Why the British Jealousy(?) and negativity, RE cars?

Why the British Jealousy(?) and negativity, RE cars?



3,858 posts

165 months

Friday 4th May 2012
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CJ Loves Ruf said:
drophead said:

My cheap as chips MX5 gets keyed most likely because it's clean, black, and a convertible. Jeez i'm such a flash barstid rolleyes

Society makes me belm at times. I'm sure if I had an £8k polo it wouldn't get touched!!
Not always true. A car like my Mums Honda CR-V from 2001 which has done well over 156,000 miles, been used and abused for things like the school run, shopping and taking the dog for walks. You would expect that to be left alone? Nope, some low life about 2 months ago decided it was worth their time to key it. I just generally believe that some people do things like this because they can. Sad to think there are people out there trying to make other peoples lives worse... redcard
I think the majority of petty st like keying of older less flash cars is probably down to bored kids and younger teenagers, I think they mostly see it as a 'prank' along the lines of knock-knock-ginger, egging/toiletpapering a house or setting fire to a paper bag with dogst in on the doorstep and ringing the bell etc etc. If they happen to be able to see your face when you discover it; 'bonus!', otherwise I guess just the thought of it makes them stiffen a little.


7,690 posts

206 months

Friday 4th May 2012
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Why do you think the age/price of car makes a difference. I think most of it comes down to bored kids, not jealousy.


7,690 posts

206 months

Friday 4th May 2012
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Adrenalin from doing something a bit naughty. It's stupid, but it happens.

Marquis Rex

7,377 posts

241 months

Friday 4th May 2012
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Why is it also much much much more common in the UK compared to Germany, Canada or the USA?

Are the kids not bored in these other countries?

Marquis Rex

7,377 posts

241 months

Friday 4th May 2012
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swerni said:
Marquis Rex said:
Why is it also much much much more common in the UK compared to Germany, Canada or the USA?

Are the kids not bored in these other countries?
I blame the education system wink
Of course! Because the USA has such an amazing education system - especially when they put 'intelligent design' into the syllabus winklaugh

edited to add: whoosh parrot I just GOT that being a TA an all that. I must have spent too long over here wink


7,690 posts

206 months

Friday 4th May 2012
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swerni said:
But there's no upside.

Why wouldn't you just steal it or go shoplifting?

Do something naughty and get a new toy, that's got to make more sense.
Are you really expecting teenagers to behave rationally?

Marquis Rex said:
Why is it also much much much more common in the UK compared to Germany, Canada or the USA?

Are the kids not bored in these other countries?
Is it? Can I see the stats if you have a link please?


1,083 posts

218 months

Friday 4th May 2012
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XitUp said:
Pedmeister said:
I do hope not though- Socialism is the road to ruin. Socialism created the Benefit system-look where that has taken the UK- the culture of dependancy. It has created an entire sub-class who have no aspirations, or ambition, aside from milking the benefit system. I secretly live in hope that disgruntled senior military officers might surround Parliament with Challenger II tanks and a Battalion of Para's, and eject the entire useless bunch we have masquerading as politicians. At least we could be guaranteed being lead by men & women with a strong sense of honour & integrity. As opposed to amoral opportunists whose sole intent appears to be to stick their snouts into the trough in order to serve their own personal agendas and ambitions.

Failing that, another Crowellian type figure would do the job quite nicely! Ten years of paternalistic 'dictatorship' could work wonders in the UK! wink lol
Scary thing is I'm not even sure if you're joking.
Anything to prevent another Labour administration devastating the UK agin- on so many levels. Since the 1960's, EVERY Labour adminstration has weakened the UK economy, reduced HM Armed Forces, and weakened our position in the world. Wilson had to go cap in hand to the IMF in the 1960's. Healey did the same thing in the 1970's- cap in hand to the IMF. Tax & spend, Tax & spend- with NOTHING to show for it. Cameron & Co have inherited a poison chalice- which Labour are entirely responsible for.

