RE: Eco-Towns To 'Charge Cars To Leave'

RE: Eco-Towns To 'Charge Cars To Leave'

Thursday 12th June 2008

Eco-Towns To 'Charge Cars To Leave'

EXCLUSIVE: PistonHeads learns that eco-towns will use cameras to charge motorists if they want to leave

Motorists could be charged to leave eco-towns under plans to limit car usage, PistonHeads can reveal. Planners are keen to limit car usage in eco-towns and have rolled out a number of proposals to stop people driving.

Following a meeting between Cambridge County Council and Jarrow Investments - the developers behind a proposal at one shortlisted eco-town location at Hanley Grange - it emerged that charging cars to leave was one of many ideas being put forward. A report following the meeting from Councillor Tim Stone said there would be severe limitations on car use with 10% of internal journeys and 40% of external journeys by car.

These limitations would include restricting on-street parking, no provision of garages close to houses and potential charging for leaving Hanley Grange by means of number plate recognition devices. The developers are understood to be offering vastly improved public transport and a cycle/pedestrian overpass in return.

Interestingly the developers have proposed that the town would have a 5,500 square meter superstore which would serve the residents as there would be no parking. Jarrow Investments was formed to purchase the land at Hanley Grange and now owns land at the site on behalf of Tesco.

Sebastian Hanley, a spokesman for Jarrow, told PistonHeads: ‘We are exploring a number of options to reduce the need for car use and encourage people onto public transport as part of our eco-town proposals.

‘These include improving bus services to connect housing to the two nearby rail stations and employment centres, locating housing close to bus stops, improving cycle and pedestrian routes along with measures to make it less attractive to drive.

‘These are still at an early stage of discussion and any systems would be dependent on technologies in 2011/2012 and beyond when we would begin to deliver the first housing.’

Michael Kissman, a spokesman for Tesco, said: 'Clearly new towns are going to need shops and we would look at having a food store at Hanley Grange.'



Original Poster:

1,052 posts

206 months

Thursday 12th June 2008
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they would charge me once, as I left for good

honestly they think this will work! it will be a complete and utter disaster, drive away all business from the area and cost the taxpayer millions, nothing ever gets done properly, the tax part would be implemented first, with the promise of a world class public transport system, which would then take years to ever get near to what they promised

WTF is going on?


483 posts

195 months

Thursday 12th June 2008
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How the British Public is viewed by the Government


252 posts

231 months

Thursday 12th June 2008
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Are delivery drivers going to pay this, no more pizza deliveries then. Will Tesco staff be exempt..

Madness indeed


1,487 posts

218 months

Thursday 12th June 2008
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes, I'll just jump on the bus with my 15 bags of shopping...

I've got to ask the question - why would anyone want to live in such a town? How are they gonna attract people to move there? No off street parking or garage at your house. I presume double yellow lines outside your house... Absolute madness


27,646 posts

260 months

Thursday 12th June 2008
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They're mad, aren't they?

Who in their right mind would want to live somewhere that taxed you for going to work?

In turn, I can't begin to imagine the stress this is placing on British businesses. This excessive taxation is essentially personal inflation, so pay rises are being demanded by sheer necessity, and absorbed entirely by the government.

Wastage of the worst kind.


27,646 posts

260 months

Thursday 12th June 2008
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courtster said:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes, I'll just jump on the bus with my 15 bags of shopping...

I've got to ask the question - why would anyone want to live in such a town? How are they gonna attract people to move there? No off street parking or garage at your house. I presume double yellow lines outside your house... Absolute madness
Sadly, I have a feeling they'll be the only places first-time buyers can afford, so the government can indoctrinate the young (ie me) in the ways of the miserable.


6,875 posts

209 months

Thursday 12th June 2008
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June 2010 at the latest we will have a change of Government and once more some sunshine will fall upon this green and pleasant land. Gordon and his Morons will be sent packing for a good 20 years in hell!!!


9,844 posts

231 months

Thursday 12th June 2008
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THX138 said:
How the British Public is viewed by the Government


Total paranoia from the Government.. Restrict how much people more around and then be alot easier to manage other crimes...
Sounds far-fetched but looks like Government thinking..

I remember watching reruns of 'The Prisoner' and that really freaked me out.

We're watching our Government slowy erode the freedom that many people have given up their lives in wars over the centuries to protect.

Heavy but true..


30,279 posts

237 months

Thursday 12th June 2008
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I'm actually worried by the whole politics thing. The Tories screwed up (esp. with sleaze) in the mid-90s and it's taken 15 years to make them electable...mainly because Labour have screwed-up in even bigger style.

So what's next...the Tories get into power, realise there IS NO opposition, and then do what THEY want. How long until the public get royally fed-up with their mistakes and re-elect Labour?

Is this what politics has come to? Waiting (far too long and far too late) until it's blindingly obvious that the current pack are incompetent sociopathic ****s and then electing the other bunch until they prove the same, in some awful amplified oscillation that may well end in either societal collapse, economic collapse, or revolution?


5,788 posts

218 months

Thursday 12th June 2008
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My favourite thing about these so-called 'eco' towns is that they're going to build them on green belt land. Mmmm - enviro-friendly.


3,417 posts

196 months

Thursday 12th June 2008
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Follow the french. Theres always the guillotine.


