What have you got away with ?

What have you got away with ?



1,979 posts

169 months

Friday 28th November 2014
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Late 80s, first company car (white Astra 1.3L, 4 speed, loved it!) doing about 95 on the A2 on my way home. Plain Senator in rear view gave me a blue flash. I slowed, he pulled alongside (by now at about 60), wagged his finger at me and drove off!! T'was nearly 8PM, I assume end of shift...phew!

Big Rod

6,228 posts

221 months

Friday 28th November 2014
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A colleague of mine got a Ford Probe for a Co' car sometime int he mid to late 90's and while I did love the Cavalier I had at the time I have to admit to being a little jealous.

He gave me a shot of it driving back from Glasgow one night so I had to try out the top end didn't I!

We'd figured out that when heading east along the M876 past the Larbert exit, there were no places a speed trap could hide so I opened the taps.

By the time I got to the tight RH bend before joining the M9 I was doing an indicated 130 units of some description per other units of some description so I backed off a bit, took the bend and floored it as the road straightened out.

There were two cars ahead, (one in L1 and the other in L2), on the M9 and an artic behind them but I'd get out before the artic so headed for L3 where I could pass the two other cars. It was otherwise empty.

I'd checked my mirrors and went for it and as I was passing the first of the cars I casually checked behind me and there's a traffic car approaching at high speed. I can only guess he was out of sight behind the artic' as I had no idea where he came from.

Immediately clenched up and took my foot off the throttle aimed for the Kincardine Bridge exit and coasted back down towards 70, and he followed me...

...Almost all the way to the roundabout at Airth when he pulled out and came along side. I glance over, the guy in the passenger seat pointed at me, gesticulated that I should 'screw the nut' a bit and off they went. They doubled back round the roundabout and headed for the motorway.

They obviously recognised the 'honed' driving ability of this mid 20's IT guy! nuts


1,437 posts

156 months

Friday 28th November 2014
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The time i passed my driving test. Took the "lads out" in my Red K10 Nissan Micra that night and decided I would show off my rally skills (the ones we all suddenly get when we pass) by taking the car and pasenger around a gravel car park at speed while one of my mates filmed from the flyover. I suspect that either the lorry driver who was sleeping in the car park at the time or one of the many nearby residents did not enjoy the display as when we went to the nearby park to watch the video there appeared a Traffic police car at the oposite end, all blue lights and rushing about.

Assuming of course they were looking for us and safe in the knowledge that I was a rally god and the K10 micra was the obvious choice of get away vehicle, i made good my escape. The Escape was short lived, roughly 13 seconds after starting i blew the tyre out on a bit of sharp curb.

Coppers pulled up and asked if we needed a hand, they had experianced a flat the previous night. I replied "No thanks we're fine" in the most croaky, panicked and guilt ridden voice a 17 year old could muster and they left us to it.

Year and half later i had upgraded the Micra to the mighty VW Polo (1.4 GL!). Coming back from my then girlfriends house i decided to undertake a slower moving vehicle on a short 2 lane stretch close to some major traffic lights. As I passed through the traffic lights I noticed a police car coming the other way. He pulled me a short time later and told me to slow down.


754 posts

225 months

Friday 28th November 2014
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Loads, but two spring to mind

Me and a mate had just swapped bikes, and I had just started riding his XR600. Stopped at a round about and as I went over I did the decent thing and popped a cheeky wheelie, only to see a cop parked just out of sight, as I went past on the back wheel.

He scrambled to get back in his car as I gunned it up the road, and as soon as I went round the corner, turned off and hid behind a hedge in someones drive. Heard him come tearing by. Stayed there for 15 mins, hoping that no-one was in the house then slowly made my way home. Where I met up with my friend who had done a similar thing and was about 5 houses away from where I was hiding

About 2 years ago, was going north on the A23 in a 911 and quickly squirted past some 'back markers' only for the unmarked car behind to light up. Pulled over and he said I was doing 108mph, gave me a bking, then told me, it was my lucky night as he was on his way to have his speedo calibrated.


Original Poster:

74 posts

118 months

Monday 1st December 2014
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Big Rod said:
A colleague of mine got a Ford Probe for a Co' car sometime int he mid to late 90's and while I did love the Cavalier I had at the time I have to admit to being a little jealous.

He gave me a shot of it driving back from Glasgow one night so I had to try out the top end didn't I!

We'd figured out that when heading east along the M876 past the Larbert exit, there were no places a speed trap could hide so I opened the taps.

