Climate change - the POLITICAL debate. Vol 3

Climate change - the POLITICAL debate. Vol 3


Mr GrimNasty

8,172 posts

175 months

Wednesday 25th November 2015
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Apparently Britain has dumped the £1bn Carbon Capture & Storage Funding, it's never going to work, so why pour good money after bad!


106,493 posts

265 months

Wednesday 25th November 2015
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Mr GrimNasty said:
Apparently Britain has dumped the £1bn Carbon Capture & Storage Funding, it's never going to work, so why pour good money after bad!
It might have helped to expand our lemonade industry, achieving global cooling dominance.

Then again we can manage without it smile

Mr GrimNasty

8,172 posts

175 months

Wednesday 25th November 2015
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The unadjusted unpolitical version of climate change.

Biggest fraud in history - Karl & Schmidt


13,668 posts

255 months

Wednesday 25th November 2015
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Mr GrimNasty said:
Apparently Britain has dumped the £1bn Carbon Capture & Storage Funding, it's never going to work, so why pour good money after bad!
I was working on that this afternoon - and got an email to 'put pens down'.

The problem with this sort of thing is that it makes investment decisions in the UK difficult if the government cut 'ringfenced' funding.

`i personally think it was an ambitious engineering project to solve a non-existent problem. I hope the engineering know-how and investment makes its way into something more useful than injecting CO2 into an empty oil field.


11,669 posts

255 months

Wednesday 25th November 2015
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johnfm said:
I was working on that this afternoon - and got an email to 'put pens down'.

The problem with this sort of thing is that it makes investment decisions in the UK difficult if the government cut 'ringfenced' funding.

`i personally think it was an ambitious engineering project to solve a non-existent problem. I hope the engineering know-how and investment makes its way into something more useful than injecting CO2 into an empty oil field.
So from the horses mouth so to speak?

Beati Dogu

9,110 posts

144 months

Wednesday 25th November 2015
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They should inject it into drinks instead.


13,864 posts

238 months

Wednesday 25th November 2015
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turbobloke said:
Mr GrimNasty said:
Apparently Britain has dumped the £1bn Carbon Capture & Storage Funding, it's never going to work, so why pour good money after bad!
It might have helped to expand our lemonade industry, achieving global cooling dominance.

Then again we can manage without it smile
Having offloaded (or, in effect, off-shored) many industries that will continue to produce lots of the measurable "carbon" output it might well be sensible to approach the another "string" of the "carbon solution" by using the carbonated drinks industry as a carbon sink and than to export the resulting captured gas once it is safely stored.

That other parts of the world will, at some point, unstore said murderous compound would no longer be our problem as far as the measured figures were concerned.

I'm surprised a few of our smarter business entrepreneurs have not latched on to that one yet. Presumably not enough subsidy available?

ETA: Maybe they have - which is why the research funding has reportedly been dumped.


13,668 posts

255 months

Wednesday 25th November 2015
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TheExcession said:
johnfm said:
I was working on that this afternoon - and got an email to 'put pens down'.

The problem with this sort of thing is that it makes investment decisions in the UK difficult if the government cut 'ringfenced' funding.

`i personally think it was an ambitious engineering project to solve a non-existent problem. I hope the engineering know-how and investment makes its way into something more useful than injecting CO2 into an empty oil field.
So from the horses mouth so to speak?
Part of a team reviewing a bunch of contracts for one of the stakeholders. Hundreds of millions in play. George made the statement, then we got the call to stop work.

Some interesting stuff.


13,864 posts

238 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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I'm not sure how to categorize this item from the BBC.



7,359 posts

226 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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LongQ said:
I'm not sure how to categorize this item from the BBC.

I think it's a sign that they are losing the battle, they must not be getting the response from the articles that they once did, the luvies at the BBC must be feeling unloved with all the complaints directed towards them, going from the cheerleaders that everybody loved, to being pelted with rotten fruit, metaphorically speaking.


106,493 posts

265 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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johnfm said:
Mr GrimNasty said:
Apparently Britain has dumped the £1bn Carbon Capture & Storage Funding, it's never going to work, so why pour good money after bad!
I was working on that this afternoon - and got an email to 'put pens down'.

The problem with this sort of thing is that it makes investment decisions in the UK difficult if the government cut 'ringfenced' funding.

`i personally think it was an ambitious engineering project to solve a non-existent problem. I hope the engineering know-how and investment makes its way into something more useful than injecting CO2 into an empty oil field.
One of my uni friends has been working on this from the science side and his 'pen' may be down now but even so at national level I'm pleased it's gone down the tubes and CO2 has not.

PRTVR said:
LongQ said:
I'm not sure how to categorize this item from the BBC.