Before you jump in with both size tens, and accuse me of being a 'Tory' boy, I did not vote for Cameron in the General Election. He is far too similar to Blair. Another politician devoid of any real convictions or values, a mere opportunist constantly seeking to garner popular support with vacuuous soundbites, EG "Hug a hoody." However, I do have some sympathy with Cameron & Co for having to contend with the largest national debt since the Lend Lease Act. Labour have done immense damage to the UK that will take a decade or more to rectify. How ironic, how arrogant & hipocritical that Labour dare point the finger of blame for the current economic woes we are enduring. What short memories these grubby little socialists possess......


1,867 posts

149 months

Friday 4th May 2012
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XitUp said:
Stop being rubbish.
You know very little about very little, including about me.
If you have evidence to counter anything I've said then please, I'd love to see it. Even if it proves me wrong, it's better to learn something than blindly stick to your guns.

If you're just going to slag me off without countering what I've said then please, fk off.

At least MR, although I disagree with him on a lot, does have something interesting to say on certain subjects.
sorry to offend. take a look at your first response to my views.

cheers boss, let us leave it there eh?


7,690 posts

206 months

Friday 4th May 2012
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Pedmeister said:
Anything to prevent another Labour administration devastating the UK agin- on so many levels. Since the 1960's, EVERY Labour adminstration has weakened the UK economy, reduced HM Armed Forces, and weakened our position in the world. Wilson had to go cap in hand to the IMF in the 1960's. Healey did the same thing in the 1970's- cap in hand to the IMF. Tax & spend, Tax & spend- with NOTHING to show for it. Cameron & Co have inherited a poison chalice- which Labour are entirely responsible for.

Before you jump in with both size tens, and accuse me of being a 'Tory' boy, I did not vote for Cameron in the General Election. He is far too similar to Blair. Another politician devoid of any real convictions or values, a mere opportunist constantly seeking to garner popular support with vacuuous soundbites, EG "Hug a hoody." However, I do have some sympathy with Cameron & Co for having to contend with the largest national debt since the Lend Lease Act. Labour have done immense damage to the UK that will take a decade or more to rectify. How ironic, how arrogant & hipocritical that Labour dare point the finger of blame for the current economic woes we are enduring. What short memories these grubby little socialists possess......
Yeah, I can't stand new Labour, but they were certainly better than a military dictatorship.

You are mental. Quite worrying that you seem to be in a position of authority.


1,867 posts

149 months

Friday 4th May 2012
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XitUp said:
stuff and. . ......dictatorship.
but you are a dictator!!! you have done nothing but tell people they are wrong if they don't agree with you!

i keep promising myself i will not engage with you any further, then you pull another stunner out the bag....you are to amazing view points what paul scholes is to 20 yard screamers...

edited to correct footballing genius' name...sorry it's late and i'm grumpy.. smile


1,083 posts

218 months

Friday 4th May 2012
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Marquis Rex said:
Why is it also much much much more common in the UK compared to Germany, Canada or the USA?

Are the kids not bored in these other countries?
Could it be that compared to Germany, our society has a far higher percentage of dysfunctional individuals raised on endless benefits? The benefit system, which was originally intended to provide a basic level of support, has morphed into a monster that allows people to fester. It removes any incentive to work, it ruins the moral fibre of people who become increasingly dependant on handouts. They have no shame. They have no pride. They have no work ethic.They have no self-respect. They have no aspirations. They have no ambition. Due to the fact that everything is handed to these people on a plate, they have no desire to enter the world of work. Why work when you can sit on your arse in your FREE house, provided by the Tax payer, living off your benefits-paid for by the Tax payer? If the benefit system provides people with the means to purchase a 50 inch plasma-why work?? We are funding an underclass with no desire to seek gainful employment. They actually have the temerity to refer to benefit handouts as, "wages.' Just ask any Police Officer, or Paramedic- we have all heard this reference to, "wages." They mean STATE HANDOUTS PROVIDED BY THE TAX PAYER.