By the time I got to the tight RH bend before joining the M9 I was doing an indicated 130 units of some description per other units of some description so I backed off a bit, took the bend and floored it as the road straightened out.

There were two cars ahead, (one in L1 and the other in L2), on the M9 and an artic behind them but I'd get out before the artic so headed for L3 where I could pass the two other cars. It was otherwise empty.

I'd checked my mirrors and went for it and as I was passing the first of the cars I casually checked behind me and there's a traffic car approaching at high speed. I can only guess he was out of sight behind the artic' as I had no idea where he came from.

Immediately clenched up and took my foot off the throttle aimed for the Kincardine Bridge exit and coasted back down towards 70, and he followed me...

...Almost all the way to the roundabout at Airth when he pulled out and came along side. I glance over, the guy in the passenger seat pointed at me, gesticulated that I should 'screw the nut' a bit and off they went. They doubled back round the roundabout and headed for the motorway.

They obviously recognised the 'honed' driving ability of this mid 20's IT guy! nuts
I know that stretch of road very well... A good road for some vmax.. Also the new bridge makes for some fun 😂


5,864 posts

173 months

Monday 1st December 2014
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A couple of years ago I was driving home from work at about 11pm. The route I took home included a bit of NSL country road, at which point I was stuck behind two cars doing 35-40mph. The front one was a 2CV, the second one was a Vectra. Anyway, I know that round the next bend the road opens out and there would be space to pass. I round the bend, think to myself "the Vectra might want to pass so I'll giuve him a sec", I do so and he pulls out, thinks better of it and pulls back in behind the 2CV. I think, wimp I can easily get past them both here. SO I drop a cog, and go back both, pull back in plenty of time before double white lines, and the next corner. About 15 seconds later there are flashing blue light behind me and the copper pulls me over.

The Vectra that had decided there wasn't room to go past one car was an unmarked police car. Oops!

I got a telling off and that was all!


177 posts

127 months

Monday 1st December 2014
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20 years old and a I'd just bought a brand new Saxo VTR which replaced a 1.2 Clio I had to buy to tide me over when I blew up my first car, an XR2. Of course the joy of a new car with some performance again made me the fastest and best driver on the road so I drove everywhere like a total bellend.

I was flying back home from visiting the girlfriend on an unlit NSL road that I thought I knew like the back of my hand, turns out as I was midway through overtaking a Escort van who wasn't hanging around either the road turned very sharply left. I kept my foot down and just yanked the steering. The car gripped very well and went round with a bit of squealing and no drama with no thanks to my skill but if anything had been coming the other way... I slowed down a bit after that one.


506 posts

154 months

Monday 1st December 2014
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A friend borrowed his mum's brand new Fiesta back in the 80's and facing himself as a rally god set off through the lanes somewhere in South Wales as if he was on the Monte (it was dark, mountainous and slippery so he wasn't far wrong). An equally deluded friend was calling the bends in time immemorial co driver stylee despite not having A a clue what he was doing or B another clue as to where he was given that he didn't have a map and had never been done this road before, and certainly not at circa 90mph.

All was going pleasingly well until the dead straight road went steeply down hill into a dark dingly dell - fortunately it could be distinguished (just) climbing up the other side of the little valley still in a pleasingly straight line.

Our co driver hero called "flat, keep it on" and our driver hero, trusting his friend's knowledge and skills implicitly, did just that.

Sadly, in the bottom of the dark valley was a carbon copy of the old Spa Bus stop chicane with a 90 left, 90 right, 90 right, 90 left, high kerbs and then hedges protecting the fields behind. None of this was apparent until the car tore over the summit and started descending into the dip by which time it was a lot too late.

A car shaped hole appeared shortly afterwards in the hedge, two wheels and half the chassis bits were left at the really quite high kerbs while the remains of the very bent car did a pretty good impression of a sledge for about 150 yards into the field, fortunately not rolling or end over ending.

The getting away with it bit is in two parts - firstly the friends survived, and secondly for the next 2 weeks the mum accepted that her new car had been recalled for a safety check and for 3 years after that allowed her son to take it in for every service thus meaning that she never learnt that her entire car had been reshelled/rebuilt and that the chassis numbers didn't match anymore.

Cost a bloody fortune, but she never knew ( well not until I told the story at his wedding when he foolishly made me Best Man biggrin )

I might have been quite closely related to the co driver friend...


