RE: Man buys Number Plate

RE: Man buys Number Plate



27,428 posts

281 months

Wednesday 4th April 2001
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Philshort, UK Police the enemy?? No way. If I were trapped in an upside-down TVR with the smell of petrol getting stronger I would be pretty glad to see the 'enemy' turn up. I bet you would, too. The police simply enforce laws made by politicians who are elected by us. If you have a problem with the law, write to your MP.


1,453 posts

283 months

Wednesday 4th April 2001
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From graham : The people taking the piss are the government (as usual) why the F*CK dont they just sell you DUBBSY and be done with it. no reason for moving characters or making letters look like numbers or anything... and a word is more recognisable than abc 123 d... Er yes, why doesn't the government (or the DVLA) allow this? It seems to work out well in New Zealand and the USA - as the registrations are on a computer it shouldn't create a problem and would be another useful source of revenue - personally I think it is a lot of cobblers but if you would pay £200,000 for K1 INGS what price 'KINGS'? p.s. (I did see I AM GAY in New Zealand - definitely not for me!! It was on a Nissan 200ZX I seem to recall)


125 posts

286 months

Wednesday 4th April 2001
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John, No matter how hard you try to make us understand that you are only trying to do a job, you can't seriously expect to be given any leeway on a site that is used mainly by 'petrolheads'. At the end of the day you are just being used by the Government to try and raise as much capital as possible from an inexhaustible source - Us !!, and as such are going to come in for critisism. If John Prescott came on this site to argue his case he'd get exactly the same treatment because at the end of the day it is just a fund raising exercise no matter how many false statistics are thrown at us. Jim

john robson

370 posts

279 months

Wednesday 4th April 2001
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Thanks gasblaster the voice of reason, its good to know that some folk have figured out what myself and colleagues do. I can take the stick I have had much worse over the years. As for the stats take them or leave them its like the lottery results, we hear about the winners but it only affects you when it happens to you, or someone close to you, its the same with RTA's, tickets etc. My main reason for posting replies on this site has been to hopefully pass on a bit of useful advice, even though I am "the ememy", I will continue.


Original Poster:

1,588 posts

286 months

Wednesday 4th April 2001
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You're not the enemy at all John. But if we can better understand how you work and you can better understand how we work then maybe everyone gets on better. Sitting in the jam sandwich with a fluo coat on pulling xr3is for illegal window tint might blur the reasoning a bit and make you think we're just taking the piss. Hopefully we are putting up some valid comments that allow you to see where the frustration comes from. At the same time I can understand your reasoning. Shame the majority of Police didn't stop on accident blackspots like you. Most round our way prefer to hide behind bushes on 2 mile long straight dual carriageways with no residential area in site and pull people for 10mph over the limit!


996 posts

285 months

Wednesday 4th April 2001
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No one should be getting personal with John, we unfortunately live in a nanny state with a crap government with Mr Health and Safety dictating rules to protect the dumb among us - it's a fact of life, and John is just doing his job, as is my mate (also in the met) he gets very frustrated b the way he and his colleagues have to follow (government run) procedures. I understand most of you guy’s frustrations, but can you honestly imagine a country without Police?, it would be mayhem, Queens, New York would be a safer place to live. It’s the crappy laws that’s the problem, not (always) the people that inforce them. BUT – while I’m ranting, speed cameras ARE just a means of producing revenue, the ones in “notorious accident” spot being even worse, we all spend more time looking at our MPH than the problem itself. But again, it’s the sh*te government, not the Police at fault. On a lighter note, if I were transport minister, I’d make it law that on Sundays between 07:00 to 12:00 nothing with less than 150BHP per tonne, or sub 21 year olds in hothatches be allowed on any fast/nice/interesting roads,. That way we could, as safe petrolheads, have a few hours fun in safety without meeting owners of rear seat tartan rugs or reversed baseball cap drivers. Sorry John, I’m only jesting with the Sunday thing.. Dave.


51,803 posts

286 months

Thursday 5th April 2001
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Dave, Sorry but I can't agree. My analogy is this; if you don't want to kill people then you don't join the army right? So if you don't agree with the government's policy of hammering the motorist then don't join the traffic cops. They are palpably as responsible as the government and you can't seperate the two.


16,368 posts

286 months

Thursday 5th April 2001
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Then again if you want to fly fast jets you have to join the air force, and if needed you will have to kill people, its a trade off, same with being a traffic cop i should think... you do it because there are things that you like about it, doesnt mean you agree with everything...


51,803 posts

286 months

Thursday 5th April 2001
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I have no time for these people who say they joined the RAF or Army but didn't expect to actually get called up for active service. In my estimation they rate along with those ex-pats who return to Britain and then bleat on about how much better everything was back in South Africa or wherever. He say's, getting way off topic now... Rich...

john robson

370 posts

279 months

Thursday 5th April 2001
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Good comparison Graham, I do enjoy the job and I would not give it up. In general terms I do agree with what I enforce, there are some things I don't agree with, but thats life. How it is enforced though can depend on several factors, Verbal advice is used quite a lot for minor offences by me, but that depends on how someone takes the advice, ranting and raving about more serious offences, just because you have been caught committing a minor one tends to wind most people up, I got done for speeding as a lad and learnt that early on. After that I got advised a few times, but then I had started carrying all my docs about as well, cause I had got pulled a few times. seems like things don't change all that much.


