Opinions appreciated

Opinions appreciated



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269 months

Monday 9th February 2004
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Hi all,

I'd appreciate input from the PH collective.

Basically, I've been offered a good price for my 360 spider, in exchange for a Black RHD Murcielago, 03 plate with delivery mileage. Its a GREAT price, but I got the following thoughts: 1)at present, dont *really* fancy stuffing even more cash into a car, especially IF it is to lose value like I believe it will? 2)BUT It is such a discount off the retail value that it seems a hard deal to walk away from?

I was thinking of buying a LHD Murci that I have seen at similar money (in fact slightly less so I get some cash back) to my 360 spider.

OR getting a 996TT or 550 Maranello, something relatively cheap, in the meanwhile until I decide what car I really like? Or until the replacement for the 550 or 360 is revealed and available. The car I get in the meantime, I want to be easily resaleable, so not sure whether 550 is? Pretty sure the 996TT is? I'd even consider a Diablo SV despite being advised against it by many people as not being an easily resaleable car?

What do you guys reckon, mostly I'd be interested in which car you guys think would be most easily resaleable, and what any 550 owners have been offered trade in etc?

I think Diablos are difficult to sell on, but would love to hear from any owners (Tony?) what they think of the market for their car? What did Jason360 decide to get in the end?

I guess last alternative would be to do nothing and keep the 360, but to be honest I;m not in love with it, the 355 was such an awesome driving machine its a hard act to follow. I could at present move out of my car without taking much of a depreciation hit?

Thanks in advance,


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269 months

Tuesday 10th February 2004
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456mgt said:
Ha, you're going to get a Murci aren't you- admit it!Since you're going to get raped on all three, my advice would be to invest in a large tub of Vaseline.

I knew I could rely on you for a good answer!!!

I've already ordered a large tub of vaseline, extra soft etc etc

MOD500 Yep, my 355 was at JCT, I think they had it up for like £62K, it was a really good car and I miss her dearly.

Driven the Murci, its fast but doesn't feel that much fun to be honest. Will drive it again, but I just don't feel that compelled by it? It just seems like the sort of thing I'd get bored of pretty quickly, similar to the 360 I guess? It does seem like more of a cruiser car than a hooning car too... Fantastically fast straight line, but how soon do you get bored of just nailing it all the time along a deserted m-way? You can barely see out of it. Maybe I'm just a wuss? (don't answer that)

The 360 I have now is such an easy resale, I've literally got lots of offers on it, and two dealers offering me circa list minus expenses for it, which is great coz I'd only lose about £5K. I think the Murci is mine once I've bought it?

djdicker: Thing is, I don't like to keep a car for too long, I get bored pretty quickly. When I started opening the garage door and not feeling excited at all about the 355, I knew the love affair was over, and time to change. Also, try the 360, you might like it? The steering feel is great, at first half turn.

Would the LHD Murci be a really bad proposition? Reason I'm even considering it, is because I recall LHD 360 coupes going for circa £60-70K money two years ago, they still sort of are now.

Really can't think of what to get next, could just stick with the 360, but I am seriously bored of it TBH. Can't even be arsed to get it out of the garage anymore, looks *wicked* and evil though!! Don't mention a Gallardo, hate the way it looks and nearly kicked Nat out of the car when she said "it wasn't too bad and was growing on her". Girl must have bad taste

Thanks for the opinions, and I'd welcome any and all suggestions!


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Tuesday 10th February 2004
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rich1231 said:

I know hell get a 911 though cos he copies me all the time. Hes even going to change shave his head like me :-)

....And shout out "I love you Rachel".... ... no, that just aint me....

"I love you Rachel"...... There...tried it, doesn't suit me. Suits you though... ha ha ha. You are well funny mate. Dan was impressed....well maybe not.

Anjum, Jason. Thanks for the suggestions. Been talking to Manu and Verdi about an F40 already. Reckons I can get one for £150K. Manu warns against it, as I wouldn't be able to use it often etc. The thought of it excites me, then Manu puts me back down to earth: ""18K for a rear bumper". Ouch. Also, the restaurants and places I like to go to are in the West End, so where the hell would I park it? Its massive isn't it?

So now I'm not sure. Basically the deal is to put £45K odd ontop of my car for the Murci. Does that sound a good deal? I think its about £10K off retail?

Jason, yeh, I don't know the deal with the 360, it does look good, it feels good, but just something leaves me not in love?

Might try a 550, if I can get one v.cheap. Should be close to bottoming out, can't see them dropping that much more, but you never know. I dont mind depreciation, but just find it a waste if its something I don't use, or know I'll get bored of v quick.

Daz, I'll probably be keeping it for VMax if I don't get the Murci. Otherwise it'll be the Murci which I come along in.

Thanks again guys (except Rich)


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269 months

Wednesday 11th February 2004
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Thank you gentlemen (and Mr "I love you Rachel") for you ideas.

Murph, I've been invited to join P1, received the literature in the post about two weeks ago, but judging by the points system, I'll be able to get about 2 weekends in the summer in a Murcielago, or a 360 spider??? Might be an idea though just to see what the cars are all like, maybe just use them during the week in spring or winter and get more use.