If people are handed everything on a plate, they take it for granted, they do not appreciate anything. If you haven't had to drag yourself out of bed and go to work everyday to put a roof over your head, how, or why should you appreciate your FREE housing? If you do not respect yourself, how can you respect others? If you do not value your FREE accomodation provided by social housing, how can you appreciate anybody elses property? Keying the car belonging to another, is done as casually as throwing rubbish into the front garden of their FREE house. Afterall, some 'mug' from the council who gets up at 5am each morning will come along & clean up their filthy mess....

Edited by Pedmeister on Saturday 5th May 00:30


1,083 posts

218 months

Friday 4th May 2012
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XitUp said:
Pedmeister said:
Anything to prevent another Labour administration devastating the UK agin- on so many levels. Since the 1960's, EVERY Labour adminstration has weakened the UK economy, reduced HM Armed Forces, and weakened our position in the world. Wilson had to go cap in hand to the IMF in the 1960's. Healey did the same thing in the 1970's- cap in hand to the IMF. Tax & spend, Tax & spend- with NOTHING to show for it. Cameron & Co have inherited a poison chalice- which Labour are entirely responsible for.

Before you jump in with both size tens, and accuse me of being a 'Tory' boy, I did not vote for Cameron in the General Election. He is far too similar to Blair. Another politician devoid of any real convictions or values, a mere opportunist constantly seeking to garner popular support with vacuuous soundbites, EG "Hug a hoody." However, I do have some sympathy with Cameron & Co for having to contend with the largest national debt since the Lend Lease Act. Labour have done immense damage to the UK that will take a decade or more to rectify. How ironic, how arrogant & hipocritical that Labour dare point the finger of blame for the current economic woes we are enduring. What short memories these grubby little socialists possess......
Yeah, I can't stand new Labour, but they were certainly better than a military dictatorship.

You are mental. Quite worrying that you seem to be in a position of authority.
Note that my original post re the prospect of a military dictatorship ended with a smiley face & 'LOL.'

Purely tongue in cheek old chap! smile


7,690 posts

206 months

Friday 4th May 2012
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jaedba2604 said:
but you are a dictator!!! you have done nothing but tell people they are wrong if they don't agree with you!)
Yeah, that's not what a dictator is.

At least you're learning some stuff though. wink

Pedmeister said:
Note that my original post re the prospect of a military dictatorship ended with a smiley face & 'LOL.'

Purely tongue in cheek old chap! smile
Glad to hear it. Shame the fella above missed the joke too.

For what it's worth, I agree with quite a bit of your last posts on the benefit system creating a dependant underclass. I just think it has very little to do with cars being damaged.


1,083 posts

218 months

Saturday 5th May 2012
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XitUp said:
Pedmeister said:
Anything to prevent another Labour administration devastating the UK agin- on so many levels. Since the 1960's, EVERY Labour adminstration has weakened the UK economy, reduced HM Armed Forces, and weakened our position in the world. Wilson had to go cap in hand to the IMF in the 1960's. Healey did the same thing in the 1970's- cap in hand to the IMF. Tax & spend, Tax & spend- with NOTHING to show for it. Cameron & Co have inherited a poison chalice- which Labour are entirely responsible for.

Before you jump in with both size tens, and accuse me of being a 'Tory' boy, I did not vote for Cameron in the General Election. He is far too similar to Blair. Another politician devoid of any real convictions or values, a mere opportunist constantly seeking to garner popular support with vacuuous soundbites, EG "Hug a hoody." However, I do have some sympathy with Cameron & Co for having to contend with the largest national debt since the Lend Lease Act. Labour have done immense damage to the UK that will take a decade or more to rectify. How ironic, how arrogant & hipocritical that Labour dare point the finger of blame for the current economic woes we are enduring. What short memories these grubby little socialists possess......
Yeah, I can't stand new Labour, but they were certainly better than a military dictatorship.

