should German cars be banned from lane 3??

should German cars be banned from lane 3??



10,210 posts

164 months

Thursday 17th April 2014
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Havoc856 said:
xRIEx said:
2-3 lengths? Car lengths?

You do realise a 2 second gap at 70mph is about 12-15 car lengths (62m)?
Yes thanks - Do you want to reel out the stopping distances from your internet pocket guide for the average weight of a motor vehicle with well maintained braking systems, add on the average driver reaction time and work out that even with you picking holes, should the motorist unwilling to wait that duration make a small mistake with his/hers guesstimate on "Can i make that" or decide that those in the other lanes can use their brakes and make the holes appear for them to complete their overtake, then they can cause a very large accident during that actually very small period of time?

Sorry Jason Plato. I'll hand my licence in tomorrow first thing.

Driving standards are intrinsically linked to safety - You want to hoon about and undertake people who are getting from A-B safely, get your race licence and sod off to a track. It's a motorway - not a racetrack.

I'd rather wait a total of a few minutes during a journey performing a safe overtake than run the danger of never getting to my destination at all and taking someone else's life with mine.

I'm certainly no BRAKE follower, but if someone seriously injured me and others because they were too much of an asshole to wait 2-4 seconds for me to pull in, i'd expect the book to be thrown at them.

We arent talking MLM or those who travel at 50-60mph in L3 here. I've repeatedly stated 70-80ish. Totally different circumstances.
Dude- Seriously. Just as you are passing the car in lane 2 - Shove your indicator on.
It will solve everyone's problems.

The folks behind you will wait. They will understand you are not an outer lane hogging jockey.
And you will never have to deal with undertakers again

Edit- and you will find that the car behind you isn't on your arse - because they know your intention - when you go back into the lane on your left - it gives them a nice planned process to hit hyper speed - if they so wish.

Win-win. ( edit - and win )


Edited by Troubleatmill on Thursday 17th April 21:17


2,072 posts

184 months

Thursday 17th April 2014
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xRIEx said:
Sorry strawman, who the fk said I was undertaking?

You sound very defensive, I'm guessing you know you're a st driver.

Nah, i'm trying to get a point across that it should be more about safety than peoples ego on the roads when it comes to manoeuvres. Your childish remark in an attempt to bring about a bite has entertained me however. For the record - I'm not a st driver - but i do drive to conditions and with safety foremost in my mind - if that means that overtaking and taking an extra second or two to ensure there's no mentals hooning about makes me a st driver - so be it.


1,510 posts

235 months

Thursday 17th April 2014
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whoami said:
Ozzie Osmond said:
P.S. I'd stick a limit of lane 2 on SUVs, along with all other trucks.
I'd ban them altogether.
What's your definition of an SUV? The new FFRR that I drove yesterday wouldn't be out of place in any outside lane.


8,180 posts

153 months

Thursday 17th April 2014
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Havoc856 said:
xRIEx said:
Sorry strawman, who the fk said I was undertaking?

You sound very defensive, I'm guessing you know you're a st driver.

Nah, i'm trying to get a point across that it should be more about safety than peoples ego on the roads when it comes to manoeuvres. Your childish remark in an attempt to bring about a bite has entertained me however. For the record - I'm not a st driver - but i do drive to conditions and with safety foremost in my mind - if that means that overtaking and taking an extra second or two to ensure there's no mentals hooning about makes me a st driver - so be it.
A safety-conscious driver who doesn't know what a car length and a safe gap is.

Are you Dunning or Kruger?


2,072 posts

184 months

Thursday 17th April 2014
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Troubleatmill said:
Dude- Seriously. Just as you are passing the car in lane 2 - Shove your indicator on.
It will solve everyone's problems.

The folks behind you will wait. They will understand you are not an outer lane hogging jockey.
And you will never have to deal with undertakers again


Mate, you've missed my point - i'm not disputing this? This is exactly what i do? What i'm saying is people are unpredictable and people plain don't understand and appreciate it - they just cut their own detail have no regards to driving standards.


1,382 posts

141 months

Thursday 17th April 2014
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Troubleatmill said:
Havoc856 said:
xRIEx said:
2-3 lengths? Car lengths?

You do realise a 2 second gap at 70mph is about 12-15 car lengths (62m)?
Yes thanks - Do you want to reel out the stopping distances from your internet pocket guide for the average weight of a motor vehicle with well maintained braking systems, add on the average driver reaction time and work out that even with you picking holes, should the motorist unwilling to wait that duration make a small mistake with his/hers guesstimate on "Can i make that" or decide that those in the other lanes can use their brakes and make the holes appear for them to complete their overtake, then they can cause a very large accident during that actually very small period of time?

Sorry Jason Plato. I'll hand my licence in tomorrow first thing.

Driving standards are intrinsically linked to safety - You want to hoon about and undertake people who are getting from A-B safely, get your race licence and sod off to a track. It's a motorway - not a racetrack.

I'd rather wait a total of a few minutes during a journey performing a safe overtake than run the danger of never getting to my destination at all and taking someone else's life with mine.