Regarding the Vanquish, I feel that's more suited to an OLDER gentlemen, for example KEVIN. Lovely car though, and I'll defo get one (most likely DB9) in a few years, if I have the means to, when I'm suitable OLD enough Not hinting anything, Kevin, me 'old' mate

I don't fancy another 355, it just looks too dated for me. 360 isn't the worst car in the world, *I* just dont love it. Perhaps that would improve if handling did, but its not the worst handling car either? Its just lost *something*?? Or maybe I'm going mad?

I'll brew on this for another week or two, if I don't get THIS Murci, I'm sure there'll be others along, maybe I'll end up paying £5-10K more, but at least I'll do it when I'm totally happy to do so. Which I'm currently not, it didn't impress me enough. Maybe I need more seat time in the bugger?

Anyway thanks for the suggestions!

Edited to add:

alex, I really can't resolve the looks of the Gallardo, and feel wise, it seems overpriced at 117K. I'd get one if they were circa £90K, thats what I feel they are worth, and I reckon they'll lose value very quickly personally. To me, its not a 117K car. I'd get one because of its capability, not looks.

Anyway, you're slimy, what do you know about cars?

ps. didnt mean the 550 or 996TT are cheap, just cheaper than either the 360 spider or Murci!! didn't mean to sound like a prick! sorry.

>> Edited by ninja_eli on Wednesday 11th February 12:18


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269 months

Wednesday 11th February 2004
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rich1231 said:
Ali, make sure the car you get has extra deep cushions or a very low bonnet. We want you to be able to see out of the car :-)

Oh its started now has it?

You can talk; you're hardly mr 6ft tall Aren;t you about my height, with a balding head, and about 34yrs old?

Oh, and did I mention I noted a squeeky tone at the end of "I love you Rachel"? Must be losing your voice too old pal...

Kevin, the references to Simon Cowell were/are pretty painful.

You know I want you to get the Aston, please, pretty please?


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269 months

Sunday 15th February 2004
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456mgt said:

The only other car that's taken my fancy recently is the XJR13 replica they have at Racing Green. But I can't see you in that somehow.... Works for me, but then I'm much older than you! Git.

Actually thats a very nice looking car, but you're right, not something I'd buy!!!

Seriously, I still think you should get the Vanquish, you'd be the youngest guy your age, I promise...

Manu reckons the sound might have a lot to do with my enjoyment of the 360. He might be right. I need to have a listen to Pani's 360 again, that sounded ace!! Proper screamer like a bike. Might get a similar set up, without the ecu though, we'll see.


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Tuesday 17th February 2004
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basher said:

And no they dont amke them in pink with tiger skin seat covers so get over it !

That broke my heart that did, I really wanted one with tiger skin covers

I did broke you an email a little while back you slag, but never heard from you... figured you were busy with your late night clients

I really want to see what your 355 is like now, we should swap cars for half an hour or so, I'll drive that 355 like it was meant to be driven, not the way you poodle around in it Seriously though, we got to catch up, got to wind James up a little bit too.

I'm getting some quotes for insurance, but its looking bloody expensive!!! First lot have come in at £12K!!! WTF? Also, the cheapest I've seen at official dealers is at £180K or so, I was hoping for the £150Ks?

Andrew, hope all is well with you? Hows the course going? The F40 actually gets my blood pumping, but part of me really fancies an F50... more modern looking, sounds awesome too!

I was just thinking about it this morning, for the price of the 360 I could have a 355 spider, and a 550 Maranello, makes you wonder hey?


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Friday 20th February 2004
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maranellouk said:

I only said I really fancy one! Definitely couldn't afford to run one of those, I wish I could!, I'll leave that to people who can, and really should, ( at Kevin... hint hint)

I'll go tomorrow and check out the Gallardo, but I just dont think I fancy it. The interior doesnt do it for me either, and its just small, too small.

Maybe I'll just keep the 360, for now anyway.


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269 months

Friday 20th February 2004
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[quote=domster]A young blade like yourself needs a black RHD Murcielago really.

Dom, you been talking to Manu?

He's been on the phone today, going on about how I should have a black Murcielago... umm

ps. when we meeting, sometime next week?


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269 months

Saturday 21st February 2004
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Dom, unfortunately wont be at VW tomorrow, but defo see you during the week.

Manu, to be honest with you, everytime I see a Murcielago, on the road, it doesn't make me drool or go crazy. The anniversary one I saw seemed so plain, and it took me a while to clock exactly what it was, okay it was night, but still.

Saw a silver one yesterday in Kensington, looked good but nothing exceptional??? Diablo looks so much wilder, makes your blood pump just looking at it.

But I think you are right though, its probably the best thing on the market atm, but I disagree with you regarding the size and driveability. I still think it's warranted to shit yourself applying clutch, still think its f**king heavy, and it shows, and the brakes arent phenomenal, whereas the performance is. Even on dual carriageways, you are very aware of the size of it, it takes up soooo much room. Went down the NCP by Nobu the other night (horrible twisting one), the 360 just about made it, although I have to admit at several points I just thought "oh well, it;ll get scratched a little" and prepared for the sound, lucky it never did, but it was sooo bloody close. Murci, no f**king chance, it just wouldn't happen, and you'd get stuck coz the entrance is wide, but it narrows badly later. Plus clutch would get fried on the way back up.

After conversation with Kev, and a few other friends, I was thinking of keeping 360 and getting Gallardo (assuming I really can get it as quick as I've been offered) and then selling one prior to summer, might even make a bit on the Gallardo if it really is a premium car?