Why the British Jealousy(?) and negativity, RE cars?

Why the British Jealousy(?) and negativity, RE cars?



406 posts

151 months

Saturday 5th May 2012
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I've been on messageboards before where they've banned all discussion of politics. After having read this thread, I now understand why.


7,690 posts

206 months

Monday 7th May 2012
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jaedba2604 said:
a dictator is defined by the one dictating, not third parties who do or don't do what they're told.
dic·ta·tor   [dik-tey-ter, dik-tey-ter]
a person exercising absolute power, especially a ruler who has absolute, unrestricted control in a government without hereditary succession.
(in ancient Rome) a person invested with supreme authority during a crisis, the regular magistracy being subordinated to him until the crisis was met.
a person who authoritatively prescribes conduct, usage, etc.: a dictator of fashion.
a person who dictates, as to a secretary.

Wow, you're wrong again, what a surprise.

jaedba2604 said:
or you to accuse me of being thick shows huge ignorance, you accused me of not knowing what socialism was in your first response to me, and all that showed was you'd failed to read my post adequately. misinterpreted socialism i said...
Fair point.

jaedba2604 said:
you're not, you're arguing with someone you don't know; and making yourself look silly. all you have mate is theory, no application in any field.
Ah right, you want me to go back to my degree 24/7, like all other people doing a degree, right?
The only way I'm making myself look silly is by wasting my time arguing with someone who has such a weak grasp on facts and reality.
But I'm a tit when it comes to that and I can't resist an argument.

[insert xkcd comic]

Vilhelm said:
I've been on messageboards before where they've banned all discussion of politics. After having read this thread, I now understand why.
Yeah, fair point.


20,449 posts

233 months

Monday 7th May 2012
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swerni said:
Twincam16 said:
Tonberry said:
Other countries congratulate success. We don't. Watch the BBC and within 10 minutes you will see complaints of 'rich bankers' having more then anyone else.

Ever stopped to think that these people have actually earnt their positions through hard work? They didn't just land on their breakfast tables one morning.

I hate to burst your bubbles, but ENVY has a lot to do with the problem. You honestly think they're keying your shiny red 911 because it just happened to be there and not because they will never own such a vehicle due to their own laziness and inadequacy?

Having lived and been around people from all walks of life I can see both sides of the fence - a lot of you seem to be happy to just walk past.
I don't like Porsche Cayennes. I think they're hideous, anti-engineered lumpen wastes of metal and I'd take great pleasure in smashing one up with a big plank of wood with a rusty nail sticking out of it.

Does that make me jealous of the owner? Does it hell. The restraint preventing me from committing such an act of vandalism is the same restraint that prevents me from resorting to fisticuffs in arguments - intelligent reasoning ability.

Some people don't have that, they resort to violence much more quickly. It's the fear of consequences (or lack of it) that's the main problem in our society. We saw it last summer - the only thing stopping some people looting and vandalising is the fear of the police response. Take that away and there's no moral compass to stop them. And they weren't all stealing items of great value, they were nicking bags of rice - because they could get away with it. That was the only reason.

As for hard-working bankers - yes, some are hard-working, but many have demonstrated themselves to be venal and self-serving, cavalier with taxpayers' money, and stroppily exhbiting the same sense of entitlement they condemn in the feckless despite having made colossal losses. They are far from blameless, much of the country's financial woes are their responsibility, corruption is endemic in their industry and many people whose hard-earned money went into supposedly stabilising the banking system but made its way into their pockets instead despite poor performances have every right to feel a sense of deep resentment - which has nothing to do with jealousy whatsoever.

If someone smashed up a politician's car for similar reasons, would that be jealousy too? Kneejerk accusations of jealousy suggest a certain emotional stuntedness IMHO.
Sorry, but the fact you feel you have to restrain yourself from acts of mindless vandalism and violence shows far more "emotional stuntedness" than anything else I've read on this thread.

It's actually a bit disturbing.


1,867 posts

149 months

Monday 7th May 2012
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XitUp said:
jaedba2604 said:
a dictator is defined by the one dictating, not third parties who do or don't do what they're told.
a person who authoritatively prescribes conduct, usage, etc.: a dictator of fashion.
a person who dictates, as to a secretary.

