Possible meet up

Possible meet up



1,138 posts

268 months

Saturday 30th August 2014
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Was hoping to come on Sunday but I think my starter is packing up. frown


2,293 posts

236 months

Saturday 30th August 2014
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I'm a bit late to the party here, but it looks like I might be able to pop along on Sunday for a bit.... will confirm later.


3,206 posts

226 months

Saturday 30th August 2014
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Sadly da missus is not at all well at the moment, so will have to pass....and I was looking forward to it too!


2,293 posts

236 months

Sunday 31st August 2014
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Sorry to hear that Keith frown I'm on my way now...... see a few others there shortly.


3,206 posts

226 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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Hi Mark,

Shame I could not go! Hope you all had a good time. Unfortunately I could not leave the missus for more that a couple of hrs, and going for a day-long jolly, seemed very wrong somehow under the circumstances.

However, I did have to go get Sunday's tea.... wink

Then, on to Whittard's for our favourite coffee beans. and managed to park right outside....

Legged it to the shop, got the beans, then turned around and had to fight my way through a sea of Japanese daytrippers all huddling around my car.
Dived into the car and was blinded by camera flashes... Jeez, so this is how Celebs feel when mobbed!!! A totally surreal experience!

One old Japanese gentleman was waving at me through the front windscreen as I turned on the ignition, and pressed the starter.... Ummm... I must have applied a little too much throttle, cos the engine almost exploded into life, with an unexpected induction roar that Goliath himself would have been proud of!! Said Japanese Gentleman and his adjacent friends convulsed, then leapt backward looking like they had just witnessed a bomb going off... and then fell about giggling...

Ohhhh, I could not help uncontrolled boughts of laughter all the way home.... I am just soooo noughty!


3,206 posts

226 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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Hi Mark,

Shame I could not go! Hope you all had a good time. Unfortunately I could not leave the missus for more that a couple of hrs, and going for a day-long jolly, seemed very wrong somehow under the circumstances.

However, I did have to go get Sunday's tea.... wink

Then, on to Whittard's for our favourite coffee beans. and managed to park right outside....

Legged it to the shop, got the beans, then turned around and had to fight my way through a sea of Japanese daytrippers all huddling around my car.
Dived into the car and was blinded by camera flashes... Jeez, so this is how Celebs feel when mobbed!!! A totally surreal experience!

One old Japanese gentleman was waving at me through the front windscreen as I turned on the ignition, and pressed the starter.... Ummm... I must have applied a little too much throttle, cos the engine almost exploded into life, with an unexpected induction roar that Goliath himself would have been proud of!! Said Japanese Gentleman and his adjacent friends convulsed, then leapt backward looking like they had just witnessed a bomb going off... and then fell about giggling...

Ohhhh, I could not help uncontrolled boughts of laughter all the way home.... Priceless! I am just soooo naughty!



2,293 posts

236 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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Hi Keith - I hope your good lady is on the mend. Sounds like you had fun with the car yesterday, so that's great! To be honest, that sounds like more fun than Donnington.... I was bored rigid after an hour and left shortly after.

There was only my car and Sone's old car parked up (and the 2 inside), so it was a poor Ultima showing. That said the event is tiny compared to Stomeleigh and the ridiculourly pot-holed, rocky dirt road entry to the ground was a disgrace. There was only a couple of interesting kit cars on display, the rest were well.... I'd best not say incase I offend anyone. I wish I'd stayed in bed frown


3,206 posts

226 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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356Speedster said:
Hi Keith - I hope your good lady is on the mend. Sounds like you had fun with the car yesterday, so that's great! To be honest, that sounds like more fun than Donnington.... I was bored rigid after an hour and left shortly after.

There was only my car and Sone's old car parked up (and the 2 inside), so it was a poor Ultima showing. That said the event is tiny compared to Stomeleigh and the ridiculourly pot-holed, rocky dirt road entry to the ground was a disgrace. There was only a couple of interesting kit cars on display, the rest were well.... I'd best not say incase I offend anyone. I wish I'd stayed in bed frown
Oh dear! What a shame! I am glad I did not go then... The annual event at the Tewkesbury School sound better that that then! At least not much is anticipated there, but it seems to attract some nice cars...

Ah well, one not to put in the diary next time then...

Are you up for Blyton?


2,293 posts

236 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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3Dee said:
Oh dear! What a shame! I am glad I did not go then... The annual event at the Tewkesbury School sound better that that then! At least not much is anticipated there, but it seems to attract some nice cars...

Ah well, one not to put in the diary next time then...

Are you up for Blyton?
Blyton? I've been out the country all mth, so not been able to keep up with the going's on. Mind you, until I replace my front tyres, no point me doing a track day anyway!


