RE: Six points for speeding

RE: Six points for speeding



272 posts

204 months

Friday 9th November 2007
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odyssey2200 said:
F all to do with safety!

Just another turn of the screw againt the motorist.

Big brother flexing his muscles again because he can.
I'm so hacked off with being the devil incarnate!!! I pay my taxes chase some real crims for fu%$s sake!! I'm going back to racing boats no restriction at sea....


22,937 posts

242 months

Friday 9th November 2007
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Sgt^Roc said:
spoonoff said:
If you are doing over 45 in a 30 zone you deserve what you get.
but if you rape someone they let you out early
Good point.

Have we ever had a justification for why a custodial sentence of "X" is normally reduced to "half-X", but driving ban and licence points durations are never shortened?


5,889 posts

270 months

Friday 9th November 2007
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jmorgan said:
Is it me or have all the news channels bent over and started smiling for the governments spin?
I thought so. Silly figures quoted for the numbers
killed by speeders.

Interesting to note that speed guns must be tripod
mounted in most countries in Europe.

UK one of the few that still allow dodgy-scopes
to be hand held to secure a conviction.

I guess if the UK gets even more heavy handed
than it is already with its approach to speeding,
the folks on the Continent will be laughing even
more than usual at the antics of that third-world
island on the NW coast.


309 posts

214 months

Friday 9th November 2007
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stephen300o said:
marsred said:
Bing o said:
FFS, lets put in a blanket limit of 10 mph everywhere so no-one will die...

Accidents happen, people should be more responsible for their own actions rather than relying on someoone else to bail them out. If you are too ing stupid not to be looking where you are going when there are 2 ton pieces of metal flying about then you are too stupid to live, and your swift removal from the gene pool will be of immense benefit to everyone.

What he said...
Same here
"people should be more responsible for their own actions rather than relying on someoone else to bail them out" - so you accept the penalty for 45 in a 30 - the point you are arguing against? ................4rse


13,365 posts

240 months

Friday 9th November 2007
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don't know what to say.

It's all going a bit far.....

I think I might just move over to the other side, they seem to be winning. No other mainstream media line was apparent today.

So it's 40mph for me everywhere from now on. Doh, I'm going to get banned in the 20 limits, in fact I'll probably get held without trial for 40 in a 20. It's all so confusing.

If I do get banned I will join some namby pamby local council scheme and I'll report anyone I see for breaking the limit, because I will have been convinced by the machine that breaking the limit really is a most heinous crime and I will be filled with remorse. If I get banned I'll take a load of people off the roads with me. I urge you to join me on the dark side.

What happens when everyone is banned? Can we all start the game again?


13,616 posts

211 months

Friday 9th November 2007
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Dunk76 said:
My SP30 was at 97 (IIRC) in a 70 - 27mph over the limit. Which is exactly the same fine/points as I'd have got for doing 57 in 30mph. Which is more dangerous?
You're lucky. About 8 years ago, I got caught at 97 in a 70 whilst in the inside lane of a deserted M40 at 11.00am on a sunny Tuesday morning & got 5 points and a £280 fine (the rub was, I had just been told that my Grandfather was critically ill & was rushing up to see him before the curtains came down).

About 12 months earlier, my uncle got caught doing exactly the same speed on exactly the same stretch & just got SP30.

The inconsistancies in the current system are ludicrous.

Regarding this proposed new system, I agree 100% with it for people doing 45 in a 30 near schools / residential areas etc. However, the same scale of penalty for 94 in a 70 is a little crazy - try the M4 in a morning (when the traffic is flowing!). Pretty much everyone is rolling along at close to the ton & it flows very well.

IMO if the govt want to implement this, there should be a wholescale review of the appropriatness of current speed limits, with some being adjusted up & some being adjusted down. Personally, I would like to see something along the lines of a motorway minimum speed limit 70 (except HGV) & a maximum of 90, with a £100 fine & 2 points for 100 in the 90 & an automatic 3 or 6 month ban at 110 with a £200 fine.

Harsh but pretty fair. A sensible speed limit, with defined parameters & punishments should they be transgressed.

Again, implement minimum speed limits of, say, 50 in a NSL. The shere amount of traffic on the roads means that you just need 1 Doris dawdling along to completely screw a relatively major road and add a huge amount of time & frustration (one of the major causes of accidents) to a journey. Surely this could also be policed by speed cameras?

