American Presidential candidates GoP/Dems (Vol 2)

American Presidential candidates GoP/Dems (Vol 2)



3,741 posts

222 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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Wuz crackalackin' wasn't it tha seth rich (is dat his name) dat leaked tha shiznit (whatever it was), biatch? Do you gotta put "the" before tha name of mah playas involved up in ballistics, biatch?

If tha decision is reversed, do tha bookies gotta pay up cuz then I be quidz in?


2,755 posts

120 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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jimmyjimjim said:
A member for 14 years, 18k posts, and he's not been back since....still reading the first few pages of volume 2 is amusing.
Reckon he really moved to Estonia? Eitherway I hope he proudly displays all those fridge magnets.


4,460 posts

139 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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BlackLabel said:
Then again the former Archibishop of Canterbury and Prince Michael of Kent also hold that title.

Damn, dis goes deeper than mah playas dared think!


9,411 posts

141 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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Funkycoldribena said:
jimmyjimjim said:
amusingduck said:
Funkycoldribena said:
unrepentant said:
Yo ass do KNOW dat Trump is goin ta lose by at least 100 electoral college votes, probably nuff more, biatch? Yo ass do KNOW dat he even stopped campaignin up in nuff swin states n' is concentratin on tryin desperately ta shore up his vote up in red states dat he now standz a phat chizzle of losing, biatch? His campaign is only bout preventin a humiliation now, biatch? Do you have tha slightest clue bout anythang dat you write, biatch? Yo ass just look dumb.
A member for 14 years, 18k posts, and he's not been back since....still reading the first few pages of volume 2 is amusing.
Would you?rofl
After being crucified by JAYB? Not likely biggrin

Justayellowbadge said:
This ain't really on.

I know unrep may have been a little wrong but there's no need to keep rubbing it in.

OK, so he may have been a way off in his expectations but repeatedly quoting his old posts could be seen as a little cruel.

He is almost certainly embarrassed at the sheer galactic magnitude of his wrongness, and continually pointing out how terribly, terribly, wrong he was can't be healthy for someone whose entire belief system has been brutally, shockingly, shown up to be wrong.

Whichever corner he is in, rocking back and forth, banging his head, repeatedly, against the wall and screaming at himself to wake up, is not made any more comfortable by reminding him just how catastrophically, humiliatingly wrong he was. About everything.

I don't want to get preachy or anything, I just don't think we should be rubbing in how wrong he was. You wouldn't catch me doing it, certainly.


5,094 posts

253 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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amusingduck said:
Funkycoldribena said:
jimmyjimjim said:
amusingduck said:
Funkycoldribena said:
unrepentant said:
Yo ass do KNOW dat Trump is goin ta lose by at least 100 electoral college votes, probably nuff more, biatch? Yo ass do KNOW dat he even stopped campaignin up in nuff swin states n' is concentratin on tryin desperately ta shore up his vote up in red states dat he now standz a phat chizzle of losing, biatch? His campaign is only bout preventin a humiliation now, biatch? Do you have tha slightest clue bout anythang dat you write, biatch? Yo ass just look dumb.
A member for 14 years, 18k posts, and he's not been back since....still reading the first few pages of volume 2 is amusing.
Would you?rofl
After being crucified by JAYB? Not likely biggrin

Justayellowbadge said:
This ain't really on.

I know unrep may have been a little wrong but there's no need to keep rubbing it in.

OK, so he may have been a way off in his expectations but repeatedly quoting his old posts could be seen as a little cruel.

He is almost certainly embarrassed at the sheer galactic magnitude of his wrongness, and continually pointing out how terribly, terribly, wrong he was can't be healthy for someone whose entire belief system has been brutally, shockingly, shown up to be wrong.

Whichever corner he is in, rocking back and forth, banging his head, repeatedly, against the wall and screaming at himself to wake up, is not made any more comfortable by reminding him just how catastrophically, humiliatingly wrong he was. About everything.

I don't want to get preachy or anything, I just don't think we should be rubbing in how wrong he was. You wouldn't catch me doing it, certainly.
rofl Again, thanks for the reminder of the best take down I've seen on PH


36,010 posts

289 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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Some fellow by the name of West spotted at trump towers. God help us, vacuous morons getting involved.


33,791 posts

236 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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BlackLabel said:
AreOut said:
BlackLabel said:
Putin's mate becomes Secretary of State.

"US President-elect Donald Trump announces Exxon Mobil chief Rex Tillerson as his choice for secretary of state."
if they did business that doesn't mean they are mates, people sometimes do business with those they absolutely can't stand (see POTUS)
Sure but Putin even bestowed the order of friendship on Tillerson a couple of years ago. Then again the former Archibishop of Canterbury and Prince Michael of Kent also hold that title.

I'm not complaining too much as I'd like to see less hostility between Russia and Nato however I wonder what experience Tillerson actually has when it comes to diplomacy?
He has made deals with some unsavory characters in 50 countries, all to Exxon's benefit, so he has skills. I suspect Ambassador John Bolton to be named his deputy, that will round out any missing diplomat parts. Bolton is smart and hard as woodpecker lips.


33,791 posts

236 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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rscott said:
Jimbeaux said:
The head of Japan's SoftBank, Mr. Son, was introduced by Trump in the lobby of his tower and announced that they will be investing $50 Billion in the U.S. and creating approximately 50,000 jobs. Mr. Son stated that it was Trump being elected that prompted this decision. Good so far, and not too shabby for a man who isn't even POTUS yet.

