3rd lane trailer moron



2,090 posts

189 months

Friday 2nd October 2015
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You were doing 65 on the M40? Were you in a truck?


56 months

Friday 2nd October 2015
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HustleRussell said:
NorfolkInClue1 said:
You sound angry.
Not angry, apologies if I come across as such.
I am actually just very frustrated at ignorance as I take great pride, rare I know, in being a professional driver. I love my job, I love driving and believe it or not I respect the rules of the road. not just because I understand they are there for a reason, but because with what I drive if I took the attitude of others on here that the rules are only there for my convenience then I might just start killing people.
I know I might throw the odd harsh word in but it just boils down to respect, respect for the law and respect for other road users. The phone or the trailer show a massive lack of both and I cannot for the life of me see any difference?? Hence my comments about people digging out the OP for using his phone to record an offence that it seems isn't as important but, as I said, would be very very important if I decided to take to lane 3 as and when I felt it was ok.
For me to label the OP a hypocrite whilst ignoring the trailer is in itself hypocritical .


56 months

Friday 2nd October 2015
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chrisga said:
You were doing 65 on the M40? Were you in a truck?
Only with a magnet, Irish number plates or maybe some Scottish companies with magic heater buttons? For the rest of us it's 56 limiters with a 60 limits for those downhill bits..........,,...


24,781 posts

162 months

Friday 2nd October 2015
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NorfolkInClue1 said:
Not angry, apologies if I come across as such.
I am actually just very frustrated at ignorance as I take great pride, rare I know, in being a professional driver. I love my job, I love driving and believe it or not I respect the rules of the road. not just because I understand they are there for a reason, but because with what I drive if I took the attitude of others on here that the rules are only there for my convenience then I might just start killing people.
I know I might throw the odd harsh word in but it just boils down to respect, respect for the law and respect for other road users. The phone or the trailer show a massive lack of both and I cannot for the life of me see any difference?? Hence my comments about people digging out the OP for using his phone to record an offence that it seems isn't as important but, as I said, would be very very important if I decided to take to lane 3 as and when I felt it was ok.
For me to label the OP a hypocrite whilst ignoring the trailer is in itself hypocritical .
Trailer in 3rd lane in what appears to be creeping traffic, not inherently unsafe or dangerous. No suggestion that the driver wasn't paying attention to his driving or being careless. Illegal, yes. Taking photos with a camera phone in creeping traffic is unsafe, is dangerous, suggests that the driver isn't paying attention to his driving and is being careless.

I have not ranted and raved about people driving commercial vehicles or mentionned that at any time so I'm not sure why you keep going back to that.


56 months

Saturday 3rd October 2015
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HustleRussell said:
NorfolkInClue1 said:
Not angry, apologies if I come across as such.
I am actually just very frustrated at ignorance as I take great pride, rare I know, in being a professional driver. I love my job, I love driving and believe it or not I respect the rules of the road. not just because I understand they are there for a reason, but because with what I drive if I took the attitude of others on here that the rules are only there for my convenience then I might just start killing people.
I know I might throw the odd harsh word in but it just boils down to respect, respect for the law and respect for other road users. The phone or the trailer show a massive lack of both and I cannot for the life of me see any difference?? Hence my comments about people digging out the OP for using his phone to record an offence that it seems isn't as important but, as I said, would be very very important if I decided to take to lane 3 as and when I felt it was ok.
For me to label the OP a hypocrite whilst ignoring the trailer is in itself hypocritical .
Trailer in 3rd lane in what appears to be creeping traffic, not inherently unsafe or dangerous. No suggestion that the driver wasn't paying attention to his driving or being careless. Illegal, yes. Taking photos with a camera phone in creeping traffic is unsafe, is dangerous, suggests that the driver isn't paying attention to his driving and is being careless.

I have not ranted and raved about people driving commercial vehicles or mentionned that at any time so I'm not sure why you keep going back to that.

No, you never mentioned HGV, that was me, I was making the point that you appear to be applying a level of self implied relevance to breaking the law whilst nailing some one for breaking the law, as is backed up by you stating that driving in lane 3 with a trailer is " not inherently unsafe or dangerous" .....my guess is the police would take a different view just by the fact he is ignoring the rules and therefore is a possible danger to other road users, how do you know he is only there for the slow traffic? My experience of drivers in lane 3 with a trailer is that they are there for one reason only, every time. And that is to get to wherever they are going that bit quicker. Indeed your view on the phone user not paying attention and being careless would be nailed on for the trailer puller....not paying attention to the lanes he should be in and therefore careless !
There is every suggestion the driver is not paying attention by the very fact he is in lane 3? If, again, I was to drive, crawl, filter using lane 3 in any traffic in my truck you would find more photos and outrage than any topic on here mentioning cyclists.....
I will say it again but it appears there is a level of acceptability to breaking the law and that is one of individual convenience. By that I mean, man drives carelessly/ on purpose in lane 3 than no problem as its slow traffic but man takes a photo of it in the same traffic then outrage,hang him etc etc. Rubbish, both idiots, both need taking off the road.
Again I would love to know what level of acceptability you and others apply to other areas of the law so as to justify your view on this?
End of the day we are being sucked into a rant about two utter idiots, I hope we can agree on that, if however we cannot then I am fascinated as to why one of the two is not?..loll..................