Original Poster:

1,250 posts

176 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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Sorry to hear you felt it was a waste of time going speedster . Donnington was never going to be as big as stoneleigh . And no one can twist anybody's arms to come to a event but the less that attend these events the more they become at risk of not happening the two things it had over stoneleigh for me was the f1 museum and also some very nice classic cars racing on track . Over the weekend there was the opertunity to see 6 ultimas including jonnies race car to have a clime round . I personally enjoyed my self and bumped into all the ultima owners at some point . And also gain a lot of useful info and contacts . Must agree would have been good to see more ultimas as the parking area I arranged was in the best out door area on the site


10 posts

141 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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Been asked to post this show video up in this thread by v8yes. link is below



2,293 posts

236 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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v8yes said:
Sorry to hear you felt it was a waste of time going speedster . Donnington was never going to be as big as stoneleigh . And no one can twist anybody's arms to come to a event but the less that attend these events the more they become at risk of not happening the two things it had over stoneleigh for me was the f1 museum and also some very nice classic cars racing on track . Over the weekend there was the opertunity to see 6 ultimas including jonnies race car to have a clime round . I personally enjoyed my self and bumped into all the ultima owners at some point . And also gain a lot of useful info and contacts . Must agree would have been good to see more ultimas as the parking area I arranged was in the best out door area on the site
Hi Paul.... it was nice to see you (& your motor!), albeit as I was driving off, LOL! Well done for arranging a decent parking space too, much better than the stony / grassy parking area at the bottom... the poor souls down there must be cleaning their interiors out for the next week frown

I agree with you - if people don't go, the event will die off. But if the organisers want to get it better attended, the need to sort out the organisation, show / parking areas & approach road. It felt like the kit cars were dumped in the knackered area of the site at the end of the horrible dirt road, out of the way. If they don't sort that next time, I'm afraid I wouldn't go back.... unfortunately the chaps with me said the same too.

Some of the cars on track looked interesting.... maybe opening up the event for people to drive their own cars on track would help draw the crowds a bit more, afterall, Stoneleigh can't offer that. Just my humble of course.


3,546 posts

207 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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DHGTR said:
yep, I will be there :-)
just wondering how you are getting on with those mirrors,

has anyone tried to pull them off? how much wider are they than the body and do the fold inwards.

car looks great in the hall by the way



1,196 posts

248 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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Hi Dom

Thanks, having a car on show is hard work, I don't know how you keep up with yours, you always seem to have it on show somewhere, I was pleased with how it looked though, although I couldn't believe how much darker it looked indoors.

This isn't a biased opinion just because I've got them but the mirrors are amazing. I was forever having to slump down in the seat to get a view underneath the wing with the old mirrors. But because these are lower down and slightly further out, rear view is a doddle. They stick out a couple of inches further each side of the body work so if you have a really tight garage they may not suit. They do turn inwards which does help with 'not' catching them as you walk past.

Not noticed anybody trying to pull them off, although a lot of people touch, something about the smoothness and the shape I think ;-)

Its a shame there weren't more Ultimas at the show, would've been nice to bump into a few more faces. I saw Graham and Paul but missed both Marks, Although i had the 'in-laws' with me so had to entertain as well so didn't get a lot of time to chat.

A few years back I remember the Donington show being the main event in the year, then they stopped it and Stoneleigh took over. It takes a while for these events to get running again. The big difference between the two I thought was that the club stands at Stoneleigh seem to be more accessible and part of the show. Donington I thought was a little separated from the clubs but on the plus side the racing was great and a definite attraction.


1,196 posts

248 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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RTM said:
Been asked to post this show video up in this thread by v8yes. link is below

Nice video, loving the 70's porn/cop music biggrin


78 posts

133 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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Hi all,

yes it was a great shame there were not more Ultimas at the show I was hoping to see 10 or more!!! We had such a good spot too.
Anyway still had a nice day out and spoke to good people. It was a pleasure to speak to Paul,what a beautiful car, love the attention to detail.

Kept looking for Dave DHGTR, but you seemed to be hiding. Sorry I missed you. Your car looked stunning in the hall.

lets hope the good weather lasts and drags out the car season.


3,546 posts

207 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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its hard work Dave, but worth it every time.

yes i was looking at video and thought it looked darker. mirrors stood out more than in photos outside steves unit

I do like the mirrors. i presume they are visable through windscreen rather than side windows, and easier on the eye.

they are mini units i think but steves done a great job making them look the business, but not sure what it would look like on a standard car. your SS mods are great but ive no funds to do those other mods.

thanks dom