996 posts

285 months

Thursday 5th April 2001
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Dave, Sorry but I can't agree. My analogy is this; if you don't want to kill people then you don't join the army right? So if you don't agree with the government's policy of hammering the motorist then don't join the traffic cops. They are palpably as responsible as the government and you can't seperate the two.
Sorry Rich but it's never going to be as clear cut as that, being in the Police doesnt mean all officers are just out to get us motorists. They do a lot more for us, like I said before can you honestly imagine having no Police?, mass looting, low lifes doing whatever they feel like to us?

john robson

370 posts

279 months

Thursday 5th April 2001
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Maybe I should start a new post, but I'll throw it in anyway. While a few are having a go at the cops for giving out tickets etc, what about the legal aid system and all these solicitors linning their pockets by getting the so called real criminals off at court. where do you think all the legal aid cash comes from?, tax payers, motorists!!, more is paid out in legal aid than is paid to the actual victims of the crimes. Any ideas ? Its a good job they can't get legal aid for motoring offences, which is why a lot of coppers prefer to 'do' the 'scroates' in our society for driving offences, that way when they don't turn up for court or don't pay the fines they get sent to prison. like the saying goes there is more than one way to skin a cat.


8,293 posts

279 months

Thursday 5th April 2001
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The "you" in "you are the enemy" was meant to be collective. Like I said John, you seem like a reasonable guy, and your input is appreciated. Its just a shame that more of your colleagues aren't as reasonable. And yes, if I were unfortunate enough to be in a serious RTA I would be as appreciative as anyone else of the emergency services. Thankfully in twenty years of "making progress" this has never happened. Its pretty easy to have a go at the Police, but at the end of the day it is a job someone needs to do. Maybe if at interviews for police cadets the prespective recruits were asked if they'd been picked on at school ... they could be politely shown the way to the Traffic Warden interviews. Just an idea.


8,293 posts

279 months

Thursday 5th April 2001
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*** BIG SPACE FOR EMPHASIS *** Oh, and I for one didn't elect this f*****g shower. John thinks I've got all the answers. Tony Blair KNOWS he has all the answers. *** BIG SPACE FOR EMPHASIS *** Edited by philshort on Thursday 5th April 23:14


8,293 posts

279 months

Thursday 5th April 2001
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Dave H Sorry to labour the point, but maybe you should go back the the start of the thread and actually read some of the posts. I think the point people are trying to make is that the low lifes already do what they feel like to us, while Plod is out measuring numberplates. Now I really do have to get out of this thread, its way too serious!! Edited by philshort on Thursday 5th April 23:13


11,818 posts

286 months

Friday 6th April 2001
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Any ideas ? Its a good job they can't get legal aid for motoring offences, which is why a lot of coppers prefer to 'do' the 'scroates' in our society for driving offences, that way when they don't turn up for court or don't pay the fines they get sent to prison. like the saying goes there is more than one way to skin a cat.
So what makes a 'scrote' (as in scrotum not scroatem) and what doesn't? Now, I'll admit that some don't take a genious to recognise, but the classic 'youth in an expensive/fast car' do suffer from more persecution - fortunately I'm too old to get this now Anyway, what I really wanted to say was.... ...what really winds me up are some of the bizarre laws we have to abide by. For example, it is illegal for motorcyclists to wear dark visors yet it is perfectly legal for them to wear sunglasses beneath a clear one. Hello? Earth to the legal system? Have you ever tried riding during the winter months with a low sun - it's bloody dangerous and I for one wouldn't like all that glass in front of my cornea in the event of a spill (usually due to the 'autopillock' driving style of the commuters). Driving like a twat in a built up area means you deserve what you get. Driving 15mph over the limit on a deserted motorway in a car capable of more than double the national limit does not warrant (sic) a fine. Bunch of arse. PS. John, I think that some of the force are genuinely reasonable guys doing a great job, and, have on rare occasion been able to experience this first hand. But, far more common are the fascist tin-gods who are put on this earth purely to exercise what petty powers they have been entrusted with to the misery of the common motorist. I sincerely hope you are part of the former group! Car No. 13


69 posts

286 months

Friday 6th April 2001
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Mr Robson I detect in the threads that you see the light, but while suffering indoctrination from Hendon Police School. The point direct crimes on property or a persons is ignored unless you have accumilated wealth. The peasant’s comments on this site are directed toward resources, and a new feudal system of tax against the motorist. The whole argument is based on statistics produced by factions within the system that benefit from there own results. I took mathematics only to A Level and then concentrated on sciences, but it is best immortalised in the statement,,,, Lies, Dammed Lies and Statistics. People are growing tired when you talk to them and nobody in power, those legislating, those enforcing and supporting are listening. You need an MP to agree to a formation of a green paper for real change then the system of hurdles have to be negotiated through parliament. The departmental select committee system is useless ( the Westland Affair ) so that’s useless also. Lobby groups are muffled or discredited by those benefiting and the motorist therefore continues to pay. Change has two brothers’ apathy on one side, and anger on the other. People on this site are not apathetic so Change will be due to the non-conformist. Happy Dibbling. The Pitbull