22,154 posts

110 months

Saturday 3rd October 2015
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Both bad, but the guy on the phone is the more likely to crash


26,566 posts

233 months

Saturday 3rd October 2015
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Maybe there was a lane closure ahead and traffic was being directed into the outside lane. I am sure uk vette or mailmarshall can verify if this was the case wink

There can be legitimate reasons for the van and trailer being there that are not obvious from the photo's. Just saying.


6,116 posts

263 months

Saturday 3rd October 2015
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I don't care about the trailer in lane three. I also don't care about the OP taking pictures on his phone.


1,868 posts

161 months

Saturday 3rd October 2015
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DoubleD said:
Both bad, but the guy on the phone is the more likely to crash
As has been mentioned already in the thread, on that section of road lane 3 ends and shortly after a slip road forms a new lane 1, given the traffic the van has to stay in what is now lane 3 until it has a chance to move over.


24,781 posts

162 months

Saturday 3rd October 2015
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So trailer guy probably had a decent excuse to be in lane three. Using camera phone while driving? Inexcusable.


56 months

Saturday 3rd October 2015
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maffski said:
As has been mentioned already in the thread, on that section of road lane 3 ends and shortly after a slip road forms a new lane 1, given the traffic the van has to stay in what is now lane 3 until it has a chance to move over.
:rolls eyes:

Sorry to bang on....

But there is no excuse for being in that lane at that junction, the only reason you are there is because you have chosen ( in slow moving traffic ) to ignore several hundred yards of signs and usually a matrix sign too. I know this as I have the misfortune of dealing with this junction when I leave my Widnes depot on a late one and hit the morning rush hour. That's why I am struggling with the attempts to justify or worse, excuse, the driver with the trailer. To flip it back, how do you know for a fact that driver hasn't been barrelling along lane 3 at speed all the way from Liverpool? You don't but he is still being an idiot by being in lane 3,an idiot even more so in slow traffic because in slow traffic you should make every attempt to get back in lane even if that means stopping until someone sees you indicate and let's you back??
Yes the use of a phone shows a lack of attention and a higher risk of a crash but ffs, if you can manage to ignore a matrix and lots of signs indicating how 3 lanes become 2 and then 2 lanes join from the left leaving the first joining lane as a permanent lane one and the lane 2 of the M62 then becoming lane 3 then you are evidently either a selfish idiot, a driver with no idea or a driver who is not paying attention and therefore just as greater risk as the muppet who used his phone.
Please please please tell me why one is lesser then the other or one deserves an "excuse" more than the other? All I see are a couple of bog standard utter t.w.a.t.s who need to be removed from the road, and no, that's not extreme, I am sick to death of people trying to find a reason to justify stupidity whilst at the wheel.
From my holier than thou lofty King of the road HGV perch some of the things I see car drivers doing whilst driving at all sorts of speed beggars belief, for that matter truck drivers too. From mixing a muller corner, using a kindle, iPad, iPhone to doing make up, eating and indeed preparing sandwiches , laptops with porn, making a brew and a few years ago breast feeding in transit van with 3 kids across the passenger seats it never changes, however I am more than sure that the attitude of some on here would change if a family member got caught up in such idiocy.
Sorry to rant, really I am, however it's very worrying that some on here with age and experience with them along with a licence appear to find self justification in bullying a poster for breaking the law by way of stupidly justifiying another idiot who was seemingly OK in also breaking the law. A sad bunch of ignorant trolls, however more commonplace on this site day by day instead of just the school holidays?
I am sure someone will be along soon to quote until they are right.


22,154 posts

110 months

Saturday 3rd October 2015
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The guy taking pictures is the bigger idiot by far


828 posts

135 months

Sunday 4th October 2015
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NorfolkInClue1, I don't think anyone is really excusing the behaviour of the van driver. We all know its illegal, but we can only go by what we have in front of us here, not what the driver may or may not have been doing miles before or after this incident.

The reason the OP got the hassle he did was the way he ranted about the van driver whilst doing something arguably more dangerous and stupid. Did he really expect nobody to notice?

I'll quote myself:

Vroom101 said:
As has been pointed out, you appear to be taking photos whilst driving a car. Putting the legality of it to one side, who's more likely to have an accident, the van & trailer crawling along in lane three, or the chap in the car in lane one concentrating on taking photos on his phone rather than the road in front of him?

My money wouldn't be on the van driver.
You had it right when you called the van driver a selfish idiot, but at that point the OP took the pictures, who was the bigger menace of the two?


348 posts

108 months

Sunday 4th October 2015
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Not overly sure the issue here. Van was in lane 3 with a trailer. So what providing he was A keeping up with the flow of traffic and B going to move over when lane to his left was clear i just don't see a problem. Yes i know that the law says no trailers in lane 3 but the law is a complete and utter farce so in many cases should simply be ignored.


10,283 posts

162 months

Sunday 4th October 2015
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jimmybobby said:
Not overly sure the issue here. Van was in lane 3 with a trailer. So what providing he was A keeping up with the flow of traffic and B going to move over when lane to his left was clear i just don't see a problem. Yes i know that the law says no trailers in lane 3 but the law is a complete and utter farce so in many cases should simply be ignored.
Sorry but your surgesting that some oik in a white van towing a trailer should just flout the law
and use the german car/rep lane ???!!!! some people have signedPCP deals don't you know!!!