Edited by Schmalex on Friday 9th November 22:09


36 posts

203 months

Friday 9th November 2007
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whistleEr,anyone wanna buy a Pushbike?



1,161 posts

206 months

Friday 9th November 2007
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Egbert Nobacon said:
schnellbomber said:
spoonoff said:
If you are doing over 45 in a 30 zone you deserve what you get.
Great, another keyboard warrior.

Welcome rolleyes
His spelling isn't bad for a 12 year old though smile
Wadya meen lolrofllmao???

(Joking, sorry getmecoat)

G Man

4,053 posts

265 months

Friday 9th November 2007
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spoonoff said:
Obviously in residential areas it's a no-brainer.
Let's consider the far less common senario of, say, a deserted 10 mile stretch of duel carrigeway, that for whatever reason is under a 30 mph limit. You would be tempted to put your foot down, but you aren't going to enjoy the drive any more at 45 than at 30.
Time taken to cover the distance at 45 mph: 13 minutes 20 seconds.
Time taken to cover it at 30 mph: 20 minutes.

So the pertinent question is really, what exactly do you intend to do with the extra 6 minutes 40 seconds???
Well I was going to have a couple of boiled eggs and a piece of toast ...


8 posts

202 months

Friday 9th November 2007
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[quote=mateus][quote=odyssey2200]F all to do with safety!

Just another turn of the screw againt the motorist.

Big brother flexing his muscles again because he can.

very true, only a small amount of road accidents r caused by speeding, statistics show that its those fekkers who dont look where ther goin or think they can hav a few drinks at the pub then drive home. i cant understand wher the govt r comin from so i can only assume its more money for them to waste. and they will try other ways aswell knowing them.


14,834 posts

272 months

Friday 9th November 2007
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mateus said:
I'm so hacked off with being the devil incarnate!!! I pay my taxes chase some real crims for fu%$s sake!! I'm going back to racing boats no restriction at sea....
Yet. rolleyes


7 posts

214 months

Friday 9th November 2007
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stephen300o said:
Driving properly is safer than sticking to speed limits, it keeps you awake and you look where your going and judge your speed to road conditions rather than staring at your speedo making sure it matches random limit signs.
I am really lucky at the moment as I am living in Germany, most days I cruise up and down the autobahns at speeds in excess of 100 mph, paying attention and concentrating at the same time, however on the odd occasion where I haven't really been in a hurry, I will sometimes drive about 80 mph, but it is a damn site more dangerous to do so, because you kind of switch off, and that is how accidents happen, so most of the time its foot to the floor, apart from the speed restricted sections of course!!

And the really great thing is that you can overtake the Polizei, without any worries in an unrestricted zone.

Eventually I will have to come back to Britain, but this Government have really screwed the country up, when a guy can get jailed for 10 weeks for speeding, yet somebody beats up an old man, blinding him in one eye and all they get is a suspended sentence, it is so wrong!!

But it is all our own faults we just lay down and let the government screw us, the french wouldn't let it happen.

That's my little rant over.


123 posts

209 months

Saturday 10th November 2007
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So why cant we fine people for crossing the road without using crossings, or ban them from crossing the road while using a mobile phone, or eating an apple etc. serious offenders could be given a 6 month house arrest.

Children should only be let out on a leash and parents should be made to pick up the crap they keep dropping.

Perhaps pedestrians should be made to take a test before being allowed out on their own and should be able to see a car coming from 100yds before being given a licence.

It would also be useful to insist that all pedestrians have insurance in case they step out in front of a car.


378 posts

237 months

Saturday 10th November 2007
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there are both opinions both for and against. but the main issue here is that the freedom given to the public to do what they feel is safe is being undermined. yes there should be laws and rules, btu if someone can't read their speedo, then that is their fault and should be punished accprodingly. but also the envionment should be taken into account, such as early morning and/or clear road#

problem is that there are no clear cut rules, as this is a difficult area.


1,346 posts

208 months

Saturday 10th November 2007
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There's another massive source of ammunition in the fight against 'Speed Kills' - insurance companies. These organisations live or die by their ability to assess risk; if they get it wrong they lose money, customers or both.
For the most part, they don't increase premiums for speeding offences......