Wow, you're wrong again, what a surprise.

jaedba2604 said:
you're not, you're arguing with someone you don't know; and making yourself look silly. all you have mate is theory, no application in any field.
Ah right, you want me to go back to my degree 24/7, like all other people doing a degree, right?
The only way I'm making myself look silly is by wasting my time arguing with someone who has such a weak grasp on facts and reality.
But I'm a tit when it comes to that and I can't resist an argument.
how, exactly, does your copy and paste from dictionary.com prove me wrong? is there a quantum of people who must be listening to the dictator for them to become a dictator? did pol pot front up to work one morning and his right hand man say "ahh, morning pol, fortunately today you will become a dictator, as most of cambodia has turned up to listen to and act on your bizarre ideals, no longer are you a quasi-dictator confined to rambling in your armchair, telling everyone you are completely correct on all matters of opinion...". you have a dictatorial style, and an inability to comprehend something that is from a view different to your own.

no, i was suggesting that you should spend less time on forums making yourself look silly, invest more time in practising your comprehension, so you don't look silly.

i've taken the liberty of perusing some of your other posts; a person who gives others the benefit of the doubt would possibly say you have a brusque manner about you. i would say you have a chip on your shoulder and are rude. maybe i'm the same, the difference is i'm not hoping one day i'll contribute more tax due to the greater rewards i'm hoping my 'latent' ability will bring.

clearly we are wasting our time here, chalk and cheese spring to mind. i think i will bow out ungraciously. good luck with the degree.


1,867 posts

149 months

Monday 7th May 2012
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XitUp said:
and, interestingly, your copy and paste from dictionary.com is the pretty much the only time your posts contain words of more than 3 syllables...not the most eloquent of chaps are you? smile

Marquis Rex

7,377 posts

241 months

Monday 7th May 2012
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Pedmeister said:
Marquis Rex said:
Why is it also much much much more common in the UK compared to Germany, Canada or the USA?

Are the kids not bored in these other countries?
Could it be that compared to Germany, our society has a far higher percentage of dysfunctional individuals raised on endless benefits? The benefit system, which was originally intended to provide a basic level of support, has morphed into a monster that allows people to fester. It removes any incentive to work, it ruins the moral fibre of people who become increasingly dependant on handouts. They have no shame. They have no pride. They have no work ethic.They have no self-respect. They have no aspirations. They have no ambition. Due to the fact that everything is handed to these people on a plate, they have no desire to enter the world of work. Why work when you can sit on your arse in your FREE house, provided by the Tax payer, living off your benefits-paid for by the Tax payer? If the benefit system provides people with the means to purchase a 50 inch plasma-why work?? We are funding an underclass with no desire to seek gainful employment. They actually have the temerity to refer to benefit handouts as, "wages.' Just ask any Police Officer, or Paramedic- we have all heard this reference to, "wages." They mean STATE HANDOUTS PROVIDED BY THE TAX PAYER.
Pedmeister I agree with you for the most part but having lived in Germany however there’s something different about the German people. There is a benefit system there but folks feel ashamed to claim on it long term and it certainly isn’t a lifestyle choice. The system is also fairer so if you’ve paid into the system for years and need to claim they don’t means check your savings before you can like they do in Chav-Central-UK-i.e it’s not a anti-achievement, anti-rich mechanism.
The other aspect is that the work ethic amongst the blue collar folks is much much higher in Germany than the UK. In the UK the mentality amongst the shop floor is abusive and it was common to find them sleeping in the dyno test cells of surfing the net with zero interest in the engineering tasks. Given, this is probably a reaction to the British class system of history but it’s no longer driven from the top so get over it! Germany is not like that, tyre fitters are ‘meisters’ as are technicians (who don’t try to pass themselves off as engineers) and there’s recognition and credit at every level. On the dyno test cells the folks are friendly and interested in the engineering projects and helping out.

Pedmeister said:
[If people are handed everything on a plate, they take it for granted, they do not appreciate anything. If you haven't had to drag yourself out of bed and go to work everyday to put a roof over your head, how, or why should you appreciate your FREE housing? If you do not respect yourself, how can you respect others? If you do not value your FREE accomodation provided by social housing, how can you appreciate anybody elses property? Keying the car belonging to another, is done as casually as throwing rubbish into the front garden of their FREE house. Afterall, some 'mug' from the council who gets up at 5am each morning will come along & clean up their filthy mess....
Agreed. I’m so glad I’m out away from Chav infested UK. The best parts seem to be the countryside and villages now.


7,690 posts

206 months

Monday 7th May 2012
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jaedba2604 said:
and, interestingly, your copy and paste from dictionary.com is the pretty much the only time your posts contain words of more than 3 syllables...not the most eloquent of chaps are you? smile
Eloquence is wasted on some people. ie people who don't know what big words, like dictator, mean. ie people who don't know that sentences start with capital letters.


1,867 posts

149 months

Monday 7th May 2012
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XitUp said:
jaedba2604 said:
and, interestingly, your copy and paste from dictionary.com is the pretty much the only time your posts contain words of more than 3 syllables...not the most eloquent of chaps are you? smile
Eloquence is wasted on some people. ie people who don't know what big words, like dictator, mean. ie people who don't know that sentences start with capital letters.
i suspect you are that irritating little tt who got the st kicked out of him at school. doesn't know when to shut the fk up.


7,690 posts

206 months

Monday 7th May 2012
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I suspect you've never had a fight in your life and try to act the hardman over the internet.


1,867 posts

149 months

Monday 7th May 2012
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XitUp said:
I suspect you've never had a fight in your life and try to act the hardman over the internet.


