Our '09 Switzerland and France Trip

Our '09 Switzerland and France Trip



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8,447 posts

284 months

Monday 15th February 2010
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A few people have mentioned to me to write up the Euro tour we did last year and given the crud weather and the fact we've nearly finished planning next years I thought I'd write up where we went, add some photos and the odd comment etc . . You may find it of interest or useful for planning your own trips.

We did a mix of camping and hotels. Some will gulp at the notion of camping out of the boot of the Griffith, away for nearly 2.5wks. But a bit of organisation and sacrifice and it is more than adequate...

Mileage is after the day and is approximate, we did more than we initially planned . . . biglaugh The whole route was planned before hand using Autoroute and .ITNConv so every day we just let Tom Tom take the strain unless we decided to change things a little. Highlights only below, there are a lot more roads, Col's and passes we did but I've not listed them all. . .

There's load of resources on the net with Alpineroads.com being the best, but there a lot of others and you can pick up all sorts of tips and routes. .

Overall, it should be stated the Griffith ran faultlessly. Unfortunately, its driver determined that he would on occasion break her . . . you'll see.

Day 1 - 280

BSE to Cadwell Park for the British Superbikes and onto West Malling in Kent. Not really exciting for many unless you know how good the roads are around Cadwell Park and how good the racing is there. We stayed at our other house near Maidstone so we could hit the tunnel in the morning. I also haven't missed a Cadwell BSB round in 20yrs, so we weren't about to start now !

Day 2 - West Malling to Nancy - 320

There are all sorts of debates about which way to tackle getting through Northern France, we chose to get to Nancy. On the way stopping at Reims GP Circuits for some photos. I've been several times now and I think I preferred the distressed look. But really appreciate the efforts of the conservation team that have put so much work into getting it into the state it is now. You used to be able to get up into the stands and get better photos but this is the best we got on a rainy day.

We were due to camp at Nancy, but neither of us really realised how shattered after a long period of a lot of work we were, it was pouring with rain and so we said st to it and hit a 4 star in Nancy for a good meal and a good nights kip - a great decision.

Day 3 - Nancy to Mulhouse - 240

One of the reasons for Nancy was it's a great starting point to tackle the Vosges mountain. There are many great roads through here and people often dismiss them. Head over the Gran Ballon and a number of other roads before dropping down into Colmar to visit the Issenheim altar piece. We were going to camp at Colmar, but decided we'd push on as the driving was so good and picked up the roads leading south off the Vosges and into Mulhouse - put up tent.

Didn't really get the camera out as the weather was inclement at best and you know how it is, when the driving's that good you just keep going hehe

Day 4 - Mulhouse to Filisur (nr Davos) - 200

Wake up in the tent and it's raining . . Feck it . . . Oh well. Have fun with the Austrian Porsche owners club through the streets of Mulhouse going to the Schlumpf museum (of course we beat them there . . . . they were not amused at all hehe ). If you've not been, it's well worth stopping on your way down through France, this unlikely location for a massive car collection which is in many ways priceless has to be seen . .

On and off torrential rain from Mulhouse until we get south of Zurich was somewhat taxing, but soon we've found the weird campsite run by people who have evidently had a little too much mountain air . . . Great place though. Put tent up. There were cows and everything . . .

Day 5 - Davos to St Moritz - 200

Stelvio, Gavia, Umbrail, Fluela and Bernina passes . . . Names that will be familiar to some, maybe many. They all have their good and bad bits and the weather was still not being kind to us. Very low cloud and the odd precipitous period, but we're used to it and the driving really starts here. Fast and flowing Fluela is epic, Gavia is jilted by the Italians mini Fiat owners club and coaches until we despatch them. Stelvio is great fun if you do it the right way, from South West to North East. It's nowhere near the best pass in Switzerland, but it's a must do and having done it both ways, SE to NW is the best.

We stayed out of St Moritz and picked what we thought would be a great hotel, it turned into the Saga hotel and is another story in itself. Hotel for night, too cold for camping.

Day 6 - St Moritz to Andermatt - 175

Sustenpass, Grimselpass, Furka Pass, Tiefencastel/Jufferspasse, St Gotthard pass . . . . No doubting it, this is one of the finest driving days that the Griffith has ever had. Each of the passes is fun in a different way. St Gotthard is heaving busy and :wave: to the purple Chimaera we saw there. We had great fun with 2 Ducati's who were doing the same as us, drive some, photo some and chased each other round the entire circuit. If you ever get a chance, do this circuit.

