Give us a fracking break!



856 posts

216 months

Friday 26th July 2013
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That protest is about 5 miles from me, I might pop down tonight and see how many rent-a-crusty's are on site

Video on the local paper site.

Edited by Cookie220 on Friday 26th July 11:08


9,426 posts

162 months

Friday 26th July 2013
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hidetheelephants said:
Cuadrilla an energy giant? rofl The Grauniad nailing its colours to the mast; an energy pixie would be more accurate. Meanwhile along the road in Dorset, in Europe's largest onshore oil field, birds twittered and tumbleweed nothing stirred(except the nodding donkey).
'The Guardian'



1,636 posts

160 months

Friday 26th July 2013
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Cookie220 said:
That protest is about 5 miles from me, I might pop down tonight and see how many rent-a-crusty's are on site

Video on the local paper site.

Edited by Cookie220 on Friday 26th July 11:08
look like theres a couple professional wingers there. usual climate change, dirty fossil fuel, think of the children arguments.

mostly scruffy corduroy, havent had a wash in a week type moaners. who get a boner about they perceived version of sticking it to the man, kind of like the free man of the land type people who just love making things difficult.

that stupid fluffing v for vendetta mask also irritates me, they come as standard with the basement dwelling neck bearded types. i hate hippys!!!!!

surely they could arrest some of them for tampering with the hgv, if someone came and blocked your car in the street, then covered it in black and yellow tape and hang banners on your car, the police would be down and people would be arrested, so why not just drag all the moaners away?


11,430 posts

271 months

Friday 26th July 2013
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45,134 posts

202 months

Friday 26th July 2013
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mondeoman said:
Protester Natalie Hynde, who is quoted in the article, is Chrissie Hynde's daughter.

Chrissie Hynde.....cloud9

shout Ban fracking now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


856 posts

216 months

Friday 26th July 2013
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It's a village of NIMBY's, so it's no surprise that 82% of them oppose the drilling.

Only one pub there too, not even a nice one.


495 posts

212 months

Friday 26th July 2013
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mondeoman said:
First link in the "From Other News" section is titled '' rolleyes
If that wasn't bad enough, if you click the link it leads directly to the Grauniad's webste confused


59 months

Friday 26th July 2013
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Cookie220 said:
It's a village of NIMBY's, so it's no surprise that 82% of them oppose the drilling.

Only one pub there too, not even a nice one.
I'm still surprised permission was granted in that area. It's a Tory stronghold, not far from Ardingly reservoir and other national trust sites like Wakehurst place etc.

I don't oppose it at all just surprised it's happening where it is.


12,955 posts

181 months

Friday 26th July 2013
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Blib said:
mondeoman said:
Protester Natalie Hynde, who is quoted in the article, is Chrissie Hynde's daughter.

Chrissie Hynde.....cloud9

shout Ban fracking now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No surprise then - a generational professional protestor, from a mother who advocated blowing up McDonald's stores as part of her meat is murder-a-like campaign; i.e. a putative terrorist/terrorist sympathiser.

"Then there are her animal rights activities that out-Linda’d Linda McCartney, and led to the firebombing of a McDonald’s in Milton Keynes, England."


"Hynde has long been one of the more controversial characters in popular music. As an animal rights activist, she implied that McDonald's should be bombed because it encouraged meat consumption and she was arrested for protesting the department store Gap's use of leather."

Morrissey with wrinkles...

A couple of waste of breaths.


39,731 posts

289 months

Friday 26th July 2013
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As always, those with the least to say, say it the loudest


27,211 posts

198 months

Friday 26th July 2013
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The BBC said:
'Some claimed they had been hurt during the process with shouts of "only following orders" and "Nuremberg" being aimed at police.'
FFS; eat your heart out Wolfie Smith. The police dealing with soapdodgers disturbing the peace is totally like the Brownshirts beating up Jews and setting fire to their property, and completely justifies cutting the wagon's air hoses. rolleyes


23,563 posts

241 months

Friday 26th July 2013
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McDonalds uses meat? Who knew?!


