shoutUltima Stoneleigh Noise Test Results (Sunday the 4th May 2008)shout

The Test Format

Statically at 0.5metres and 45deg angle, at ¾ maximum rpm. (As stated by Motorsport Vision)

Testing at approximately 4000rpm, for all cars to given an even playing field, unless anyone objects.

Test Equipment

CanAm Dave provided a calibrated ‘stick’ and digital sound meter
Pb3 provide an analog sound meter

One meter positioned on left exhaust and the other on the right, then the average of the two readings recorded.

Test Time
1:30pm onwards.

Offical Results

Pos Call sign Engine Specification Exhaust Level (dB)
1 CanAm Dave SBC 6.3L 650bhp EFI/Supercharger Factory 117
2 Silver Spyder Factory 114
3 steve_d SBC 6.7L 508bhp Carb Factory 112
3 Pb3 AS SBC 6.3L 525bhp EFI Solid roller lifters Factory, but made repackable 112
4 Tuxman SBC 6.3L 420bhp EFI Factory 110
5 Ditto Factory 109
5 Graham-P SBC 6.3L 400bhp Carb Factory 109
5 Highflyer Factory 109
GtrSimon LS2 6.0L 400bhp EFI Quark Motorsport Not tested