Turkey Shoots Down Jet Near Syria Border

Turkey Shoots Down Jet Near Syria Border



13,346 posts

170 months

Friday 4th December 2015
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Cobnapint said:
I just KNEW somebody would be along with that old cookie.

I love the predictability of some reactions on PH....
Predictable but a fair point, no one is whiter than white, especially the US and some of the hypocrisy that gets thrown around by them can be a bit sickening at times. Do as I say, not as I do.


41,085 posts

288 months

Friday 4th December 2015
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Not sure if been linked to, but this is a good video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H83pzZ3pjQk

Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander General and retired U.S. General Wesley Clark said:
neither Turkey nor Saudi Arabia want an Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon ‘bridge’ that isolates Turkey, and cuts Saudi Arabia off.


36,010 posts

289 months

Friday 4th December 2015
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numtumfutunch said:
Surely it's pretty obvious who's spending millions of dollars buying ISIS oil isn't it?

Or maybe they're distributing it with dodgy satnavs down the Dog and Duck

Seriously though who's buying it?
Wish someone would divvy the info on this. I cannot believe that they have no idea on funding and where and who. Or is it a bit embarrassing?

Unless of course it is in hand and we will find out about some stunning out manoeuvring in years to come.


3,799 posts

189 months

Friday 4th December 2015
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jmorgan said:
I cannot believe that they have no idea on funding and where and who. Or is it a bit embarrassing?


They know, but the UK media don't want you to know.


4,480 posts

146 months

Friday 4th December 2015
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jmorgan said:
Wish someone would divvy the info on this. I cannot believe that they have no idea on funding and where and who. Or is it a bit embarrassing?

Unless of course it is in hand and we will find out about some stunning out manoeuvring in years to come.
I thought everyone knows it's turkey, but to avoid nato related awkwardness we're just bombing the trucks and not mentioning anything to turkey?


59 months

Friday 4th December 2015
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I've been watching Russia Today TV for the last week on and off. The quantity of anti turkey propoganda is enormous. This is only going one way and it won't be pleasant.


4,072 posts

236 months

Friday 4th December 2015
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numtumfutunch said:
Surely it's pretty obvious who's spending millions of dollars buying ISIS oil isn't it?

Or maybe they're distributing it with dodgy satnavs down the Dog and Duck

Seriously though who's buying it?
Mostly Israel judging by where the ships leaving Turkey end up.

Edited by Crusoe on Friday 4th December 13:39


4,460 posts

139 months

Friday 4th December 2015
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Cobnapint said:
I just KNEW somebody would be along with that old cookie.

I love the predictability of some reactions on PH....
Truth is truth. It doesn't go away just because you want it to.


13,346 posts

170 months

Friday 4th December 2015
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Many countries buy and sell arms\fuel\resources in many places and to people that most would deem to be highly questionable. The US alone have probably armed more terrorists then any other nation in the world due to the amount of times they switch sides, double deal etc, money has no concept of evil, regimes, borders or sides I'm afraid.

It goes on all the time, the governments all know it goes on and we only get an inkling. That's why you hardly ever see people rocking the boat or pointing the finger when someone gets caught. As I said before, people in glass houses can't afford to throw stones.