How to deal with annoying tailgaters

How to deal with annoying tailgaters



255 posts

228 months

Sunday 13th September 2015
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PTF said:
Not sure whether this has been posted before.

One of the funniest lane hog justice vids ever!!
I would really like to know what the out come of that knob brake testing Dibble

No Bend

591 posts

127 months

Sunday 13th September 2015
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lost in espace said:
Wilmslowboy said:
I might be mistaken....but isn't this what rear wash/wipers was invented for....

Quick spray normally results in a light covering of their screen and in most (unfortunately not all) cases the tailgater gets the message

Cheers, added to my aromoury!
It's what I like to refer to as the 'wet windscreen penalty' Very satisfying when said tailgater has a freshly polished black car, even better when they have a dirty windscreen and having to use their wipers smudges it everywhere.


2,581 posts

155 months

Sunday 13th September 2015
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I find that the most prolific tailgaters are young girls and frustrated women.
I can guarantee that any time I have a car almost in my boot, it will be a female behind the wheel.
It doesn't matter what car I'm in ( 9 times out 10' the car I'm driving could out blow the tailgater into dust if you wanted) , they get glued to you. The work horse Bmw touring, or the cooper s, it doesn't matter.

I've done the put your foot down thing and get away, but as soon as you slow up they catch up and latch back on.
My most recent tailgater was a middle aged woman in town, came blatting up behind me, latched on, nowhere to go, or for her to overtake. She starts banging her wheel, cursing, had a go at trying to get round me turning right at a roundabout, tried to go around me when we were passing parked cars. Completely mental.


1,559 posts

181 months

Sunday 13th September 2015
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I like the people who want you to get out of the way when all lanes are solid with traffic and you're in the outside lane going the same speed as the car in front with cars inside you in all lanes all going the same speed.

Tempting to move over and let them go into the position where you were, then pull out behind them again and immediately replicate their own behaviour trying to push them out of your way. Presumably then they should move over for you so you can go back to that position, at which point they can then pull out behind you again and repeat ad infinitum.


4,340 posts

162 months

Sunday 13th September 2015
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Yesterday on the M56 heading towards Wales there were a couple of vehicles I passed. Further on when the road came down to two lanes and the traffic became more dense and slowed down they were weaving through the traffic and right up my chuff again like I'd slowed down specifically to hold them up and I was the only thing between them and a clear road.

br d

8,575 posts

231 months

Sunday 13th September 2015
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Considering a dashcam.

Driving this morning on a single lane 60, couple of cars in front of me. Looked in the mirror and there is a battered old van sitting 3 foot behind me, at 60 mph, the blokes kid is leaning forward, unbelted filming the car. I waved him out of the window to back off a bit and he mouths abuse, no gaps to overtake so I have to put up with this for another mile before he turns off, couldn't risk even letting off the throttle he was that close.



951 posts

160 months

Sunday 13th September 2015
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I have been tailgated, I think twice in the past 20kmiles so you can't totally eliminate it but you can prevent it in most cases.

My secret: go fast, overtake everything you can.