-author and there is another in the works...


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12,661 posts

157 months

Wednesday 25th March 2015
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So buy some beers and a vauxhall viva.... what could go wrong?!


Original Poster:

12,661 posts

157 months

Monday 30th March 2015
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Had a meeting with a supervisor and feel a bit better.

I hadn't actually even prepared for the meeting because I didn't know what he wanted to go through. I thought he was going to give advice and general "what you should be doing...". However, I am quite glad he had prepared a list of questions and pretty much sat there and asked me them.

I managed to answer all of them fairly well I thought. He did like that I took time to consider the answer before blurting stuff out. It does take some time though because some of my work is quite long and involved and trying to rearrange thoughts into a logical or chronological order is tricky!

Stumbled on a few but I took them away, thought about them and prepared better answers. I do feel quite happy that I have been able to type out some good detailed answers to various questions off the top of my head without much referral to the thesis. Hopefully this bodes well because the examiners are really there to check that you did the work and that its not a copy or fabrication. He said that is really the only way you will fail; if they think the work is not yours.

Additionally the PhD is actually very varied. Lots of different experiments, lots of different subject matter so it is likely that they won't have the background to have much of an opinion either way on large portions of the work. Thats not to say I haven't prepared for them though!


Original Poster:

12,661 posts

157 months

Wednesday 1st April 2015
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Well was in there nearly 3 hours but passed, and with (very) minor corrections. Internal was especially kind about the way I wrote and the way I tied all my findings into current literature. He was very complimentary about my middle chapter as well so... Its done, I am happy, I can relax and I can get the correctikns done by the end of the month hopefully!

Cheers all!