You are mental. Quite worrying that you seem to be in a position of authority.
Why am I 'mental,' for merely highlighting historical facts regarding Labour's traditional mis-management of the British economy? Wilson & Healey had to beg for loans from the IMF in order to bail out our foundering economy. Wilson's administration did so in the mid 1960's, whilst Callaghan & Healey did so in the mid 1970's. Both governments instigated severe defence cuts-degrading Britain's defence capability is high priority for Labour. Far better to fritter money away looking after the feckless. We have an 'army' of teenage mothers to provide for, which is obviously far more important than the defence of the realm. EG Look how much Blair increased DHS benefit spending by, it rose from £62 billion to over £90 billion. Meanwhile, the armed forces suffered substantial cuts. The Labour government of the 70's scrapped the Royal Navy carrier fleet. Wilson scrapped TSR2- which had fantastic potential. He sold out the British aviation industry, culminating in a huge emigration of talented British aviation engineers to the US. It is the same old sorry tale with every Labour administration. They generate a massive debt, which then has to be dealt with by the next government.

Where is the madness in anything I have said here??


3,695 posts

193 months

Saturday 5th May 2012
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Havn't read all the posts.

However in my school days there were two pupils (one of them is dead now) that got themselves into serious bother for damaging cars.

These two boys came from fairly wealthy families. Regulary they sneaked out of school at lunchtime and went on a rampage of damaging cars.

Then these good as gold little boys were collected at the end of the day by mummy in her Mercedes or by daddy in his Daimler.

On the other side of the coin. My sisters road was targeted weekly by two youths who keyed cars.

They came from a local social housing estate and went out of their way to walk around roads near where they lived and key cars parked outside private houses and not those of the estate.

They felt that people who lived outside their estate where "good value for it" apparently. They got caught red handed damaging two cars. It had been going on for some time and they didn't seem to get into much trouble for it either.


7,690 posts

206 months

Saturday 5th May 2012
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Pedmeister said:
Where is the madness in anything I have said here??
The madness was in the military dictatorship thing, we've covered this gramps. wink

I'm really not fussed about cutting military spending, although I'd far rather see nuclear missiles scrapped than soldiers made redundant.

Yes, Labour have made some financial mistakes, but so have the Tories, it's unfair to just list the misdeeds of one side.


1,867 posts

149 months

Saturday 5th May 2012
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XitUp said:
Yeah, that's not what a dictator is.

At least you're learning some stuff though. wink
it's a powerless dictator nevertheless. impotent one might say.

get back to your degree. smile

i got the joke...i just couldn't believe that you had the nerve to suggest a dictatorship was so wrong...given your predisposition to a completely blinkered, naive and ignorant one track mind. i would say a lack of self awareness is the initial requirement that most dictators possess.

abolish nuclear weapons? you're a genius mate, think of where we'd end up there...

Edited by jaedba2604 on Saturday 5th May 11:44


7,690 posts

206 months

Saturday 5th May 2012
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That's not what a dictator is. Stop being thick, you're making yourself look silly. Look up words before you use them.

What do you mean go back to it, I'm still doing it?


24,741 posts

268 months

Saturday 5th May 2012
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As a teen my friends and I would pick up Mini's and move them, either in the middle of the road or if it was accessible the owners garden. We did it because it was funny and we never damaged any cars..well that was until we lifted up on old Mini and the wings ripped off slashing my mates hand. getmecoat

The odd thing was that I'd see that Mini afterwards and it still had my mates blood on the bonne and wingst. eek

My point is that teens do silly things and I'm not proud of what we did. It was not done maliciously just a bit of fun.

Similarly my neighbour had a Robin Reliant and every Saturday it would get pushed over on its side. It was quite normal to see it like that so non of the neighbors took any notice. She had a box full of new mirrors to replace the ones that got damaged. hehe

It wasn't jealousy. Just high jinx.


1,867 posts

149 months

Saturday 5th May 2012
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XitUp said:
That's not what a dictator is. Stop being thick, you're making yourself look silly. Look up words before you use them.

What do you mean go back to it, I'm still doing it?
a dictator is defined by the one dictating, not third parties who do or don't do what they're told.

or you to accuse me of being thick shows huge ignorance, you accused me of not knowing what socialism was in your first response to me, and all that showed was you'd failed to read my post adequately. misinterpreted socialism i said...

you're not, you're arguing with someone you don't know; and making yourself look silly. all you have mate is theory, no application in any field.