We'd pushed the boat out to stop at the www.theriverhouse.ch and it's worth it . . . an epic days driving with the weather now fixed, great hotel and awesome food.

Day 7 - Andermatt to Bourg St Maurice - 225

Furka pass again smile Grande & Petit St Bernard passes and walk inside the Rhone Glacier . . .. The driving just keeps coming, the Furkapass has everything you could want. Tight hairpins and narrow sections at the top and opening out into sweeping bends and high speed sections further down, an epic. The Bernard's are great fun as well and then a few others onto Bourg, which is nothing to write home about at all, but it was a useful place to stop for a couple of nights to do some other roads we wanted too . .

If you've got the time, stop at the Rhone Glacier for a wander inside, it really is worth, even better if like us you get there early as you'll not be fighting everyone else . . . Tent up again now for 2 x nights....

Day 8 - Bourg to Annecy to Bourg - 170

Col du Rhome and Col du Colembier . . . . This was a wind down day, but the driving was equally as good on less well known roads. Annecy is great for a spot of lunch and a wander.

Back to tent and open the red . .

Day 9 - Bourg to Barcelonnette - 175

Col D'Iserian, Val D'Isere, Col Du Galibier . . . Climbing out of Bourg and chasing a Triumph up the Col D'Iserian was a highlight. It's a great little road and the Galibier is challenging and fun to do.

This was the first breakage of the trip. About halfway up Iserian we pulled over for a natural and pulled on the handbrake, not quite enough, so give it another go and snapped the M8 lever bolt clean frown So now we've no hand brake for the rest of the trip . . oh well, find a rock then !

There are 2 top sections to Galibier, one has a car tunnel, the other is windy tiny stuff, so imagine our amusement as we eat lunch and watch a 40 footer arrive north bound and having to direct traffic when he realised there was no way he was going to get it over the Col hehe

Pitch tent in Barcelonnette, excited to do the Col de la Bonnette the next day.

Day 10 - Barcelonnete to Aix en Provence - 220

Col de La Bonnette, Red & Black gorges, Gorges du Verdun . . . What a stunning day ! ! The Bonnette is higher than Stelvio and 20 times better to drive. We chase a group of bikes on the way up and they let us go eventually . . .. Awesome road which was recently re-surfaced for the TdF to climb over it and it's as good on the way down the other side as well . ..

The Red and Black Gorges are less well known and vary in the quality of driving, but the scenery is simply stunning and 17 tunnels is always a bonus.

Gorges Verdun . . . Balllistic, Billy and I raced around it in 2007. This time was to take in the views and it's somewhere everyone should drive and visit given the chance - did miss not going full bore round it again though biglaugh

Put up tent for 2 nights, knackered, full of sun and sink a couple of bottles of red amongst the provence pine trees . . . what a day.

Day 11 - Aix en Provence to Aix en Provence - 120

We were going to spend the day in Aix, but after 2-3hrs wandering we headed for the roads and hill top towns of Provence, when Sat Nav said turn right, we went left, if it said go left we went straight on . . . anything but stopping driving. Great roads amongst the vines. A very relaxed day . . . and now we're stuck with a porcelain Bull Terrier as well biglaugh .... long story

Back to tent . . . . and cold beers smile

Day 12 - Aix en Provence to the Ardeche - 220

Colorado Provencal, Mont Ventoux (via THAT Carpentas road, my fave), Gorge L'Ardeche (inc. arch) . . . This was one of my most anticipated days as the Carpentras road up to Ventoux is used for hill climbing by the French and is simply one of my favourite roads anywhere. Up or down it is challenging, fast, fun and suits the Griffith. The Colorado Provencal is stunning and worth the walk . . .

The road around the Ardeche Gorge is one of those little gems. Ideally you hit it later in the afternoon out of season when the kayakers and the tourists have retired and you can have a clean run at it. It goes on and on and on . . . corner after corner, fast, slow, tight, open, great road surface, wide . . . a real little gem, do it if you can.

Put up tent and eat a great steak with lots of cold beer smile after a swim in the coldest swimming pool in the SoF !

Day 13 - Ardeche to Millau - 180

Pont du Gard, Corniche Des Cevennes (epic road!), Millau viaduct . . . Blending driving and sight seeing and turning for home frown Also, here comes the second and third breakages of the trip . .