17 posts

193 months

Thursday 12th June 2008
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Honestly, like the first comment they would charge me once...............on the way out.
Id like to see them do the weekly shopping for a family of 4 on the bus...........
or take the kids to their swimming lesson, or music lesson , or football on a sat/sun morning.
All of these measures are just stealth / more taxes.
Im sick of the green scaremongers wanting to charge everyone for everything. What you going to charge me next............for breathing .?
As for public transport, well that sucks...........its already overcrowded, extremely expensive, slow and dirty.
I can solve the whole green issue though, its very very simple.
POPULATION CONTROL..............not popular but there you have it. Put simply the planet is overcrowded. Think of it as a fish tank that is designed to hold 50 fish. Now put 150 fish in it and surprise surprise, the pump cant cope, neither can the filter, food is short etc etc.............same with our planet. Its not about being super green..........( although that of course helps ) ..the planet can sustain our current level of cleanliness ( for want of a better expression )if there were less people. Its not popular and there are some that will say its politically incorrect. However its a fact..............whether you like it or not.
We need to start by stopping immigration , encouraging migration and introduce super taxes on anyone who has more that 2 kids. Its not necessary to have 3,4,5 or more children. 1 Or 2 kids fullfills all maternal/parental needs/urges..............thats the start. In fact there should be tax breaks for couples who decide not to have kids, and over the next 100 years youll find the uk has a more sustainable economy than it has currently. If you look overseas at whats considered the third world, its common thinking that the more kids you have the more income comes into the household.
Its that kind of mentality that has to change.
Its my 2 peneth worth, its not popular but i know im 100 % right.




6,012 posts

286 months

Thursday 12th June 2008
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Good grief. Why the fk don't they stop beating round the bush and just say "Additional motorist tax" instead of all this environgestion BS. It's BLATANTLY a tax so why not just call it that...? Knobs.


4,359 posts

208 months

Thursday 12th June 2008
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Having sussed that "eco" towns are a con, a way of concreting over the countryside while pretending that to do so is somehow "green", I now realise one more thing...that only a fool would want to live in one.


13,327 posts

285 months

Thursday 12th June 2008
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I'll stop laughing in a mo...

When I was 16 (1966) there was a brilliant song in the charts that is really appropriate for today's greenies and politically correct prats...

It should be re-released and played really loud in all these new Eco towns

(Eco towns...oh dear, sorry I just can't stoplaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaugh
laughlaughlaughlaugh, hang on while I compose myself... phew,laughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaugh
laughlaughlaughlaugh it's bloody difficult... hang on, I'll bite my lip..)

Yeah, that's better (snigger).

Oh yeah, that song, it was this - pretty appropriate eh?

God, what have you done to this country? didn't used to be full of nutters.

As for a Tesco in an Ecotown. Why? Ecopeople won't need a supermarket,
just give 'em a couple of flints (to start their fire to keep warm and cook their wild berries...

Sorry, I can't help it, I'm off again

Edited by dandarez on Thursday 12th June 11:58

Orb the Impaler

1,881 posts

192 months

Thursday 12th June 2008
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havoc said:
I'm actually worried by the whole politics thing. The Tories screwed up (esp. with sleaze) in the mid-90s and it's taken 15 years to make them electable...mainly because Labour have screwed-up in even bigger style.
Yebbut the difference is that at least the Tories could manage the economy and didn't add on huge layers of extra bureacracy and put millions on 'incapacity benefit'.

NuLabia inherited a very buoyant economy in 1997 - a total cretin could make a fortune in those days. But Gordon has taken all this time to destroy it all - first he raids pensions, then sells off our gold reserves for 20p, and then he's spent the following years buttfking the working population, crapping on drivers and stifling businesses.

We'll be a long time recovering from this. The thing is that people forgot what a total mess the country was in at the end of the 70s. We let them in again and guess what...?


342 posts

208 months

Thursday 12th June 2008
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They are planning on building these dumb arse places in the middle of nowhere so you would have to drive to get anywhere.

This is the single most stupid thing I have heard since the last nob from Camp Brown last opened there pie hole.

Its probably another survey that cost a bucket load of money to tell them what they already know that let this idea come to life... another waste of tax payers money.

This country is very quickly getting FUBAR'ed.


7,080 posts

240 months

Thursday 12th June 2008
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"Have you not considered how much easier it is to control a walking population?" - Leto "The Tyrant" Atreides in God Emperor of Dune

I also see this as a town with only one shop, no competition and a captive market for them. I can see living there becoming very unaffordable very fast.


39,731 posts

286 months

Thursday 12th June 2008
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The Govt are running out of places to build houses, mainly due to their own 'Green Belt' policies, so how to reverse this?

To quote Govt mouthpiece on todays radio, If these new towns have zero 'carbon footprint' it will 'offset' the penalties of building on greenbelt land. So there you have it dear readers, this is merely another way that the Govt has found to abuse the 'carbon footprinting' myth.

Oh how we need a modern Guy Fawkes


1,670 posts

220 months

Thursday 12th June 2008
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I really dont understand why these "eco" towns arent built on brownfield land near city centres. Here in Nottingham there is plenty of unused brownfield land to the SE of the city centre. Its perfect for this kind of development, has good transport links, walkable to city centre/shops.

I cant see who is going to pay to live somewhere where they cant park, and have to pay to go to work. Stupid idea.