5,206 posts

188 months

Monday 1st December 2014
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Place I used to work had an office in Gatwick. On my way there on the bike one day, I found the M25 tailed back quite some way with the gantries flashing '40' for miles back. Filtering to the head of the queue, I found it was shut due to an accident, but they had just finished recovered the vehicles to the hard shoulder and sweeping up the debris. A minute or so later, the road opened again.

Off I went, enjoying a completely empty M25 and soon found the speedo heading north of 80 without really thinking about it, it's easily done on a 1300cc bike. The gantries were still flashing 40, and I became aware of a presence along side me. Looking over, there was a trafficpol car.. The officer in the passenger seat just looked at me and wagged his finger.

Sheepishly, I backed off down to 40, but nothing more happened. I felt rather lucky. I also wonder if, had I been wearing a telly-tubby/power ranger suit on a sports bike rather than a Belstaff and fluoro stuff on a touring bike, if he'd have been so lenient.


1,719 posts

117 months

Monday 1st December 2014
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I used to work for a car rental company (Enterprise) while I was at Uni.

About 12 of the lads decided we'd go bowling in Guildford on Sunday night but our plan fell short when we realised travel was an issue. I had a transit that I'd come home with after finishing work on Saturday afternoon so we decided 10 or so would jump in the back and three of us would sit up front.

Got to bowling, no problems and fun was had by all.

On the way home, approaching a mini roundabout, I decided it would be funny to swing the van around a few times to st the boys in the back up a bit. What I didn't realise was there was a police car sat in a lay by about 50 yards away.

I pull off the roundabout and see the blues. Bugger.

I remember smacking on the metal behind me shouting "oi you fks, we've been pulled everyone shut the fk up".

The police pull me and get me out of the van and walk me round to the back doors for a chat in front of their car. All I can think of is what I am going to say when they ask me to open the doors.... I've seen it on American TV where they have to have a reason to search and I was weighing up my options.

Anyway, a 5 minute conversation ensues about how stupid I am during which I heard a few text messages, a fart and the occasional "shut up, shh". How the police didn't hear I have no idea.

I thought I was about to get away with it when Mr PC asks for my insurance document. I try to explain that I am an employee and as such am insured all the time - he's having none of it saying I am only insured during work hours. Which wasn't true.

After about a further 10 minutes (where I could hear some very suspect noises) discussing the merits of Enteprise's insurance policy he tells me he is going to seize the vehicle. At this point I have thoughts of 10 of my mates sitting in the back of a van in the police car park all night, not able to get out. Would they sit in there and take one for the team or give up the game? I was beginning to sweat.

Luckily, I managed to persuade him that it wasn't necessary and I could provide all documents the next day.

They let me go and I drive back up to Uni and open the doors to let the guys out. They burst out of the back, some of them topless and some with their hands bound in masking tape which they'd found in the back of the van.

In their fit of hysterics at me being pulled over, they'd decided that if the doors were opened they were going to make a run for it and also try to make it look like I was people smuggling at the same time.

I'm very glad the police didn't ask to look inside.


7,043 posts

159 months

Monday 1st December 2014
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gregf40 said:
I was being driven by a friend in his Veyron on the M1 (dry...downhill stretch...no traffic at all) at a speed which started with a 2. wink
Reminds me of a certain supercar cruise I was on a while back. Almost triple the speed limit on the M40 nose to nose was quite something.


41 posts

122 months

Monday 1st December 2014
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After what is above me this will be nothing

But I got away with no seatbelt and no lights on. Basically you just left a supermarket lit up like the second coming and we need to breathalyse you because you look like a drunk driver, then after zero reading, fk off and don't do it again.


26 posts

185 months

Monday 1st December 2014
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A freind of mine drove from Bristol to Newport in Wales for a night out. He was supposed to be staying at his mates house in the town but after having a few too many sherberts they all got split up and he did not know his address. He then decides to sleep in his car but as it was the middle of a freezing winter he keeps waking up cold bordering on hypothermia. He then thinks it a good idea to drive home steadily along the M48 which would be empty at 4am on a Sunday only on joining the motorway sees flashing blue lights ahead and a policeman in the middle of the road waving him down. He shoves a hand full of mints into his mouth and fears the worst only to be told by the officer there was an incident up ahead and to take care! He got away with it and decided to never try this again!