1,867 posts

149 months

Monday 7th May 2012
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actually cross it up (ever done that on your trek 4500 with mudguards?!!). why am i bothering?

you are probably the answer to this thread. you just haven't got the bks to key cars, so you wind people up on here....

i think you're jealous of others' success, i guess you flunked the education system first time around and now you're trying to further yourself later in life, but in doing so you're short on cash, as all of your peers are a few years ahead of you.

you really haven't got the faintest idea about anything, it's like trying to explain cricket to the bird on page 3 of today's sun...she just wouldn't get it.

as someone else said, you're like an excitable little dog, and when you're in the real world, i reckon you'll calm down.

i'm out...wind someone else up with your truly banal manner. smile


7,690 posts

206 months

Monday 7th May 2012
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Haha, good stalking, you fking weirdo.


9,251 posts

168 months

Monday 7th May 2012
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18 pages. I've read most, but think I might have missed some.

Has there actually been any evidence of increased car vandalism, or are we just talking dailyfail paranoia still?

Prof Beard

6,669 posts

229 months

Monday 7th May 2012
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Apparently, according to many on this thread, our underclass are particularly envious of Fiat 500s:


Marquis Rex

7,377 posts

241 months

Monday 7th May 2012
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Prof Beard said:
Apparently, according to many on this thread, our underclass are particularly envious of Fiat 500s:

Nice bit of selective quoting there Prof wink

From the same link:

"Although two of the top five cars were ‘everyday’ vehicles, the analysis found that high-end brands were disproportionately likely to be targeted: of the top five most-vandalised brands, three produce prestige vehicles (Porsche, Land Rover and BMW). With some notable exceptions, ‘everyday’ cars were significantly less likely to be affected: the UK’s best-selling car for 2011, the Ford Focus, had a vandalism score of just 0.87%."

It's interesting that folks who are 'simply bored' are seeking out and targeting prestige vehicles biggrin
So now we've found 'evidence' and have knocked down the 'bored' argument- what next?


1,867 posts

149 months

Monday 7th May 2012
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Marquis Rex said:
Nice bit of selective quoting there Prof wink

From the same link:

"Although two of the top five cars were ‘everyday’ vehicles, the analysis found that high-end brands were disproportionately likely to be targeted: of the top five most-vandalised brands, three produce prestige vehicles (Porsche, Land Rover and BMW). With some notable exceptions, ‘everyday’ cars were significantly less likely to be affected: the UK’s best-selling car for 2011, the Ford Focus, had a vandalism score of just 0.87%."

It's interesting that folks who are 'simply bored' are seeking out and targeting prestige vehicles biggrin
So now we've found 'evidence' and have knocked down the 'bored' argument- what next?
please don't mate, someone will ignore the relevant (and fairly salient) points you make and start accusing you of reading the daily mail.... smile

rewind 10 pages and start again i reckon..


41,173 posts

247 months

Monday 7th May 2012
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I don't get cricket either.

Nor golf.

Don't want to get either.

Now where's that bird from Page 3... wink

Prof Beard

6,669 posts

229 months

Monday 7th May 2012
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Marquis Rex said:
Nice bit of selective quoting there Prof wink

From the same link:

"Although two of the top five cars were ‘everyday’ vehicles, the analysis found that high-end brands were disproportionately likely to be targeted: of the top five most-vandalised brands, three produce prestige vehicles (Porsche, Land Rover and BMW). With some notable exceptions, ‘everyday’ cars were significantly less likely to be affected: the UK’s best-selling car for 2011, the Ford Focus, had a vandalism score of just 0.87%."

It's interesting that folks who are 'simply bored' are seeking out and targeting prestige vehicles biggrin
So now we've found 'evidence' and have knocked down the 'bored' argument- what next?
As they didn't actually list any figures for brands, and neither this years or last years top ten vehicles mentioned any Porsche models, I found the statement rather odd and didn't therefore quote it.


7,690 posts

206 months

Sunday 13th May 2012
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So in the top ten we have the 500, 207, Beetle, TT, Punto and MINI. I wouldn't call any of those prestige cars.


1,867 posts

149 months

Sunday 13th May 2012
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XitUp said:
So in the top ten we have the 500, 207, Beetle, TT, Punto and MINI. I wouldn't call any of those prestige cars.
go and do a bit of analysis.

500 - only been made a few years, therefore most on the roads are likely to be nearly new.
207 - likewise
Beetle - marketed as a bit 'different'
TT - think of the target market.
Punto - no idea on that one..there's always a rogue..
Mini - once again a bit 'different'

dunno whatthe other 5 were, i'm guessing you'd have listed them, but they probably undermine your contention somewhat.

my guess is that if you had a car you cherished and a daily work snotter. you were visiting friends for dinner in a less salubrious estate over the other side of town, i don't think you'll be backing your p&j out of the garage to journey over there and leave lying around for the evening would you? perhaps you would, i know i, and 90% of people on here, in that position wouldn't.