Difficult to believe now, but 25yrs ago I walked across the top of the Pont du Gard. It's barriered off now and I was really glad as how they ever let anyone walk on the top is beyond me. Leaving there through the town a drain cover gets caught in front of us and lifted. We hit it with the n/s rear ARB bracket and a big bang and dragging noises says we've bust something. . .

Quick inspection under the car and a helpful French papa stopping to tell us where the bits are the Mrs is despatched to wander down the very busy high street and collect what she can find - she recovers bracket and poly bush ! I then remove the remains of the ARB without ramp or jack and after the generosity of the French Posties to give me somewhere to clean up we're away again with the ARB in the boot.

On to the Corniche des Cevennes . . . Plenty of videos on Youtube, even one of my own from '07 and the last breakage . . The race to refurb the rack the most times hots up when the near side pop's again . . the Corniche is a demanding road when you're really pressing on and the noises from the rack weren't going to stop the fun when I knew the issue. Another road everyone should drive and the top section after the initial ascent is great fast fun as well .. .

Last night under canvas . . . we did really miss it !

Day 14 - Millau to Puy en Valley - 210

It's difficult when you know you're heading for home . . . However, to cheer the way a trip over the Viaduct lifts the spirit. Well done Sir Norman Foster, an iconic French achievement designed by a Brit !

Onto or into the Gorge du Tarn. It's difficult to describe this as a great driving road, it's bumpy as hell and quite narrow until you get to the last half or so when it starts to open out and is more fun. It's the scenery which makes it so much of a pleasure to drive. .

After the tarn we do another 2 or 3 great roads including the main road leading into Puy en Valley. Big open, very fast, sweeping over the rolling hills this is great fun and I'd wholly recommend it if you ever are in the area, stay off the autoroute but be careful of Mr Gendarme as it's well known how quick and fun it is smile

Day 15 - Puy to Versailles - 340

Up early and onto the autoroute to get to Versailles. We're heading home and just need to cover the miles. Gave us a chance to have a wander around the Palais Versailles as well . . . turned out it was closed but the gardens weren't.

5 stars now with under ground parking so Nigella was equally well cared for and we used every star !

Day 16 - Versailles to BSE - 360

Monet's garden on the way home near Rouen and back in time to collect the cats from their holiday.

The Griffith is such a great continental tourer. Spacious, fast, comfortable and even loaded up etc when you want it to perform and push it along it obliges. This is far from our only euro tour, but I hope it serves to inspire some people to get out there and do a proper driving holiday. You do need a Mrs who enjoys it as well . . .

The Griffith was faultless throughout apart from when I broke it or where the rack gave up again, although in fairness it blew the reservoir of fluid into the boot and after topping up again it didn't keep leaking, which meant we still had PAS for the last of the trip and didn't have to manage the dripping red death . . .

Next year we're off to the Misano GP via Switzerland and some of the Mille Migle routes. Some we've done before and some new. Home via Sienna, Florence, Mugello, Ducati factory, Fiorentina etc . . Only 12 days frown but better than not getting it out and using it as designed . . .

If you've made it to the end of this and read it all . . . well done !

Edited by Johno on Monday 15th February 13:34

Davey S2

13,098 posts

256 months

Monday 15th February 2010
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Quite a trip and a nice write up


7,551 posts

286 months

Monday 15th February 2010
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Hi Johno wavey
Great write up! You could have stayed with us - next time let me know (we are in Zug). Please don't tell everybody about how brilliant the Susten/Grimsel/Furka circuit is. Klausen is also brilliant IMO. I'm planning a few trips into France for the Col's etc so it would be good to pick your brain.



Original Poster:

8,447 posts

284 months

Monday 15th February 2010
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Hi Andrew . . . I had said we would try and catch up and then work used the remaining time up and before we knew it we were away . . . We're heading round the same circuit this year on the way to Italy, staying at The River House in Andermatt again.

My folks are coming down with us as well in their Chimaera and it would be great if we could meet up.

We're due on the circuit on 1st September on our way from Colmar down to Andermatt. Then we're off over Stelvio onto Lake Garda smile

318is boy

106 posts

204 months

Monday 15th February 2010
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Johno said:
We're due on the circuit on 1st September on our way from Colmar down to Andermatt. Then we're off over Stelvio onto Lake Garda smile
we're approx 5 days behind you, might try the above mentioned circuit. leaving uk on september 3rd heading down to lake garda before coming back to como which we will use as our base for the f1 at monza smile Cant wait.

