I know not everybody's cup of tea, but thought we could have a list of who DOES use Twitter.

Forum Name Real Name (Optional) Twitter Name/Link Notes (optional)
HQ2 Nick Seventy_Summers
PhillT Phill philltromans Motoring journo, about to go tarting around the US for a few months
James_tigerwoods JT James_JTW Not a tard
tim2100 Tim Tim2100
Fun Bus Rob FunBus_
Mac. Iain Macfarlane iainmac82 Englishman living in New York, F1, Cycling
Pints PintsOnline
Rsv696 rsv696 Northeast UK based car & motorbike fan. Bmw geek.
SlimRick TheAnonTechGuy Utter Dross
Elster Thom thomwiseman F1 and politics
Marshalla ? marshalla99 General Ramblings from a forensic geek with an octane habit. See the work account for the serious stuff
poprock Tony poprock
markmullen Mark MarkMullenPhoto Landscape photography
markmullen Mark SpecialistCars Specialist Cars of Malton - Porsche dealer
Chris.Mapey See <- AngelWoodbridge Pub stuff, gin news & ranting ;-)
jelpsta J Balkan Disko Sell men's t-shirts, hoodies and fashion accessories here -> Balkan Disko
...mole... Scott SaMurrayPhoto Landscape photography mostly
therealpigdog Phil Brown SimpleLegals Online Legal Resource Site
slinky slinky boostbyslinky Huge amounts of automatically generated content, largely scraping instagram around F1 circuits
Tuffer Chris TufferB IT Security chump, travels a lot
750turbo David F 750turbo1 Moaning faced Scots git
CianHa Cian @cianha Irish. Loquacious.
Fex2005 Adam A @Revitspace Powerfully built, technology/Construction Geek.
neilski Neil @neilchurchard I'm cycling around the world.
037 Paul Mallon @mtmallon any notes
task Pete B @undajoyed IT guy, classic car restorer
RemaL Matt RemalBikes Love's Motorsport, Bikes cars etc.. and a regular to Le mans
jep Rich richjepson rugby/food/beer/cars/telco/music/geek
MrsFallon Catherine catnfallon any notes
Cobra Kid Antony @antonyjbrown any notes
Hoofy Darren @darrensurrey Fitness stuff

To update the information in this list
1. Click the blue "update this article" top left hand of this page.
2. Highlight & copy the formatting (The line below this one)
Your Forum Name Your real name Your Twitter Name any notes

3. Paste it on a new line on the table above.
4. Then simply finish off by changing the details in each section with your own
5. Click submit and you're done.