I think it's a sign that they are losing the battle, they must not be getting the response from the articles that they once did, the luvies at the BBC must be feeling unloved with all the complaints directed towards them, going from the cheerleaders that everybody loved, to being pelted with rotten fruit, metaphorically speaking.
Reminiscent of when Labour lose elections because "we didn't put the message across, the electorate didn't get the message" when in fact the electorate got the message loud and clear and rejected it.

Justin Parkinson could have saved a lot of time with one entry only under E.

What does it all mean? Ecoclaptrap.


106,493 posts

265 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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Mr GrimNasty said:
The unadjusted unpolitical version of climate change.
Article said:
Despite the expertly performed analyses by John Christy, and Ulrich Berner & Hans-Jörg Streif, climate politics continue to claim a manmade global warming is taking place due to CO2 emissions. The sole basis for the political claims are climate models projecting warming despite the current cooling phase. The planet is currently cooling. Although the IPCC said early on that forecasting the climate is not possible because it is a chaotic system involving a myriad of factors, governments and scientists continue to rely on the computer model forecasts.
That chap reads PH wink

Mr GrimNasty said:
Biggest fraud in history - Karl & Schmidt
After that explicit statement they will now sue, to a mann, right?!

Mr GrimNasty

8,172 posts

175 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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turbobloke said:
After that explicit statement they will now sue, to a mann, right?!
Real Climate Science churns out stories calling numerous 'scientific' institutions and individuals fraudsters, as he is merely presenting their own or credible data in an honest way to refute their statements, they would never win a defamation case.

BBC today - Rhone Glacier big melty melty.

A graphic from BBC 2008 before they were quite so extremely biased on AGW.

I have annotated it to point out the inconvenient but obvious fact that mass loss was similar in the 19th and early 20th century.


106,493 posts

265 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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Mr GrimNasty said:
BBC today - Rhone Glacier big melty melty.

A graphic from BBC 2008 before they were quite so extremely biased on AGW.

I have annotated it to point out the inconvenient but obvious fact that mass loss was similar in the 19th and early 20th century.

That's the neutral BBC for you!

They've tried all sorts of similar stuff over the years.

Apparently "sea-level rise and river engineering 'spell disaster' for many of the world's river deltas" and "low lying deltas such as the Mekong, Mississippi or Danube will be more extensively inundated than others".

It may be too late, says a believer in the piece.

No grant was needed for the Danube bridge holiday snap (friend's).


10,058 posts

181 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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The "Trougher" Yeo judgement han be read here:-

It bloody scathing! The judge clearly thinks that Yeo is an out and out liar.

Some snippets (with paragraph numbers)

The Judge said:
202 In my judgment this evidence was untrue. I am not persuaded that it was honest either.

207 His evidence about the matter has been false and, in my judgment, dishonest.

218 The submission that his offer to “facilitate” such introductions fell short of this is not plausible.

225 When a fish wriggles on a hook, it goes deeper into the mouth and guarantees that the fish will not escape. So with Mr Yeo’s evidence on this issue.

225 His evidence on this issue was in my judgment unreliable and untruthful.

227 That is not consistent with the wording of the email, and is unworthy of belief.


3,096 posts

256 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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turbobloke said:

No grant was needed for the Danube bridge holiday snap (friend's).
That's 500 years of research right there.
Now at commercial troughing rates of 500 euro/day I reckon the IPCC owes you in excess of 62,000,000

Send em a bill laugh


106,493 posts

265 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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I like that idea smile though I'd have to split the loot.


11,232 posts

186 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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Apparently "sea-level rise and river engineering 'spell disaster' for many of the world's river deltas" and "low lying deltas such as the Mekong, Mississippi or Danube will be more extensively inundated than others".

It may be too late, says a believer in the piece.

Have the Beeb slipped up? They haven't mentioned the climate at all in that article !! It's all either natural, or people playing withs dams and things !

Mr GrimNasty

8,172 posts

175 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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robinessex said:
Apparently "sea-level rise and river engineering 'spell disaster' for many of the world's river deltas" and "low lying deltas such as the Mekong, Mississippi or Danube will be more extensively inundated than others".

It may be too late, says a believer in the piece.

Have the Beeb slipped up? They haven't mentioned the climate at all in that article !! It's all either natural, or people playing withs dams and things !
It's certainly too late to stop the 300ft in 20,000 year sea level rise around Florida etc. that happened before they invented global warming.

Luckily sea-level rise has tailed off significantly since AGW was invented.


10,058 posts

181 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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robinessex said:
Apparently "sea-level rise and river engineering 'spell disaster' for many of the world's river deltas" and "low lying deltas such as the Mekong, Mississippi or Danube will be more extensively inundated than others".

It may be too late, says a believer in the piece.

Have the Beeb slipped up? They haven't mentioned the climate at all in that article !! It's all either natural, or people playing withs dams and things !
I've noticed quite a few articles like this over the last three months. It is very subtle. Sea level rise is associated with climate change in many peoples' minds.

It looks like a sophisticated propoganda method.