Nice write up by the way, did you know which campsites you where aiming for or just spotted one you liked the look of and stopped?


7,551 posts

286 months

Monday 15th February 2010
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Johno said:
Hi Andrew . . . I had said we would try and catch up and then work used the remaining time up and before we knew it we were away . . . We're heading round the same circuit this year on the way to Italy, staying at The River House in Andermatt again.

My folks are coming down with us as well in their Chimaera and it would be great if we could meet up.

We're due on the circuit on 1st September on our way from Colmar down to Andermatt. Then we're off over Stelvio onto Lake Garda smile
Definately, let's meet up!


Original Poster:

8,447 posts

284 months

Tuesday 16th February 2010
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318is boy said:
Nice write up by the way, did you know which campsites you where aiming for or just spotted one you liked the look of and stopped?
We used this site http://www.eurocampings.co.uk/en/europe/ for last year and this year. They take no margin and you email the sites directly, also means you can check the photos and facilities before hand and they were all good, which is typical for sites on the continent anyway. Always use 3 star or better.


7,225 posts

188 months

Tuesday 16th February 2010
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Brillaint write up, looks like you had an amazing time.

Makes me a bit sad though as im desperate to go back to the alps and drive all the passes I missed back in september!

The Tea Boy

4,129 posts

237 months

Wednesday 17th February 2010
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awsome thread, will be letting swmbo have a read and then be planning our trip (via the ring too!!)for sometime in September too smile



2,059 posts

223 months

Thursday 18th February 2010
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Excellent - enjoyed reading that - great pics too - thanks!


4,492 posts

230 months

Thursday 18th February 2010
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Thanks for taking the time to do the write up Johno. Am off to the Bourg / St. Bernard Pass area myself in Sept. Cannot wait biggrin



735 posts

208 months

Sunday 21st February 2010
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Hi Johno,
Again, may I echo what others have written, a fantastic write up. I can't agree more about the Grimsell & Furkka pass', although we haven't done the "circuit" yet wink. May I add a link to the pass's that we done last October http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aALnia5EU2o . I blame Top Gear's European tourrolleyes. They done the San Bernadino which looked stunning, but it looks like they kept to the A road whereas we were on the local B road which was much better with the hairpins and climbs, something which I would reccomend that you introduce the Griff to thumbup



827 posts

233 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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@ Johno resp snapper

great report, great photos and great videos :-) many thanks for that. Quite often next to our place;-)
Would be great to meet you plus AndrewD (Zug) somewhere in CH next year :-))



15 posts

173 months

Tuesday 23rd February 2010
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Simply put the trip looked amazing, really good write up also. Thanks for sharing this, and please post the same thing if you do another trip.

I am looking to do something similar myself when I get a really nice driving car. I have driven around Switzerland a little (well only through Switerland and to the ski resort Verbier) and the views and driving roads which are available through the mountains and then down to lake Geneva are worth the effort of planning.

Cannot wait to do a trip like this for myself with a few friends.


4,755 posts

188 months

Tuesday 23rd February 2010
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These are the best kinds of threads and this one has earned a place in my bookmarks both for sheer vicarious reading pleasure and also as reference for future trip planning.

Sports-GT car, summer, Europe, mountains. Just perfect.


Original Poster:

8,447 posts

284 months

Sunday 28th February 2010
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Thanks for the comments, much appreciated . . . I just hope it encourages some people to plan and enjoy a trip of their own . . we didn't video anything other than Col De Bonnette last year but here's some video's from our tour in '08 which was just for the driving with a couple of friends as well, not any sight seeing so the pace was a little more enthusiastic. . . . all the time biglaugh

Corniche des Cevennes

Col D'Turini

The great Col De Vence


15 posts

173 months

Monday 8th March 2010
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Videos looked good, really nice driving road. This does want me to go and do something exactly like this with a couple of mates. Thanks for putting this on.


1,593 posts

255 months

Friday 12th March 2010
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Inspirational write up. When did you go out of interest? Is June or September the optimum time for a trip like this to avoid public holidays? Been wanting to do this for years, waiting for when the kids are *just* old enough to manage without us!


Original Poster:

8,447 posts

284 months

Saturday 13th March 2010
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We find September is the best for both weather and the roads being quieter. I've been away in May as well to the South of France, with Turini, Vence etc and it was fantastic as you're ahead of the tourists and the weather's excellent as well.

August is still the mass migration from all around Europe to spots. June I don't know, but the passes will most likely be open by then, even the highest ones. . .