2,971 posts

173 months

Monday 1st December 2014
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chimaeradean said:
A freind of mine drove from Bristol to Newport in Wales for a night out. He was supposed to be staying at his mates house in the town but after having a few too many sherberts they all got split up and he did not know his address. He then decides to sleep in his car but as it was the middle of a freezing winter he keeps waking up cold bordering on hypothermia. He then thinks it a good idea to drive home steadily along the M48 which would be empty at 4am on a Sunday only on joining the motorway sees flashing blue lights ahead and a policeman in the middle of the road waving him down. He shoves a hand full of mints into his mouth and fears the worst only to be told by the officer there was an incident up ahead and to take care! He got away with it and decided to never try this again!
The most shocking part of that story is that someone would drive to Newport for a night out!! nuts


2,662 posts

193 months

Monday 1st December 2014
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_rubinho_ said:
An indicated 120mph on the A505 between Baldock and Royston a few years back. Got involved with some "spirited driving" with a silver 5 series. Just after the second jump on the anchors for one of the Gatsos down there and accleration back to silly speeds the blue lights in the grill of the 5 series started flashing. F**k unmarked car (obvious really)!! Anyway I stop and get out absolutely bricking it. The unmarked car has four officers in it. The driver gets out and gives me the full bking and I apologise profusely. Once I fully believed my licence was history he says that he couldn't do me as he was on a driver training exercise but that if he ever saw me doing those speeds again he'd throw the book at me. After the panic had subsided I was very, very relieved and I continued my journey at legal speeds!
Haha, similar story here. I was playing with an Astra VXR on the same stretch of road, as it opens up towards Letchworth we're doing 120 and we pass an unmarked car. He flashed his lights and we brake down to 50. Didn't pull either of us. I could have crushed an anvil with my butt cheeks when I saw my mirror glint blue.


3,114 posts

194 months

Monday 1st December 2014
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We never got pulled but I was out for an evening drive in the summer and ended up meeting another person who was out for a ride on their motorbike. The road in question made us pretty fairly matched, he had the straights but I had the corners. As we both exited a long right hander approaching 100, very obviously racing each other a big fully liveried BMW 5 series estate traffic car came into view with a very pissed off copper looking at us as he drove in the opposite direction.
How either of us didn't end up getting busted I do not know.


821 posts

168 months

Monday 1st December 2014
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An indicated 110+ on the M1, marked up as 101 and escaped with a lecture, a bking, and 3 pts fixed penalty. I marked that one up as a win.


4,992 posts

139 months

Monday 1st December 2014
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In the mid-90s I lived in Coventry and my then-girlfriend lived in Bristol. On going to see her for weekends I'd often stay over for Sunday night as well and then get up at stupid o'clock on Monday to drive back for work. One morning I was quite seriously late and at around 5.45am was blasting up the completely empty A46 towards Coventry at a speed which would probably get you banned these days. The 2.0-16v Cavalier I had then wasn't exactly a sports machine, but it would shift when you asked it to. It was dark, and a bit misty.

Hence I didn't see the metallic grey saloon tootling along in the inside lane until I was almost upon it, though I did pay somewhat more attention when it lit up with blue lights.

The unfailingly polite officer made a show of sauntering up to me and then "Did you know sir..." (yes, get on with it) ... "your rear offside door's on the latch". It was too, I'd chucked my bag in there in a hurry leaving the house that morning. "And also sir..." (here it comes...) "could you at least try staying a little closer to the speed limit? Good morning.".

I'm guessing he was heading for a shift change and couldn't be arsed.


3,513 posts

89 months

Monday 8th May 2017
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Had a bit of fun on the A30 DC recently out of Yeovil (no plod involved). Awful roadworks in Yeovil. I was there for petrol and the turning to the station was literally just before the queue on the way in. laugh So I fill up and come back out onto the DC basically (one roundabout).
Get up to 70 and, because of the roadworks, the road is basically deserted. Some nice hills too. So I opened up my throttle
(why not?). I overtake a silver car at about indicated 90 and pull back into lane 1. Get an indicated 105 (100 GPS). And the silver car I had overtaken decided a little Skoda Citigo was a challenge, so he's now overtaking me at marginally more than 100 mph. Good harmless fun. beer I had to slow down becuase of a little car in lane 1, and I wasn't going to do anything stupid. They were the only two other cars I encountered, and I was doing some!
Oh, and I got past him when he was waiting to turn right at some traffic lights. It must be rare to be overtaken when doing 100 on that road... in the inside lane!


4,992 posts

139 months

Monday 8th May 2017
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Many years ago I lived in the Midlands and my girlfriend lived in Bristol....

[snipped story that I posted a while back and didn't realise I'd posted it twice - clearly showing my age!]

Edited by sim72 on Tuesday 9th May 23:13