I'm certainly no BRAKE follower, but if someone seriously injured me and others because they were too much of an asshole to wait 2-4 seconds for me to pull in, i'd expect the book to be thrown at them.

We arent talking MLM or those who travel at 50-60mph in L3 here. I've repeatedly stated 70-80ish. Totally different circumstances.
Dude- Seriously. Just as you are passing the car in lane 2 - Shove your indicator on.
It will solve everyone's problems.

The folks behind you will wait. They will understand you are not an outer lane hogging jockey.
And you will never have to deal with undertakers again

Edit- and you will find that the car behind you isn't on your arse - because they know your intention - when you go back into the lane on your left - it gives them a nice planned process to hit hyper speed - if they so wish.

Win-win. ( edit - and win )


Edited by Troubleatmill on Thursday 17th April 21:17

He sounds like one of those drivers that tries to police the outside lane, refusing to move over because he's decided what he thinks is an appropriate speed for everyone so they shouldn't be going any faster.

Havoc856 said:

Nah, i'm trying to get a point across that it should be more about safety than peoples ego on the roads when it comes to manoeuvres. Your childish remark in an attempt to bring about a bite has entertained me however. For the record - I'm not a st driver - but i do drive to conditions and with safety foremost in my mind - if that means that overtaking and taking an extra second or two to ensure there's no mentals hooning about makes me a st driver - so be it.
This attitude just reinforces my suspicions.

How about you just get out of the way instead of deciding what is a safe speed for everyone behind you.


2,072 posts

184 months

Thursday 17th April 2014
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xRIEx said:
A safety-conscious driver who doesn't know what a car length and a safe gap is.

Are you Dunning or Kruger?
Wind it in fella. This isn't a personal boxing ring - pretty sure i haven't made any direct jibs at anyone - its just like mumsnet on here these days - but actions speak louder than words and knowing the numbers off the top of your head doesn't immediately make you a great driver - knowing what those gaps look like makes you a safer driver.

Rather be in a car with someone who understands the difference between a safe move and a crappy one over the driver who reels off figures and stats but may struggle to understand the real life versions.

Note: the word "you" isn't you specifically - its used generically


2,072 posts

184 months

Thursday 17th April 2014
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BrownBottle said:
This attitude just reinforces my suspicions.

How about you just get out of the way instead of deciding what is a safe speed for everyone behind you.
Bandwagon fella, jump on it. Give that horse a crack of the whip. At no point have i said i'm setting out to decide the speed everyone travels at? Plenty of times i come ripping up behind people - but then i wait for them to move - i don't sit a foot off their rear or attempt a ludicrous undertake? I expect the same courtesy - its not like i'm doing 60 in L3 after all. I'd rather not get PC Plod pulling me for doing an overtake at 100+ because Mr Merc comes ripping up behind me mid overtake. I'll move over when i've finished my manoeuvre - bullying people to increase their speed well over the limit just so you can get to your destination a minute quicker is just as bad as those who DO try to police L3.

Edited by Havoc856 on Thursday 17th April 21:42


5,972 posts

169 months

Thursday 17th April 2014
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Here's a concept

No one allowed on motorways unless you have; passed your test, have an MOT, are insured, have a tax disk and run on vanilla diesel.....


1,382 posts

141 months

Thursday 17th April 2014
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Havoc856 said:
BrownBottle said:
This attitude just reinforces my suspicions.

How about you just get out of the way instead of deciding what is a safe speed for everyone behind you.
Bandwagon fella, jump on it. Give that horse a crack of the whip. At no point have i said i'm setting out to decide the speed everyone travels at? Plenty of times i come ripping up behind people - but then i wait for them to move - i don't sit a foot off their rear or attempt a ludicrous undertake? I'd rather not get PC Plod pulling me for doing an overtake at 100+ because Mr Merc comes ripping up behind me mid overtake. I'll move over when i've finished my manoeuvre.

Edited by Havoc856 on Thursday 17th April 21:35
Instead of accusing me of jumping on the band wagon maybe you should look at your posts and ask yourself why you got a similar reaction to them from several different people, maybe because they make you sound like a certain kind of driver?

I don't think anyone would expect you to accelerate to over 100mph to complete your overtake, just complete the manoeuvre and move over if there is someone behind you wanting to go faster.


10,210 posts

164 months

Thursday 17th April 2014
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Havoc856 said:
Troubleatmill said:
Dude- Seriously. Just as you are passing the car in lane 2 - Shove your indicator on.
It will solve everyone's problems.

The folks behind you will wait. They will understand you are not an outer lane hogging jockey.
And you will never have to deal with undertakers again


Mate, you've missed my point - i'm not disputing this? This is exactly what i do? What i'm saying is people are unpredictable and people plain don't understand and appreciate it - they just cut their own detail have no regards to driving standards.
But... unless I read you wrong and I am paraphrasing here - ( and trust me I am wrong 75% of the time ... you mentioned something along the lines of German car drivers being able to undertake you on a daily basis ).