Edited by Jimbeaux on Wednesday 7th December 21:01
Isn't the SoftBank expansion funded by a Saudi tech investment fund? I thought Trump didn't want anything to do with them..
It is a joint fund of Softbank and the Saudi wealth fund (their move to diversify from oil). Perhaps not, but them investing here creates jobs; I suppose that is going to pass muster.


33,791 posts

236 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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scherzkeks said:
minimoog said:
What's much more interesting is the fact that you have instead elected Putin's bh
A snowflake lashes out in impotence. And somewhere in China, a sack of rice tips over.
Admirable prose. smile


89,308 posts

289 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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jmorgan said:
Some fellow by the name of West spotted at trump towers. God help us, vacuous morons getting involved.
Kanye or Adam?


4,040 posts

207 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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jmorgan said:
Some fellow by the name of West spotted at trump towers. God help us, vacuous morons getting involved.

Pictured: A narcissistic vacuous moron with bad hair, with a very warped view of themselves and the world in general, who thinks pretty much everyone is out to get them, and who has a vapid surgically enhanced trophy wife that a lot of people find irritating.
...stood next to trump.


33,791 posts

236 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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minimoog said:
scherzkeks said:
A snowflake

You've come a long way from McCarthy, I'll give you that.

The cognitive dissonance that allows you to dismiss your own CIA as somehow cooking this all up in order to distract from an election recount sideshow is wondrous to behold.

You poor deluded saps laugh
Let's understand something Dummy; first of all, the CIA does not go around releasing news bits about their findings. They give intel to the POTUS & the Congressional Intelligence Committee. Therefore, that void-of-substance bit you saw from the CIA was released at the call of Obama or his staff for obvious reasons.
Ponder this as well please; Russia basically invaded Syria, annexed the Crimea, marched armies into border-pressing positions and Obama/Clinton did nothing but tout that cheesy Russian reset meeting years ago. Now, someone has hacked John Podesta's G-Mail account and the world is on the brink of Armageddon? And you call us "deluded". hehe


7,379 posts

159 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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GCH said:

Pictured: A narcissistic vacuous moron with bad hair, with a very warped view of themselves and the world in general, who thinks pretty much everyone is out to get them, and who has a vapid surgically enhanced trophy wife that a lot of people find irritating.
...stood next to trump.
The link I posted on the last page is really going to come in handy then..


33,791 posts

236 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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scherzkeks said:
minimoog said:
Sounds about right to me.

You however seem to regard anyone who isn't a Trump supporter to be a snowflake. Meaning there's something approaching 60 million snowflakes in the USA alone, never mind the horrified ROW. Which I'm afraid rather takes the sting out of your would-be insult. Sorry about that.
It would seem to sting, IMO. You've posted twice about it.

The Russian conspiracy is classic Clinton, and has been done before (I previously linked to another excellent Greenwald piece on this). Unless they are going to post actual solid evidence of tampering, it is relegated to the category of SJW outrage.

Furthermore, even if the the claim could be backed up, the entire topic is a red herring to distract from the very real information on Clinton corruption provided to voters. So, we go full circle to realize, again, that the problem would appear to be Hillary Clinton.
If the Obama/Clinton camp is so concerned with election integrity, what are they doing about the hack that revealed the DNC & CNN colluded to rig the nomination for Clinton against Bernie. Nothing? Heard no more about it?? Thought so. rolleyes


33,791 posts

236 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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FourWheelDrift said:
jmorgan said:
Some fellow by the name of West spotted at trump towers. God help us, vacuous morons getting involved.
Kanye or Adam?
Holy night and day FWDman!


4,460 posts

139 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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Jimbeaux said:
scherzkeks said:
minimoog said:
What's much more interesting is the fact that you have instead elected Putin's bh
A snowflake lashes out in impotence. And somewhere in China, a sack of rice tips over.
Admirable prose. smile


6,927 posts

224 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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scherzkeks said:
Jimbeaux said:
scherzkeks said:
minimoog said:
What's much more interesting is the fact that you have instead elected Putin's bh
A snowflake lashes out in impotence. And somewhere in China, a sack of rice tips over.
Admirable prose. smile
Here you go guys


6,927 posts

224 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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Jimbeaux said:
If the Obama/Clinton camp is so concerned with election integrity, what are they doing about the hack that revealed the DNC & CNN colluded to rig the nomination for Clinton against Bernie. Nothing? Heard no more about it?? Thought so. rolleyes
I guess if you fired enough st at the screen for long enough you were bound to make a sensible observation eventually, and there it is. I won't hold my breath for the next one.


6,927 posts

224 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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Jimbeaux said:
Russia basically invaded Syria, annexed the Crimea, marched armies into border-pressing positions and Obama/Clinton did nothing but tout that cheesy Russian reset meeting years ago.
But now Trumpsky's in power all that's gonna change, right? Y'all gonna striaghten him out and put him back in his box? Or maybe it's ok for Putin to march into and annex wherever he likes now as long as he's doing great business and makin' deals with you good ol' boys, yeah? Can I get a yee hah?


2,755 posts

120 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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We commend the originality. Jolly good old chap.