Meanwhile, In Syria



4,258 posts

222 months

Thursday 6th August 2015
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Transmitter Man said:
QuantumTokoloshi said:
ISIS much more than just any old bunch of fundamentalists, trained and supplied by the USA, gulf States, Turkey and Jordan.

Where did ISIS come from, well who would have guessed.

Edited by QuantumTokoloshi on Wednesday 5th August 23:04

Your thoughts please. Don't you think that the 'original' makeup of IS was the disbanded members of Sadaam's military/police machine who were relatively well trained and disciplined and that, thanks mainly to America were put out of a job?

In those early days, zero concrete evidence, only speculation that the Gulf States, Turkey & Jordan had anything to do with it or it's financing.

I would agree with that, a mix of ex-Iraqi army and disgruntled Sunni population, but somewhere along the line they started to get financing and arming from external.

The US and neighbours created isis by poor decisions and willful action to counter the Iranian Shia power in the region.

They did the same thing to counter the Iraqi insurgency by creating the Shia militia special police units.

I do not think the regional participants are actually trying to destroy ISIS, keep them under control yes, but not destroy. They are too useful at present.


3,658 posts

166 months

Thursday 6th August 2015
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Transmitter Man said:

Your thoughts please. Don't you think that the 'original' makeup of IS was the disbanded members of Sadaam's military/police machine who were relatively well trained and disciplined and that, thanks mainly to America were put out of a job?

In those early days, zero concrete evidence, only speculation that the Gulf States, Turkey & Jordan had anything to do with it or it's financing.

it couldn't organize & finance itself without help of a foreign intelligence


17,331 posts

265 months

Thursday 6th August 2015
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AreOut said:
it couldn't organize & finance itself without help of a foreign intelligence
Rukes you out then.


3,535 posts

248 months

Thursday 6th August 2015
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Driller said:
I said before that those execution videos looked fake to me and no one seemed to believe it. Looks like this is the proof.

ISIS being given weapons by the CIA? No surprise there either, I still think that ISIS is their ticket in to bomb Assad.
How is this proof the videos are fake?


8,310 posts

283 months

Thursday 6th August 2015
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Have you watched it/them?


3,535 posts

248 months

Thursday 6th August 2015
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I just happen to think to staged and fake mean two different things

So you contend these people supposedly killed on video are alive and well?


8,310 posts

283 months

Thursday 6th August 2015
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At first I was 100% convinced they were alive and well and sceptical enough to still consider that as a possibility.

As far as the actual "beheadings" go, pretty sure that all that exaggerated movement for no effect (to avoid going into detail) and then fading smartly away shows that this part was fake. Whether they mercifully offed them with s bullet afterwards before displaying the head who knows?

At any rate, what better way to get public opinion on your side for going in and getting the "nasty savages" (ie detour to bomb Assad whilst your their) than show them doing this sort of thing.

That document quoted above by Quantum is very interesting indeed.

Transmitter Man

4,253 posts

229 months

Thursday 6th August 2015
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Guam said:
Thanks for those links, assuming for a moment that those documents are genuine, that is a damning indictment of American policy in the area, yet again the US have apparently made things infinitely worse for a narrow range of objectives!
Its hard not to conclude that the best thing for the world would actually be an isolationist US.

If they are bogus then as you were smile
I tell you what Guam,

Much as I don't agree with much of what Obama has said or done during his terms, I'll give you Putin in exchange, ok? smile


Transmitter Man

4,253 posts

229 months

Thursday 6th August 2015
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Guam said:
Thats the really scary thing we have one leader behaving like a warlord and beefing up his war capability and the other one who seems completely detached from the effects of his foreign policy and seemingly making dangerous decisions with no thought of the consequences, I am so glad at 61 I am much closer to the exit than most on here, I do ponder what the world will be like in 10 years with these two feckwits at the helm of two of the worlds superpowers!
I'm only a year behind you but one thing's guaranteed and that is Obama will not be around although I'm not so sure about the comeback kid in mother Russia.



11,184 posts

155 months

Wednesday 19th August 2015
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the saddest things I have ever read.

R I P.


21,492 posts

176 months

Wednesday 19th August 2015
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The UK/US/EU should have supported Assad from the get-go when the Saudis fuelled the insurgency.

Transmitter Man

4,253 posts

229 months

Wednesday 19th August 2015
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onyx39 said:
the saddest things I have ever read.

R I P.
Far worse than this has happened in the recent past in Syria.


11,184 posts

155 months

Wednesday 19th August 2015
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Transmitter Man said:
onyx39 said:
the saddest things I have ever read.

R I P.
Far worse than this has happened in the recent past in Syria.
Was referring more to the person who it happened to, than what has happened. For an 81 year old man, who has spent his entire life to preserving history, to have it ended like this.
I realise that is why he was targeted, but I am still deeply saddened by it.

Transmitter Man

4,253 posts

229 months

Wednesday 19th August 2015
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IS don't believe in history other than their own version.



17,491 posts

204 months

Sunday 23rd August 2015
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And now they've started to destroy Palmyra.


21,492 posts

176 months

Sunday 23rd August 2015
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Dan_1981 said:
And now they've started to destroy Palmyra.

Barbarians - work with Assad to destroy these guys.

Transmitter Man

4,253 posts

229 months

Monday 24th August 2015
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That is not an option and 'all' those who oppose Assad for whatever reason have publicly stated so.

Love him or hate him Assad will go, as will the geography of Syria as we know it.

Who drew the map in the first place, oh yes, the French & the English. Sounds about right.



21,492 posts

176 months

Monday 24th August 2015
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Transmitter Man said:

That is not an option and 'all' those who oppose Assad for whatever reason have publicly stated so.

Love him or hate him Assad will go, as will the geography of Syria as we know it.

Who drew the map in the first place, oh yes, the French & the English. Sounds about right.

Those who oppose Assad are short sighted, ditto those ho opposed Saddam, Gaddafi. These countries are different. Doing the work for Saudis, I fear.

Syria has not been a thorn in our side, or the West's, has it?

Transmitter Man

4,253 posts

229 months

Monday 24th August 2015
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The fact it's turned from a civil to a proxy war. While Saudi & others are financing one or more groups on one side Iran has actually sent troops to backup the dwindling Assad brigades, that is together with their other militia group Hezbollah.

The fact Hezbollah are fighting in Syria has pissed off many in neighboring Lebanon as I'm sure you know.

And now once again we have gas back on the Syrian agenda.

I do wonder for how many more years this conflict will continue.

Do you think Assad will still be standing at the end of it all?



3,658 posts

166 months

Tuesday 25th August 2015
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Transmitter Man said:
Do you think Assad will still be standing at the end of it all?

Who knows what deal will global players make, it depends least of him.