Otherwise - have a Dr Pepper on me smile


2,072 posts

184 months

Thursday 17th April 2014
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BrownBottle said:
Instead of accusing me of jumping on the band wagon maybe you should look at your posts and ask yourself why you got a similar reaction to them from several different people, maybe because they make you sound like a certain kind of driver?

I don't think anyone would expect you to accelerate to over 100mph to complete your overtake, just complete the manoeuvre and move over if there is someone behind you wanting to go faster.
I have reviewed my posts - I've been trying to get across the point of that i do use the lanes correctly, apparently not as well as i thought. I do adjust my speed correctly for manoeuvres, i do use the indicators correctly and i complete it in a timely manner. Ive also stated that i agreed with the comments of european driving standards (having lived there for a substantial period of time), and i'm massively against MLM and L3M.

At no point have i said that i sit in L3 at 60, 70 or 80 ignoring the building queue of traffic behind me, policing peoples speed, only to be outraged when people undertake. What i have stated is that the one time i have been undertaken it was a near miss with the car in L2 because someone was utterly impatient with my overtake at 80mph. The only other time where i've seen issues is with weavers blindsiding drivers.

As usual, this has all blown up well out of proportion to the original subject and become a pointless attempt at a witch hunt with people opening up or ending their posts with statements designed to evoke a personal response. Myself included in my last post due to the fact i'm now being labelled as the one thing i despise on British roads despite the truth being wholly different.


2,072 posts

184 months

Thursday 17th April 2014
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Troubleatmill said:
But... unless I read you wrong and I am paraphrasing here - ( and trust me I am wrong 75% of the time ... you mentioned something along the lines of German car drivers being able to undertake you on a daily basis ).

Otherwise - have a Dr Pepper on me smile
No i didn't laugh

I spent six years in Germany formerly moving out of the way of the faster traffic. My first experience of that being a police 911 going at full chat one second it was clear for about a mile behind me, the next it was there laugh. The latter 3 years of that i spent mostly in L3 with the traffic that i previously had to move out of the way for laugh The joys of derestricted sections and advancing up the petrolhead, driving capability and power output levels. Although at least 12 times i spent doing the slowest speeds ever on the autobahns, due to snow levels that every year reduced the fastest you could go to about 30 laugh

Overall, i really enjoyed the 6 years i lived there. Great place, great road networks.

Edited by Havoc856 on Thursday 17th April 22:02

Edited by Havoc856 on Thursday 17th April 22:05


10,210 posts

164 months

Thursday 17th April 2014
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Havoc856 said:
Troubleatmill said:
But... unless I read you wrong and I am paraphrasing here - ( and trust me I am wrong 75% of the time ... you mentioned something along the lines of German car drivers being able to undertake you on a daily basis ).

Otherwise - have a Dr Pepper on me smile
No i didn't laugh

I spent six years in Germany formerly moving out of the way of the faster traffic. My first experience of that being a police 911 going at full chat one second it was clear for about a mile behind me, the next it was there laugh. The latter 3 years of that i spent mostly in L3 with the traffic that i previously had to move out of the way for laugh The joys of derestricted sections and advancing up the petrolhead, driving capability and power output levels. Although at least 12 times i spent doing the slowest speeds ever on the autobahns, due to snow levels that every year reduced the fastest you could go to about 30 laugh

Overall, i really enjoyed the 6 years i lived there. Great place, great road networks.

Edited by Havoc856 on Thursday 17th April 22:02

Edited by Havoc856 on Thursday 17th April 22:05
Spent many years in Germany over my lifespan. Problem is as time goes on... much more traffic...


1,382 posts

141 months

Thursday 17th April 2014
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Havoc856 said:
I have reviewed my posts - I've been trying to get across the point of that i do use the lanes correctly, apparently not as well as i thought. I do adjust my speed correctly for manoeuvres, i do use the indicators correctly and i complete it in a timely manner. Ive also stated that i agreed with the comments of european driving standards (having lived there for a substantial period of time), and i'm massively against MLM and L3M.

At no point have i said that i sit in L3 at 60, 70 or 80 ignoring the building queue of traffic behind me, policing peoples speed, only to be outraged when people undertake. What i have stated is that the one time i have been undertaken it was a near miss with the car in L2 because someone was utterly impatient with my overtake at 80mph. The only other time where i've seen issues is with weavers blindsiding drivers.

As usual, this has all blown up well out of proportion to the original subject and become a pointless attempt at a witch hunt with people opening up or ending their posts with statements designed to evoke a personal response. Myself included in my last post due to the fact i'm now being labelled as the one thing i despise on British roads despite the truth being wholly different.
Fair enough, no witch hunt intended, I'm not really into that sort of thing I prefer to make my own mind up about things.

I just thought you sounded like a certain kind of driver, you say you aren't that's fine with me.
Mainly cause I'm too lazy for big internet arguments biggrin


12,177 posts

150 months

Thursday 17th April 2014
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Troubleatmill said:
powerstroke said:
as they often tailgate and undertake...whistle
Dude - If someone can undertake you then you are in the wrong lane.



Edited by Troubleatmill on Thursday 17th April 18:50




39,769 posts

274 months

Thursday 17th April 2014
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