639 posts

231 months

Saturday 27th July 2013
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Cookie220 said:
It's a village of NIMBY's, so it's no surprise that 82% of them oppose the drilling.

Only one pub there too, not even a nice one.
Not all are NIMBY's

As a Balcombe resident I have no issue. In fact if you stuck a North Sea Oil Platform down the road I'd prefer it over the protesters that we have at the moment.

Sure some of the villagers are down the road protesting (and thats fine with me) but given the dozens of cars parked up its clear to see that a lot of these protesters are from outside the area. I fear tomorrow that we will get a lot more descending on us from afar.

When campaigners recently came round canvassing opinion I did explain that I wasn't particularly worried and that I was more concerned about a bunch of eco-mentalists rocking up on our doorstep. Needless to say this resulted in a robust conversation but they still ticked the box saying I supported their action when I said that dependent on the number of trucks passing through the village was a small concern. I suggest that the 82% quoted might feel the same way...

The fact that they cut brake lines of trucks that might pass through the village has now taken my concerns to a higher level, the fact that the protesters have now blocked one of the two major roads into (and through) the village, diverting traffic onto a single track road (with plenty of unsighted corners) leads me to believe an accident is going to happen soon. I'm sure none of this will receive TV coverage because its not in front of the cameras!

I do find it funny how the Parish council (who agreed the planning applications a long time ago) are now against it.

The same hole was drilled in the 70's and nothing was found. It might well be the same again!

My interest was piqued when I heard they had drafted an ex-playboy model into the fight. Well, that was until I googled it... Eeeeew. I see why she is an 'ex'


43,438 posts

240 months

Saturday 27th July 2013
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Cookie220 said:
It's a village of NIMBY's, so it's no surprise that 82% of them oppose the drilling.
Who will probably complain bitterly about 'greedy gas companies' next time their gas bill goes up as well.


21,662 posts

197 months

Saturday 27th July 2013
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I find it funny that these protesters are probably the same ones that managed to persuade the UK not to invest in Nuclear power 15+ years ago... they were listened to and the UK now is having to import a lot of power from abroad at high costs, unlike the french who went ahead with nuclear and they are now doing very well out of it.

Now that nuclear tech has moved on (but stalled in the uk) many of these protesters are saying the UK should be using nuclear...


If the protesters had their way, every part of the UK would be covered with wind farms and the fking things would still not produce enough power for our needs.


5,214 posts

284 months

Saturday 27th July 2013
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Do you think the protesters would get upset if I drove through the village in my TVR whilst wearing my " V8 doing my bit for global warming t shirt"? wink


70,401 posts

234 months

Saturday 27th July 2013
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knight said:
Do you think the protesters would get upset if I drove through the village in my TVR whilst wearing my " V8 doing my bit for global warming t shirt"? wink
I certainly hope so.

Roy Lime

594 posts

137 months

Saturday 27th July 2013
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It isn't entirely on topic but the link below leads to an excellent article about the people who seem to have the loudest voices.

There was a picture of some protestors in today's Telegraph; every cliche in the bloody book was present. The spirit of Ned Ludd will not lie down.

One wonders if they actually WANT the lights to go out.


4,447 posts

195 months

Tuesday 30th July 2013
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Village versus the frackers in Balcombe

The Experts said:
“It seems the concern is because it’s Cuadrilla and it’s frustrating because we’re trying so hard to reassure people and explain they can’t frack.”

"At Balcombe the target reservoir rock is chalk/limestone (not shale) and the expected fluid is oil and not gas."


12,955 posts

181 months

Tuesday 30th July 2013
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Why do these new age idiots always seem to have braided hair. Have they all become Rastafarian or is it easier to hide and get away with never washing it? In such case I'd suggest a cull.

Or failing that they could cut the hair back.