218 posts

202 months

Saturday 10th November 2007
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I don't like the fact that people speeding was compared to people who drink and drive. I think the terms used were along the lines that drinking and driving is now not socially acceptable and speeding should be also socially unacceptable. I think getting into a car and driving while under the influence is a far more serious crime than breaking the speed limit.

I must point out here that I'm thinking about main roads and not driving fast in built up areas, I personally think the government should increase the Speed Limit on Motorways to reflect the enhanced capability of modern cars to at least 80 mph, even if only on certain stretches of motorway. I believe like most people that the 30mph speed limit is essential in built up areas, where the risk of accidents due to reaction time factors is greatly increased.

If the Government was mature about this maybe it would make sense to offer something back to the 50% of motorists that readily admit to speeding by increasing the Motorway speed limit, considering the fact that the motorist is usually being screwed left right and center.

If you think about it this might actually reduce accidents because the other 50% of drivers that claim not to speed, might actually move out of the fast (outside) lane for a change and use the other two carriage ways that are often empty in front of them.

Shall I mention wagons here too... the ones that pull out at 56mph to pass another wagon doing 55.98mph... yep... just for the hell of it.



1,057 posts

217 months

Saturday 10th November 2007
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As Britain daily becomes more authoritarian particularly for road users with more draconian penalties and no prospect of a change in government for 2 1/2 years. Speed limit signs being changed overnight to lower and lower levels, it seems often to raise money intake.

The imminent introduction of wireless digital cameras in all the existing housings plus many more thousands of extra ones, that never run out of film and can have a fine in the post before you are 100yds passed the camera without any human work.

Being equipped with the most effective and up to date on board speed camera detection equipment will become essential to give warning of these traps otherwise in short order many millions of people will lose licences to drive. You may be liable to go from a clean licence to disqualified in a single journey.

The 70 MPH limit on Motorways was introduced in 1965 when cars had drum brakes , narrow crossply tyres, were far more unstable and had stopping distances more that twice the length of today's cars.

Speed limit zones need to be revised across the whole country. I doubt if anyone would argue with 20 mph in the vicinity of school gates, many other limits are clearly out of date in the modern world.


18,764 posts

266 months

Saturday 10th November 2007
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damiwi said:
I don't like the fact that people speeding was compared to people who drink and drive.
This is the clear and stated intention of the people prosecuting the anti car position.

I'm genuinely empathetic to people who have lost loved ones in RTAs but at the same time, it does seem a common trait for spokespeople to be commonly bereaved accordingly.

This does not necessarily make for a balanced, objective analysis; after all, the same logic applied to commercial aviation would see most planes decommissioned.

For every injury or death there are millions of event free journeys.

Freedom of movement at increasing velocities should be an aim of progressive, economically growth favouring governments but as with most other areas of life we have seen a broad swathe of left wing, regressive, essentially stagnant thinking permeate the halls of the legislature: quite how any minister, say, could begin to think the penalising and immobilising of ruddy great tracts of the productive classes might be a good thing is bewildering.

Yes, a mature debate as to variable limits, variable licencing and an abandonment of polital psychologies based on the milk livered carpings of wet fish with no real position in life - other than to cock everything up for everyone else - is essential.

Suggestions on PH regarding the very nature of contemporary democracy - who can vote and whether associated weightings could work, along with parameters disbarring career politicians from qualification of candidacy for election in the first place - have all assumed massive credibility if the country is to cast off the completely excessive, socialist, wrong headed, knee jerk reaction to 'Thatcherism' which sees us in the near collapsed state we are today.

The start must be a military coup.


316 posts

246 months

Saturday 10th November 2007
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I drive past a busy shcool drop-off area every morning and probably do so at 15 mph. Why does that need a limit of 20? Responsible motorists (nearly everybody in this spot) slow down at school hours and do 30-ish the rest of the time. The irresponsible ones would ignore the limit anyway. Ever tried doing 20 mph when the road is clear?


36,010 posts

289 months

Saturday 10th November 2007
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That was the other thing I noticed from the new yesterday. Apart from them needing to find a spine, it was the constant dropping in of "20mph" in the comments. I am fed up of jouno's waiting for something to land in their laps and reading press releases.